Here is brother Kaypacha with the astrology download for this last week of the year…
“In my search for clarity, truth and light,
A very good place to start,
Is to own my projections and self delusions,
And stop pretending to be something I’m not.”
He says:
“OK, you have to say it kinda fast at the end but it does have its own beat! The aspects that are happening now at the end of 2015 and into 2016 are simply telling us to roll up our sleeves and dig into the work that needs to be done. A good time to put on some good music, have a good attitude, let go of resistance, and just down to the business of self reflection and self improvement and leave each other alone.
“But not exactly or totally alone! Because actually, there is absolutely no replacing intimacy. It is really through our intimate relationships that we get the accurate, deep feedback that is like the soap in the bucket of water that we are using to clean up our act now and thru 2016.
“May you cultivate deep, true relationships that mirror back to you your highest potential that you may then strive (or fly) to reach above and beyond your wildest dreams! Injoy!”
If you are interested to hear more about the energies of this coming year, Kaypacha and I created a *1 hour MP3 Audio recording* in which we share inspiration, guidance and the *ASTRAL INSIGHTS for 2016*. It is now available here as a download for a $11 exchange~
cindy says:
Dec 31, 2015
Happy new year!)
Teresa says:
Dec 31, 2015
Oh my goodness! Black Lilith? Spot on, methinks/feels…thank you. Magical New Year xxx
Silvia says:
Dec 31, 2015
🙏 Thank you very much Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! 🎇 thank you for blessing us with your insight 🌅
Heather says:
Jan 1, 2016
You nailed it with the example of being on the doily.
Catherine says:
Jan 1, 2016
love you Kaypacha!!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!
january says:
Jan 1, 2016
Oh my gosh Kaypacha.. even when you fumble the mantra you make me smile..
Keep up the solid work for all the seekers if light and love..
Namaste’ right back at you
Rhonda says:
Jan 1, 2016
Thanks for your insights and especially for the power of your vulnerability in using yourself and “your thing” as examples. This allows me to take a closer look closer to home where my illusions/delusions reside. Let the waking up and the truth telling continue! Happy New Year, Kaypacha!
Flora says:
Jan 1, 2016
Wow. Thanks for your transparency. Some of my feelings over the past few days have been intense, drendging up stuck and deep emotions. I have been feeling so depressed. A projection that has come up for me has been seeing my pull to think working in a DV shelter would be good for my sanity and serenity when these are the things and darkness I am healing myself and want to move out of. Thinking this is Gods will to be of service. To pass it on..Hell no, what about the things that make me feel happy and the integrity I hold to myself? Scapegoat myself like I’ve been taught…
Coyote says:
Jan 2, 2016
Ah I just love you!
Foxy whitetip says:
Jan 3, 2016
Looks like its time to learn about black Lilith sounds very powerful
clairetjefull says:
Jan 4, 2016
hihihi happy new year! you look good in a hat! thank you!