Posts tagged "heart"

Kaypacha Astrology Report: There’s no escape from consciousness~
Mantra: "There’s no escape from consciousness, I can no longer stay asleep, Without a rude awakening, To keep me on my feet."

Honor your truth~
"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."

Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!
"This New Moon is truly a new birth. It is energetically connected to the on-going Pluto-Uranus square, the womb of evolution that is presently shaking and re-shaping our planetary life. We are living in such important times...

You are a part of it~
"Beyond the cackling of the birds and all the fighting, and all the noise- What else is there? The oak tree's heart, which says: Glory is. Wholeness is. And unavoidably, my dear, you are part of it..."

Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report: Stand up tall and straight~
Mantra: "I feel that Life is upping the stakes, Just to see what it will take, To get me to stand up tall and straight."

Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~
"This week the asteroid Juno conjuncts Neptune, forming a Grand Trine in Water with the North Node and Black Moon Lilith. Here we see reflected the fragility and transience of human life contrasted with the enduring quality of the Divine.......

NEW MOON in Libra October 4th 2013~
"The Libra New Moon on October 4 is a potent New Moon. In fact, this could be the most powerful New Moon in 2013...

Cultivate a quality of grace~
"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."

Nurture yourself~
"One must take time to retreat to be nourished and rejuvenate before creativity can begin again. Make sure you are nurturing yourself and feeding your own light. Think about what this means to you and how you can best...

NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~
"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...

Awaken your connectedness within the web~
"Spending time alone in the wilds bring the magic of deepening perception. Awareness tunes to subtleties of sound, light, fragrance, texture, detail...

Claim your heart~
"Don't wait another minute. Claim your heart, and claim your glory. You have all you need. Bless other women. Do not tear them down. Remember they are you--your sisters, teachers, mothers, daughters....

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!
"This is one of the most powerful weeks to enjoy, let loose, and free your spirit. It is time to celebrate the growth that began last January...

Feel the difference between being magnetic to love and working hard for love~
"When you are magnetic to love you stop doing things you do not want to do so others will love you. Instead you do things that are loving to yourself...

Surrendering the Personal & Learning how to Love : Tom Lescher astrological insights~
Key notes are "Personal stuff is getting challenged >>> into Surrender. We are awakening to our spiritual humanity that is satisfying and gratifying and fulfilling just as much, if not more more than just the personal!"

You are brave~
"The truth is that meaningful change is a process. It can be uncomfortable and is often risky, especially when we're talking about embracing our imperfections, cultivating authenticity, and looking the world in the eye and saying, 'I am enough...

Use every moment to see more clearly~
"Our path, our sense of spirituality, demands great earnestness, dedication, sincerity, and continuity, but it is not intended to be a strained, hectic, or tortured pursuit. Above all, it is meant to be our own..."

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~
"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...

Even in the struggle, you are loved~
"Even in the struggle, you are loved. You are being loved not in spite of the hardship, but through it. The thing you see as wrenching, intolerable, life's attack on you, is an expression of love..."

Live creatively~
"Imagination is the force that pulls your physical, emotional, and mental energies into dynamic harmony, giving wings to your soul...

Let us come together~
"Let us come together, let us sing together. Let us come to know our minds together. Let us share, like sages of the past, that all people together may enjoy the universe...

Become unbound~
"The Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is anahata, which means 'unbound.' It refers to how we become free from the material measures of success. Money, automobiles, fame and fortune cease being the measurements of achievement...

Great currents flow through us~
"We are not cut off, we are not isolated points; the great currents flow through us and over us and around us, and unite us to the whole of nature...

Sing, speak for the land; speak for the wild~
"Your wing is iridescent, pearly as the moon. It catches the wind and shines with its own light. Raise it high and proud; dance with it under the moonlight. Flaunt it. Admire its beauty. Cherish it. For what sets you...

Tap into your own intuitive energy~
"Finding your Medicine means tapping into your own intuitive energy and listening to it. All too often, we are taught to think and not to feel, when in fact we can do both, and in doing so, we open ourselves...

You are opening your heart~
"Think of your soul like a sun in your heart. Imagine you are sending your soul's love outward in ever-widening circles. Picture various friends and loved ones, and see the nourishing love of your soul touching them..."

The law of love will work~
"The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work, whether we accept it or not. The more I work at this law, the more I feel the delight in life...

Guidance comes when you ask for it~
"Guidance comes faster and is clearer when you ask for it. Asking is an accelerated way to invite wisdom and grace to flow through you. The key is to be open and receptive...

The pathway is open~
"The pathway is open to you, it leads to the heart. There are many treasures to be found there. Spend more of your time away from the diversions of your culture and commune deeply with your land. You are of...

Trust these things~
"to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space...

There are many paths to awareness~
'There are channels of communication, ways of seeing, for which our very limited idea of reality has no vocabulary, and there is nothing 'supernatural' about these channels; they are natural attributes of mind that can be reopened...

Be a free spirit~
"We dance to shed skins, tear off masks, crack molds, and experience the breakdown the shattering of borders between body, heart and mind, between genders and generations, between nations and nomads...

Trust yourself~
"Trust yourself, trust your natural response to each new situation. The action arising from your heart...

"You understand the essence of beauty. You are 'woman' and you are meant to express this gift. This is something to revel in. It is not the same as vanity. This is an expression of the divine beauty within you...