“One must take time to retreat to be nourished and rejuvenate before creativity can begin again. Make sure you are nurturing yourself and feeding your own light. Think about what this means to you and how you can best nurture your own ‘shine.’
“Think of yourself as a growing plant. A plant puts forth beautiful blooms when it has the energy to do so. The more it is fed, the less energy it needs for growth. If at any point your growth requires too much effort, try to find the needed nourishment.
“If a plant does not rest and receive nourishment after blooming, the next bloom will be small or withered. This is your responsibility.
“The river of life will take you to many places, but you must feed yourself along the way.
“Don’t expect to be on, creative, and productive all the time. This is not natural; and doesn’t support healthy growth.
“Remember the nature of the human soul is to nurture the earth. You must learn how your own light needs to be nourished and supported, so you can be a caretaker of the earth.”
~Sandra Ingerman from Medicine for the Earth
Kathie Jaskolski says:
Sep 11, 2013
Thank you….I’ve overwhelm in almost every area of my life recently….trying to keep going and keep up. I love this invitation to nurture self and have radical faith that in caring for self, all else will bloom1
Daisy says:
Sep 11, 2013
This is talking directly to me. My name is Daisy so when I read the title “Nurture Yourself~ then looked at the picture of the daisies! Nurture Your Self Daisy… sigh, yes, I will. Thank you. Namaste’
Elisa Lipton @ Beach Girl Abroad says:
Sep 12, 2013
giving myself some much needed hermit time after a period of being “on”. thanks!
Deb says:
Sep 12, 2013
Thank you.
How apt that I should read this beautiful piece, now.
Annais says:
Sep 13, 2013
to think of myself as a growing plant. oh yes. that visual. the idea of blooming. sigh.
sami ulla kakar says:
Sep 13, 2013
Not dute natural beautiy is some thing else but
the beautiy of heart is called the real beauty so when
ever we juge some one by his good behaver that will
be also the real beauty of that person.
Sheena says:
Sep 15, 2013
Thank you. Poignant and SO true.
Barb says:
Jan 21, 2014
Creativity….lets us express who we are!
Julezbake says:
May 8, 2014
Should we expect more than a flower does? To be born, to grow, and to die? And yet we all search endlessly for a REASON. A flower cannot ask why. It simply pushes the stone towards the sun. Vulturous aphids eating at its leaves. – krc
Just seemed also fitting.
CB Twelve says:
Jun 23, 2014
We are plants. The Human Plant. So we need to do more than think of ourselves as a plant. We need to understand that we are plants and are a part of the big Garden. We are motile plants in the big Garden.
Jess says:
Jun 25, 2014
It is so incredible to me how the wisdom that I need to hear always appears here at the perfect moment! Thank you for sharing such goodness!!