“It is a day of balance between the Light and Darkness.  Ancient myths speak of the sorrow and despair, depression and loss of the Death aspect of the cycle of the year.   In our darkest hours, it often feels as if Winter will stay forever and deny the return of Spring. Ancient myths also speak of this balance as a resurrection of the Light.   After the darkness and cold of Winter comes the warmth and Light of a new Spring. The rebirth of the solar year is upon us.
“Another element that makes this full Moon and Equinox so powerful is that Uranus, the planet of sudden change, of surprises, of awakening, of revolution, of freedom, has also just moved across the equator into the sign of Aries. The Sun will meet up with Uranus the next day, March 21st, radically changing our sense of identity.   This is the beginning of seven years that will wake up and shake up our sense of who we are and what we are capable of.   The Sun’s entry into Aries sets the tone for the whole year and its first act is to join up with Uranus.   Wow!   Radical changes are in store for all of us this year…”
By Cathy Lynn Pagano

