A balancing must take place~
“Mother Earth is in trouble, and thus all of us who are her children. Our Earth walk is dangerously unbalanced, and this must be corrected quickly…”
“A balancing must take place in which the feminine and masculine energies within each of us, as within all things, can harmonize.
“In our Native way, we are not fully human until we balance these two energies; we cannot make full use of ourselves and our creative gifts until we balance yin and yang, right and left brain, the active and the receptive.
“To be fully human is what is being required of us now on this Earth. This means that more emphasis needs to be placed on… relationship rather than on separation; on power in flow with greater forces rather than on personal dominion over others; on the dark of winter’s earthy germination as well as the rapid growth of summer days; on nurturing rather than destroying and on a deep and sacred ecology that deals respectfully and harmoniously with All Our Relations rathe than with isolated issues.”
~Brooke Medicine Eagle from Buffalo Woman Comes Singing: The Spirit Song of a Rainbow Medicine Woman
Tags: awakening, awareness, balance, balancing masculine and feminine, balancing masculine feminine, being, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Buffalo Calf Woman comes Singing, children of the earth, connection, consciousness, earth, earth connection, earth consciousness, Earth is our Mother, earth mother, earth quote, earth wisdom, Earth-based consciousness, earth-based spirituality, freedom, Fully human, growth, heart, mother earth, mystic mamma, MYSTIC MOMMA, mysticmamma.com, native american wisdom, native wisdom, new earth, New Earth Message, oneness, quote, rainbow tribe, Rainbow Woman, spiritual growth, spiritual journey, spirituality, universal Earth wisdom, wisdom, wisdom quotes, yin and yang rebalancing, yin rebalancing
krystal says:
Sep 22, 2013
WOW this is truly a special moment for me. A connection- Rules, regulations, and laws put in place by government concerning the Earth have been determined by a religious background for hundreds of years, allowing devestation and destruction to the Earth! It is now that people are starting to really lookat the FACTS and SCIENCE when making decisions about the Earth.
Abstract Melody says:
Sep 28, 2013
mmm… this is such a good reminder. I have been feeling this, and now that I am reminded I will take more action in pursuing the balance