Posts tagged "spiritual journey"
NEW MOON in Capricorn December 30th 2024~
we have a potent NEW MOON rising in CAPRICORN on 12.30 right before the beginning of the New Year...
: soul guidance : Mercury Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS 11.25.24~
the SUN has entered SAGITTARIUS bringing in new winds to lift our wings! we are at the beginning of a brand new era...
FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~
Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Taurus November 8th 2022~
SUN and MOON (our star crossed lovers) align with EARTH, same orbital plane, she turns red...
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~
She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....
FULL MOON in Taurus November 12th 2019~
Taurus Full Moon activates our feminine energies reminding us of this love that returns to us when we come home to ourselves...
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 31st to November 20th 2019~
Mercury went Retrograde in SCORPIO October 31st and onward we deepen into our spiraling transformations. Scorpio brings her regenerating wisdom and calls us to journey deep within our heart cave...
NEW MOON in Libra September 28th 2019~
NEW MOON in LIBRA is upon us, and the recent turning of the wheels with the EQUINOX has brought an intensification of feeling what is out of balance.
Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~
"Living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen. Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system...
MERCURY goes Direct! July 31st 2019~
Robert Wilkinson says "Reflect on recent redirection of energies... take a new look at what you’re heart’s into, and how to express what you really care about in playful or creative ways...."
Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 7th to July 31st 2019~
We are in the portal of the portal my friends... Mercury has gone Retrograde in LEO and we are evermore deepening into the awakening of our hearts and opening to living a more creatively expressive life....
FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~
This Full Moon in Libra brings us to the precipice, initiating trust in our evolutionary hearts as we step through the alchemical ring of fire...
FULL MOON in Taurus October 24th 2018~
Growth happens in the subtle spaces, beneath the Earth, before we can see any evidence of any new beginnings. Deep down inside, there are changes occurring...
Weekly Astrological Guidance: There is an intrinsic order to life~
Mantra: "There is an intrinsic order to life, Call it destiny or fate, And the sooner I accept my role, The greater impact I'll make.
Weekly Astrological Guidance: Whole world is a mirror~
Mantra: "The whole world is a mirror, Showing me who I am, And what is most important to me, I will see in the end."
VENUS enters Libra August 6th until September 9th 2018~
Sarah Varcas says, "Venus in Libra encourages us to expand the heart and embrace difference rather than harden around it....
The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~
Lena Stevens shares, "August is a complex month supporting you to think outside the box. We have an opportunity for new creative insights...
Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 26th 2018~
Robert Wilkinson says, "This is a time when we can examine the effect that our subconscious mind and/or the Collective Unconscious has upon us..."
NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~
*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution. Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating......
The theme for February 2018 is UNFOLDING~
Lena Stevens from The Power Path says, "This month we examine our relationship with time, with impatience, with the masculine willful part of ourselves that always wants to push things through and make things happen.."
Feel the open door~
"Sense or feel the open door, the one that offers you ease, that welcomes you to a new homecoming...
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Feeling my strength as my roots run deep~
Mantra: "Like an old oak tree in the forest, on a very windy day, My leaves and branches get tossed about, some even falling away, I stay here centered in my core, while all around me swirls, Feeling my strength...
FULL MOON in Taurus November 3rd – 4th 2017~
Grandmother Moon rises to her fullness on November 3rd / 4th in Taurus bringing in a time of illumination and releasing into the now...
NEW MOON in Libra October 19th 2017~
The archetype of Libra, who is ruled by Venus, brings us the gift of right relationship. She dances within the continuum of me and we. She sways with the wind knowing that there is always an exchange occurring...
Theme for June 2017 is REALITY CHECK!
Lena Stevens from The Power says "It is a month of paying attention to the signs, of acceptance of what is and what is showing up, of choosing your own reality vs the reality of others...
Astral Insights July – September 2016 by Sarah Varcas: Heart Centered Rebellion~
"These are times of opportunity, when we can change the course of so much and challenge, like never before, the status quo of inequalities and power differentials, oppression, exploitation and deception..."
Kaypacha Report: Love truly is the answer~
Mantra: "Love truly is the answer, Whenever I'm in doubt. It is the reason why I'm here, And what its all about."
2016 Year of the Fire Monkey begins!
"Open up to the expansive Yang year of the amazing Fire Monkey! We have another 'big shift' year ahead. Switching from yin to yang...
Kaypacha Report: In my Spirit Self there is no loss or gain~
Mantra: "When I am in my Spirit Self, There is no loss or gain, My fears disperse as I liberate, And am free to fly again."
FULL MOON (SuperMoon) in Taurus October 27th 2015~
FULL MOON and another SuperMoon is here on October 27th in earthy Taurus reminding us to ground ourselves in our connection to Mamma Earth and align ourselves with what we truly love...
Astrology for September 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Be Life~
"Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and Venus completing its retrograde journey...
Kaypacha Report: Like the phoenix from the ashes I know I shall rise~
Mantra: "My ego is the sword in the blacksmith's fire, Being heated and hammered by Spirit's desire. As soon as I fathom where my truth lies, Like the phoenix from the ashes I know I shall rise."
NEW MOON in Aries April 18th 2015~
*NEW MOON* in ARIES brings us fresh winds of inspiration and courage to persevere. A wonderful Moon to reflect on recent happenings so we can clearly see, bless our past, and move forward in continuing to build the road beneath...
Kaypacha Report: I must first change me~
Mantra: "It's one thing to know, Another to see, But to change the world, I must first change me."
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Pisces + EQUINOX March 20th 2015~
Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of...
Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~
Mantra: "It's time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self, To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well."
Kaypacha Report: I get in touch with the part of my heart~
Mantra: "When I show my truth, Without giving a reason, I get in touch with the part of my heart, That’s not bound by time, space, or season."
Kaypacha Report: Everyone has their day in the Sun~
Mantra: "As I discover more self worth, It’s good to keep in mind, That everyone has their day in the Sun, But together we shine Divine."
Kaypacha Report: I am now powerful, upright, and strong~
Mantra: "I am now powerful, upright, and strong, Expressing a truth that is mine alone, Not posing and posting so as to be seen, But opening like a rose blooming in spring."
Astral Insights for July 2014~
"Those who can see to the core of things, knowing what the essentials are while preparing to move forward after pruning off excess whatever, will soon find their lives springing forward dramatically..."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: I open my heart to love all that is~
Mantra: "Beneath the surface so full of tension, contradiction, opposition, and miscommunication,
There are watery realms of deep feeling and bliss,where I open my heart to love all that is."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: There’s no escape from consciousness~
Mantra: "There’s no escape from consciousness, I can no longer stay asleep, Without a rude awakening, To keep me on my feet."
Mercury goes Retrograde June 7th 2014~
"Like Hawk, whose medicine is akin to Mercury the “Messenger of the Gods,” we are reminded to soar higher to see the bigger picture. It’s a perfect period to re-think, research, dream, and prepare...
Recall the transformations you have known~
“See the gaps were you have bled and take the stitches from your closed wounds weaving them into a mantle that you wear for your morning and evening prayer..."
Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~
"The secret to designing our lives from the creative center is to reestablish our connection not only to the feminine, but to the feminine-masculine alignment. We must recognize where we forgo the feminine and over-access the masculine mode of doing....
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 14th 2014~
"Like a snake shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each to shed the layers that are ready thus bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge....
Living with Divine Discomfort~
Sarah Varcas says, "This weekend an opposition from Saturn to the Sun and a semi-sextile from Venus to Neptune remind us that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to simply let it go unsolved, to live with...
Happy Eclipse NEW MOON in Taurus April 28-29th 2014!
The Solar Eclipse | New Moon in Taurus brings us an opportunity to settle in and ground the energies that have been unearthed during this recent portal of transformation...
Grounding the Cardinal Cross~
Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...
Unlearn the lies and become the real you~
"It's time to come back from the world of illusion, the world of lies, and return to your own truth, to your own authenticity. It's time to unlearn the lies and become the real you...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Stand my ground~
Mantra: "The eternal dance between Life and Death, Calls me to stand my ground, Create, Expand, and Express myself, Or give up and be taken down."
Honor your truth~
"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."
Grand Cross April 2014: Astral Insights~
"If there’s friction, it’s due to an imbalance that needs correction, or perhaps a new perspective to restore harmony and equilibrium...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: An Inner Truth I must now express~
Mantra: "If my life is full of drama, Shocks, surprises or emotional trauma, I know I’ve avoided, denied or suppressed, An Inner Truth I must now express."
The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~
Lena Stevens says: "This is an amazing time with incredible power available. It is intense and robust both in its lessons and challenges, and in its tremendous opportunity for growth, expansion and empowerment..."
Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!
"This New Moon is truly a new birth. It is energetically connected to the on-going Pluto-Uranus square, the womb of evolution that is presently shaking and re-shaping our planetary life. We are living in such important times...
Kaypacha’s Astrology Report: It’s my job to know~
Mantra: "If I am to be a co-creator, It’s my job to know, What to water, when and how, to regulate the flow."
Happy FULL MOON in Virgo March 16th 2014!
FULL MOON is here bringing lots of illumination of what has been in the shadows. As we move toward the Equinox we are reminded to find our balance and hold steady. Remember who you are, stay in your heart and...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Open my heartmind and learn a new lesson~
"It can be hard to see that I have been wrong, Be told to sing a different song,
I can get angry and go into victim, Or open my heartmind and learn a new lesson."
You are a part of it~
"Beyond the cackling of the birds and all the fighting, and all the noise- What else is there? The oak tree's heart, which says: Glory is. Wholeness is. And unavoidably, my dear, you are part of it..."
Kaypacha weekly astrology: My soul’s purpose I must find~
Mantra for the week: "Death as my constant companion, Like grief is here to remind, That beneath the surface of everyday life, My soul’s purpose I must find, in time."
Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~
"There's a lot of between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place energy right now, and cosmic stress. What I note here is that Pisces has the secret to softening and dissolving what seems like it's hopeless....
Create your world in love~
"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~
Lena Stevens says: "We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will...
Look for the gifts within your relationships~
"Discover the loom of reality that is intricately woven in relationship...Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance...
Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~
"This week the asteroid Juno conjuncts Neptune, forming a Grand Trine in Water with the North Node and Black Moon Lilith. Here we see reflected the fragility and transience of human life contrasted with the enduring quality of the Divine.......
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~
The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~
Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...
FULL MOON in Taurus November 17th 2013~
"The Taurus Full Moon on November 17 is shining the light on what you love and value. When your goals are aligned with your core values, your success is promoted. Your power is in the choices you make today...
Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Aligning with Values~
"Like an insect trapped in a spider’s web
I only have so much time.
The value and meaning of my life,
Death urges me to find."
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~
"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
The theme for November 2013 is Discipline~
Lena Stevens says: "DISCIPLINE this month will be for committing to your new intentions, not taking things personally, following through with determination, setting daily practices and continuing forward despite difficulty, doubt and obstacles.
SOLAR ECLIPSE – NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~
"The Solar Eclipse symbolizes ‘light of awareness’ and new beginnings in astrology. They are considered to be major turning points and open doorways for opportunities. So consider this New Moon phase intensely energized to be empowered, trust in new ways......