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A palpable shift is occurring, a recognition that all has brought us to the precipice of this moment right now.
To step through we must bring mindful awareness to what this moment is asking of us.
This *NEW MOON* Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a reset toward a different level of experience.
The shift is precisely in our outlook and our direct engagement with Life before us, around us and within us.
Real growth begets the full power of our presence. But to get there we must leave behind the imprints and patternings of the past.
We are the ambassadors of Spirit in human form, breaking out of the shell of past conditionings and opening into new experiential fields of depth and understanding.
And it all winds down to the quality of our presence, deeply listening and paying attention to what is right before us.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from PAM YOUNGHANS from her NorthPoint astrology:
“This is a ‘South Node eclipse,’ meaning that the Sun and Moon are aligned with the Moon’s South Node. This type of eclipse marks a clear division between the past and the future.
“It carries a strong sense of karmic resolution and requires that we release attitudes and circumstances that have been interfering with our evolutionary progress.
“According to astrologer Judith Hall, a South Node eclipse represents ‘the out-tide of celestial energy,’ when forms and energy exit.
“It is a time to let go, accept, look inward, cleanse, and resolve…
“The lunation is closely conjunct the fixed star Gienah Cygni, activating its high-vibrational energies as a part of our eclipse experience.
“Astrologer Roderick Kidston writes that there is a ‘strong spiritual dimension’ to this fixed star, which sits on the edge of the south wing of Cygnus, the Swan:
‘There’s nothing weak about the refined energy of Gienah Cygni, quite the opposite, in fact…
‘When we move beyond the everyday and seek to connect with higher realms or truths, remarkable transformations are possible.
‘Once we are ready and set we go, like the wind.”
“…We must remember, however, that this is a South Node eclipse — so there may be old, outdated concepts and thought patterns that we need to discard before we can fully avail ourselves of the insights and inspiration awaiting us…
“This shift of consciousness is a choice and is not forced upon us — but it is when we make the decision to change how we perceive ‘reality’ that we can access the clearest solutions and best new directions.
“Uranus is the planetary ‘ruler’ of Aquarius, and its positive aspect to the Solar Eclipse reassures us that progress and change are occurring, even as we struggle with what feels like chaos along the way.
“This is when we most urgently need that Uranian higher-mind perspective.”
© Copyright 2018 ~PAM YOUNGHANS All Rights Reserved
From CATHY PAGANO shares:
“Aquarius is future-oriented, visionary and idealistic.
“Our current collective consciousness blueprint is outdated. We’re running an old operating system more suited to the early 20th Century.
“Aquarius can see patterns, for it is the realm of the Archetypes, our original Earth patterning…Our beliefs around God, capitalism, gender roles, justice, peace, relationships are all undergoing transformations.
“The basic patterns are there – we just need to renew them with different beliefs and new energies.
“It’s time to renew all the archetypal patterns of life. (I think this is going to happen while Uranus is in Taurus for the next 7 years.)
“We do this by understanding what we believe and then living those beliefs…
“Lucky for us that Mercury, the archetypal energy of the Mind, joins the Sun during this eclipse, birthing a new mind, a beginner’s mind, that can encompass and evaluate these emerging patterns.
“Mercury is receiving brilliant energies not only from Aquarius’ co-ruler, Uranus in Aries, achieving a new balance between our higher mind and lower mind, but also from Jupiter in Scorpio, expanding our ability to see beneath the surface, face the Shadow and transform our values…
“And since Aquarius rules our collective consciousness, this eclipse can re-set our collective mental blueprint of what makes life worth living.
“How can we not want that in the face of environmental destruction and the growing rift between the moneyed few and the struggling masses?
“Many of us can see a world of respect for our Mother Earth, which can lead to peace, beauty and harmony, to cooperation and creativity, to community and shared resources…
“At this solar eclipse, Mars travels with Vesta, the priestess, in Sagittarius, discussing their spiritual beliefs, aiming their fiery arrows at the Leo North Node to bring those beliefs to the table to activate our heart‘s love for Spirit.
“Neptune brings up an important issue for us. Our beliefs and values for the past 2000 years have been shaped by a patriarchal consciousness that wants to control all aspects of our lives.
“But most especially they took control of our souls. And since we need our souls to awaken and inform the most creative aspects of our lives, our spiritual nature must be the foundation of our new belief system.
“…That’s the promise of this solar eclipse in Aquarius. Once we release old mental structures and habits, a new operating system can be installed, one that is patterned on our awakened spiritual insights and understanding.
“What a different life we live when we actually know that all of life is sacred and meaningful.
“The plans we imagine, the decisions we make, the connections we feel, will be more attuned to our heart’s values and therefore, they’ll bring joy to our lives where before fear ran amok.”
© Copyright 2018 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
From PAT LILES from The Power
“Aquarius rings the bell of our revolutionary energy…
“Because Juno is within 1º of the New Moon, our communication and mental constructs around our marriage relationships, partnerships, business associations (often very committed; their outcome determines your outcome and vice versa) can benefit from an upgrade.
“Are you willing to deconstruct your most stressful situations that erupt into power struggles?
“Inequality is a major focus and issue for Juno. She doesn’t like to be disrespected. She was, after all, Queen of Heaven prior to agreeing to be Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) wife.
“Juno in Aquarius is going to make you sort for room to be free and express your individuality within a relationship.
“Juno here is way outside the traditional with all matter of couplings accepted if they have integrity and are in alignment with the agreements made…
“Mercury and ruling planet Uranus are in a positive aspect to each other (sextile 60º) helping us on our New Moon revamping mission of our mental, communication and visioning habits.
“It’s an open road full of opportunity to be better versions of our current selves that we all want, and an eclipse period gives added power to that desire.
“I also see a Finger of God, a triangle focused on Ceres in Leo, that Earth Mother energy so prominent at last Full Moon…
“A Finger of God always requires some adjustment and integration of parts and experiences that don’t quite flow with ease, but when it gets in alignment you have access to some magnificent Grace ~ your life becomes a catalyst for synchronicities, opportunities and the poetic and imaginative to express through you.”
© Copyright 2018 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
And the Star Sparks for 28º Aquarius by ELLIAS LONSDALE:
AQUARIUS 28: A tapestry loom. On it is a half-finished tapestry.
“Karmic process restricts the self, curbs the self, dictates what must happen to the self.
“A work upon yourself and, far more strongly, an outer plane self-discipline has been in progress a long time.
“It must be resumed, taken further, no matter what.
“Unfortunately, this often means imposing duties upon yourself presumptively.
“You just do what you have to do. But if the heart is not in it, work becomes mechanical.
“A dilemma faces you at recurrent cross-roads: to stay with what has been set up, or to introduce innovations.
“Any such innovations represent a huge issue. But without them, the inner core of self is short-changed and the outer mind takes over.
“You are being propelled by a greater destiny-current to honor all karmic agreements, and to enhance these by bringing into play a vitally engaged present-time attentive willingness to be surprised, meet things from another side, and realize that everything is just beginning now and needs to be met with real passion.”
© Copyright 2017 ~ELLIAS LONSDALE All Rights Reserved
Eclipse Blessings and all my love~
⚬ N E W M O O N + E C L I P S E ⚬
February 15th 1:05 pm PDT
February 15th 9:05 pm GMT
February 16th 8:05 am AEDT
Anna says:
Feb 15, 2018
Thank you. These words are a true comfort to my soul. ❤
John says:
Feb 15, 2018
Wonderfully useful and challenging insights…thank you!
Sally says:
Feb 15, 2018
I agree with you. Much useable wisdom here!
drubey says:
Feb 15, 2018
Thank you, all the messages resonate deeply.
Dominique aka Dominic Cooper says:
Feb 15, 2018
Thank you I am so gratefull mistiicmama💃🏿💫💕
Nadine Lee says:
Feb 15, 2018
This is a very powerful new moon!
Thanks for the mm insights xx
andromeda says:
Feb 15, 2018
my birthday waa feb 01 + this aquarius new moon has me very curious about what is in store for my life … ! 🌙❤️🌈⚡️🙌😍😍😍
Julia says:
Feb 15, 2018
Everything is just BEGINNING now? Wow!
Jewel Nurse-Hutchins says:
Feb 15, 2018
This was so awesome!
Melanie says:
Feb 15, 2018
I love your curated astrological updates! Thank you sister.
cur says:
Feb 15, 2018
<3 love every second of it. thank you.
John says:
Feb 15, 2018
Remarkable transformations, a strong shift in consciouness has called and visited me. A new beginning is here for me, and I definitely feel prompted to continue and enhance the shift.
However, with these changes I sometimes feel disconnected. The only thing I can think of to compare it to is like becoming suddenly wealthy when you have been dirt poor your whole life. So with the rapid discarding of old patterns and concepts and recieving incredible new ones, I feel overwhelmed at times to the point that my self does not recognize my self. Much like a newly wealthy person does not recognize their new mansion and new clothes as their own. It is wonderful but at times I almost feel like I’m nearing a nervous breakdown. Can anyone please give suggestions or possibly recommend a teacher/author/practice for this? With thanks and love…
michelle says:
Feb 15, 2018
john, i dont have any suggestions, but please know you are not alone. I feel exactly this too. keep breathing. feel the body. come back into the body.
John says:
Feb 16, 2018
Thank you Michelle, great reminders..especially that I’m not alone in feeling this.
Jeanne says:
Feb 15, 2018
This is remarkable! Thank you so much for this. I have intuited this shift so strongly and this post puts into words what I am feeling.
Charlotte says:
Feb 15, 2018
John, check out HighHeartLife, a blog by Denise Le Fay. Very helpful for what you are going through. Also Sandra Walter. Many blessings to you. The energies are potent, but you can ride them , like a surfer on a rough sea. Blessings to you xxxx
John says:
Feb 16, 2018
Thanks very much for recommending those and your encouragement.
Many blessings to you as well.
Charlotte says:
Feb 16, 2018
You’re so welcome. Good luck on your journey, and you are not alone. I feel what you say. Lots of love xxxx
Cheryl Floyd says:
Feb 15, 2018
Just in time just what I need how timely Thank you
)) says:
Feb 15, 2018
“…they took control of our souls….” I like the second “they:” They’ll bring JOY.
Thank u, CP, thank u, MM, for finding the hope and lifting it to us.
tyrus says:
Feb 15, 2018
thank you
Danielle says:
Feb 16, 2018
Thank you – Namaste
“A Finger of God always requires some adjustment and integration of parts and experiences that don’t quite flow with ease, but when it gets in alignment you have access to some magnificent Grace ~ your life becomes a catalyst for synchronicities, opportunities and the poetic and imaginative to express through you.”
“Any such innovations represent a huge issue. But without them, the inner core of self is short-changed and the outer mind takes over.
Allison Rees says:
Feb 16, 2018
POWERFUL! Thank you!
Emilija says:
Feb 16, 2018
hey i am wondering, is it normal/usual to feel drained or tired on a full moon ? that always seems to happe. less this time around because im an aquarius and id like to belive this full moon is re-charching me hah. great post as always. so so beautiful, medicine to my soul
Kei says:
Feb 16, 2018
Happy lunar new year and thank you for sharing these insights!
Schéhérazade says:
Feb 17, 2018
Wow, I feel so blessed to celebrate my 50th anniversary on this New Moon Solar eclips… I guess this year will be one of a huge shift, where many dreams can be manifested. Actually my solar return falls on the 14th where I live… sun, moon, mercury & juno all in the 9th house which I love !
Thanks so much for your astrological interpretations … many beautiful & loving blessings to all of you
1soul says:
Feb 18, 2018
ode to all there is
Dcc says:
Feb 18, 2018
I was involved in a car accident on February 15th, and my daughter mentioned the eclipse occurred that day. I drive a lot and have never been in an accident. The circumstances around this accident seem so bizarre to me, like my thinking was foggy, or I couldn’t explain what I was thinking. Nobody was seriously hurt except for my almost brand new car. If there is some kind of mystical message to this, I sure wish I knew what is. Any ideas?
Loretta says:
Feb 18, 2018
Excellent! 🐬🐬 breathe and enjoy. thank you for the wisdom MM
Laura says:
Mar 14, 2018
Do people really believe the position of the stars impacts their life?