SNAKE medicine is the embodied wisdom of the Divine Feminine who knows her worth and her magic and doesn't need to prove her power...
on 12.21 we have the + SOLSTICE + the holy day for all living things on Earth to venerate the LIGHT... in the Northern hemisphere, we enter the darkest night and like our ancestors before us, we send prayers for...
we are now within the ECLIPSE portal of change.... in this time in between eclipses as we prepare to cross over into a new season with the EQUINOX on 9.22...
when we take time to honor these Earth holy days we attune to the energies of our Earth and come in sync with the larger rhythms and cycles we are a part of...
....we leap into MAY! heralding the Celtic Festival of Beltaine cross quarter day between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice...
remember everything is vibration there's enough of us with our hearts open to turn the tide in big ways...
the wheel of change is always turning, ever moving us in cycles of regeneration....
We can all feel the turning...the changing of the seasons...the passing of time...
Whatever part of our beautiful planet we might find ourselves on this Equinox, we are all crossing a threshold that is moving us into a new cycle and season of Life...
I would encourage us to view our homes as our personal temples and sanctuaries for healing, as we think of this time as us being on a collective “healing retreat."