Here is our dear brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report…
“Like a captain sailing stormy seas,
I must stay awake and on course,
For anything comes and anything goes,
On this journey commissioned by Source.”
In the report Kaypacha says:
“This week, this whole weekend in particular, Mars is coming around opposing Uranus squaring Pluto…
“Uranus is the unpredictable, but this unpredictable has great spiritual intelligence behind it. Unconscious spirit intelligence waking us up, that may involve giving us a kick in the ass, that may involve super success but I’m tell ya one’s thing for sure, it’s not predictable. You want to be ready for anything to happen this week.
“It is a time of being very alert, very awake, and listening to the land, the weather. Watching for the signals, the signs, people coming in giving you messages, people leaving your life.
“This is a time to really be very conscious and very aware. It’s very stormy seas where anything can happen..”
“…As Venus moves into Scorpio next week, we have the mystery realm and this is the time of penetrating through to the deeper intelligent mystery that lies behind the events of our lives. When our plans go awry, or when our plans go on course. It is always, always giving us constant constant feedback.”
He adds:
“Well, as Churchill said: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’ These times can be either depending on how much you desire or resist the evolutionary impulses working through your unconscious soul…”
“The majority of us will be experiencing some of BOTH, as there are areas of our lives where we embrace change and others where fear rules. The main thing to keep in mind during these times of transition is to stay awake at the helm and observe what is working and what is not.
“The universe is giving us direct feedback on what we need and will serve us and the future, and what is hindering our progress toward a sustainable, loving, and healthy future. Watch what happens! Be ready to hoist or drop your sails at any minute, and most of all, enjoy the excitement of not knowing everything haha!”
Tonya Faye says:
Dec 3, 2015
Speaking of listening for signs…2 days ago I found a pin I had forgotten about in the shape of a gold Spanish galleon, and decided to start wearing it, because it spoke to me of “being the captain of my own ship”. Uncanny.
Flora Love says:
Dec 5, 2015
Sweet! I just found a ruby ring that has really turned into a new marriage with myself…always to be true to myself. Much love.
Lulu Jack says:
Dec 3, 2015
When my nephew was born we all thought he looked like a Spanish aristocrat. Only half an hour ago I told my son (who us visiting Spain) to go to an art gallery to look for my seafarer nephew of old! Love these synchronicities.great story Tonya☺.I guess we try to find the calm in the centre of the storm eh? We are the wave and the ocean?
Cora says:
Dec 3, 2015
Thank you, Kaypacha, I will have fun!!!
bella*daniela says:
Dec 3, 2015
your the best brother. thank you for your energy!
so much love!
Lou says:
Dec 3, 2015
Thank you, the storm has already begun and I want to sleep through it but know I have to stay awake and ride it out.
cindy says:
Dec 3, 2015
thank you as always love you
wendy says:
Dec 3, 2015
In stormy times we have to stick together said my son <3. Thank you Kay Pacha…So much love and fun for you too!
Camille says:
Dec 4, 2015
Tremendous!! I’ve never seen you like this! Thank you for being so real. i love you and appreciate what this is tonight. I kid you not when I say you absolutely have described my last 2 years, eerily so. I especially need to listen to the end again. You seemed heightened in this video and very focused when talking about these next days. I appreciate giving us suggestions for how to move with it, to be ready. Anything can happen!!
Blanca says:
Dec 4, 2015
It feels like it was written for meeee!
All right then, SO MUCH FUN! That is what is on this weekend. Ha!
Suzanne says:
Dec 4, 2015
Spot on again, thank you, love you.
Louise says:
Dec 4, 2015
I just found out Im pregnant, for the first time! Does anyone have any ideas on this given the celestial circumstances?
Aleks says:
Dec 5, 2015
I feel like the storm is within me and i am overwhelmed by it. Unfortunately have been using food to numb the overwhelm and i feel like i’m about to lose it and go deeper in my food compulsion. But knowing that the storm will pass gives me hope!
Alicia says:
Dec 5, 2015
it’s got to be fun!! YES!! xx
M says:
Dec 7, 2015
Love the report so happy to hear your wisdom. Many blessings.
Sabrina says:
Dec 9, 2015
Thanks for sharing your gifts XO <3
Alicia says:
Dec 9, 2015
“It was the best of time, it was the worst of times” is the opening line of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, not Churchill.