Posts tagged "Art by Mijanou Montealegre aka MYSTIC MAMMA"
NEW MOON in Capricorn December 30th 2024~

NEW MOON in Capricorn December 30th 2024~

we have a potent NEW MOON rising in CAPRICORN on 12.30 right before the beginning of the New Year...
: soul guidance : Mercury Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS 11.25.24~

: soul guidance : Mercury Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS 11.25.24~

the SUN has entered SAGITTARIUS bringing in new winds to lift our wings! we are at the beginning of a brand new era...
NEW MOON in SCORPIO November 1st, 2024~

NEW MOON in SCORPIO November 1st, 2024~

it is no coincidence that SCORPIO is our emblematic symbol during these days of moving through endings and honoring the medicine of transmutation...
FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."
new moon + mercury direct in virgo September 14th - 15th 2023~

new moon + mercury direct in virgo September 14th – 15th 2023~

so much of what has been in reflection and incubation is readying to be enacted upon and experienced...
NEW MOON rising in TAURUS May 19th 2023~

NEW MOON rising in TAURUS May 19th 2023~

NEW MOON in Taurus rises on new ground, fertilized by the offerings of our former embodiments, a new expression takes form!
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Taurus November 8th 2022~

FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Taurus November 8th 2022~

SUN and MOON (our star crossed lovers) align with EARTH, same orbital plane, she turns red...
FULL MOON in PISCES September 10th 2022~

FULL MOON in PISCES September 10th 2022~

FULL MOON in PISCES yields an opening, beckoning us to submerge into her healing dreamy waters, and dive deep into the imaginal realms that are here and ever present...
FULL MOON in Sagittarius love::: June  14th 2022~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius love::: June 14th 2022~

the field of pure potentiality is where we set our aims...
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

Our expanding realizations are transforming into bridges of solidarity and action calls to the ways we can each proactively participate in the active dismantling of the oppressive systems that we consciously or unconsciously maintain...
NEW MOON in Gemini May 22nd 2020~

NEW MOON in Gemini May 22nd 2020~

This NEW MOON in GEMINI encourages us to activate our engagement with the larger patterns that shape our destiny, in a way that is much more empowering that the world dictates...
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~

FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~

She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....
NEW MOON in Taurus April 22nd 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Taurus April 22nd 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Taurus, the sign of Earthy feminine embodiment, aligning with EARTH DAY is a potent symbol of what unites us. We are embedded into the landscape and this we must remember...
FULL MOON in Libra April 7th / 8th 2020~

FULL MOON in Libra April 7th / 8th 2020~

*FULL MOON* in Libra rises on the horizon illuminating all of our relationships during this time of collective flux...
FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

We must water the Holy Seeds within. Great change is seeded by conscious dreamers...
NEW MOON in Pisces February 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Pisces February 23rd 2020~

At this *NEW MOON*, the Sun and Moon, the Masculine and Feminine are having meeting in Pisces in order to, like astrologer Molly McCord says, decide "what they are going to create moving forward."
FULL MOON in Leo February 8-9th 2020~

FULL MOON in Leo February 8-9th 2020~

Leo *FULL MOON* is rising, and there is excitement in the air as this Aquarius/Leo axis accentuates creativity, expression and expansion. This energy is about summoning our courage to reveal our truest heart...
NEW MOON in Aquarius January 24th 2020~

NEW MOON in Aquarius January 24th 2020~

With Uranus squaring this NEW MOON in Aquarius, we may feel sparked with a revelation or a strong knowing from within about something connected to our most cherished desire or dream...
FULL MOON in Gemini December 11th/12th 2019~

FULL MOON in Gemini December 11th/12th 2019~

Last *FULL MOON* of the year and decade in Gemini, calls us forth to keep emerging into our most empowered selves as we continue to adjust to outward circumstances beyond our control...
NEW MOON in Sagittarius November 26th 2019~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius November 26th 2019~

After plunging the depths we rise! Those of us who gave up our ghosts are resurrecting from the funeral pyre. Sagittarius brings us a passionate impulse to radically burst forth in a new direction...
FULL MOON in Taurus November 12th 2019~

FULL MOON in Taurus November 12th 2019~

Taurus Full Moon activates our feminine energies reminding us of this love that returns to us when we come home to ourselves...
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 31st to November 20th 2019~

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 31st to November 20th 2019~

Mercury went Retrograde in SCORPIO October 31st and onward we deepen into our spiraling transformations. Scorpio brings her regenerating wisdom and calls us to journey deep within our heart cave...
FULL MOON in Aries October 13th 2019~

FULL MOON in Aries October 13th 2019~

*FULL MOON* in Aries, along with Eris and a whole line up of aspects, are reflecting how individually and collectively, fires are rising within and without...
Theme for October 2019 is REWRITING THE STORY~

Theme for October 2019 is REWRITING THE STORY~

Lena Stevens from The Power Path shares, "Changing your story is changing your relationship with your environment and changing your relationship with the past as well as the future...
NEW MOON in Libra September 28th 2019~

NEW MOON in Libra September 28th 2019~

NEW MOON in LIBRA is upon us, and the recent turning of the wheels with the EQUINOX has brought an intensification of feeling what is out of balance. 
FULL MOON in Pisces September 13th 2019~

FULL MOON in Pisces September 13th 2019~

*FULL MOON* in Pisces conjunct Neptune comes to cradle us in the feeling realms as our emotions swell with the tides...
Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~

Living systems adapt by transforming themselves~

"Living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen. Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system...
FULL MOON in Aquarius August 15th 2019~

FULL MOON in Aquarius August 15th 2019~

*FULL MOON* in Aquarius alchemizes the the cauldron of our humanity. Within this axis, Aquarius (humanitarian) and Leo (Self),  we become the change...
The theme for August 2019 is DISCOVERY~

The theme for August 2019 is DISCOVERY~

Lena Stevens says "This is a very rich and exciting month where you get to be the star of your own life. What will you do with it?
SOLSTICE Energies June 21st 2019~

SOLSTICE Energies June 21st 2019~

Spiraling Deeper and deeper into the Mystery we go... Each concentric circle bringing us closer to our center
NEW MOON in Gemini June 3rd 2019~

NEW MOON in Gemini June 3rd 2019~

Gemini energy is multifaceted, able to perceive through many lenses. Master in shifting between worlds...
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 18th 2019~

FULL MOON in Scorpio May 18th 2019~

FULL MOON in Scorpio, also known as the "Wesak" Moon honors the Buddha's enlightenment, and brings us the gift of a deep seated knowing beyond the intellect....
NEW MOON in Taurus May 4th 2019~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 4th 2019~

We have been learning to honor our emerging desires as holy seeds to nurture in their growing potentiality...
FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~

FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~

This Full Moon in Libra brings us to the precipice, initiating trust in our evolutionary hearts as we step through the alchemical ring of fire...
NEW MOON in Aries April 5th 2019~

NEW MOON in Aries April 5th 2019~

There have been so many powerful planetary placements recently pushing us through the birthing canal. We are in the midst of birthing our truest selves more than ever before, but this journey is something!
NEW MOON in Sagittarius + Mercury Direct December 6th / 7th 2018~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius + Mercury Direct December 6th / 7th 2018~

There are many moving parts right now as our worlds are being recreated and renewed...
FULL MOON in Gemini November 22 2018~

FULL MOON in Gemini November 22 2018~

As our hearts return from their underworld voyage, our focus turns within, to nourish ourselves and to process so many of the changes that have been occurring...
NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Scorpio teaches us about Life and Death, the SEEN + UNSEEN, the meaning beneath the words, and the new life that awaits us when we allow ourselves to go beyond the Known.
FULL MOON in Taurus October 24th 2018~

FULL MOON in Taurus October 24th 2018~

Growth happens in the subtle spaces, beneath the Earth, before we can see any evidence of any new beginnings. Deep down inside, there are changes occurring...
NEW MOON in Libra October 8th 2018~

NEW MOON in Libra October 8th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Libra asks us to honor that which abides within, as we restructure how we move within the world of relationships...
FULL MOON in Aries September 24th / 25th 2018~

FULL MOON in Aries September 24th / 25th 2018~

FULL MOON in Aries heightens our emotions bringing our heat to the fore. Our inner fire is our sacred gift to be used wisely to activate our life force into good use...
VENUS enters Libra August 6th until September 9th 2018~

VENUS enters Libra August 6th until September 9th 2018~

Sarah Varcas says, "Venus in Libra encourages us to expand the heart and embrace difference rather than harden around it....
The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~

The Theme for August 2018 is Creative Pragmatism~

Lena Stevens shares, "August is a complex month supporting you to think outside the box. We have an opportunity for new creative insights...
Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 26th 2018~

Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 26th 2018~

Robert Wilkinson says, "This is a time when we can examine the effect that our subconscious mind and/or the Collective Unconscious has upon us..."
NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 15th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Taurus + Uranus moving into Taurus for the next 7 years marks a new phase in the unfoldment of our collective growth and evolution. Uranus’s revolutionary energies will be helping us shift into new ways of relating......
FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~

FULL MOON in Scorpio April 29th / 30th 2018~

*FULL MOON* in SCORPIO. What a long strange trip it's been. From moon to moon whole worlds change...
Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Works so much better as you and me become we~

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Works so much better as you and me become we~

Mantra: "Tremendous power can be used for you or for me, But when put together, It works so much better, As you and me become we."
NEW MOON in Aries April 15th 16th 2018~

NEW MOON in Aries April 15th 16th 2018~

NEW MOON* in Aries + Mercury going Direct marks a turning point for us all. As a new cycle begins, we set forth with new understanding and are ready to seed our actions with our newfound inspiration...
EQUINOX~ Significance and Resonance~

EQUINOX~ Significance and Resonance~

There is a primal longing from the Life force within us, seeking to connect and feel a resonance with the Life force outside of us...
FULL MOON in Virgo March 1st / 2nd 2018~

FULL MOON in Virgo March 1st / 2nd 2018~

*FULL MOON* in Virgo on the Pisces axis calls us to ground our roots deep into Mother Earth to anchor ourselves through the emotional seas that have been surging...
Chinese Astrology: 2018 Tibetan and Chinese New Year of Earth Dog~

Chinese Astrology: 2018 Tibetan and Chinese New Year of Earth Dog~

After an extreme Year of the Fire Rooster, which stirred our passions and ignited us to rise and mobilize into action, we now move into the grounding energy of double Earth in this New Year of the Dog...
NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Aquarius February 15th 2018~

NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Aquarius February 15th 2018~

This *NEW MOON* Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a reset toward a different level of experience. The shift is precisely in our outlook and our direct engagement with Life before us, around us and within us...
The theme for February 2018 is UNFOLDING~

The theme for February 2018 is UNFOLDING~

Lena Stevens from The Power Path says, "This month we examine our relationship with time, with impatience, with the masculine willful part of ourselves that always wants to push things through and make things happen.."
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Not seeking approval or longing for love~

Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Not seeking approval or longing for love~

Mantra: "It's hard for me to lay myself out, Both my future and my past, Not seeking approval or longing for love, But ready for union at last."
FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Leo January 31st 2018~

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Leo January 31st 2018~

We welcome a *FULL MOON* Lunar Eclipse in Leo as yet another cyclical evolutionary turn on our personal and collective journey...
The theme for January 2018 is EVALUATION - ACTION~

The theme for January 2018 is EVALUATION – ACTION~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "In order to take advantage of what wants to happen this month, you will need to be ruthless in your Evaluation and disciplined in your Action....
NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 17th / 18th  2017~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 17th / 18th 2017~

*NEW MOON* in Sagittarius rising days before the *SOLSTICE* augurs a time to spiral within to assimilate the direction we wish to AIM our bows...
FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 3rd 2017~

FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 3rd 2017~

*FULL MOON* SuperMoon in Gemini is prismatic with information, able to shapeshift into multiple expressions...
MERCURY RETROGRADE in Sagittarius December 2nd / 3rd 2017~

MERCURY RETROGRADE in Sagittarius December 2nd / 3rd 2017~

Timely Mercury going Retrograde in Sagittarius, reminding us of the beautiful gift of self-reflection...
NEW MOON in Scorpio November 18th 2017~

NEW MOON in Scorpio November 18th 2017~

Scorpio is intimate with the natural cycles of death, rebirth and transformation. She is the Seeress, who sees beyond the veils of the known and is at one with the deep mysteries...
FULL MOON in Taurus November 3rd - 4th 2017~

FULL MOON in Taurus November 3rd – 4th 2017~

Grandmother Moon rises to her fullness on November 3rd / 4th in Taurus bringing in a time of illumination and releasing into the now...
NEW MOON in Libra October 19th 2017~

NEW MOON in Libra October 19th 2017~

The archetype of Libra, who is ruled by Venus, brings us the gift of right relationship. She dances within the continuum of me and we. She sways with the wind knowing that there is always an exchange occurring...
FULL MOON in Aries October 5th 2017~

FULL MOON in Aries October 5th 2017~

Grandmother Moon comes into her fullness in Aries reminding us to steep in the power of our own inner knowing and truth. The fire that burns within us can never be extinguished. It is this truth of our inner Being...
NEW MOON in Virgo September 19th / 20th 2017~

NEW MOON in Virgo September 19th / 20th 2017~

*NEW MOON* in Virgo augurs a time of deep self-healing. VIRGO is the archetype of the healer, the medicine woman, the one who is dedicated to serving her people. And yet there always comes a time when even she must...
FULL MOON in Pisces September 6th 2017~

FULL MOON in Pisces September 6th 2017~

Assimilating into the now, we welcome a watery *FULL MOON* in Pisces. She reminds us to go within and listen to the deep pulsing of our hearts...
The Theme for July 2017 is JUST DO IT!

The Theme for July 2017 is JUST DO IT!

Lena Stevens from The Power Path shares, "There are two main energies we will be working with this month. The energy of taking action, 'just do it', and the energy of emotional clarity and striving for feeling 'right'...
Theme for June 2017 is REALITY CHECK!

Theme for June 2017 is REALITY CHECK!

Lena Stevens from The Power says "It is a month of paying attention to the signs, of acceptance of what is and what is showing up, of choosing your own reality vs the reality of others...
NEW MOON SuperMoon in Gemini May 25th 2017~

NEW MOON SuperMoon in Gemini May 25th 2017~

GEMINI says honor your knowing, learn from your mirrored reflections and create new pathways by thinking new thoughts arising from within...
A Mother's Day Prayer~

A Mother’s Day Prayer~

"We honor the Holy Mothers of the world: whether they have children or not, the women whose whole lives are about radiating kindness, the profoundly compassionate, nurturing, and wise ones who minister to the needs of the world...
The theme for April 2017 is INTENSITY~

The theme for April 2017 is INTENSITY~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "The ultimate goal is to break through the membrane of our limited beliefs about how this universe works and what we are actually capable of creating..."
NEW MOON in Aries March 27/28th 2017~

NEW MOON in Aries March 27/28th 2017~

Aries is the fire starter within each of us who creates fire by friction, and blows forth the flame that sparks the beginning of something wild, elemental, essential and new...
FULL MOON in Virgo March 12th 2017~

FULL MOON in Virgo March 12th 2017~

FULL MOON moves into the sign of Virgo...She is the Corn Mother who is able to separate the wheat from the chaff and helps us focus on what truly matters....
The theme for March 2017 is SURRENDER~

The theme for March 2017 is SURRENDER~

Lena Stevens from The Power says: "SURRENDER is an act of power that takes the reins away from the false personality and hands them over to essence...
Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in PISCES February 26th 2017~

Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in PISCES February 26th 2017~

Pisces is calling us to listen to the voice deep within the within. A rebirth is unfurling us out from the depths as we emerge....
The theme for February 2017 is CHANGE.

The theme for February 2017 is CHANGE.

LENA STEVENS from The Power says, "This is the month of accepting change, allowing change, promoting change, choosing change and being the change..."
Chinese Astrology for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster~

Chinese Astrology for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster~

Year of the Fire Rooster comes a crowing saying, Wake up! His crow alerts us that a new day is dawning, but we must rise and mobilize into action as we come together for the wellbeing of our roost/planet...
NEW MOON in Aquarius January 27th / 28th 2017~

NEW MOON in Aquarius January 27th / 28th 2017~

*NEW MOON* in AQUARIUS comes bearing the gift of expanded consciousness and long term visioning that takes into consideration our extended community and our planet Earth...
Mercury Retrograde December 19th 2016 till January 8th 2017~

Mercury Retrograde December 19th 2016 till January 8th 2017~

It's that time again, the fourth and final Mercury Retrograde period. Time to go within and sink deeply into our truth so we can find the missing clues that will helps us root and realign our course for the future....
NEW MOON in Sagittarius November 29th 2016~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius November 29th 2016~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius aims to ignite a flicker of hope in the darkness. From the darkest shadowy depths she steadies to rise, as she becomes illuminated with a new vision for our collective future.
Full Moon SUPERMOON in Taurus November 14th 2016~

Full Moon SUPERMOON in Taurus November 14th 2016~

We are being called to come together as a people of a new time, with wise hearts and an inclusive and united vision for the future. Our strength and our unity lies in our diversity...
FULL MOON SuperMoon in ARIES October 15th / 16th 2016~

FULL MOON SuperMoon in ARIES October 15th / 16th 2016~

*FULL MOON* rising in fiery Aries conjuct Eris brings a cauldron of the hidden bubbling to the surface. High tide has been rising all week toward this Full Moon apex..."
NEW MOON in Libra September 30th / October 1st 2016~

NEW MOON in Libra September 30th / October 1st 2016~

NEW MOON* is here again bringing us a new cycle wherein we can plant seeds for a brighter, more compassionate, more cooperative future...
LUNAR ECLIPSE - FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~

LUNAR ECLIPSE – FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~

* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * LUNAR ECLIPSE * brings forth a surge of emotional energy. The watery depths of our unconscious bubble their way to the surface...
Mercury goes Retrograde August 30th till September 22nd 2016~

Mercury goes Retrograde August 30th till September 22nd 2016~

Cosmic time is calling forth a period of re-envisioning, reassessing and reinvention. With Mercury Retrograding in Virgo, we are supported in structuring the necessary details to move forth toward our most optimal future vision...
FULL MOON in Aquarius August 18th 2016~

FULL MOON in Aquarius August 18th 2016~

FULL MOON in water bearing Aquarius. She comes bringing illumination and a feminine vision of inclusivity and thinking about the whole of US....
NEW MOON in LEO August 2nd 2016~

NEW MOON in LEO August 2nd 2016~

"Carrying the rulership of the Sun, Leo’s signature at the start of August can help you to revitalize and begin a process of recovering purpose, strength, presence, and gravitas..."
The theme for August 2016 is COLLABORATION~

The theme for August 2016 is COLLABORATION~

Lena Stevens says, "COLLABORATION gets to the foundation of what is needed right now in everyone’s life if we are to set things up in the best way possible for a positive future..."
Astral Insights July – September 2016 by Sarah Varcas: Heart Centered Rebellion~

Astral Insights July – September 2016 by Sarah Varcas: Heart Centered Rebellion~

"These are times of opportunity, when we can change the course of so much and challenge, like never before, the status quo of inequalities and power differentials, oppression, exploitation and deception..."
FULL MOON in Capricorn July 19th 2016~

FULL MOON in Capricorn July 19th 2016~

FULL MOON rising in earthy Capricorn July 19th 2016, teaches us to persevere, release our fears and ground ourselves into the fertile Earth that holds us...
NEW MOON in Gemini + Grand Cross June 4th 2016~

NEW MOON in Gemini + Grand Cross June 4th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in GEMINI aligning with the mutable Grand Cross offers us a new threshold to cross over. We have the opportunity to reweave a new reality...
NEW MOON in TAURUS (Super Moon) May 6th 2016~

NEW MOON in TAURUS (Super Moon) May 6th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in TAURUS calls us to ground into Mamma Earth and fully embrace and embody the multicolored spectrum of our human experience in all it's bountiful fullness. ..
FULL MOON in Scorpio April 21st 2016~

FULL MOON in Scorpio April 21st 2016~

Grandmother MOON comes into her fullness once again in the sign of Scorpio. She speaks to us of our hidden desires, of the mysteries that lie beneath the world we see and teaches us how to shed our skin and...
NEW MOON SuperMoon in ARIES April 7th 2016~

NEW MOON SuperMoon in ARIES April 7th 2016~

A bold *NEW MOON* SuperMoon in Aries sets forth the beginning of the astrological year and heralds a fresh start that dares us to envision the new way in which our lives can unfold personally and collectively.
The theme for April 2016 is UNSETTLED~

The theme for April 2016 is UNSETTLED~

Lena Stevens says, "Think of a puzzle. There are pieces coming together, some that are still missing, and the final picture has not yet emerged. This month requires a great deal of trust and flexibility...
Astrology for April 2016 by Sarah Varcas: Spiritual Warriors~

Astrology for April 2016 by Sarah Varcas: Spiritual Warriors~

"Live all of it, with our souls on fire, our minds awake and hearts open to receive the deepest insights and most potent wisdom..."


*Lunar Eclipse* Full Moon in Libra illuminates the shadows and reveals the energetic wounds in our hearts in our relationships to Self and Others. With gentle loving acceptance, it's time to hold space for it all as we continue to...
EQUINOX March 19th 2016: Celebrating the Space Between~

EQUINOX March 19th 2016: Celebrating the Space Between~

On the EQUINOX, we symbolically honor the space between the seasons. These in between points have been celebrated by our ancestors from the beginning of time and are wonderful days for prayer and contemplation...
Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

In the archetypal waters of Pisces, we are asked to step into the Dreamtime to reflect, feel it all, cleanse it all and draw forth from the ocean of the collective unconscious the new dream that wants to be birthed......
The theme for March 2016 is FIRE IT UP-POWER IT UP!

The theme for March 2016 is FIRE IT UP-POWER IT UP!

Lena Stevens says, "Much of the transformation and change so far has been internal and personal. This month inspires the internal changes to collect some much-needed fuel, fire up, and move towards outward manifestation..."
Astrology for March 2016 : Beyond Recognition by Sarah Varcas~

Astrology for March 2016 : Beyond Recognition by Sarah Varcas~

"This month will challenge our sense of self. We may have to entirely redefine notions of self-worth, finding it not in what we do or how we live, but in the fact that we are each a unique, physical embodiment...