S O L S T I C E 2012
As we collectively begin to awaken and become more conscious of the energetic universe that we are a part of, we begin to feel the connectedness of everything. The illusion of the material world that we are separate, begins to lift and we begin to FEEL our way into a new reality. The way is through the heart. It is the opening, the portal that will bring us into alignment with our deepest self and with the world around us. 
As the Hopi elders reminded us, WE are the way. And so now let’s continue to walk and actualize the Real World of Spirit in this material world. Let’s blend Spirit with Matter and embody the wisdom we know to be true. Let’s see each other as reflections of the one self and let’s chose to embrace all the fragmented parts, all the unloved parts of our collective self into healing, with the heart and LOVE of the mother archetype and the Feminine principle.
With the Solstice as our mark point, we herald in a new era. We claim it to be so, because we assert it with our very being and existence. The powers that be do not dictate what Reality is, but rather the heart that beats in each one of us and in unison with the heart of the earth.
The Mayans believe we are the midpoints between the heart of the earth and the heart of the sky. It is on our hearts where they meet, where heaven and earth become one. In this meeting point of the heart, we activate, we blend our masculine and feminine energies into wholeness.
And so it is and so it be.
Drop into the heart. Inhale love, exhale limitations. 
On the Solstice VISUALIZE our beautiful planet glowing with white light. See the collective consciousness glowing, growing, elevating to heal the planet. SEE circular rainbows circling our planet as all the colors burst forth from the prism of the light we are emanating.
WE can do it! We are energy! With the power of our vibrations united and our visualizations we can bring this vision to life.  Let’s do this beautiful sisters of love, brothers of the light! I know you are feeling me on this. No more smallness. You are powerful beyond belief! Don’t doubt your Self! Awaken, embrace, connect with the Earth.
For our planet, for our childrens’s future!!! Let’s herald in this era with a new vision of peace.
Let’s be the warriors bringers of light! Let’s commit to peaceful action, peaceful thoughts, peaceful visions. 
Let’s see a collective vision of PEACE ON EARTH.
All together now!!!



First here are some words on the magic doorway that is the Sosltice,  from Dipali Desai and her website Celestial Space:
“From ancient times, the Solstice was considered to be a power point or portal of Spiritual energies flowing in onto the planet. In astrology, the Solstice is a marker or turning point in the astrological calendar.”
“This year, December 21st, 2012 we are standing on the edge of something big in Collective Consciousness. Whether you notice it or not it is happening all across the world. Life is changing and it is helpful to move along with it, which makes this Solstice point unique in nature…”
“The solstice of 2012 is bringing things to a completion in one way. Old way of life is ending and dissolving before everyone’s eyes. Walking through this symbolic doorway within Consciousness is important and beneficial. If you do so, consciously and with the appropriate alignment you can ignite the New Year 2013 with different approach.”
© Copyright 2012 “ Dipali Desai “ All Rights Reserved
Here is a quote from Carlos Barrios book, El Libro del Destino, The Book of Destiny, which I just discovered in english after having treasured my Spanish copy for years! Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq’ij, a ceremonial priest, shaman, and spiritual guide and member of the World Council of Mayan Elders:
“For the Maya, the famous date of December 21,2012, marks the beginning of the fifth cycle of 52,000 years called Job Ajaw, or the Fifth Sun. This…date is the beginning of a change in consciousness, a time when a new socioeconomic order will arise in harmony with Mother Earth.”
“Just as the world did not end in the year 2000 at the start of the new millennium, it won’t end with the advent of Job Ajaw in 2012….”
“December 21,2012 is the pivotal date everyone has heard of. According to our tradition, this is the period of Job Ajaw, or the Fifth sun, is expected to begin. This period is of great importance because it will be a time when humans ascend to a harmonious spiritual level.”
“This 5, 200 year cycle begins in the year 2012. It is important to note that neither the Feminine nor the masculine will be supreme, but that the two energies will be equally balanced. The two will support one another, and the qualities in one will elevate the qualities in the other.”
“…It is important to know that things will not change automatically on this date….”
“Humanity’s destiny depends on our reaction to the events we are experiencing now, our growing awareness, our seriousness, our ability to learn, and the action we take…”
“We are in desperate need of this change. This is our opportunity—it is our responsibility—to elevate Mother Earth to a higher plane within the cosmic order!”
© Copyright 2009  Carlos Barrios All Rights Reserved
To read more about what the Mayan Elders have said about this day read this post here. Here is a sumup of the various other cultures pointing to the magic of this day from Mariela Maya and her website MayaKin:
“How exciting times we are living in filled with synchronicities and great opportunities of profound planetary and individual transformation! In addition to the Mayans, ancient prophecies from different cultures and continents coincide in referring to this period of time as the Dawn of a New Era.”
“Expressing it in various ways, they all give a similar message. As an example, the Inca prophecy of Taripay Pacha, meaning in Quechua ‘The Age of meeting ourselves again’ and the Hopi’s ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!’ At the same time, they all concur with the Age of Aquarius inviting us to create a heart-centered life of oneness and harmony among all living beings.”
“The Prophecy of the Condor and The Eagle beautifully serves as a synthesis: the reunion of the condor and the eagle flying together in the sky. The Condor represents the heart and intuition. The Eagle represents the mind and logic. Both flying together symbolizes unity and ultimate integration of polarities; balance between the feminine and masculine energies; union of spirit and matter and the visible and invisible realms of existence. North, South, East and West living in harmony in a united world!”
“Among others, many relate to these times Great Awakening as a sacred period of Ascension and evolution of consciousness, transition to elevated vibrations in fifth dimension and telepathy, reprogramming and activation of our DNA, awakening of the Goddess and the divine feminine, the return of Quetzalcoatl or Feathered Serpent…”
“Independently of our personal beliefs, this crossroads is undoubtedly experienced by most as the acceleration of times and increasing intensity. While the old is falling and the new emerging, apparent chaos creates uncertainty and discomfort. Higher frequencies are affecting all of us one way or another, as we are trying to physically, mentally and emotionally adjust to these new vibrations.”
These auspicious times are inviting us to shift our perception by releasing old behavioral patterns and that no longer serve us and plant luminous seeds that will germinate in new realities and ways of being in our beautiful planet!
“…Mother Earth has been out of balance for a long time, while humanity has been living separated from nature’s cycles and its spiritual essence. It is time to re-connect with the Source and Web of Life, embracing our interconnectedness with all existence and remembering who we truly are and why we are here.”
© 2010 – 2012 MayanKin. All rights reserved
Lastly, here is some interesting info on this galactic alignment that everyone is speaking of. Thomas Razetto says that this galactic alignment is actually not so rare and that it happens one a year but according to him it only happens on the Solstice every 26,000 years. Here are some key excepts from his essay “The Actual Astronomy of 2012 and the Sacred Triple Rebirth of the Sun.”:


“In the above screenshot, we see that the sun will be in the middle of the dark rift, the Maya birth canal, on the day of the winter solstice…We also see that there are four planets forming the horizontal crossbar of the sacred tree and the sun is virtually exactly in the middle of these planets. This is also quite significant as to why the Maya picked this exact day to restart their calendar…”
We will be using the viewpoint of Izapa, Mexico, the birthplace of the Maya Long Count calendar. (Central time) I think that it is crucial to investigate 2012 from the viewpoint of the Maya themselves but this point is often overlooked by other researchers. Yes, the actual location of the Maya on the surface of the earth is important when examining the astronomy and in addition to that, their cultural viewpoint is also very important. Both the calendar and the Maya’s timeless metaphorical stories about transformation and rebirth have an astronomical basis to them and this is why understanding the astronomy can be so helpful.”
“…And one of the strongest points that I want to make is that as far as mainstream astronomy goes, the earth is in no danger whatsoever. We are not going to fall into a black hole or be inundated with a high level of cosmic rays. The slow change of the angle of the axis of the earth with respect to the center of the galaxy will have no ill effects. As far as Mother Nature goes, it will be business as usual. The sun will continue to shine, the earth will continue to spin and the four seasons will continue to transform from one into another.”
“…The important point is that once a year, the earth orbits into the special position that creates the galactic alignment and once every 26,000 years, this happens at virtually the same moment as the winter solstice. This was the case in 1998 as shown by the work of Belgium astronomer Jean Meeus.”
“…As you may know, the Maya used several different calendars for business, social, scientific, and religious purposes. It is their Long Count calendar, which is over five thousand years long, that is restarting on December 21, 2012. I want to point out that many researchers say that the Long Count calendar ends on that date, rather than restarts on it. Yet after careful analysis, it is clear to me that that date marks the birth of a new calendar cycle…”
What Will Actually Happen on December 21, 2012
“Venus will start things off by rising above the horizon at 4:46 AM. It will be extremely easy to see in the black predawn sky and it will lead the sacred tree on its journey across the sky throughout this special day. The fact that Venus will rise before the sun should not be taken lightly with regards to the question of why the Maya picked 2012…The Maya were so concerned about Venus that they could even predict when it would pass as a black dot across the face of the sun. This is called a Venus transit and there… (was) one in June 2012.”
“Now, let’s get back to the unfolding of the day. At 5:11 AM, the moment of the winter solstice will arrive and the sun will be reborn with the days becoming longer. Mercury will rise at 5:23 AM and it will be visible even with dawn’s increasing light. It will be the second object on the sacred tree.”
“Next, the sun will enter our world with a blaze of color at 6:29 AM to become the most important object on the sacred tree. Obviously, by this time, the sky will be so bright that both Mercury and Venus will be obscured from view but nonetheless, they will continue their journey across the sky. Pluto, which is never visible to the naked eye, will rise at 7:03 AM and finally Mars will rise at 8:24 AM, making it the last object on the sacred tree. Notice that the sun will rise 103 minutes after Venus and that Mars will rise 115 minutes after the sun. This means that the sun will be close to the middle of these two planets!”
“A few hours later, at 10:05 AM, the center of the sun will be exactly on the galactic equator. This is the galactic alignment of 2012 and the peak of the celestial love making! This is the moment of cosmic orgasms!”
“…The next moment that I want to present is the moment when sacred tree is at its highest point of the day. It is at this time that the sacred tree is properly oriented in the sky over the Maya. The sun and the four planets are virtually exactly horizontal….”
“The sacred tree is in the Maya folklore and other cultures around the world also concern themselves with it. It has several names such as the sacred cross,the tree of life, the sacred tree of life,and the world tree. The Maya sacred tree has been shown to be an astronomical reference to the cross made by the galactic equator and the ecliptic near the center of the galaxy. (The ecliptic is the path of the sun, as seen from earth.) It is important to note that the sacred tree is part of the fixed background of the stars; its shape and location with respect to the other stars never change.”
“…We should also consider the location of the center of the galaxy, the Maya womb of creation. On this day, at this time, it is at the bottom acting as the source, the root system, of the sacred tree. So everything comes forth from the source into our world of duality! What a beautiful metaphor! This makes much more sense than the false yet often repeated statement that the sun will be on top of the center of the galaxy on this special day. When we look at the configuration at mid-day – the moment of the sun’s greatest strength – we have the sacred tree being exhibited in an extremely interesting way. When we consider the sun’s presence in the middle of the dark rift while it is also in the middle of these four planets, I think we have found something that is quite remarkable!”
© Copyright 2008 by Thomas Razzeto
So regardless of whether this alignment is “rare,” or whether the calendar date is actually on December 21st, one thing is for sure, we have on this day an opportunity to unite our intentions for the greater good of all!
We have the opportunity to align our thoughts and vibrations with others who wish the same for our planet. Let’s step through this SOLSTICE doorway and together enter a new time when harmony is the most essential thing!
It is up to us. It is happening. Keep holding that vision of peace!
Peace and Blessings to our beautiful Earth and all its inhabitants!




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