Posts tagged "connection"
: soul guidance : Mercury Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS 11.25.24~
the SUN has entered SAGITTARIUS bringing in new winds to lift our wings! we are at the beginning of a brand new era...
FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~
Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~
She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....
FULL MOON in Taurus November 12th 2019~
Taurus Full Moon activates our feminine energies reminding us of this love that returns to us when we come home to ourselves...
NEW MOON in Libra September 28th 2019~
NEW MOON in LIBRA is upon us, and the recent turning of the wheels with the EQUINOX has brought an intensification of feeling what is out of balance.
MERCURY goes Direct! July 31st 2019~
Robert Wilkinson says "Reflect on recent redirection of energies... take a new look at what you’re heart’s into, and how to express what you really care about in playful or creative ways...."
FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~
This Full Moon in Libra brings us to the precipice, initiating trust in our evolutionary hearts as we step through the alchemical ring of fire...
FULL MOON in Taurus October 24th 2018~
Growth happens in the subtle spaces, beneath the Earth, before we can see any evidence of any new beginnings. Deep down inside, there are changes occurring...
Weekly Astrological Guidance: Whole world is a mirror~
Mantra: "The whole world is a mirror, Showing me who I am, And what is most important to me, I will see in the end."
The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~
Lena Stevens shares, "August is a complex month supporting you to think outside the box. We have an opportunity for new creative insights...
FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~
*FULL MOON* in SCORPIO. What a long strange trip it's been. From moon to moon whole worlds change...
NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Aquarius February 15th 2018~
This *NEW MOON* Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a reset toward a different level of experience. The shift is precisely in our outlook and our direct engagement with Life before us, around us and within us...
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Reinventing myself anew~
Mantra: "It's good to step out and look ahead, Reinventing myself anew, As long as I don't get stuck in my head, But keep my heart open too."
NEW MOON in Libra October 19th 2017~
The archetype of Libra, who is ruled by Venus, brings us the gift of right relationship. She dances within the continuum of me and we. She sways with the wind knowing that there is always an exchange occurring...
Kaypacha Report: Connect my head to my heart~
Mantra: "It's never very easy, To close the book of dreams, But if I connect my head to my heart, It's not as bad as it seems."
Mercury goes Retrograde June 7th 2014~
"Like Hawk, whose medicine is akin to Mercury the “Messenger of the Gods,” we are reminded to soar higher to see the bigger picture. It’s a perfect period to re-think, research, dream, and prepare...
Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~
"The secret to designing our lives from the creative center is to reestablish our connection not only to the feminine, but to the feminine-masculine alignment. We must recognize where we forgo the feminine and over-access the masculine mode of doing....
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 14th 2014~
"Like a snake shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each to shed the layers that are ready thus bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge....
Grounding the Cardinal Cross~
Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...
Grand Cross April 2014: Astral Insights~
"If there’s friction, it’s due to an imbalance that needs correction, or perhaps a new perspective to restore harmony and equilibrium...
Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~
"There's a lot of between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place energy right now, and cosmic stress. What I note here is that Pisces has the secret to softening and dissolving what seems like it's hopeless....
Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!
Full Moon in Leo is here on Valentine's Day! Emotions flow and there is an electricity in the air that is palpable. Express, create, be authentic, be mindful and heartful. Love is the answer.
Create your world in love~
"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
Kaypacha Astrology report: Love grows in the garden of humility~
Mantra: "Sometimes my ideas are bigger than me, And Life bursts my bubble for me to see, That Love grows in the garden of humility."
The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~
Lena Stevens says: "We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will...
FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~
Grandmother Moon comes into her FULLness, in her first cycle of 2014, in the sign of Cancer, the MOTHER. Mother energy comes to bring healing and release the hardness...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~
Mantra: "As the pelican flies high into the sky,
Then dives for food in the sea,
I need to remember that the Great Mother,
Is always providing for me."
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~
The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~
Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...
Opportunity for Clarity and Wisdom this weekend: Insights from Sarah Varcas~
"This weekend the cosmos speaks of an opportunity to perceive a level of existence rarely available to us. It is as if we have a direct line to Source, toll-free and without interference...
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~
"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
SOLAR ECLIPSE – NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~
"The Solar Eclipse symbolizes ‘light of awareness’ and new beginnings in astrology. They are considered to be major turning points and open doorways for opportunities. So consider this New Moon phase intensely energized to be empowered, trust in new ways......
Kaypacha astrology report through Full Moon Eclipse on October 18, 2013~
Kaypacha says: "The tests, trials, and tribulations serve to push us out of our comfort zones and familiar stomping grounds and reach out for the NEW..."
Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON in Aries October 18, 2013~
"This eclipse opens a window until November 3 of a time that supports deep change. The energy of this full moon can be a bit challenging if you are not in alignment with what you need at this time...
Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~
"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...
Now-ness is the path and the destination~
"When you learn to be with now-ness, guidance becomes an 'And now' experience, rather than 'What next?'
Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~
"It's hard to ask on bended knee,
Admitting that you have what it is I need,
But once I do I'm completely free,
And love can grow as I becomes WE."
Awaiting the *NEW MOON* Astral Insights from Sarah Varcas~
"We may find ourselves ending the month in a state of restlessness, approaching a New Moon (4th/5th October) which requires introspection and quietude, whilst being painfully aware of all manner of things demanding our attention....
Astrology for Equinox September 22, 2013: Welcome Libra~
Happy EQUINOX! Whatever part of our beautiful planet we find ourselves in, we welcome the theme of BALANCE as it is echoes all around us...
Full Moon “Harvest Moon” in Pisces September 19th 2013~
"The Pisces Full Moon on Sept 19 is a powerful portal for your spiritual growth. This is the Harvest Moon. We are harvesting what we have sown this year...
Cultivate a quality of grace~
"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."
NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~
"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...
Awaken your connectedness within the web~
"Spending time alone in the wilds bring the magic of deepening perception. Awareness tunes to subtleties of sound, light, fragrance, texture, detail...
Claim your heart~
"Don't wait another minute. Claim your heart, and claim your glory. You have all you need. Bless other women. Do not tear them down. Remember they are you--your sisters, teachers, mothers, daughters....
Occupy your center~
"Tune in to the core of your body," the Grandmothers said. "Whenever you occupy your center, everyone and everything connected to you lifts..."
Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!
"This is one of the most powerful weeks to enjoy, let loose, and free your spirit. It is time to celebrate the growth that began last January...
As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~
"As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us. As we dance, all of our ancestors dance the Sacred Dance. Each step that we place is an important one. All of our relatives are walking with us, speaking through...
Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of July 31st 2013: Healing~
"What past experience, wound, or belief needs to be released to diffuse the tension you are now feeling. It is a week of either looking at your “stuff†and healing it...
Earth is alive~
"When we understand that everything is interconnected, we are called to politics and set of actions that come from compassion, from the ability to literally feel with all living beings on the Earth..."
Everything is waiting for you~
"Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the conversation. The kettle is singing even as it pours you a drink...
Find a form of sacred reason~
"Perhaps there are events and things that work as a doorway into the mythical world, the world of first people, all the way back to the creation of the universe...
There is light, even when you can’t see it~
"In my own struggles and in my own darkness, I have found bits of gold that have changed me. One of those bits is the realization that we're all connected, we all matter and that we're not alone...
Feel the connection of group energy~
"Energy fields are everywhere; we wander in and out of them all the time. When we feel the connection, commonality, and energy in a group, we are in its field: it is palpable...
True power lies in releasing resistance~
"Most rarely align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in...
Stillness is a pleasure~
"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...
As we express ourselves, we unfold~
"The more we exercise our connection, the more connected we are. The higher we reach out in acts of love and integrity, the higher are the vibrations to which we respond and the more truth of purpose that is within...
Get into Balance~
"Once you are connected with the world---which means stopping the internal dialogue--- you start getting fed a whole new line of data. You're no longer in a cassette tape loop that's stuck on automatic...
Trust the rhythm~
"In any creative feat (by which I mean your work, your art, your life) there will be downtimes. Or so it seems. Just as the earth is busy before the harvest...
Something is calling you~
"Something is calling you from the quiet space inside
and from the vast universe all around.
Something is calling you to life.
Something is calling forth the stream inside you
and awakening you
to your connection with the source...
See possibilities~
"There was a time in which humanity saw itself as a part of Nature and Nature as a part of it. Dreaming and waking were inseparable. Animal, plant and human were inseparable. The natural and the supernatural merged and blended......
Anchor into your core~
"At our core we are each the ultimate and highest value. There is no rank or comparison here, no striving or proving. At our core, we are each a deep and potent well of self-creation...
Life conspires to bless us~
"Life conspires to bless us with
an unrelenting Grace,
Who among us has not been touched
by this generous hand,
freeing us, one or
many layers at a time?"
Open your heart map!
"Once we link our hearts in just a certain way, it will bring something alive that is the creative potential that we will create from. We are entering an age that we cannot create by ourselves. We must join as...
You are always in sacred space~
"...everywhere you are is the center of the world. You're always standing in the middle of sacred space...
Wisdom of the Elders calling for a fundamental shift in consciousness~
"Our elders tell us that we have to do more than save what is left of our traditional homelands. We need to contribute to an overall change of that human-kind can begin to initiate strategies which will preserve and...
The pathway is open~
"The pathway is open to you, it leads to the heart. There are many treasures to be found there. Spend more of your time away from the diversions of your culture and commune deeply with your land. You are of...
Find your flow~
"Flowing the is the state of being fluid, of hanging loose and being flexible. The rhythm of flowing connects us to the flow of our individual energy, our base current. In flowing there are no separations...
You are an essence in a world of essences~
"You are an essence
in a world of essences.
You burn,
like those around you burn,
with an energy called life.
Life reaches out to life,
essences sing to each other....
Let love flow~
" overwhelming amount of love started flowing into me, filling up the dark hole that threatened to consume me.
I suddenly realized that what I was feeling was the love of the Earth, the love of Creation...
Let’s synchronize with each other~
"Entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase' or synchronize with each other when exposed to each other long enough. Entrainment is actually an aspect of resonance...
We are all affecting the world every moment~
"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness...
Something happening at last~
"In the darkness something was happening at last. A voice had begun to sing....
The world softens when we soften~
"The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world..."
Observe how you feel~
“You can feel whether you are allowing your full connection to Source energy or not. In other words, the better you feel, the more you are allowing the connection; the worse you feel, the less you are allowing the connection....
There is nothing independent~
"The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings...