Here is the energetic theme for November 2013 from the wonderful Lena Stevens and The Power
“Many of you are still in the throws of October’s letting go and reset themes. But what follows is the need for discipline in order to continue on and anchor whatever is being reset.
“DISCIPLINE this month will be for committing to your new intentions, not taking things personally, following through with determination, setting daily practices and continuing forward despite difficulty, doubt and obstacles.
“You will need to be present and paying close attention, watching your boundaries and telling the truth to yourself and others about what is in your heart.
“This is truly a time of transformation and there is much that ruthlessly supports this incredible time of change. It is uncomfortable, can be confusing and chaotic, and will test you to your limits. Is it all worth it? You bet. Who would not want to emerge a butterfly from the caterpillar? But first you must experience digesting yourself.
“There is children’s story of the little engine that could. All of us are the little engine and need to adopt the ‘yes I can’ attitude instead of wimping out when the going gets tough. This is a rather ruthless month that does not allow you to feel sorry for yourself for very long.
“There is a real opportunity for a bid for power through your own disciplines should you choose to step up. All martyrdom needs to be eliminated as well as procrastination, self-doubt and the attachment to worry. We must be disciplined against these low frequency behaviors and beliefs as much as being disciplined towards high frequency practices and intentions.
“Engaging the moving center is also crucial this month, as it will help to keep things moving in the right direction when you feel stuck. The physical body, especially the bones and joints, are likely to have a tough time as you go through the release and regrouping of patterns.
“Exercise will help even if you don’t feel like it. For some of you this will be a real discipline as the month could breed depression, anxiety and despair leading to lethargy and a lack of motivation. Many of you have the moving center in the balance position and you know you always feel better after having engaged it.
“Boundaries are another big theme this month and it will require discipline to reinforce your boundaries against other people’s negativity and your own negative reactions. This does not mean repressing your energy. It means learning to move it into appropriate channels that will better serve you.
“For example if you react or experience anger, rage, irritability or frustration, with discipline this can be rechanneled into high levels of creativity, inspiration and right action. The energy this month is highly charged, very masculine and supportive to great productivity and movement…”
“The break down and reset of October has landed us in the place of the unknown. We sort of know where we are going but we have no clue as to how we are going to get there or what the outcome will be.
“The good news is that you do not have to know as spirit knows and that is what’s important. So the discipline is to trust spirit and to be OK with not knowing.
“All that is required of you is to put one foot in front of the other, keep your boundaries, be disciplined against distractions of anything you know in your heart is not serving you, and to tell the truth to yourself and others.
“Whatever has not fallen apart or gone through a major change in October that still needs to will harness the charged energy of November for support. Resistance is futile.
“The only thing that will get you through is to embrace what is coming much like preparing to ride a huge rapid on a river. You can either do it with fear and trepidation or with exhilarated enthusiasm and excitement trusting spirit as your boat and your guide.
“It is time to rewrite your personal rules of how the universe works for you. This will be a good month to examine the rules you have in your life (conscious and unconscious) and rewrite the ones that no longer serve you. You may not even be aware of some of the rules that have been playing themselves out and providing you with exactly what you expect. Changing them will require being present, paying attention and being disciplined.”
“Opportunities this month:
Rewrite your rules
Be highly productive
Permanently change old patterns
Adopt new habits and good daily practices
Step into a higher level of functioning
Emerge with a new energy and belief system
Strengthen your boundaries
Move through personal limitations and obstacles like never before
Strengthen trust in your heart
Clean house of the old baggage“Challenges and things to watch for:
“Letting go of old attachments
Losing your center through poor boundaries
Succumbing to Martyrdom and blame
Impatience and irritability
Depression and despair
Giving up in a negative way
Over analyzing and obsessive hyper vigilance
Fear and believing the illusion
Feeling stuck, limited and disempowered“YOU PERSONALLY
“This is a highly charged month for personal growth, meaning that some days you will feel on top of things and other days you will feel like you have regressed to the age of 2. The instinctive center is getting a real clean out and we are still somewhat under the influence of October’s theme of resetting our operating system to that of one that serves us better.
“The process however is uncomfortable and inspiring at the same time. Just know that his is a month of ups and downs and that it is important to stay out of judgment and be neutral, as what feels like failure one day will feel like success the next.
“You may go through periods of time where you really don’t know who you are any more and the only clues you have are your own reactions to things. Remember the discipline of keeping a ‘don’t know mind’ and give spirit lots of leeway for providing right timing.
“This is an excellent month to study your own relationship with discipline and what it means to you. You know where you are undisciplined and this month you may have the opportunity to discover why and to change the pattern. Discipline around tasks and action is easier to track than energetic discipline so you may start with looking at the more concrete aspect of your life.
“You have much support this month to turn the caterpillar into a butterfly. It is just going to require sticking to the program of discipline, being present, and trusting in spirit.
“Choices, boundaries and discipline all play a part in relationship issues this month. The first question to ask yourself is, ‘what have I been putting up with?’ and then. ‘What am I going to do about it?’
“Taking responsibility for what you have been putting up with will be part of the discipline of the month. Then taking responsibility for ways that you have not shown up in relationships that are important to you will also be necessary.
“Relationships always go through growing pains during times of change and the discipline this month is in taking responsibility for your part in any relationship dynamic that needs to or that is going through a change.
“If you are initiating change based on needing to shift something, stay out of blame and judgment of others. If you are at the effect of a shift due to another’s need for change, don’t take it personally, stay out of Martyrdom and take responsibility for your personal reactions.
“You have the opportunity to end up at the end of the month having done some good house cleaning around relationships that do not serve you as well as forming some good practices around giving more to relationships that are important to you.
“Remember that if you are putting up with something that does not feel good, it is your choice and you always have the ability to change it.
“The discipline around the environment is to continue to pay attention to your own personal environment, as it is a symbol of the greater environment. Keeping a certain order to it will always help you manage and deal with any chaos you may feel towards what is happening in the greater environment…”
“Working with what we can control always settles the instinctive center and brings us a sense of order even in the chaos of change…cleaning out the old, repotting plants that need it, trimming and weeding, making repairs, dealing with what you have been procrastinating for years, redecorating, and shifting and changing the energy to accommodate a new frequency.”
“Heated discussions, change, unexpected discoveries, uncovering truth, conflict, unexpected cooperation are all part of what you may expect this month in looking at global issues. Unpredictability is the norm no matter what the experts say.
“Your job is to be disciplined about how you allow disturbing news to affect you and what boundaries you place around your own beliefs about how the world ‘could’ be. Don’t take anything at face value and see everything as a work in progress.
“The whole planet is in a giant birth canal, under the stress of unknown survival, not knowing how long the process will take or what the outcome will be. Just as in birth, there is no going back. And just as in birth, a new life changes everything.
“So keep reminding yourself of the birth and the excitement of new life even while experiencing the pains of the process…”
© Copyright 2013 ~Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved
If you want more Lena Stevens offer an additional Mp3 for $4.99 on her website here.
Infinite Blessings~
gratitude for your support ❤

flossy says:
Nov 2, 2013
Please MM how long is this transformation set to go on for? How many months October took me to breaking point and I don’t know that I can or want to go through yet another month of heartache and pain, enough please I’m begging you, is it another two, three, six months? The past twelve months have been so exhausting surely there must be an end insight? Because despite your reassurances this is for the better its still a very unsettling and extremely painful process with no respite.
mm says:
Nov 3, 2013
Dear FLOSSY~ growth and transformation are an on-going process. It’s part of the journey of Life, but it doesn’t all have to be painful. What makes all the difference is our outlook and our response. We have a choice as to how we react in every moment to any situation and how we interpret the events in our lives. We are not powerless. I would encourage you to opt for a more empowered story to carry you through. Strip away all the beliefs that are disempowering you and connect directly with Source. Spend time in nature, it will ground you and soothe you and practice lots of self-care and self-love. Blessings to you~~~
Bethanne says:
Nov 10, 2013
Beautiful response, agreed! Thank you for shining your light.
Nov 3, 2013
OH. My. Gosh. Flossy!!!!! I’m kinda with YOU! LOL! I’m laughing cuz I have to. But it’s sorta like a comedy of errors type comedy. So much just keeps seeming to go soooo wrong-lol! (but I see some right stuff too luckily!) I can see the changes. And yes I trust that it will all be ok. And it’s not ALWAYS horrible. Ha! But DANG! It has been challenging! I feel like we are at base camp on a very long climb up. We hiked in from God knows where and FINALLY we are at base camp already exhausted. And us newbies are looking around at the more experienced, and the guides and saying, “WTH?”. Buuuuuut, What else can you do but keep going? You came along this far. It’s just as much a bitch to go back at this point, and at least you can connect with guides and others who are stronger and more experienced in the group. Hang in there Flossy! Find a mentor or buddy to call up or do coffee with thru all this. It’ll help. I do. And I get Reiki! Man does that stuff help me!!!!! We all need a teacher, mentor, or intuitive friend to talk it out over coffee. LOL! I keep hearing that sing/song chant in my head that Dory from the movie Finding Nemo does, “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Swimming, swimming,” Just keep going..going going going… My prayers to you Flossy. And a hug.
Wendywren says:
Nov 3, 2013
What a thorough reading, Mystic Mamma! This is a painful process for me, too, and I relate to the other readers who commented. I’m in tears this morning but so thankful for wonderful, caring teachers/guides and compassionate others. We’re gonna make it!
Deborah says:
Nov 4, 2013
MM right on! As my old beliefs leave and new ones emerge, I find support in using the new and being vigilant to let go of the old. It(the old), is familiar like a warm fuzzy that has porcupine sticks. Let go and the new warm fuzzy is even warmer and fuzzy without the prickels. Yes, it feels like the rapids but for us impatient souls its exhilarating and cleansing as quickly as we allow it to.
Heartfelt Gratitude for your insight and sharing!
johnnyTee says:
Nov 4, 2013
I am so very grateful to have found this article. I have felt amazingly energized since the 1st of the month. I have been able to continue with my exercise regiment, and after reading the article have hope that this time with more dedication this month, i have really made the change to exercising and stretching regularly.
I also can relate to each paragraph very well. A reminder, that my guides and have been with me, and are still pulling for me. October was indeed a hard month. Not so much environmentally but they way i chose to perceive things going on around me. It was easier to have a couple drinks and go to the dance club, then stay home and focus on myself. Even though i knew it was what i needed at the time.
Since waking up Friday i have a renewed sense of well being, and the confidence to continue on, but the love to forgive myself for the regression. Im going to write down the opportunities and challenges for the month. With much focus on changing my rules.
I will be tuning in often, and browsing your website for some time to come. Thank you MM from my heart of hearts.
PZ says:
Nov 5, 2013
MM I am new to your site, and what a blessing and comfort it is to find myself here. Soaking up all this mystical wisdom, and motivation as I face these life challenges with a renewed resolve to heal these life long wounds that keep sabotaging my progress. It has been a long and lonely journey and I am so ready to break myself free from this old patterns at last. Opening to it, no longer trying to numb out the pain but facing it. So thank you dearly for the virtual support. As I sat through last nights new moon dreaming of a close knit of sisters to partake in ritual with, I shrugged the emptiness aside, and embraced a circle of one.. fueled by the visual of the other likeminded souls out there going through some what similar challenged…. Brightest Blessings to all.
Penelope says:
Nov 5, 2013
I’m not sure how to express my feelings on this but I guess acceptance is the right word. There has been a lot of changes as of late but I know I can’t give up during this not so great time. Thank you for sharing this insight. It definitely made me feel better and gave me the perspective to move forward. Trusting the universe is something I’m learning to give into more. Much love and blessing to all on this journey that we each take.
Suzanne says:
Nov 5, 2013
For me your message is bang on in every sense of each word. I feel like I’m stuck in that birthing canal. It’s a delivery that is moving painfully slow for me. I cannot even envision what this new life/new world will be like yet because I’m in the midst of so much chaos, confusion and pain in my life. But I also know that its necessary to do the massive cleanup that’s needed before I am birthed into a new being. Blessings and Gratitude!
DaftAida says:
Nov 6, 2013
Oh my! Discipline. As soon as I saw it I just had to read on. I had the illusion I was alone in this …. whatever it is. Thanks so much for proving I’m not. Each has unique circumstances testing us to the limits of what we thought we knew about ourselves, what patterns we’ve been repeating which has brought us to this timultous vortex of ‘what ….’? In every respect from the gloop and gloom end of the spectrum coasting onto fear and fragility, angst and anger, tears and truth, hubris and humour. And yet, through the thrust of it all, there is definitely, certainly an emerging excitement … a nascant upsurging power within which the past personality programmed in familiar patterns, gasps at with awe and trepidation. Break the rules which ruled the past, the past which led to the present and cannot sustain the emerging future any more than an earthbound caterpillar can convince the butterfly to drop its wings and return to the soil.
stuff says:
Nov 6, 2013
so things continue as usual, staying optimistic through difficulty. wat else is new
Sarah says:
Nov 6, 2013
I am rather blown away. After some wonderful discussions about meditation and energies with a class mate, she suggested this website to me. I had a difficult summer and lost the meditation practice that was so integral in helping me manage anxiety over the past year. Dipped back into many old habits etc etc. Thought I had the reins again in September, only for October to be what felt like a disaster. But you know what? Octoboer did provide me with a reset. I was given an opportunity to see why this reset is so imporant and coming into November, I’ve been wobbly. I desperately want to commit to practice, to paying attention. In fact, yesterday I promised myself I would commit to a yoga/meditation morning practice and felt amazing yesterday and today after giving myself that opportunity. Tonight I was feeling very anxious and decided I needed to actually sit down and essentially “rewrite my rules.” Looking for a touch of inspiration, I typed in your wbesite address for the first time and here I am! Now feeling so ready, so willing to take on this month (which has sooo much potential for chaos)with the right attitude. This has truly helped to dispel so much confusion. Spot on. Thank you so much.
Mel says:
Nov 6, 2013
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Cheers to progress, productivity, and discipline!! We all need some type of way to break old habits and create new, better ones. Thank you.
Judith Carrell says:
Nov 11, 2013
Our paths ultimately all converge, for we are all one. What we do to one, we do to all. What we do to ourselves, we commit to the whole. We are mindful, disciplined, courageous and stand tall, with prayer in our hearts and gratitude for all within our minds. Let us be made whole.
Meredith says:
Nov 11, 2013
Everything in this is 100 RIGHT ON!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your gift <3
kelly says:
Nov 13, 2013
I absolutely love this and feel it in my deepest of bone-knowing. Thank you and much love. Always.
Ursula says:
Nov 13, 2013
thank you for helping me to remember what to do and remain in the source of light, it’s been a rough ride the last few years and I often slip and sometimes I fall … but today I shall get up again and continue on with faith and love – xx
Nicole says:
Nov 22, 2013
So beautiful and so profound! Such good reminders. I need to ask myself “is this serving me?” more. Thank you so much, namaste <3
redtaileddharmagypsy says:
Nov 25, 2013
Such helpful truths! Thank-you for your words. Namaste