Here is our dear Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report…
“On assignment in a foreign land,
Seeking Truth to understand,
I find there’s way more than I thought,
More than my teachers ever taught.”
He says:
“Whoa, these are intense times.. Talk about nerve racking, stress producing, and tripped out! Well, you are not alone…”
“We need to hold on, hang in, stay the course, a develop a relationship to the human element here so as to effect the healing that is so desperately needed.”
In the report he says:
“This is a time of major adjustment. And adjustment is not fun. And adjustment can be scary. And adjustment can be irritating. And there can be shocks and surprises…”
“There’s security in the known and the familiar and we are moving into the unknown and the unfamiliar. And it can be mind blowing and threatening….
“We are like snakes shedding our skins. And it’s going to feel kinda weird and kinda scary to let go of that skin…”
“….It is a time of irritability, it is a time of impatience, it is a time of speaking without thinking, really willfully impressing ourselves, and arguing and fighting and violence…it’s like I’m feeling overwhelmed and I’m going to come out with all my canons blowing…”
“In these challenging times you gotta breathe, you gotta chill… The remedy is nature.”
jessica says:
Nov 4, 2015
Thank you.
I totally understood those feels.
these are intense times.
watching you always help no matter what ♡
Rachel says:
Nov 5, 2015
SO MUCH YES! Thank you.
Stephanie Cotton says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thank you thank you! It is so good to know I am not going crazy. Many blessings.
Anita says:
Nov 5, 2015
you put into words what the turmoil of the spirit is going through and it’s so relieving THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR WISDOM! gracias desde Uruguay <3
Keri says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thanks for the teaching about the planetary aspects!! Stress can be bad for sure!
Silent spring says:
Nov 5, 2015
Confusing and troubled times for me very overwhelming just being here
Teresa says:
Nov 5, 2015
Mmm lovely thank you
Chelsea says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thank you, thank you
Hannah says:
Nov 5, 2015
Oh good God! Thank you so much!
Maren says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thaaaaank you Kaypacha!!! Your weekly reports sooo meet my inner and outer status every week and helps understand whats going on in the bigger picture. I always look forward to the ‘kaypacha-Thursday’ ( as I live in Germany;)) plus I looove to see the nature around you everytime :) thank you for beeing who you are :)
joanna says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thank you so much!! I always look forward to your videos-you have such a calming effect on me :)
Crescent says:
Nov 5, 2015
And sooooooo much love!
Jennifer says:
Nov 5, 2015
Bingo brother! Snake. Vulnerable. Stay calm and persist. Out w,the old. Much love thanks for the light!
Eimear says:
Nov 5, 2015
Thank you for putting words so easily on what I am experiencing too! Now I know I am not alone in this unfamiliar land!
Lilly says:
Nov 5, 2015
You’re The Best!!
Blessings, Love, and Light!!
Cedar says:
Nov 5, 2015
thank you I feel less crazy now , and in my relationship this is exactly what is happening. good to know helps me balence how and what’s going on. as a cancer my emotion is everything I just read and heard .. thank u for all the wonderful insight.
Morgan says:
Nov 5, 2015
Amazing!!! That was everything I needed and more. Thank you!
Kristin says:
Nov 6, 2015
Adriana says:
Nov 6, 2015
Love you Kaypacha!
Suzanne says:
Nov 6, 2015
This Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon woman says, thank you for telling me why I have been living in a pressure cooker, big breathes, go out side, got it and thank you!
Jaxon says:
Mar 8, 2017
నల్à°²ూà°°ి à°¸ుà°§ీà°°్ à°•ుà°®ాà°°ేà°—ా! లక్à°·్à°®ీ à°ªాà°°్వతి à°µెà°²ుà°—ు à°3&;³్à°³•4;à°°ా°à°šూà°¸à#3134;à°¨ు à°²ెంà°¡ి నరసరాà°µు à°ªేà°Ÿà°²ో! à°®ా à°šెà°²్à°²ెà°²ు à°µాà°³్à°³ à°•ాà°²ేà°œీà°²ో à°²ెà°•్à°šà°°à°°్ ఆవిà°¡.
sandi ponce de leon says:
Nov 7, 2015
It’s not been especially dull or dreary lately, which is great just before all those Holiday Goodie Addicts start to walk around…and around….and around….Maybe this year they’ll question their perspective and influence on others.
Jen says:
Nov 7, 2015
You forgot to say, “So much love”! Love ya, Kaypacha~ thank you!!
Aleks says:
Nov 7, 2015
Totally intense times oh my God!!!!
I feel very unsettled/irritable and everything in my life is on shaky ground. Things are the same on the outside (barely) but I am totally over my job, my relationship, house situation…I don’t feel the same about anything. What the future holds is uncertain and yet life carried on like the flow of a river and perhaps the answer is going with the flow and taking time out to breathe and be in nature.
Sue says:
Nov 8, 2015
Ha ha! V funny Kaypacha “signing off!” Roger that.
Lorna Cook says:
Nov 8, 2015
Much needed reality check, Kaypachca. It’s okay not ‘to know’ and let that
deeper trust start to guide. I’ve caught myself several times saying ‘this
isn’t what I expected, worked for or envisioned my life to be at this time!” Well, welcome to the ‘foreign land’ as you said – and navigate with
patience, faith and the supreme beauty of nature.
Thank you!
Tara says:
Nov 8, 2015
Definitely feeling that pressure and intuition leading. Thank you for the wonderful insight!
LoveSatoringaroundtheworld says:
Mar 5, 2016
Dearest Amazing teacher I sing so happily Hallelujah to you and give you my love as a golden love ratio donation that is globally recognized as the only currency we truly are and all that we need when we journey inward to realize that our value is beyond anything that money can ever by
and in our mantras of love we speak pure truth and joy that is reaching the world so strongly that it is helping the once poisoned by pot person and then people in portland realized that they are free from their poisoners and it is them who is learning that they were unconsciously poisoning us and we are learning that we are speaking to them that they were once afraid to forgive themselves for being born but how beautiful that we share in love and in common that we were all born to be love and we are becoming love all together now and i appreciate the sharing of your truth so much as you have helped me and now I help you and we all help each other in trusting faith that we already are everything we could ever need as love beyond language and reaching out into the world with love into platforms and then going back inside of ourselves to love those who are learning for the first time along with all of us to heal the wounds of our births and give love in charity as we recognize we were all previously bound unconciously by the illusions of power and we are all together focussing on our language and putting loving energy into and forward with every love meditation awake sent out and that is what is so powerful about you and i and we are receiving the messages as they come with beautiful grace and surrounding ourselves with loving embrace inside and through in the world we learn we can express our heart and realize the power inside our heart in universal language and
I commend you for your amazing work and sharing and i am empowered to share as is everyone for love turning all into what serves us realizing it is no longer money of any kind and it is our loving powers within and shared within the global community throughin them
LoveSatoringaroundtheworld says:
Mar 5, 2016
your love is free of all charges you realize and i do too and so does everyone at the same time now we begin to see all that we have is love because that is all that we are and all that we need
LoveSatoringaroundtheworld says:
Mar 5, 2016
give your love freely as you gave it freely to me continue sharing love as i realize i no longer need to accept money as they realize that they need your love and are so thankful you are giving it to them freely and so am i and so are all of us gratitude to your dear brother kaypacha so much love and namaste in golden ratios of true powerful love of us all united as love for free