The EQUINOX is here on March 20th 2015 and a powerful portal is opening up with a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and New Moon in Pisces on the same day!
Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of.
Return, return, return…and enter the stillness through meditation, prayer or ceremony offering gratitude for the gift of Life and All that Is.
Pisces energy encourages us to dream and vision what we can contribute to create the world we wish to inhabit.
From simple acts of kindness, beginning with the Self, the revolution will birth forth from within each of us. For as we heal, we help others heal. As we shift our vibrations, we contribute in unseen ways to uplifting the energetic web that connects us all.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers sharing their illuminating wisdom. First from astrologer PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology:
“This is the week we’ve been talking about and building toward since the beginning of the year — arguably the most powerful week of 2015, in astrological terms…”
“We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”
“…THE SOLAR ECLIPSE on Friday occurs in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…”
“The last degree of a sign can also be a destabilizing influence, since the energy is in the process of shifting from one mode to another — in this case, we are moving from a water/mutable sign (Pisces) to a fire/cardinal sign (Aries).”
© Copyright 2015 ~PAM YOUNGHANS. All Rights Reserved
From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Eclipse portal is opening…This portal lasts all month long (the entire lunar cycle) and is followed by another Total Eclipse- this time a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th.
“With two Total Lunar Eclipses back to back– we have a very powerful Eclipse cycle opening up which brings in with it some powerful and inevitable changes…”
“First of all this Eclipse is total- which means there will be a complete blocking out of the Sun. Total Eclipses are not everyday experiences.
“We have many Eclipses- 4 to 5 a year- several of which are partial or penumbral (meaning not total). When they are total they are more potent and powerful and they have much more influence.
“If you happen to live in Europe you will get to see some of the Eclipse, but the total portion of it will only be visible to those at the North Pole…”
“Another reason this Eclipse is so powerful is it is at the very last degree of Pisces (29’27 Pisces), also known as the Omega degree.
“The 1st degree of Aries is the Alpha point and 29 Pisces is the Omega point. They represent the start of the zodiac (1 Aries) and the end of the zodiac (29 Pisces)- and they are points of initiation and completion, beginnings and endings.”
© Copyright 2015 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
From the wise SARAH VARCAS from her Astro
“An eclipse here speaks of completion on a grand scale… This degree of the zodiac brings to a close great cycles of time and change, major life themes and patterns.
“An eclipse here reminds us the cosmos has its own timetable, weaving its design through our lives with or without our consent.
“We are faced with the choice to synchronize our timepiece of the heart with that of the heavens or occupy our own time zone – sometimes in synch, sometimes way out of it, struggling to impose our own schedule upon the unfolding of sacred creation.
“The endings we face now, be they losses, disappointments or liberating closure, remind us of the need for deep and abiding alignment with the god-force from here on in, as it threads its way through our lives.
“The cycles now ending offered certain challenges, opportunities and emergent wisdom. They required choices, the distant outcomes of which we now face.
“Those made in alignment with the evolutionary imperative of awakening reveal powerful new beginnings on the near horizon, crystallizing as we speak. Past courage will reap rewards of freedom and deep peace.
“Decisions made out of fear, from a defensive heart, reveal now the fading of a future self even as we gaze upon it: opportunities lost, the time for action passed. We may feel burdened with shame or regret, sadness or grief. But no matter the pain this moment may hold, there is comfort and hope at hand…”
“Don’t look away. Whatever you see at this time, in the symbolic darkness of an obscured Sun, don’t look away. No matter what, it cannot diminish the authentic self within.
“This Real Self has power, it carries weight. It challenges the very foundations of life as we know it.
“It refuses to conform to mindless notions of right and wrong, to dictates of value and worth that dishonor inner wealth. It sees through artifice, laughs in the face of shame and denies everything but the bold and beautiful truth.
“The world is not ready for the Real Self and yet still it emerges, in you and in me, in the collective psyche which twists and turns to accommodate a deeper knowing that nothing is as it seems.
“The Real Self emerges every time we stop and wait, sensing the integrity of the moment, the deep, pulsating beat of the unified heart, time-keeper of our collective awakening.
“It grows in strength and fortitude each time we honor its wisdom over and above the expectations and demands of the external world which denies all but that which can be counted, compared and traded.
“The Real Self knows that to think one’s own thoughts is the only path to freedom, whilst the world demands unthinking conformity and the False Self agrees.
“The power of this solar eclipse will remove rose-tinted glasses and veils that hide the truth.
“We cannot stop it nor can we choose to postpone our own awakening. This – right here, right now – is the end of denial, the end of artifice, the end of avoidance.
“This is life in all its terrible grace and terrifying beauty. For this we were born: a visceral, unavoidable, undeniable confrontation with the very heart of All That Is.
“We may greet this eclipse in mourning or ecstasy, in freedom or bondage, but wherever we find ourselves we are living the life shaped by choices made, commitments honored, promises broken and betrayals enacted since the collective spirit was shaken awake never again to sleep.
“Each moment since then has been a step upon the path to awakening. Whether those steps have taken us deeper into truth or into shadow has no impact on their power.
“Each one has shaped who we are and the relationship we now have with the authentic and sacred self within.
“We are precisely who we have caused ourselves to be. The extent to which we have denied the truth or sacrificed its pursuit in favor of security reveals the extent to which we must now change and grow in ever more vital and transformative ways.
“The past is gone. Never was this statement more true, for second chances – third and fourth – have all dissolved. Opportunities missed may never return.
“We had our chance and did with it as we saw fit. Now here we stand at the grand closure of a cosmic cycle, reviewing its shape in our lives, invited by the cosmos into deep reflection on how we best move forward from here.
“Let it go: regret or shame, sorrow or sadness for chances now gone. They were not for you or me this time around.
“New ones await us the other side of the darkened Sun. They hold promise of wisdom and hope of freedom from all that held us back before.
“The cosmic clock continues to tick-tock its way through our awakening as our hearts synchronize to respond, this time without hesitation, heeding the call of the divine to prioritize truth above all.”
© Copyright 2015 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
From the always inspired KELLEY ROSANO:
“…Eclipses are the most powerful transit that you can experience. The herald major beginnings and endings. Pisces is the most psychic and sensitive sign in the zodiac. Your emotions will feel strong and deep.
“You may be moody and introspective. This is because your feelings rising from your subconscious may be difficult to articulate and communicate. Your sub-conscious speaks in a different language than your conscious mind.
“Your physic abilities are increasing. Your intuition is strong. You could have spiritual experiences. Trust your intuition. Trust your instincts. Much insight can come to you now.
“…Watch out for fears and phobias that may wash over you. Stay in the present. Your power is in the now. This Pisces eclipse is bringing to light your mission in this life. Your soul’s purpose.”
“…Dream what you want to see in the world. You do not need to fix, save and rescue other people. You want to let people live their own lives. Allow others to learn from their experiences. This is the path to Self-mastery.
“Practice the Law of Allowing. That is create the space for others to find their own answers…If you want to help other people, role model a great life. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy, words and behavior.”
“…The Moon enters Aries less than an hour after the eclipse. Thirteen hours later the Sun enters Aries. You have the Spring/Fall Equinox.
“Your mood will shift rapidly…For you will be ready to launch into action. Having both lights (the Sun and the Moon) in Aries…”
“March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….”
“This is an awesome opportunity to merge with your Soul Self. Be who you really are. Be your authentic Self. March 20 is a brilliant day for ritual and prayer.
“Set your intention for what you want to create in the new season. Dance with Creator.”
© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“…Pisces is the sign that symbolizes the collective unconscious, the place of endings where our ego consciousness dissolves back into the Ocean of Being. It is the energy of opening to the Divine Presence; the energy of surrender to the flow of life, the energy of trust and faith in Life. “
“The sign of Pisces has two fish, swimming in opposite directions. One fish symbolizes delusion and illusion, the fantasies the ego generates about its own desires. The other is mystical awareness and communion with the Anima Mundi, our World Soul.
“This is our choice now. Which fish will we swim with? This is such a moment of grace! Like the ancients and aboriginals, we can learn to be at one with Mother Earth as well as living our soul’s destiny in this time of great change.”
“…we are called to acknowledge the energies of the Collective Unconscious, the energetic field that holds our collective hopes and dreams as well as our emotional disappointment and sorrow over what we’ve done to each other and what we’ve done to the Earth.
“We all long for love, for peace, for creativity, for family and community, talents and disciplines that make us whole human beings.
“Unfortunately, our society’s leaders do not listen to what the people want…We’re finally waking up to the fact that the ideas and paradigms running our world no longer fit our needs; in fact, they reject our vision and our needs.
“So it is time for each of us to take responsibility for the story of our lives. The old story that is passing away is the story that taught us that we needed to be free.
“The new story is about what we plan to do with our freedom. It begins within your own psyche. Are you in or are you out?
“Can you open up your crown chakra to Spirit and listen to the original story of your soul? Can you let your inner guidance help you create your new life?
“Can you free yourself from the fear and insecurity patriarchy is trying to feed us?
“If you do, you can play in the Quantum Field and start creating that new life that the world needs so very much. “
© Copyright 2015 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
Love and Blessings to all!
★★★ SHARING GUIDELINES : >>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~ TO SHARE >>> You may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link for this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
Barry Fleming says:
Mar 18, 2015
wow. just wow. thank you!
FPK says:
Mar 19, 2015
jon reddish says:
Mar 18, 2015
i will second that ^^wow^^.
Scott Mac says:
Mar 20, 2015
Is a third out of the question?!…
Christine says:
Mar 18, 2015
Also wow! :)
Mandy Kay says:
Mar 18, 2015
I’ve never read something that touched so deeply
Arianna says:
Mar 18, 2015
So many tingles and feelings. My whole body is alight with the truth in these words! Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’ve got me grinning ear to ear, soaking in the richness of the present moment.
Vernie says:
Mar 19, 2015
I agree – wow
Sj says:
Mar 18, 2015
Also WOW!!!!………!!!
Ruth says:
Mar 18, 2015
Cathy says:
Mar 18, 2015
Kate says:
Mar 18, 2015
Amaze. Thank you so much! <3
Big Jock Knew says:
Mar 19, 2015
Wise words from CATHY PAGANO
carolina says:
Mar 19, 2015
incredibly perfect for this moment… wow!
Shane says:
Mar 20, 2015
I’m attracted to Carolina, i’ve been hearing that name on songs and being said by friends randomly lately and now i see this beautiful woman named Carolina on this link,first thing in my email. Just saying: )
lindsay says:
Mar 21, 2015
;) <3
Ana says:
Mar 19, 2015
Very encouraging words! I loved all of it. Thanks you!
Katie - Conquering Fear Spiritually says:
Mar 19, 2015
Such powerful words and guidance, as always. Thank you!
Taralyn says:
Mar 19, 2015
I thoroughly respect and embrace what was written. I find myself giddy with welcoming this eclipse.
Elahé says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you for this lovely , a propos guidance!! Thank you!!
Taje says:
Mar 19, 2015
Im Excited i have been preparing for a change for months, im ready, i give my all to the divine and my higher self for pytting me foward in my path
Terry says:
Mar 19, 2015
I loved every word written. I am feeling the affects of this new moon/ eclipse already. Looking fwd to my new beginning.
Shri Param Eswaran says:
Mar 19, 2015
ThIs special day is blessed b Aja Ekapada who is also worshiped as a form of Lord Shiva and a transport vehicle of Agni, the god of fire. It gives the fire to raise a spiritual person to progress in life. A great day to invoke Agni for internal purification and spiritual advancement.
Great day to free yourself from fear for the Divine Feminine to wake up and free herself from insecurity the patriarchy has been feeding women, Time to create the new life that you have been dreaming off.
For those who want to attend in person, the address is 21 Jalan Dato Kelena Maamor, Lake Garden area, Seremban Malaysia Phone number 016 90 77825
Amy Kay says:
Mar 20, 2015
I’m there! Looking forward to it!
Lina Grebenyuk says:
Mar 19, 2015
It’s a new moon of Aries not Pisces
Sarah L'Hrar says:
Mar 19, 2015
beautifully curated words of wisdom with an inspiring message. thank you mystic mamma for finding the moat beautiful eloquent and enlightened things to expose and explore. your work is necessary and well received.
SeaGems says:
Mar 19, 2015
you have put that so beautifully :)
April - Leigh says:
Mar 19, 2015
Wow and thank you! Brightest blessings!
SeaGems says:
Mar 19, 2015
Beautiful confirmation of stirrings. What an honour to be connected of the cosmos. Naked in my authenticity, I embrace all for the highest good <3
Jazmin Lee says:
Mar 19, 2015
This astrological adventure has truly been heart-wrenching and guiding me on to re-evaluate what is important and what I want to make my life about. I’ve watched many of my friends experiencing their own challenges in this too. We serve each other with kindness in our journeys and notice that WE all make the difference no matter the individual circumstances. Thank you for pulling out all that has been written in our hearts during this transit and framing it so beautifully for it to now read as poetry.
helen rose mcdonald says:
Mar 20, 2015
Beautiful words of your own too – from the heart
Amalya Kharisma says:
Mar 19, 2015
Always, thank you… For putting this together… You’ve been providing me with wisdom for many years now and I am always grateful that you’ve put this site together for us. Blessings to you, MM. Namaste.
Nadine Lee says:
Mar 19, 2015
I can feel it … the alchemy is brewing!!! Woohoo! happy new moon!
Arez says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you for this and every other posts also. I come here often to get more sense of what is really happening and why. Thank you so much for sharing. I love this page.
Henry Lim says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. I am blessed to have caught these words. May everyone have a beautiful Spring Equinox day.
ange says:
Mar 19, 2015
beautiful…..we’re so lucky to be the ones we’ve been waiting for…love is
debbie says:
Mar 19, 2015
really appreciate these words of wisdom. Thankyou
Maggie says:
Mar 19, 2015
The significance of March 20 in my life is huge….these words reflect where I truly am at. I will allow…….just allow……
elirija says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you, was inclined to express my love! may we all listen our our inner soul in this highly perceptive time :)
Gosia Iskra says:
Mar 19, 2015
So powerful, brutal and beautiful! Thank you
All the best for all of you people!
KO says:
Mar 19, 2015
Peace, freedom, love and light to all.
Deb Johnson says:
Mar 19, 2015
wonderful words of wisdom!
Hannah says:
Mar 19, 2015
love love love
time for the authentic self to be brought to life and light
Debby says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you for your insight. Peace & harmony surround me. I feel the energies pulsing through me in anticipation of the coming changes. Brightest Blessings!
Charise Nosworthy says:
Mar 19, 2015
Outstanding insight,
Thankyou and delighted
Dolphinfeatherhand says:
Mar 19, 2015
DREAM of the day all creatures are released from captivity.
jennifer jazz says:
Mar 19, 2015
I have been fighting for my life and for my children’s lives for 18 years without stopping. we have lost everything the world gives – our furniture, houses, money, jobs, pets. I stand complete as I face this eclipse right on me – I am 29 degree aquarius venus. I lived. we lived. I am my higher self now. what is left of me is that inner soul now merged with the physical person. your chronicle is stunning. I am humbled to read these authentic life-changing words at this moment in time.
LolaDee says:
Mar 19, 2015
Know how it is Jennifer. It has been non-stop for me also. Gave up everything. My children are estranged and I am felled with sadness most of the time but I am hopeful for our lives to come together in love, because the only thing that is real is LOVE. May the Universe brings us that that is real. LOVE. SENDING you Love and Light
lindsay says:
Mar 21, 2015
Jennifer, it has been the same for my family and i. sending you the most love and abundance. have faith and have trust, but most of all be grateful for what you will always have, divine spirit (you) :) x
Flora says:
Mar 24, 2015
Letting go of anything that no longer serves my higher self…this has included family…letting them go, allowing myself to be safe….and finally FREE!!! “So it is time for each of us to take responsibility for the story of our lives. The old story that is passing away is the story that taught us that we needed to be free. XOXO
Hayley says:
Mar 19, 2015
So very deep! So very touching!! Thank you and Bless you!!
sandy says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you for your powerful and loving message
Deneen Peckinpah says:
Mar 19, 2015
Wonderful, illuminating posts! Also, I love your collage!
Krissie says:
Mar 19, 2015
Sarah Varcas!
How wonderful..every word touches my soul so deeply and profoundly but Sarah Varcas-your poetic imagery shakes my core in the most delicious and gentle way!!
Much Gratitude to you all,
Thank YOU.
<3 <3 <3
Melinda says:
Mar 19, 2015
My son is in with his wife at the delivery of their baby by c section right now.I don’t know if it’s a boy or girl but I took a video of the sunrise this morning here in Sydney Australia and we all called out “welcome to the world”.I know an eclipse during birth has many different beliefs but I know he or she will be strong willed,sound weird but I just feel it.
Krissie says:
Mar 19, 2015
love this!! congratulations, this baby IS going to be magical! <3
Melinda says:
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you KRISSIE,best wishes mean more coming from people we have never met (stranger seems a cold word).The baby flipped as soon as they were about to do an incision so she is now induced whilst it is down.Goosebumps !
Krissie says:
Mar 19, 2015
SHE!! Hoorah! :) and you are so very welcome!!!
How ever so exciting this is!!
if you have any interest at all does a terrific job interpreting the stars for natal charts! <3
Krissie says:
Mar 19, 2015
I just became an aunt for the first time a week ago today…so, I ((totally)) get it!
Melinda says:
Mar 19, 2015
Congrats on becoming an Aunt,it’s a nice feeling.You are spot on with the I discovered it May last year,stayed up for hours doing my whole family.I sent it to them by email.I forgot what it was called and went back to the sent messages to remind myself.It is the most spot on astrology I have ever read and was ready to pounce on it when baby was born.
Bek says:
Mar 20, 2015
A big congratulations to you on becoming a grandmother , and to your son and his wife – what an amazing time for their baby to be born! My thoughts are with you and your family in this wonderful time – although we’ve never met, there’s just something so magical about the birth of a baby. I hope you all enjoy this precious time! :)
Cathy Hynds says:
Mar 19, 2015
Today…. March 20 .I “stumbled” across this website…pure proof of being guided….I feel so honoured and privileged to be amongst such love and wisdom. Thankyou…Thankyou..Thankyou..
Krissise says:
Mar 19, 2015
love this, too!!
Tonya says:
Mar 20, 2015
I stumbled across this site today as well. It did not happen by chance. Exhilarated by these words. Thank you!
Lori says:
Mar 21, 2015
It is now a little after 2 AM on the 21st. I could NOT go to sleep last night. I felt an INCREDIBLE wave of energy so strong about an hour ago that it had me mystified. I even ran into my son’s room to tell him because it was so strong. I feel strangely energized. I can’t describe what I feel, it’s giving me the chills. When I saw this site I was sooo happy to see all the comments. I definitely feel a change in the air, literally. Peace to all of you!
Sophie says:
Mar 19, 2015
WOW! Really amazing read! Thank you!
Beth says:
Mar 19, 2015
So looking forward to this amazing propitious day! Ready for the adventure of release and change. Thank you Mystic Mamma :)
Ruth says:
Mar 19, 2015
Really looking forward to this.
Can anyone recommend any special actions to take around this time, along with meditation. Any ceremony’s, mantras, actions etc that would be recommended to accompany these higher vibrations?
Chaz says:
Mar 19, 2015
My birthday is on march 20th and I’m spiritually blessed in many ways. Is there a significance of this energy in relation to my birth date and also is this accentuated by the super moon with the full lunar eclipse?
kristina says:
Mar 19, 2015
I’m sitiing here in awe of also stumbling onto this web site…obviously with some kind of cosmic balance propping me up….your words could not have come at a more perfect time in my life…thankyou, most genuinely….I can now just let go and allow the love surrounding me lead the way…..Amene.
lisa says:
Mar 19, 2015
Just wonderfully amazing to read..i feel rejuvenated already just by reading this..Many
Melinda says:
Mar 19, 2015
My son was in the op theature ready for the birth of their baby as it’s breech when it did a complete flip just before they made an incision.She is now being induced so it might be born during the actual eclipse Sydney Australia time after 6pm.What an day !
Lisa Hart says:
Mar 19, 2015
Woo Hoo! Get ready for blast off! Weeeeeee! :)
mellisa says:
Mar 19, 2015
great timing to accidentally come across this….it has certainly made a huge positive impact on me
thankyou ♥
LolaDee says:
Mar 19, 2015
Here’s hoping that all of humanity can be involved. I will create a ceremony to honor this new beginning and I am open to love, and peace for all, especially my children and grandchildren. May each one receive all the blessings the Universe has for each of us. Wow, so excited. So excited. I feel it all coming together. AHO!
Cecelia says:
Mar 20, 2015
This is incredible! I love reading each astrologer’s message. While a little different, they each speak to me in profound ways. Thank you!
Madey mohamed ibrahin says:
Mar 20, 2015
Love peace live and amazing happy evry body
Madey mohamed ibrahim says:
Mar 20, 2015
Happy birthday to me new moon. Love love love and mony
Art says:
Mar 20, 2015
Well spoken! It looks like most posts are done by ladies. There are men out there who agree and can see the beauty in these words. May you all find your true path in this life.
For 2015:
March 20: Total solar eclipse
April 4: Total lunar eclipse
September 13: Partial solar eclipse
September 28: Total lunar eclipse
Tami C. Nasi says:
Mar 20, 2015
My spiritual understanding is that on 11.11.11 we exited Pisces and began the process of entering into the Aquarian Age. I enjoy your thoughts and ideas and am looking forward to reading the rest of this website.
Megan says:
Mar 20, 2015
I cannot express my gratitude enough. Thank you for speaking to my heart, this is exactly what I needed to hear.
nadine lee says:
Mar 20, 2015
so amazing <3
Miss E says:
Mar 20, 2015
I agree that its gonna be a beautiful day tomorrow no matter what. But, at the same time, I’m getting a little skeptical about all these “astronomical events of the century” that I keep reading about. First it was the 2012 pentagram, them the supermoons, then the mini moon, now this.
Does everything have to be a landmark/pivotal/revolutionary once-in-a-lifetime event in order for it to be worth our attention? If so, what does that say about our hyper-inflated expectations, not to mention our arrogance levels – its not good enough if its just another day on Earth? That’s just privilege speaking.
As a pagan, I see every equinox and solstice as a special, once in a lifetime event. It makes me a bit sad that the new age community has resorted to selling events like these with the same old, same old labels that one sees in TV ads and magazines everyday: “biggest ever! Best ever! New and improved!” The best change that could possibly happen to this world, would be if the entire Western world stopped chasing after singular, life changing moments at the expense of everyday quality of life, and simply cherished and every moment of their lives (and the lives of others). That is a change that will never be brought about by any astronomical aligned I am afraid, but only through a conscious force of will.
Spring is here! lets just rejoice in that small annual miracle instead of taking it for granted, shall we?
kruMMel says:
Mar 20, 2015
You are so right!!!
Skywater says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you… Nameste’… Aho’…
Katherine says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you! Its a love revolution! Feel the transformational and sweet energies you all elucidate so beautifully. The Great Turning!
Gisele says:
Mar 20, 2015
All we can all say is wow, because it is the truth. The undeniable beautiful truth we all want to achieve and we can all do it ….. :)
Ausetsky7 says:
Mar 20, 2015
I was wondering why I feel so charged…and excited. Unsual at this hour, midnight. I teach high school in the mornings, must sleep. I accidently came to this site. How wonderful, powerful and on point. The purity of the messages and words written have made my heart sing. I teach geosytems and chemisty. My students already know it’s gonna by a big day tomorrow. Sad, that I can’t share the spiritual aspect. Namaste
Booker says:
Mar 20, 2015
My birthday is on March 20th!!!
Karen says:
Mar 21, 2015
Happy Birthday Booker!!
melvin says:
Mar 20, 2015
To be ALIVE is to live in conscious expectation of the coming age.
Sarah Somewhere says:
Mar 20, 2015
Amazing!! Thank you so much for your insights and for your service to our collective consciousness.
Jody says:
Mar 20, 2015
Pretty awesome !!! Thank you ! I knew something was going on today (or at least I hoped it wasn’t just me ) This is so beautiful and hopeful … God Bless everyone :)
Erin says:
Mar 20, 2015
Yes yes. Yes! Let’s rock and rollllll!!!
LoveleeKimber says:
Mar 20, 2015
Madey mohamed ibrahim says:
Mar 20, 2015
My birthday is on march 20 wow wow wow. Reading astrology of jpost. Thank you all.
Booker says:
Mar 20, 2015
Happy B day its my B day to!
Karen says:
Mar 21, 2015
Happy Birthday Madey!!
glorious1 says:
Mar 20, 2015
My heart is doing its best “whoosaa” right now..on into the very present future with loads of gratefulness!!
Naldine Silveira Correa says:
Mar 20, 2015
Wonderful! Those words will be my guide to my life, to my heart!
Lakshmi says:
Mar 20, 2015
I am definitely in the right place at the right time. Letting go of what was and welcoming the coming freedom with great passion. Creating the vision of my new ministry, helping women who are struggling with the loss of their mother, a very tender niche in life. I will serve my ministry with my whole heart, loving and directing these women through their pain, their feeling of loss, their denial of their mother’s death into a place within them where they will actually celebrate their mother’s life. I am so blessed and so grateful to be doing this sacred work. AND SO IT IS!
Cocopops1 says:
Mar 20, 2015
I want to know what TIME the solar eclipse is. Is it 8:30? Is it 9:30? What time!?
Cocopops1 says:
Mar 20, 2015
I want to know what TIME the solar eclipse is. Is it 8:30? Is it 9:30? My heart is beating!
gestur says:
Mar 20, 2015
this is a most needed in this time to contemplate a better world and positively make those changes within us and and the world around us let positive change begin here with us all even in the smallest ways starting with some good old love and understanding more giving less taking and more understanding lets wake up and see we are all connected everyone and everything lets go forth with positive change within and without have a profoundly positive and life changing eclipse and Equinox blessed be to all
Tania says:
Mar 20, 2015
Very exciting times! So much of this post resonates with how I have been feeling today already. Thank you for taking the trouble to put it all together.
ekka says:
Mar 20, 2015
so incredibly powerful. MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC
Monica Isaza says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you for sharing these beautiful words.
I am so happy for these new beginnings!
Ready to take it all in. so timely.
nicholas says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank for this. It’s been a pretty interesting day so far and now I have some answers.
Liesbet says:
Mar 20, 2015
true words/right time/my heart says thank you/liefde
Mar 20, 2015
M Adebisi says:
Mar 20, 2015
Amasaganalo (Thank You [all of the contributors for this piece]) for being such shining lights AND I second that emotion WOW!!!!!!
Thilaga says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you for these beautiful words and insights that read like poetry… I am so looking forward to new chapters in my life… I am filled with more peace, hope and happiness than ever before…these words are very inspiring indeed… Thank you and may we all be blessed with the wisdom to truly live and appreciate what we already have…
candice says:
Mar 20, 2015
David says:
Mar 20, 2015
I am just entering the world of astrology. This is a great site. Love it!
isabelle says:
Mar 20, 2015
THANK YOU ALL for your beautiful pearl necklace of words of heart wisdom
for giving us all inspiration to move into this
Rob Wind says:
Mar 20, 2015
thank you for this insight ~ blessings and Namaste xo
Ciro Griffiths says:
Mar 20, 2015
Hi Ciro
I read this and thought you would benefit from the messages that it brings…
Lorraine J says:
Mar 20, 2015
What an exciting site…I recently gave up a good job/money and cast my lot to the wind in donation to and support of the causes of animal rights and welfare.
Yep I helped many animals, and am pretty much broke now, but I have faith! I’m going back to school at the ripe “old” age of 42 to find my path to best help. Life is not just about me anymore- its time to help the collective.
I’m very grateful to you for the words of support and wisdom. My work is just beginning-I WILL HELP THOSE WITHOUT VOICES!
harry says:
Mar 20, 2015
…may he always protect us, and keep us safe…
Caroline Suarez-Valteau says:
Mar 20, 2015
ONE LOVE, Beautifullly written by Beautiful Minds.. Thank you with all my heart!
I wish, dream PEACE, LOVE, JOY, HARMONY in the World :). NAMASTE <3
blackcat7 says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you for compiling these beautiful perspectives.
Chanel says:
Mar 20, 2015
this all made me so happy. Excited for changes to come :)
Phil Hammond says:
Mar 20, 2015
Whether we are aware or not, we are all a Pisces at heart. Are we a butterfly or a caterpillar? We are both. Are we physical or spiritual? We are both. Are we aware or asleep? We are both, moving from one state to the other. One cannot be separated from the other, though in one state we seem to be, because separation is the other side of unity. We can discuss our spiritual path as the uncertainty it can seem to be though nothing ever interrupts the inevitable process we are. All contributes to the experience that is the process of Life discovering Itself through the experience we are. For those in the cycle of awakening, we have these beautiful expressions of the All sharing their light for the rest of us to follow, for we are in the position now to see that light. With awareness and gratitude, blessings from the All.
Mia says:
Mar 20, 2015
New Moon, New Beginning ❤
Time to let go of the past & focus on New growth~
Tiger Windwalker says:
Mar 20, 2015
beauty has always been waiting
waiting for your eyes and ears
and tender ruminations
like the upturned leaf ready
to catch a tiny pool of soft rain
your hands, too, cupped and upturned
were designed to receive
and offerings
and guidance
and courage
..and to give
and support
and love
to all you touch
…do not forget
that you are always
at the epicenter
of Life’s stillpoint
and also at ground zero
for Life’s voice
and formative process
…beauty, yes, beauty
all around you
and inside
for the resurgence
of Spring
to show you
her new shoots and buds
aggellos3339 says:
Mar 21, 2015
That’s a lovely poem, thankyou x
Amy Kay says:
Mar 20, 2015
I am so excited about this “New beginning”! I have felt the against for some time now, just knowing something big was about to happen soon! I have so much energy to contribute to the collective consciousness and can’t wait join all!
Let’s get this frequency high!! It’s time! Let’s blow roof!
Louise says:
Mar 20, 2015
Feeling so much Gratitude and Love for All of these Beautiful Words!
Trusting and Letting Go to Be who Our Soul came here to be is a
Magical Freeing Experience! Feels Like Home! Be Love!
Thel says:
Mar 20, 2015
I just love your post!.:)I’m feeling the same way.
Marea says:
Mar 21, 2015
You are! You do! You embody Love and Beauty.
Hugs and blessings to you,
<3 Marea
Mr Alex says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you, thank you, thank you – to everybody quoted on this site, to all the people who made such wonderful, inspiring and uplifting comments!
From a personal perspective, I have seen major, long-awaited improvements developing in my life recently. I believe that my own epiphany and renaissance will help me to help others, and that this force of good is being resonated throughout humanity.
Everything I’ve read online today has powerfully boosted my enthusiasm for advancement, and inspired my confidence in a far more positive, creative, successful and happy future – for myself and for our world.
Bless us all! With deepest love to everyone and to The Cosmos, from Alex.
Sue Click says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you, so beautiful to be part of the quantum change, the dynamic whole that is each with all that is and can become…
Amanda says:
Mar 20, 2015
I am ready to move forward. Everything that I do not want to be and everything I want to be was already made in the past. Looking forward to the future for a path without fear and anger. Looking forward to be whom I like to be. Thank you for the lessons, thank you for the tears, thank you for the laughs. I am here. I am ready. I Love you.
Mary says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you for the wisdom flowing forth here in all it’s glory and magnitude. What a day to celebrate and see the truth. So GRATEFUL!
Darlin E. Cervantes says:
Mar 20, 2015
It it helped me understand a lot.
Kasey says:
Mar 20, 2015
What powerful words! It all makes sense now. My relationship with my husband seems like it has been building up to this point. Whether to stay or to part. I’ve felt this energy for a need to speak my truth about all of the things from our past together. It feels like it has all built up to this tipping point. Can I put aside the hurt, anger and fear from the past nine years and focus on the good times and try to make it work? I hope this energy will bring some clarity.
Sandhya says:
Mar 20, 2015
Amazing! Planets playing hide and seek?!!? I believe in the darkness the cleansing will be done and when the light comes again it will be brighter for the world and humanity .Om Shanti
rebecca says:
Mar 20, 2015
Holy Moly Mystic Mamma.
Jordana says:
Mar 20, 2015
Amaziing. I’m at a pivotal time in my . Separating from spouse of 22 years, reading this gives me strength to move forward. If there is any way to stop the damaging self talk it would be very useful.
Thank you!
Karen says:
Mar 21, 2015
Jordana, Listen to your inner voice. You have the courage to move on! you are a strong woman to do this! Bless you for taking care of yourself!!
me2015 says:
Mar 21, 2015
get a thesaurus and literally rebuild your vocabulary.
Ania says:
Mar 20, 2015
Thank you for sharing your insight – it is so inspiring, thoughtful and uplifting. Today Saturn is conjunct my natal Saturn. I was nervous for the challenges and changes I expect during my Saturn return but after reading your post I am looking forward to the changes I must make. I hope the solar eclipse, the new moon and the spring equinox help colour my Saturn return. Thank you again for your inspiring words.
Kim says:
Mar 20, 2015
This eclipse is the beginning of WWlll.
Russia launched massive military drills in the Arctic on Monday.
and the war will be fought in Europe and Eurasia
along with the Middle East and Asia.
morgan says:
Mar 20, 2015
I will find employment this year! I will work on my hearts desires even if it is through self study!
I will lose weight! I will get my divorce from a toxic marriage! I will nourish my mind and enhance it for wisdom! I will have patience! For all that hasn’t happened, with all the disappointments, this is my new beginning!!!
Thel says:
Mar 20, 2015
I smiled the entire time I read. Some much beauty and inspiration.
Kayla says:
Mar 21, 2015
Letting go and creating new, more powerful visions… Ritual at the crossroads, feeling strong and divine!
Ruthy says:
Mar 21, 2015
Thank you! This is what my heart needed to hear!!! It makes more sense to all of the emotional rollercoster that I’ve been riding on!!! I have faith that everything is happening for a reason and it has making me go deeper with in my self relationship and family!! I welcome the new and I send the old with love and gratitude for letting me see and feel a deeper me!!! ! Thank you so much!!!
Amanda says:
Mar 21, 2015
Oh My am thrilled to take on this knowledge
l have felt the change approaching for months now
time to embrace & move forwards with love
Jeanie Rutherford says:
Mar 21, 2015
thank you!!
Diane says:
Mar 21, 2015
Let’s begin again, thank you.
jessica says:
Mar 21, 2015
victor says:
Mar 21, 2015
i’m an aries i was borne 4/4/1989. i feel the energy alright, for some weird reason i feel nothing but anger deep down dont know why? 2014 was the worse year so far in my life, and from all the stuff i read this year aint going to be any better
victor says:
Mar 21, 2015
not trying to be a downer or anything
renee' skydancer says:
Mar 21, 2015
From my own experience I know that deep down anger – rage even – can be a starting place to raise the energy needed to make changes. So, for today, my suggestion is don’t believe everything you read. ;-)
renee' skydancer says:
Mar 21, 2015
May our hearts all join together
May our hearts and hands link each with one another
And may we move as one to the wheel’s center
And become the Light that illuminates it All
Sherry says:
Mar 21, 2015
I am wonderfully awakened by all of this sharing~ my world seemed dismal when I laid my head to rest on my pillow} I have renewed hope and strength to minister to those on my spiritual path TODAY
maryj njideka says:
Mar 21, 2015
Thank u!
CarolCarolann says:
Mar 21, 2015
Also came across this ‘per chance’, My birthday was yesterday: it was a very powerful day. I knew about the new moon, new beginnings, Solar eclipse, not to mention all the messages I have been receiving that my future is now, my true purpose is being revealed. And today I found out it was also the Spring Equinox. I can’t think how a day Could be more powerful!!
Thank you all for sharing your readings and comments.
Angel Hugs to you all with Love xx
Alicia says:
Mar 21, 2015
Thank you for all the contributors for these insights. Lucid dreaming and contemplation of all the aspects of my life very intense in the past 3 days. Also, I am letting go, with conviction, of a relationship that has had major emotional effects upon my spirit. Thanks to the Universe, I was blessed with a witness, to see the things I knew, but questioned myself. I will trust my intuition like never before and always have. Blessings of Love and Light Time to plant, revive, bloom xo
Ann says:
Mar 21, 2015
Thank you for sharing this information, your blog inspires me, also giving me motivation for positive things to come.
Welcoming the energy of spring by embracing and manifesting my dreams and visions for the future!
Please continue posting wonderful and enlightening articles!
aggellos3339 says:
Mar 21, 2015
True dat to mystic mamma and all the comments left as a result. How lucky are we to have this community of sharing ideas. Love truly is the only reality xx thankyou all xx
Lindsay Hillegas says:
Mar 21, 2015
I am in love with everything about this. These words speak to me in more way than i’ve ever read in other new/full moon explanations. This describes what i’ve gone through within the past few years and i feel so blessed and grateful for having gone through all that i , as well as everyone else, has gone through. it is truly a beautiful time on this earth and i can feel the expansion and light pouring fourth from the cosmos into our very minds, bodies, and spirit. bless you all. so much love <3
Tim says:
Mar 21, 2015
so beautifully timely and appropriate. nothing by chance. thankyou beautiful Amy for getting me back in touch with the vibrations of the universe. anicca.
so much love. tim
Michael Morris says:
Mar 24, 2015
The Cosmos reveals its divine self in co-incidence,
Eclipse of Sun Moon bringing Earth New Life,
Into the heart of Man,
All this, to bring us finally to an understanding,
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, and the door will be opened to you,
Be Still, and know that I Am God.
Love Michael M.
Akosua says:
Mar 25, 2015
I just happily happened upon this space in time and have enjoyed the fulfillment of everyone’s sharing love
, including the occasional fearful thoughts. I’m a Piscean born 5th March and my life has been a battlefield in the quest to find the space for the light of my true self to exist without the encumberances of those entities that feel threatened by that kind of creative energy. This eclipe as I watched people going about their everyday living I felt as though Creation had just given me the best gift of my life; the space in time to witness the beginning of the realisation of a life I have worked so hard to manifest and bring forth from the shadows from where a greater part of myself had been relegated.I know there will be peace on earth and good will shall be the common expression among all women and men who wish to so live and our earth which has endured the torment of a passage through the heart of darkness will remember her original beauty and divine purpose and all interested parties shall rejoice in that collective redemption becauSe it is our will.
Thank you for the beautiful space you have created here. The hopefull energy generated in this small space brings tears to my eyes.
Peace and blessings to all. Love and light to our world and to those who are new to the work at Hand; keep your chins up you are in our thoughts because we are one Creation. We can’t make it to heaven without you! Special thanks to the light workers and guardians who have and continue to assist in the work. NAMASTE. XOX
vanessa says:
Sep 22, 2015
My mom is an Aries, dad a Pisces, & I’m on the cusp of the two, March 20th, 1980 @ 3:50am. It was a leap year, making it the 80th day. According to farmers almanac, top sustained winds that day were 20mph. Oh, and at 3:47pm March 20th, 1980 mount saint Helen’s woke with a 4.2 earthquake after a 123 year nap. 3/20/2020 the spring equinox is at 3:50am, and the lovely eclipse this spring was beautiful. This lunar eclipse is said to last 3 hours and 20 minutes…..don’t mind me, I just read a lot…