Posts tagged "freedom"

FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~
Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."

FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~
She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....

Total Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer July 2nd, 2019~
TOTAL Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer in the sign of the Great Mother, nurtures the child within and offers us a refuge, a home within ourselves, where we can return to our place of Origin...

Solar ECLIPSE New Moon in Cancer July 12th / 13th 2018~
Solar Eclipse *NEW MOON* in Cancer reminds us that it's time to come home to our whole Self. Feelings that have been dormant in the underworld of our psyche, are returning to us like waves rising toward the shore....

NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~
*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution. Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating......

NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Aquarius February 15th 2018~
This *NEW MOON* Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a reset toward a different level of experience. The shift is precisely in our outlook and our direct engagement with Life before us, around us and within us...

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Pisces + EQUINOX March 20th 2015~
Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of...

Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~
Mantra: "It's time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self, To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well."

Kaypacha Astrology Report ~ Slowing down is a good place to start~
Mantra: "My mind is always going, 10 times faster than my heart, If I want to know the meaning of life, Slowing down is a good place to start!"

Honor your truth~
"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."

Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!
Full Moon in Leo is here on Valentine's Day! Emotions flow and there is an electricity in the air that is palpable. Express, create, be authentic, be mindful and heartful. Love is the answer.

To thine own self be true~
"When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful. Nobody can disempower you emotionally or psychologically. This spiritual security gave me a liberated feeling that was practically euphoric..."

Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON in Aries October 18, 2013~
"This eclipse opens a window until November 3 of a time that supports deep change. The energy of this full moon can be a bit challenging if you are not in alignment with what you need at this time...

Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~
"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...

Now-ness is the path and the destination~
"When you learn to be with now-ness, guidance becomes an 'And now' experience, rather than 'What next?'

Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~
"It's hard to ask on bended knee,
Admitting that you have what it is I need,
But once I do I'm completely free,
And love can grow as I becomes WE."

NEW MOON in Libra October 4th 2013~
"The Libra New Moon on October 4 is a potent New Moon. In fact, this could be the most powerful New Moon in 2013...

Astrology for Equinox September 22, 2013: Welcome Libra~
Happy EQUINOX! Whatever part of our beautiful planet we find ourselves in, we welcome the theme of BALANCE as it is echoes all around us...

Cultivate a quality of grace~
"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."

Kayapcha Pele Report for week of September 11th 2013~
Get ready for a full on impassioned report this week! The forecast is strong as we rise to face the shadow internally and collectively. Time to take empowered action to make a change.

NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~
"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!
"This is one of the most powerful weeks to enjoy, let loose, and free your spirit. It is time to celebrate the growth that began last January...

Let dreams be your law~
"I cannot be born on solid ground, only where everything flows.
To enter my dawn you must be unbound from how the fixed world goes. Leave behind
your maps and losses, let dreams be all your law...

Everything is waiting for you~
"Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the conversation. The kettle is singing even as it pours you a drink...

Become one with your YES~
"Your sacred 'yes' to all that arises in your visioning process amplifies your willingness to do what is required to bring your vision into manifestation...

Nature loves courage~
"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold...

True power lies in releasing resistance~
"Most rarely align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in...

Elevate your experience~
"Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain...

Shake things up, be free~
"Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it...

Feel the quiet power~
"I ended thought, and I ended story. I stopped designing, and arguing, and sculpting a happy life. I didn't die. I didn't turn to dust. Instead I chopped vegetables, and made a calm lake inside me where the water was...

Become unbound~
"The Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is anahata, which means 'unbound.' It refers to how we become free from the material measures of success. Money, automobiles, fame and fortune cease being the measurements of achievement...

Life conspires to bless us~
"Life conspires to bless us with
an unrelenting Grace,
Who among us has not been touched
by this generous hand,
freeing us, one or
many layers at a time?"

Awaken to the beauty that is You~
"Take a concentrated dose of the Real and awaken to the beauty that is You. Train in being gracious enough to receive it, to reveal it, to radiate it...."

Sing, speak for the land; speak for the wild~
"Your wing is iridescent, pearly as the moon. It catches the wind and shines with its own light. Raise it high and proud; dance with it under the moonlight. Flaunt it. Admire its beauty. Cherish it. For what sets you...

Release yourself~
"Give yourself a break from self-imposed pressures that burden you, allowing yourself plenty of free time to commune with nature, play with your children...

Find your flow~
"Flowing the is the state of being fluid, of hanging loose and being flexible. The rhythm of flowing connects us to the flow of our individual energy, our base current. In flowing there are no separations...

Only the present moment can make us free~
"That realization is the awakening. Awakening as a future event has no meaning because awakening is the realization of Presence. So the new heaven, the awakened consciousness, is not a future state to be achieved. A new heaven and a...

Take the plunge into the dream~
"A dream in Esquimo shaman-speech, is something that makes you dive in headfirst. Doesn't this wonderfully evoke the kinesthetic energy of dreaming, the sense of plunging into a deeper world?

Reclaim your truth~
As we let go of the past aspects of ourselves that were fragmented and tied into the traumas of the past, we reclaim all those lost parts that have been in the shadows...

Give yourself freedom~
"The more freedom you give yourself,
the more effective your actions will be.
This is difficult to believe.
Your judgements tell you just the opposite.
You cannot silence your judging self.
What you can do is choose not to listen to it...

Follow your inner moonlight…
"Follow your inner moonlight;
don't hide the madness."
~ Allen Ginsberg

Call your spirit up and live true!
"Dance, sing, play and swing with your children. Get silly together. Be giddy with one another. Call your spirit up! Open the gateway for your spirit to fully express itself. Come out with your real self. Live true. Allow them...

"And those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music...

Your radiance projects~
"When you understand who and what you are,
your radiance projects into
the universal radiance
and everything around you...

These are powerful times~
We are living in powerful times. As the axis of our collective consciousness is leaning on the verge of a shift, we are being pulled, tugged and challenged to rise up to our true authentic natures. As we are challenged...