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*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years, marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution.
Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating to our planet Earth, the material plane, and what we value.
Through our acts may we pioneer new ways that help transform our cultural views of both the Earth and Women. For beyond gender, this shift is a move toward the Feminine Principle within all of Creation being honored and valued.
The bridge is a return to the Earth, to our body and to our senses through which we can communicate directly with the Life Stream that pulses throughout all of Creation.
Through these times of change, ground into the Mamma Earth, spend time in Nature and remember that music is a portal that opens the body to the feeling realms. And so it begins…
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from CATHY PAGANO :
“This month’s Taurus New Moon is energized by Uranus’ entry into Taurus…
“New archetypal energies can take root now and start to grow. The Earth herself awakens and so do we.
“The Aries fire that Uranus has been cooking in for the past 7 years will now engender – both personally and collectively – as it journeys through Taurus from May 15 – November 6th 2018 and for the next 7 years starting in March 2019.
“When Uranus changes signs, major world events occur…
“Uranus, the Great Awakener, rules freedom, reformers, rebels, liberation, higher consciousness and the archetypes, as well as science and technology.
“As the archetype of the higher Mind, one geared toward the future, its energy will bring us unique and original ideas that can move our society into the future.
“It certainly shakes up the status quo, infusing us with the fires of the heavenly, archetypal Mind, rebelling against rules that no longer apply…
“Get in your body and exercise, dance, plant a garden. It will relieve tension and open you up to new energies…
“With this New Moon, we can plant a seed to help us develop our unique talents.
“It’s also a good time to work with our senses, which are often shut down in our plastic society…It’s time to develop a new relationship to our senses, for they can teach us about life in this time of change…
“Taurus is also symbolized by the Garden. The Garden of sensual delight, of peace and fertility, the Garden paradise we all long for.
“We can reclaim our connection to this earthly paradise when we listen to and observe the world around us and understand how it feels to us.
“Relating to our environment and the Earth through our senses cause us to understand things through our feeling nature.
“We are called to deepen our consciousness, widening it so we can learn to listen to and respond to Earth’s dreaming.
“The shift comes when we leave behind our left-brain rationality and open to our right-brain imagination.
“In feeling the deeper realities in life, in a story, in Nature, we are opening the doors of perception in ways we haven’t done since early childhood.
“Our feeling sense is what we use when we listen to music or drop into a good story or fall in love.
“It’s not something we can easily put into words, but it writes itself in our bodies and our feeling nature…
“It is through our feeling sense that we access information…
“Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book, Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, calls this feeling dimension the secret kinesis of things, something sensed beyond the visual, tactile dimension of the experience.
“This is what we have to relearn…We have to relate to our world on a feeling level.
“And by feeling, I don’t mean emotions such as anger, jealousy or happiness. It’s Jung’s feeling function, where we evaluate people and situations on a feeling level.
“Like Taurus’ relationship to values, we get to feel out what affects us.
“So this New Moon in Taurus, with Uranus’ entry into Taurus hours later, offers us an opportunity to expand our consciousness by giving value to this feeling sense that can deepen our experiences of life.
“…The New Moon is opposed by Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, demanding that we stop projecting our issues and own our shadows.
“It also calls us out of our collective trauma and into a renewed sense of hope and love.
“Nature heals. Even the shadow.
“If you’re in relationship, it’s time to acknowledge if your partner is enhancing your life or draining it.
“Partnerships are supposed to bring out the best in us, each partner feeding the other’s best interests. If they’re not, perhaps it’s time to take a break and recenter yourself in your Self…
“Stay centered in your inner Self and grounded in the Earth.
“While the world seems to be descending into chaos, know that you are the one grounding in the stillpoint, the center.
“That’s the real security that Taurus craves.”
© Copyright 2018 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
From SARAH VARCAS from her Astro Awakenings.co.uk:
“Aspected by both Venus and Eris, this moon speaks to the many faces of the feminine and how we can best integrate them into our lives, no matter who we are…
“This new moon occurring just a few hours prior to Uranus’s entry into Taurus heralds the next stage of this process.
“Inviting Uranus into the first earth sign of the zodiac – sensuous, grounded, nourishing– this Moon reminds us that our planet herself is a living goddess, our Great Mother.
“How we treat her reflects how we honour the feminine throughout our lives, throughout history, across the world.
“If she is nothing but a source to be exploited we will struggle to recognize the unique spirit that lives in each of her creatures, in her rivers and oceans, land and sky, in ourselves.
“This is a living death which enables the exploitation of our planet, and all life upon her, in the name of business, of the economy, of ‘progress’.
“This isn’t progress, and Uranus’s arrival in Taurus a few hours after this new moon heralds the beginning of an eight-year period during which Mother Earth will push back like never before.
“We simply cannot afford to take her or her bounty for granted a moment longer. Every mouthful of food, each sip of water, every lungful of air is a blessing to be thankful for.
“By honoring an enduring commitment to caring for Our Mother and all her children of every form we dismantle, piece by piece, the patriarchal mind-set that equates aggression and domination with power, and love, compassion and generosity with weakness.”
© Copyright 2018 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
From LEAH WHITEHORSE from her LUA Astrology:
“On all fronts, we will be breaking new ground.
“What challenges us is that Taurus just doesn’t like change and therein lies the problem.
“Many of us will want to stick our hooves into the mud and not budge. But budge we must.
“There is immense anticipation in this chart with Uranus on the absolute final degree of Aries and Mars, ruler of Aries, also anaretic at 29 degrees of Capricorn.
“Mars and Uranus will perfect a square, the second in a series of three, on May 16. These two anaretic planets are like sparks leaping from live wires. There’s the potential to jump the gun, or the gate, whichever analogy works!
“Any hard aspect between Mars and Uranus is restless. We want to be free NOW.
“But at the same time, with the Taurus influence we don’t want to feel rushed and we don’t want to lose what makes us feel safe and secure…
“Still, with all this muscle in the chart, it’s like the cosmos is saying, you’re stronger than you think you are…
“With Uranus about to fall into Taurus, what we currently accept as solid ground and absolute certainty is liable to change very quickly…
“Asteroids DNA (#555550) and Storm (#12182) are conjunct the New Moon in Taurus. It feels like a disturbance in our cells.
“It’s like encoded genes, releasing new information.
“This is a tempest at quantum level.
“We can’t see it yet, but we can feel it.
“It’s priming us to accept change as a constant.
“Right now, it might feel like a walk in the park but something wild is about to take root in the garden and it’s likely to look different to anything we’ve seen before.”
© Copyright 2018 ~LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved
Love love love~
Patricia Bond says:
May 14, 2018
Time for change and that scares me
Wfb says:
May 14, 2018
I’m sorry but this is drivel. Spiritually aloof drivel. Can not anyone see that it was at the very same time in our evolution that “mankind” developed the power to blow up the planet – the we developed a collective shadow side. The fear that we were killing the planet. The two things share one very important common theme. The presumption that we are MORE powerful than Mother Earth. This is our sin. This is the price we pay for our “elevated” sense of importance. Climate change is no different. At its core is the barely perceptible collective assumption that WE are in control. That we are doing her damage. The assumption that we are responsible comes with it a lovely and comforting medicine that we are somehow also in control. What we may be about to learn (and for this I can offer no evidence) is that we are not in fact in control at all. The earth, her plastics. Her litter. Her rubbish. Her pollutants. Everything in it is born, conceived, developed and consisting of the same star dust that we are. We do not manifest that which cannot exist. And what’s more – she has the power at any moment and all moments to “self regulate”.
So please. Stop with this very old and worn out message. She will shake us off and rustle us up like never before – if and when that time comes.
Isis Feather says:
May 15, 2018
Wow. How nice it must be to absolve oneself of personal responsibility for this planet. Sad.
Callimay says:
May 16, 2018
At first glance I dismissed your words then you moved me on to a different thought process
Could that be the planetary shift I’m experiencing?
I wonder
Samantha says:
May 17, 2018
This is a really interesting perspective. You’re helping me to challenge myself and think differently about climate change than I have in the past. Thank you for sharing.
Iyanifa Lisa says:
May 19, 2018
I See what you See.
Yes, all this belongs to Her.
No, we are not “in control.”
Yes, I too believe the coming years will be most difficult for those who have been clinging, and continue to cling, to the perception that we can and should exercise “top down management” over Life.
And: She made us, too.
She made these clever hands, big cerebral cornices, and appetite for catalyzing radical changes.
She made us to desire to co-create new forms, to go beyond all limits.
She is now carrying us beyond our recent evolutionary epoch, an era of almost-exclusive concentration on development of the mind. It is this lopsided focus on the development of the mind that has driven all the destruction we now so unavoidably witness.
But She’s been inside all this, all along. It is her dance of destruction and regeneration.
And as you say, She has the capacity to change this holodeck utterly, in the blink of an eye. And She is!
What I don’t get is your grumpy tone. Do you perceive a loss in growing one’s Self-Knowledge to live in the Truth that we are all cells in Her body—but also something even vaster? Must growing into that vastness, and thus, taking responsibility to assist this Earth in Her evolution, necessarily mean demeaning and dominating Her?
I don’t perceive it that way. I perceive the tension between individual Self-development and fine stewardship of Common Srnse as an artifact of the era of mental supremacy. The era that is, praise be, finally passing away.
I wish you ecstasy in the work of co-creating a New Earth. I wish you the steadiness that comes from Knowing She’s really got this, really got us—and we’re growing into being able to say, “We’ve got you, too, Mama! We’re finally growing up!”
Gloria says:
May 14, 2018
Wonderful, ty for sharing. Love & Blessings ***
Audie says:
May 15, 2018
You could have given the same message without disrespecting it by calling it drivel. Everyone has a right to their own opinions just like you. Before you speak let your words pass through 3 gateways. Is it true, is it necessary and is it kind
WFB says:
May 15, 2018
There are many ways to be untruthful Audie. And also many ways to be kind or unkind. And it is not my duty in this lifetime to apply the filters you prescribe me.
Judy says:
May 14, 2018
Whatever happens, love that.
Wfb says:
May 14, 2018
If anyone is “shocked” by my revelations ask yourself. What would be the most shocking and unexpected thing of all to “learn” about Taurus (earth). What message could Uranus bring us? What shock. Wouldn’t the biggest shock of all be that she’s really not bothered about our petty littering. We really are not in control at all. And with one small caugh or hiccup of lava from her core – she could do more damage than we ever imagined. Perhaps a shock will come this seven years. That she’s not in danger from us at all. She’s actually doing mighty fine! It’s our own fear of death projected onto her. It’s our own damaged and pulluted mental and emotional “environment”.
Stella says:
May 14, 2018
WFB, I am so in agreement with you. We are nothing more than ants scurrying around trying to survive, more or less in a chaotic world. My issue is the harm humans perpetrate towards all living organizations without regard or respect for their lives. There are times I wish the Earth would unleash her wrath and not prolong the widespread suffering that occurs on a daily basis. We are not supposed to speak or think of such things but how can a truly conscious person not acknowledge this? Earth is a beautiful paradise but the dichotomy between light and dark keeps me mesmerized wondering how, why, where. I am a Taurus Sun, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, going through a nodal return, and yet my life in the forest is one of peace and contemplation. Truly blessed for now. Thank you for your words.
Stella says:
May 14, 2018
‘organisms’ not organizations, the computer has it’s own mind, ha!
Lili says:
May 15, 2018
Stella, you and I are cosmic twins! I, too, have my Sun in Taurus, Scorpio rising, and Capricorn moon! So cool to witness you online. :)
Shelley says:
May 16, 2018
Same! <3
Susan says:
May 14, 2018
All necessary and yes truly happening. It is for me and I am a truth bearer of the word, that frees people to discover their purpose in order to share it with the world. I have been freed in order to follow this path for the greater good.
So thank you for the confirmation!
Deb says:
May 14, 2018
Cathy Pagano mentioned ” A renewed sense of hope and love”… Sounds like a breath of fresh air that is so much needed.
I would like to say that without change we don’t expand.
Thankyou MM and thankyou to the other astrologers for your very helpful write ups.
Diane Buccheri says:
May 14, 2018
My heart is crying with joy — with release, with relief, with freedom. I dance in the ever-changing tides. Thank you!
Yarrow says:
May 14, 2018
<3 Haha!! I am super excited to have a constellation of support to embody all of my massively vulnerable, nerdy love for earth and collective life. To jump into a timeline where – more than ever – we know the imperative to *embody* love beyond reason for this earth, and to know imperatives that tell us we can & must create systems that concretely support the kind of exchange and existence that honor life – that is, the integrity of life as a collective thing – itself.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. All for love! Let's get it done <3 <3 <3
Florence Rios says:
May 14, 2018
Thank you for sharing the Cosmic Wisdom that helps guide our activity and thoughts. May our Mother Planet be blessed with our love.
cali says:
May 14, 2018
I read this earlier this morning & was intrigued when I read about FDR being in office the last time Uranus was in Taurus… came back to take some notes on that & then it was gone from this reading…?
Maybe I’m just a conspiracy theorist but that’s… unusual.
mm says:
May 15, 2018
Post has not been edited since it went live so you probably just read it elsewhere.
)) says:
May 17, 2018
Thank U for this space to breathe. Namaste
Melanie says:
May 15, 2018
Love your intro for this one so much. So beautifully true and resonant with me.
Thank you for shining your beautiful light! Okay… Back to the post :)
Nadine Lee says:
May 15, 2018
i love this ! so in line! i just felt all this rebellious energy arise again and shared a post on it that was very popular …and this aligns with your sharings about the rebels!! yusss
thanks MM as always xx
Joy Heike Wasem says:
May 15, 2018
thanks so much for your intro. it resonates deeply. i am no longer feeling ungrounded. I am coming home…feeling the tune that seeded ever in my heart, now able to share without doubt , to plant deeply, to no longer be a stranger to others nor to myself. Full acceptance of my taurus. It´s often written that Taurus is looking for stability, security, materialism, gold and beauty…and I felt that is wrong. Since a view years I know, yes. my stability is grounded in spirituality & loving mother earth, really, loving this planet. Security is not about a monthly payment for the rest of my life, it´s grounded in my trust to abundance and guidance. Materialism is about caring for the gifts and beings from and on mother. Gold is the light with closed eyes. Gold is the heart in real connection. Beauty ; Lust and Joy is the force and plan within me. Om Shanti. namaste
Gabrielle says:
May 15, 2018
Thank you.
Ihynz says:
May 15, 2018
We are the stewards of the earth now. “You broke it, you bought it.” It IS up to us to take care if it. We cannot shrug and say not my responsibility, anymore. Time to grow up.
chakana pica pau says:
May 15, 2018
Om namo shivia
Isis Feather says:
May 15, 2018
Wonderful message. I am excited for this time of Uranus ruling Taurus and to see things get shook up here on planet Earth. It’s time.
Phoenixrising says:
May 15, 2018
Timely message, I think the biggest illusion we share is that we have the power to destroy the earth. Mother Gaia will always regerate herself no matter what. The only thing we have the power to destroy is ourselves.
Sparkle says:
May 17, 2018
Honest to eternity, eternally we just shifted over the last 6 months I believe. 12.5 degrees in the 💓 of spirit. In the universe, with in the seven billion universes, give or take, the shift was the closing of the divide spiritually like the line of the yin yang and closed the gap at the divide at the same time the middle of everything in motion shifted in the center of the mendalla the cube of circular structure on an 1-8 of a pie graph. the spiritual square the physical circle of metaphor. Like the quantum graph the cross of two negatives make a positive just turned on that pie graph, to an x marks the spot
time is of the essence and forever is now. Subconsciously exists consciously now And unconscious is seeping through the everything we are becoming from seeing. Aware of from experiencing. Feeling Meka physically. The things that you can feel but you can’t see, introvertedly. God bless the dark side of the Moon bc were moving into the light. I did all of what you are talking about already. All of this we read was my life the last five years. My fifth revelation just revealed one plus two equals three quantum physically, we fit in every part of anything. For we are sacrificing our beast now for the beauty. Bc we are… reflection. everything, that you see but we are not dammed to stay a beast, we are not the beast in self,for all who can spiritually see, with the solarplex the heart and the minds third eye, consiousley pibe in your heart doors open from the front to back for we can not possess love for it is freely gifted and free to flow, and when you live in your heart magic happens and a Neverland lense is revealed,innocence of you will be known to the world when your heart lives in the light and you live in it, belief becomes the ultimate religion. We are living alive when we are aligned. We’re working out the bugs. This is a spiritual square we shifted in a physical circle with war, a civil spiritual war inside of you for your hearts spirit I trust your truest self will be the self to take form, the self that will win. Me myself and I was me is we in reflection self is soul our soul organ is 💓. Every tatoo on my 💓 is either occupied or reveals a scar. We give our heart bc it is our souls physical tie to the spiritual world.Threw the green one is we reflection heart shokra is green and I is ego and eye is three rebirthed from a one dementional self serving spirit to a different place we have never been before consciously to have the opportunity to explore.and serve eternity with longevety. Not the end or the beginning simply “tobe”
Sparkle says:
May 17, 2018
Continues on to the next, or we will be coming here for 9x 9x 9x forever, if we don’t realize for ourselves how we’re going to make the world a better place. Fill in the soft spots in your foundation for structure has depth and depth has perception, spider sight had 4 eyes all three rebirthed the forth when our eyes were aligned with shokra 10 was x and became one for 7 shockreas three eyes equalls 11, my power # is 22 it’s all a science of spirit. I like to think of us as mad scientist of existence I have always saught to seek out bounds of everything I knew I was we are, by breaking bounds of mind, law, theory, evelution my eyes are aligned and my shokras have been I think it’s a constant thing. I read consciously and have only done very little reaserch on any topic so please let me apologize for my spelling and punctuation. I was in special classes for the disabled as a chilled. Mentally unstable or impared but now I am one of the most ballanced imbalancements of a people I have ever had the pleasure to know. I wish you all could know what you look like threw my eyes. I’ll try to find a way. I knew all of you as I know you know but without a face, for we’ve met in heaven before time and space.
Yvonne says:
May 17, 2018
Especially beautiful art this new moon. Thank you!
Loretta says:
May 22, 2018