Posts tagged "Kaypacha Astrological Pele Report"

Astrology Guidance for week of 10/17: I need to let go~
Mantra: "In order to love, I need to let go, And not always be feeding, My starving ego."

Weekly Astrology Guidance: An infinite Spirit come to earth~
Mantra: "It's easy for me to be afraid, When I forget who I really am, An infinite Spirit come to earth, Channeling love through my head, heart, and hands."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Ready to give it all I’ve got~
Mantra: "My creative juices are flowing, As I'm ready to give birth, Ready to give it all I've got, For I have seen the new earth."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: I am an eternal student of life~
Mantra: “I am an eternal student of life, Whether in the light or dark of night, I open my mind and heart to the new, No longer afraid I embrace what is true.”

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Stretching me out and opening me up~
Mantra: "I am the rope in a tug of war, Between the future and the past, Stretching me out and opening me up, To see my core at last."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: I will use it to grow and evolve my soul~
Mantra: "Whether the revelation, Causes me pleasure or pain, I will use it to grow and evolve my soul, Ever willing to change."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Stand strong and move with the wind~
Mantra: "When dealing with forces beyond my control, I must summon my strength from within, And like a tall tree with roots that run deep, Stand strong and move with the wind."

Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Open my heart and surrender~
Mantra: "Sometimes it's hard to not give up, And keep going without knowing why. That's when I need to still my mind, Open my heart and surrender my 'I.'"

Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Reinventing myself anew~
Mantra: "It's good to step out and look ahead, Reinventing myself anew, As long as I don't get stuck in my head, But keep my heart open too."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Being One with All That Is~
Mantra: "The more that I'm aware of, Being One with All That Is, The less I fear and the less I need, And the more I am willing to give."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: I’m filled with love to the core~
Mantra: "I can be a bottomless pit, Of longing and needing more, Until I finally realize, I'm filled with love to the core."

Kaypacha Report: Allow the current to flow through me~
Mantra: "Whenever I feel separate, I need to turn myself on, Like a light switch to allow The current to flow, Through me from the Divine."

Kaypacha Report: Seasons going round and round~
Mantra: "In my meditation, While one with all creation, There is no lost and found, Just seasons going round and round."

Kaypacha Report: Get rid of all that’s not me~
Mantra: "I'm now ready to confront myself, No longer young and naive, But wide awake I discriminate, And get rid of all that's not me."

Kaypacha Report: Dwell in the subtle realms~
Mantra: "The search for deeper meaning, Now occupies my soul. It calls me to dwell in the subtle realms,
That the mysteries of life I may know."

Kaypacha Report: The more pleasure I can take the more I move emotion~
Mantra: "The more pleasure I can take, The more I move emotion, The more power I will have, To manifest creation."

Kaypacha Report: Own my projections and self delusions~
Mantra: "In my search for clarity, truth and light, A very good place to start, Is to own my projections and self delusions, And stop pretending to be something I'm not."

Kaypacha Report: Serve with love~
Mantra: "The magical mystery of Spirit, Is that it descends from above, As I let go of my personal needs, And desire to serve with love."

Kaypacha Report: Like a captain sailing stormy seas~
Mantra: "Like a captain sailing stormy seas, I must stay awake and on course, For anything comes and anything goes, On this journey commissioned by Source."

Kaypacha Report: Boundaries are clearly defined~
Mantra: "I see that this plan, this purpose of mine, Is going to take some time. And part of the process,
Is a need to discuss it, So boundaries are clearly defined."

Kaypacha Report: I would rather spend my time learning how to fly~
Mantra: "I can complain and criticize, finding fault with you and I, but I would rather spend my time,
learning how to fly."

Kaypacha Report: I know it’s time to still my mind~
Mantra: "Whenever I get emotionally involved, With being right or wrong, I know it's time to still my mind, And be guided by Spirit's song."

Kaypacha Report: Like the phoenix from the ashes I know I shall rise~
Mantra: "My ego is the sword in the blacksmith's fire, Being heated and hammered by Spirit's desire. As soon as I fathom where my truth lies, Like the phoenix from the ashes I know I shall rise."

Kaypacha Report: I must first change me~
Mantra: "It's one thing to know, Another to see, But to change the world, I must first change me."

Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~
Mantra: "It's time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self, To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well."

Kaypacha Report: Stay within my Spirit Self~
Mantra: "Knowing that the ego, Is the source of all my fear, I stay within my Spirit Self, Where all is calm and clear."

Kaypacha Report: The time is NOW to be who I am~
Mantra: "The time is NOW to be who I am, Fully expressed as a woman or man, Releasing the guilt of man-made religions, To be an example for the next generations."

Kaypacha Report: A new paradigm begins within my heart~
Mantra: "The start of a new paradigm, Begins within my heart. The more I open to give and receive, The sooner all others will start."

Kaypacha Report: My life becomes living art~
Mantra: "Sometimes I keep it together, Sometimes I fall apart, If I stay in a space of grace and joy, My life becomes living art."

Kaypacha Report: I know it’s a chance to grow~
Mantra: "If I share my opinion and receive opposition, I know its a chance to grow. If due to hurt feelings, I hide or I fight, The truth I may never know."

Kaypacha Report: Find and take my stand~
Mantra: "If I'm feeling like a victim, My fate in others' hands, I know that Life is wanting me, To find and take my stand."

Kaypacha Report: Slow down and contemplate~
Mantra: "When Life is overwhelming, And I don't know what to do, I need to slow down and contemplate, Not bite more than I can chew."

Kaypacha Report: Rise up from the ashes~
Mantra: "I must pull myself together And rise up from the ashes, Rekindling the flame Of love for all that happens."

Kaypacha Report: Feelings deep inside~
Mantra: "It’s not necessary to control, For the outcome of my life, Is the result not only of my doing, But of feelings deep inside."

Kaypacha Report: I offer you my hand~
Mantra: "Within the maelstrom of right and wrong, I offer you my hand, As I help you and you help me, To reach the promised land"

Kaypacha Report: Transform my soul~
Mantra: "When I do something I would not do, If I was not in love with you, I leave the known, safe realm of self-centeredness, And transform my soul thru the mystery of love’s process."

Kaypacha Report: There is Love for me~
Mantra: "Deep within my soul I know, That there is Love for me. To fully come out I must release doubt, And my hyper-sensitivity. "

Kaypacha Report: If I believe I will be~
Mantra: "Having been pushed and having to claw, I’ve made my way through the birth canal. And if I believe I will be, the change the world has been waiting to see."

Kaypacha Report: Learn and grow less attached~
Mantra: "When I see what’s wrong with me and the world, I have a choice on how to react. I can feel depressed and powerless, Or learn, and grow less attached."

Kaypacha Report: Being polished, tuned, and prepared~
Mantra" "Life is a celestial symphony, Now wanting to be shared. I’m one of many instruments, Being polished, tuned, and prepared."