Posts tagged "mother earth"
FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."
NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

We have a second *NEW MOON* in Cancer on July 20th 2020, precipitating with it an Axis shift...
TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

Compassion is what is needed to be seeded this Eclipse. This empathic Mother SEED will have reverberations for months to come...
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

Our expanding realizations are transforming into bridges of solidarity and action calls to the ways we can each proactively participate in the active dismantling of the oppressive systems that we consciously or unconsciously maintain...
NEW MOON in Taurus April 22nd 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Taurus April 22nd 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Taurus, the sign of Earthy feminine embodiment, aligning with EARTH DAY is a potent symbol of what unites us. We are embedded into the landscape and this we must remember...
FULL MOON in Libra April 7th / 8th 2020~

FULL MOON in Libra April 7th / 8th 2020~

*FULL MOON* in Libra rises on the horizon illuminating all of our relationships during this time of collective flux...
NEW MOON in Aries March 24th 2020~

NEW MOON in Aries March 24th 2020~

These times are calling us to cultivate our inner gardens, our own inner resources, and our abilities to self-soothe and heal. We are learning to listen and trust the truth inside us...
FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

The healing salve at this time is the energy of the MOTHER...
The Theme for December 2019 is GET PREPARED, BE PREPARED~

The Theme for December 2019 is GET PREPARED, BE PREPARED~

Lena Stevens from The Power Path says, "Think of moving into the future as preparing for an adventure into a new landscape...
The theme for November 2019 is PROACTIVE CHANGE~

The theme for November 2019 is PROACTIVE CHANGE~

Lena Stevens from The Power Path says, "Proactive Change supports the action step important for any intention, desire, or dream.
Theme for October 2019 is REWRITING THE STORY~

Theme for October 2019 is REWRITING THE STORY~

Lena Stevens from The Power Path shares, "Changing your story is changing your relationship with your environment and changing your relationship with the past as well as the future...
Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~

Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~

"Living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen. Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system...
The theme for August 2019 is DISCOVERY~

The theme for August 2019 is DISCOVERY~

Lena Stevens says "This is a very rich and exciting month where you get to be the star of your own life. What will you do with it?
Total Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer July 2nd, 2019~

Total Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer July 2nd, 2019~

TOTAL Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer in the sign of the Great Mother, nurtures the child within and offers us a refuge, a home within ourselves, where we can return to our place of Origin...
NEW MOON in Taurus May 4th 2019~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 4th 2019~

We have been learning to honor our emerging desires as holy seeds to nurture in their growing potentiality...
Weekly Astrological Guidance: There is an intrinsic order to life~

Weekly Astrological Guidance: There is an intrinsic order to life~

Mantra: "There is an intrinsic order to life, Call it destiny or fate, And the sooner I accept my role, The greater impact I'll make.
The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~

The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~

Lena Stevens shares, "August is a complex month supporting you to think outside the box. We have an opportunity for new creative insights...
Solar ECLIPSE New Moon in Cancer July 12th / 13th 2018~

Solar ECLIPSE New Moon in Cancer July 12th / 13th 2018~

Solar Eclipse *NEW MOON* in Cancer reminds us that it's time to come home to our whole Self. Feelings that have been dormant in the underworld of our psyche, are returning to us like waves rising toward the shore....
NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution. Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating......
FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~

FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~

*FULL MOON* in SCORPIO. What a long strange trip it's been. From moon to moon whole worlds change...
FULL MOON in Cancer January 12th 2017~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 12th 2017~

First FULL MOON of the year lands in the sign of Cancer. The Mother energy pours forth reminding us to take care of tender selves as we express what our hearts cannot deny...
FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 13th / 14th 2016~

FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 13th / 14th 2016~

FULL MOON Super Moon in Gemini calls us to hold a high vision for our collective future and brings the gifts of expansion in the mental realms and in the fields of communication...
NEW MOON in Cancer July 4th 2016~

NEW MOON in Cancer July 4th 2016~

CANCER NEW MOON, sweet MAMMA MOON. Our emotional bodies have been moving through some deep levels of transformation, let's allow her sweet waters to soothe our souls and bring some loving mamma energy to our hearts...
ERIS: The Radical Feminine Awakens by Sarah Varcas~

ERIS: The Radical Feminine Awakens by Sarah Varcas~

"She is a warrior goddess for Mother Nature mobilized to protect her at any cost. Taking no prisoners she stands beside those who honour our great mother, confronting those who exploit her..."
EQUINOX Blessing: May the nourishment of the Earth be yours~

EQUINOX Blessing: May the nourishment of the Earth be yours~

"May the nourishment of the earth be yours, May the clarity of light be yours, May the fluency of the ocean be yours, May the protection of the ancestors be yours..."
Kaypacha Report: I would rather spend my time learning how to fly~

Kaypacha Report: I would rather spend my time learning how to fly~

Mantra: "I can complain and criticize, finding fault with you and I, but I would rather spend my time, learning how to fly."
NEW MOON in Taurus May 17th/18th~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 17th/18th~

*NEW MOON* is here in earthy Taurus reminding us to ground into Mother Earth to restore our balance. Let's ease into it with a patient grateful heart and find solace in our connection...
Know the hidden and forgotten Mother~

Know the hidden and forgotten Mother~

“What a recovery of the wisdom of the Mother brings to all of us is the knowledge of inseparable connection with the entire creation and the wise, active love that is born from that knowledge...
Uranus Pluto Square: December 14/15th 2014~

Uranus Pluto Square: December 14/15th 2014~

Here we go, on December 14th/15th we reach the 6th of 7 Pluto Uranus Square configurations that began activating since 2012. These cosmic configurations are like trigger points of our collective awakening/evolution...
The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.

The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.

"There is tremendous opportunity for personal growth this month. You can move forward in your life in ways that you have not done before by making choices in areas that need them..."
Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

"It's time to come back from the world of illusion, the world of lies, and return to your own truth, to your own authenticity. It's time to unlearn the lies and become the real you...
Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

This Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon in Libra brings the focus to our relationships and the dynamics in our relationships, for relationships are the looking-glass through which we can see ourselves...
Remember who we once were and what we still can be~

Remember who we once were and what we still can be~

"Nothing is as important for the recovery of the feminine face of God as a rich and reverent understanding of the traditions of the world's First Peoples. In them is preserved our original human relationship with Mother Earth...
FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

Grandmother Moon comes into her FULLness, in her first cycle of 2014, in the sign of Cancer, the MOTHER. Mother energy comes to bring healing and release the hardness...
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

Thrive presents extremely eye-opening and compelling information that truly needs to be considered by everyone. It takes you from one idea to the next unraveling not only what has been concealed to us by the powers that be, but also...
We need the discipline of magic~

We need the discipline of magic~

"Magic might also be called the art of opening our awareness to the consciousness that surrounds us, the art of conversing in the deep language that nature speaks...
Remembrance of the sacred is a key that can awaken our consciousness~

Remembrance of the sacred is a key that can awaken our consciousness~

"The 'sacred' is not something primarily religious or even spiritual. It is not a quality we need to learn or to develop. It belongs to the primary nature of all that is...
Indigenous Elders from North and South America unite and send a Call to Action~

Indigenous Elders from North and South America unite and send a Call to Action~

The Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America have united and issued forth a powerful statement for humanity which will be read at the UN next week...
Respond to the subtle logos of the land~

Respond to the subtle logos of the land~

"Transfixed by our technologies, we short-circuit the sensorial reciprocity between our breathing bodies and the bodily terrain..."
Now-ness is the path and the destination~

Now-ness is the path and the destination~

"When you learn to be with now-ness, guidance becomes an 'And now' experience, rather than 'What next?'
A balancing must take place~

A balancing must take place~

"A balancing must take place in which the feminine and masculine energies within each of us, as within all things, can harmonize....
Cultivate a quality of grace~

Cultivate a quality of grace~

"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."
NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~

NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~

"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...
Awaken your connectedness within the web~

Awaken your connectedness within the web~

"Spending time alone in the wilds bring the magic of deepening perception. Awareness tunes to subtleties of sound, light, fragrance, texture, detail...
As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~

As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us~

"As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us. As we dance, all of our ancestors dance the Sacred Dance. Each step that we place is an important one. All of our relatives are walking with us, speaking through...
Earth is alive~

Earth is alive~

"When we understand that everything is interconnected, we are called to politics and set of actions that come from compassion, from the ability to literally feel with all living beings on the Earth..."
Feel that low hum inside you~

Feel that low hum inside you~

"The earth will help you open to who you are. The earth will help you to go deep; it will help you to go slow. When your mind wants to rush away with worry, with projects, lists, or anxiety, touch...
We are children of the Earth~

We are children of the Earth~

"Ancient, forgotten things stir within our hearts, memories from the time before the mind was born. Within us are the depths that keep watch..."
1-13-13 : Access the quantum vibrational field~

1-13-13 : Access the quantum vibrational field~

Loving this numeric alignment of 13! We are creating it with our own energy but sweet to feel the galactic support. On 1/13/13 Energy portal opening...
Happy Solstice 12-21-12 + End (Restart) Of Mayan Calendar + Galactic Alignment!

Happy Solstice 12-21-12 + End (Restart) Of Mayan Calendar + Galactic Alignment!

On the Solstice VISUALIZE our beautiful planet glowing with white light. See the collective consciousness glowing, growing, elevating to heal the planet. SEE circular rainbows circling our planet...
Every inch of the Earth Mother is sacred~

Every inch of the Earth Mother is sacred~

"Mother Earth is a living being. When a human being goes to a Power Place, the attention of the Mother Earth is directed to that spot, and energy begins to flow to that area because our bodies, like hers, are...
Stand in good relation to the Earth~

Stand in good relation to the Earth~

"I am an eagle playing with the wind, I am a cluster of bright beads, I am the farthest star, I am the cold of the dawn, I am the roaring of the rain..."
We are invisibly linked~

We are invisibly linked~

"You may be carrying the seeds of something that will change your life and the world...give it energy, prune what needs pruning, let the tap root go down into the energy field of Mother Earth...
Honoring Mother Earth~ Celebrating Earth Day April 22!

Honoring Mother Earth~ Celebrating Earth Day April 22!

"This Earth Day take the opportunity to go out into nature and connect your heart with the heart of the Earth...
Spirit reaches to us from the Earth~

Spirit reaches to us from the Earth~

"No matter how much we turn our faces from the earth, she is always with us. The sweetwater of the Spirit reaches to us from the earth herself. Our very bodies are composed of the same substances..."
We must speak for the Earth~

We must speak for the Earth~

“To do this, we must become the Voices of the Wells ourselves- and the Voices of the Rivers, the polluted waterways and seas; Voices of the Trees and the dying, decimated forests; Voices of the Birds and Animals...
Happy Vernal Equinox March 20th, 2012!

Happy Vernal Equinox March 20th, 2012!

"The spring equinox opens the veil between the physical and the spiritual so that a resurrection in our lives can be inaugurated. The keynote of this season is creation. It is the drive to move our lives upward, like a...
Feel the fullness~

Feel the fullness~

"Peace is my duty and the Sacred Changing Mother the land of my patriotism. Harmony is everywhere. I celebrate it. I trust the present. I trust the future...
Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

"Blessing is the act of recognizing that Spirit is coming through what we are witnessing or experiencing. It is recognizing and acknowledging the grand flow of Beingness that is present...
Get near the heart of the world~

Get near the heart of the world~

"As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens...
Stillness is a pleasure~

Stillness is a pleasure~

"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...
Send love~

Send love~

"Visualize people you love and send them love, light, healing, confidence, forgiveness, faith, strength, and prosperity. Send love and blessings to the whole earth..."
Open your heart map!

Open your heart map!

"Once we link our hearts in just a certain way, it will bring something alive that is the creative potential that we will create from. We are entering an age that we cannot create by ourselves. We must join as...
The time is now~

The time is now~

"You are being called into wakefulness...Ancient Skywalkers rise up. Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity. Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun!"
Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~

Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~

"Increase the life and love inside yourself" he advised and with complete relaxation, have faith and be inspired. "We are the children of the Earth. We are Beings of the Sun. We are light...We are the center points between the...
We are amidst a great transformation...

We are amidst a great transformation…

In our quest to evolve and in turn affect the collective, we need to remember that the process requires the amalgamation of the opposites within and without us. We can't just try to hold on to the light, we must...
You are opening your heart~

You are opening your heart~

"Think of your soul like a sun in your heart. Imagine you are sending your soul's love outward in ever-widening circles. Picture various friends and loved ones, and see the nourishing love of your soul touching them..."
Feel the great turning~

Feel the great turning~

"Feel the great turning, feel the change the new life runs through your blood like fire and all of nature rises with it greening, burgeoning, bursting into a flower...
Wisdom of the Elders calling for a fundamental shift in consciousness~

Wisdom of the Elders calling for a fundamental shift in consciousness~

"Our elders tell us that we have to do more than save what is left of our traditional homelands. We need to contribute to an overall change of that human-kind can begin to initiate strategies which will preserve and...
Earth and beyond: A view like no other~

Earth and beyond: A view like no other~

This is one of the most amazing gifts that technology can grant us. PERSPECTIVE. This view of our beautiful planet and the universe beyond it says it all. If you only we could all simultaneously tune in to this Reality,...
Woman and Earth are inseparable~

Woman and Earth are inseparable~

"Earth consciousness, woman consciousness; these two go together. Both play a stupendous role in the spirituality of humans as well as in the structure of civilizations....
The forest evolves as a whole~

The forest evolves as a whole~

"The redwood tree does not evolve as a separate species; rather the forest as a whole evolves, the interwoven lives of redwood and tanoak, huckleberry and salal, the mycorrhizal fungi in the soil below...
Welcome Autumn Equinox & Harvest Blessings~

Welcome Autumn Equinox & Harvest Blessings~

"It is a time of conscious selfhood, a time when we celebrate the building and strengthening of our inner life. In many cultures, the autumn time marks the beginning of a new year. The forces of nature are transiting with the...
The pathway is open~

The pathway is open~

"The pathway is open to you, it leads to the heart. There are many treasures to be found there. Spend more of your time away from the diversions of your culture and commune deeply with your land. You are of...
There are many paths to awareness~

There are many paths to awareness~

'There are channels of communication, ways of seeing, for which our very limited idea of reality has no vocabulary, and there is nothing 'supernatural' about these channels; they are natural attributes of mind that can be reopened...
Let love flow~

Let love flow~

" overwhelming amount of love started flowing into me, filling up the dark hole that threatened to consume me. I suddenly realized that what I was feeling was the love of the Earth, the love of Creation...
The Sparks Ignite~

The Sparks Ignite~

"There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air....On a personal level, the anticipation we are experiencing right now is showing up in a few different ways...
Dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth~

Dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth~

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone...
Something happening at last~

Something happening at last~

"In the darkness something was happening at last. A voice had begun to sing....
Call forth the sacredness of the Earth~

Call forth the sacredness of the Earth~

"There is a partnership, a communion between you and the land, between the land and you. This runs deep beneath the streets, deep beneath the buildings, deep throughout and beneath the seas. The earth is sacred....
The trees are our teachers~

The trees are our teachers~

"The trees are called Standing People because they are our teachers. They do not walk about like human beings, but they do hold the energy of the Earth and Sky. The roots of the trees go deep into our Mother...
Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

If you really want to know the inside story and be tuned to the larger shift that is occurring on the planet then watch this film. It brings to light the story of the contemporary Maya people in Mexico, Guatemala,...
Unity Consciousness~

Unity Consciousness~

  We are collectively moving into what the Mayans called the wave of “unity consciousness.” What this means is that within the collective mind, the idea of us as one “planet” is going to be pervasive. Before this time, we...
Connect with the Earth~

Connect with the Earth~

"From the beginning of time, humans lived their entire lives primarily in direct physical contact with the earth. Humans have insulated themselves from contact with the earth...
The brilliance your BODY contains~

The brilliance your BODY contains~

"Conditioning through life has dulled the awareness of the brilliance your bodies contain. Disregard for the body has broken the feminine heart. Perceived flaws, misgivings, and self-hatred pervade the feminine consciousness, and illness finds a home in your shattered bodies....
Trees are sanctuaries...

Trees are sanctuaries…

"Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do...
Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries TODAY March 30th, 2011

Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries TODAY March 30th, 2011

Here’s the low-down from the wonderful and insightful astrologer Dipali Desai: “Mercury shifts into retrograde motion, this time in the impulsive sign of Aries at 24 degrees which begins on March 30th, 2011 and finishes on April 23rd, 2011. The need...
All of nature is a friend and relative~

All of nature is a friend and relative~

"Indigenous wisdom is based on the experiential understanding of an inherent integrity to creation, and the human is part of that natural unity..."
Feel the ground~

Feel the ground~

"Let's have no blankets to sit on, but feel the ground with our bodies, the earth, the yielding shrubs. Let's have the grass for a mattress, experiencing its sharpness and its softness. Let us become like stones, plants and trees...
Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Spring Equinox!

“It is a day of balance between the Light and Darkness.  Ancient myths speak of the sorrow and despair, depression and loss of the Death aspect of the cycle of the year.   In our darkest hours, it often feels...
Prayers for Japan~~~~~

Prayers for Japan~~~~~

PRAYERS~~~ For our brothers and Sister in Japan~~~~~  For our Mother Earth  as she seeks to regain balance… May we all remember how blessed we are… How fragile our lives are… May we love and appreciate and be grateful for...
Cosmic gardening tips from the book Anastasia

Cosmic gardening tips from the book Anastasia

"Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe. Through the help of these data the seed knows the exact time, down to the millisecond, when it is to come alive, grow, what...


“How many of us have crystals in our possession? We all have crystals laying around. It is time for us to take them and embed our prayers into them. Our prayers of love and hope for the planet, our prayers...
Ode to Divine Mother~

Ode to Divine Mother~

Here is a video, an Ode to the Divine Mother that a beautiful sister from Turkey by name of Filiz Telek created. Words by the wonderful Clarissa Pinkola Estes....
These are powerful times~

These are powerful times~

We are living in powerful times. As the axis of our collective consciousness is leaning on the verge of a shift, we are being pulled, tugged and challenged to rise up to our true authentic natures. As we are challenged...