Here is brother Kaypacha with his weekly Astrology Report and what we can expect for this upcoming Total Solar Eclipse/ New Moon in Pisces+ Equinox!
“It’s time for me to generate,
A brand new sense of Self,
To bring in my dreams and other things,
To the planet I love so well.”
Kaypacha says:
“The fun never stops on this planet! No sooner do we wrap up a 3 year Uranus/Pluto square then we enter The Eclipse Season! This Friday, less than an hour before the Equinox (Sun moves into Aries) we have a total Solar Eclipse visible from northern Europe up to Iceland.
“Between now and then the Moon moves through her balsamic phase into the Dark Moon phase. These couple days are ideal for retreat, meditation, dreamwork and inner work (and perhaps not much else haha!). 
In the report Kaypacha says:
“I want to encourage you to spend a couple of days in meditation…and tap in to the next wave, the next impulse from deep space.
“The cosmic realms want to speak to us.
“And why do they want to speak to us? Because we are channels. We are like acupuncture needles on planet earth, Gaia…
“This is our role as human beings is to unite our infinite spirit consciousness with our animal, physical, 3rd dimensional self….Tap into your eternal Self.”
“…Take the unseen cosmic Spirit, Truth, Wisdom, Light, Love, Energy, Beauty, Art, and channel it through your physical body like the neck of the hourglass…”


