Posts tagged "unity consciousness"

NEW MOON in Capricorn December 30th 2024~
we have a potent NEW MOON rising in CAPRICORN on 12.30 right before the beginning of the New Year...

: soul guidance : Mercury Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS 11.25.24~
the SUN has entered SAGITTARIUS bringing in new winds to lift our wings! we are at the beginning of a brand new era...

FULL MOON in TAURUS November 15th 2024 : grounding amidst the shifts
we have a FULL MOON rising in TAURUS on 11.15, another SUPERMOON which will be closer to EARTH and magnified in her beauty and power ...

FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~
Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."

FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~
She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....

FULL MOON in Taurus November 12th 2019~
Taurus Full Moon activates our feminine energies reminding us of this love that returns to us when we come home to ourselves...

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 31st to November 20th 2019~
Mercury went Retrograde in SCORPIO October 31st and onward we deepen into our spiraling transformations. Scorpio brings her regenerating wisdom and calls us to journey deep within our heart cave...

Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~
"Living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen. Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system...

MERCURY goes Direct! July 31st 2019~
Robert Wilkinson says "Reflect on recent redirection of energies... take a new look at what you’re heart’s into, and how to express what you really care about in playful or creative ways...."

Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 7th to July 31st 2019~
We are in the portal of the portal my friends... Mercury has gone Retrograde in LEO and we are evermore deepening into the awakening of our hearts and opening to living a more creatively expressive life....

SOLSTICE Energies June 21st 2019~
Spiraling Deeper and deeper into the Mystery we go... Each concentric circle bringing us closer to our center

FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~
This Full Moon in Libra brings us to the precipice, initiating trust in our evolutionary hearts as we step through the alchemical ring of fire...

FULL MOON in Taurus October 24th 2018~
Growth happens in the subtle spaces, beneath the Earth, before we can see any evidence of any new beginnings. Deep down inside, there are changes occurring...

Weekly Astrological Guidance: There is an intrinsic order to life~
Mantra: "There is an intrinsic order to life, Call it destiny or fate, And the sooner I accept my role, The greater impact I'll make.

Weekly Astrological Guidance: Whole world is a mirror~
Mantra: "The whole world is a mirror, Showing me who I am, And what is most important to me, I will see in the end."

The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~
Lena Stevens shares, "August is a complex month supporting you to think outside the box. We have an opportunity for new creative insights...

Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 26th 2018~
Robert Wilkinson says, "This is a time when we can examine the effect that our subconscious mind and/or the Collective Unconscious has upon us..."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: More of reality I see~
Mantra: "The more I give to life, The more life gives to me, And the more I relax and open my mind, The more of reality I see."

We remember our humanity~
On the Solstice we remember our humanity. We remember that no matter where we live on this planet, not matter our culture, our nationality, our race, our gender, our beliefs, we are still one planetary family, one humanity...

NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~
*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution. Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating......

FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~
*FULL MOON* in SCORPIO. What a long strange trip it's been. From moon to moon whole worlds change...

NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Aquarius February 15th 2018~
This *NEW MOON* Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a reset toward a different level of experience. The shift is precisely in our outlook and our direct engagement with Life before us, around us and within us...

The theme for February 2018 is UNFOLDING~
Lena Stevens from The Power Path says, "This month we examine our relationship with time, with impatience, with the masculine willful part of ourselves that always wants to push things through and make things happen.."

FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 3rd 2017~
*FULL MOON* SuperMoon in Gemini is prismatic with information, able to shapeshift into multiple expressions...

FULL MOON in Taurus November 3rd – 4th 2017~
Grandmother Moon rises to her fullness on November 3rd / 4th in Taurus bringing in a time of illumination and releasing into the now...

Kaypacha Report: Allow the current to flow through me~
Mantra: "Whenever I feel separate, I need to turn myself on, Like a light switch to allow The current to flow, Through me from the Divine."

Act for the well being of all life~
"Could the next leap in evolution arise out of a shift in identification, in which we shed the story of battling for supremacy and move instead into playing our role as part of a larger team of life on Earth?

Mercury goes Retrograde August 30th till September 22nd 2016~
Cosmic time is calling forth a period of re-envisioning, reassessing and reinvention. With Mercury Retrograding in Virgo, we are supported in structuring the necessary details to move forth toward our most optimal future vision...

FULL MOON in Sagittarius + SOLSTICE June 20th 2016~
Alchemical magic this second FULL MOON in Sagittarius coinciding with the SOLSTICE! Both SUN and MOON at their peak align to bring us illumination...

NEW MOON in Aquarius February 8th 2016~
*NEW MOON* in Aquarius, the water bearer. She brings forth a cleansing, the fresh winds blowing heralding change ahead...

Kaypacha Report: There’s way more than I thought~
Mantra: "On assignment in a foreign land, Seeking Truth to understand, I find there's way more than I thought, More than my teachers ever taught."

FULL MOON (SuperMoon) in Taurus October 27th 2015~
FULL MOON and another SuperMoon is here on October 27th in earthy Taurus reminding us to ground ourselves in our connection to Mamma Earth and align ourselves with what we truly love...

Earth and beyond: A view like no other~
This is one of the most amazing gifts that technology can grant us. PERSPECTIVE. This view of our beautiful planet and the universe beyond it says it all. If you only we could all simultaneously tune in to this Reality,...

Themes for August 2015 are CONSOLIDATION and PRIORITIES~
Lena Stevens says, "This month is about getting grounded, organized and practical. It is about choosing wisely..."

Cultivate devotion daily~
"Remembering to respect even in the face of disrespect, until respect becomes all we offer everyone, every time, everywhere...

Astrology for May 2015 by Sarah Varcas~
"May 2015 raises the issue of relationship: with ourselves, each other and our environment both near and far. We simply cannot go it alone, is the basic message of this month...

Kaypacha Report: I must first change me~
Mantra: "It's one thing to know, Another to see, But to change the world, I must first change me."

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Pisces + EQUINOX March 20th 2015~
Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of...

Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~
Mantra: "It's time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self, To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well."

Identify as a Soul having a human experience~
"All Souls have their own unique intentions, and our spiritual task as humans is to remember, to surrender, and to serve our Souls’ missions, which come always from this place of Love...

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~
Full Moon in Sagittarius furthers the energies of expansion and bigger vision. As we align with our truth and essential values, we can envision new ways of being and actualizing...

Grounding the Cardinal Cross~
Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...

Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!
"This New Moon is truly a new birth. It is energetically connected to the on-going Pluto-Uranus square, the womb of evolution that is presently shaking and re-shaping our planetary life. We are living in such important times...

The theme for January 2014 is GET READY, GET SET~
Lena Stevens says: "The opportunity this month is to get things done and to become more organized than you have ever been. There is also a great opportunity to finally eliminate old projects, clutter and energy that have weighed you...

We are the hidden mainstream~
"When I look at the inspired, devoted, and brilliant people that work in so many ways to repair and nourish the world, in families, communities, and sustainable enterprises everywhere on Earth, I see the imaginal cells of our own transformation..."...

Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~
Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...

Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~
"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...

Honoring our Ancestors and our dearly departed~
November 1st and 2nd is Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday celebrated in cultures around the world that honors and celebrates the lives of those who have passed. It is also the Celtic...

Building up to Pluto Uranus Square on November 1st, 2013~
Sarah Varcas says "something very important is afoot, and to benefit from it we need to step out of habitual ways of thinking and view life through a different lens..."

Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~
"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...

Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~
"It's hard to ask on bended knee,
Admitting that you have what it is I need,
But once I do I'm completely free,
And love can grow as I becomes WE."

Cultivate a quality of grace~
"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."

NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~
"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...

“Twin” Star of David Star Tetrahedron Merkaba August 25th 2013: Peace Portal~
Time to active, which means time to tune in to our hearts and use our energetic power to hold space for peace...

As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~
"As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us. As we dance, all of our ancestors dance the Sacred Dance. Each step that we place is an important one. All of our relatives are walking with us, speaking through...

NEW MOON in Leo August 6th 2013~
"This New Moon helps us to express the power that’s been building the past 4 months, and continues to expand what has already begun to grow..."

Harmony is the most essential thing ~
"Consider harmony as the first principle to be observed; that in all circumstances and situations and conditions one should try to harmonize with one's fellow creatures...

Happy EQUINOX! September 22, 2012: Gather together to activate a Solar Wave of Oneness~
Our ancestors have always greeted the Equinox with celebration and the gathering of community. It is so important for us to create moments of coming together to unite with our spiritual family....

Moving into VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE- Lilou and Panache Desai~
"Right now we are moving from an intellectual way of understanding to more of a VIBRATIONAL WAY of EXPERIENCING life..."

Be generous~
"If you're generous to someone, if you do something to help him out, you are in effect making him lucky. This is important. It's like inviting yourself into a community of good fortune..."

We need all the people around us~
"We have the choice to be true to the gifts we are given... They are simply not for our personal selves. The gifts are for our larger self, for the role we have in the larger community of things...

Let us come together~
"Let us come together, let us sing together. Let us come to know our minds together. Let us share, like sages of the past, that all people together may enjoy the universe...

See possibilities~
"There was a time in which humanity saw itself as a part of Nature and Nature as a part of it. Dreaming and waking were inseparable. Animal, plant and human were inseparable. The natural and the supernatural merged and blended......

The time is now~
"You are being called into wakefulness...Ancient Skywalkers rise up. Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity. Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun!"

Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~
"Increase the life and love inside yourself" he advised and with complete relaxation, have faith and be inspired. "We are the children of the Earth. We are Beings of the Sun. We are light...We are the center points between the...

Culmination of Mayan Calendar… October 28th, 2011?~
We've reached the top of the pyramid in terms of the consciousness of humanity being ready to move into Unitary Consciousness...we are here, we are poised on the edge of the transformation...

You are opening your heart~
"Think of your soul like a sun in your heart. Imagine you are sending your soul's love outward in ever-widening circles. Picture various friends and loved ones, and see the nourishing love of your soul touching them..."

Feel the great turning~
"Feel the great turning, feel the change
the new life runs through your blood like fire
and all of nature rises with it
greening, burgeoning, bursting into a flower...

“7th Day” of Mayan Calendar October 11th, 2011~
"It is about a time of hope, humility, forgiveness, love … a time of prayer, of plenty … a time to go to our roots, to the very depths of our being … a time to share who we are...