NEW MOON in Scorpio November 18th 2017~
22 Limited Edition Prints Available
Scorpio is intimate with the natural cycles of death, rebirth and transformation. She is the Seeress, who sees beyond the veils of the known and is at one with the deep mysteries.
She reminds us of our innate ability to transmute poison, symbolized by the Scorpion, into wisdom symbolized by the Snake, so we can soar high like the Eagle and gain a broader vision of our Lives.
Like her fourth embodiment, the Phoenix, she reminds us of how time and time again, we rise from the ashes of own transformation.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from PAT LILES from The Power
“With New Moon cycle in Scorpio, we have a powerful opportunity to do our healing work.
“A water sign, Moon always points to the emotional realms and the gifts awaiting below the surface waters if we are willing to submerge our awareness…”
“Go deep and let yourself be healed and let your ability to heal others flow.
“Any psychological insights you are able to excavate in the next month will serve the depth and power of your soul work.
“If you can take a risk, be vulnerable and make a bid for power at this time, you just may come away feeling more passionately alive…”
“Venus and Jupiter have just made a heart-expanding conjunction in Scorpio earlier in the week.
“Our love is deep, loyal; we are connected to fields of spirit greater than ourselves. It’s seen in our actions, felt in our interactions.
“Scorpio is our ally to destroy, eliminate, let go in order to heal the past, recreate, begin anew with passion…”
“Call on your dark feminine power in Scorpio New Moon. Invite in Kali and rattle your necklace of skulls.
“Let Pele purify you in her fires and begin again. Invite Lilith to be with you in claiming your freedom and sexual power.
“…In our New Moon chart, we find Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Libra in a challenging, maybe even crisis-producing square aspect.
“…Mercury’s positive relationship to Mars could have a constructive influence on Mars, but most likely we will feel the urge to share and speak of our intense feelings to clear the waters of subterranean influences that have gone unspoken.
“Pluto is here to encourage letting the structures in our lives crack, split and move to make way for a more responsible way of being in the world…”
“Scorpio’s cycle is here to develop our resilience.
“Completions and endings are all around us. Some are painful, disturbing. What Scorpio illuminates is our power to respond.
“How we respond is our choice. Scorpio is about choosing your response to what life serves up.
“Challenging experiences deepen our wisdom. We can then hold more joy, more presence, more gratitude, more power.”
© Copyright 2017 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
From CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of
“Jupiter, Venus and Vesta are in Scorpio now, supporting this New Moon’s energy that wants us to look ourselves in the eye and see our true feelings and longings…”
“If we want an intimate relationship, we have to be brave enough to take down our barriers, let ourselves trust and open to the Unknown, which is the magic of life.
“We all have both dark and light within us. It’s the dance between them that makes life worth living. Too much light creates deep and dark shadows…”
“When we embrace our Scorpionic nature, we embrace the cycle of death and rebirth that can bring us fulfillment and wholeness…”
“Uranus is quincunx (150* angle) this Scorpio New Moon. Quincunx angles are twitchy – they need to be constantly readjusting to things. With this aspect, we might find ourselves re-adjusted right out of our old behavior patterns in relationships.
“Being defensive will not work; being dramatic won’t either. Being yourself will, with the caveat that you’ll also have to be open to your partner’s point of view…
“The Cosmos blesses us with help: the Mentor asteroid, Chiron, who we call the Wounded Healer, trines this New Moon from Pisces, giving us the compassion we need for ourselves and others.
“We’re all in this together. And it’s time we start living like we are. It’s time to release our emotional fear of others taking power over us and hurting us. If we’re not afraid, who can really take our power away?”
© Copyright 2017 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
“With all this Scorpio energy our willingness to dive deep is our super power! And it’s the only way we will navigate this deep time with grace, ease, humor and joy…
“Mars is in Libra- the sign of partnership, balance and harmony. This is a sign he is not very comfortable in as he rules the opposite sign of Aries…”
“Wherever we have swept things under the carpet, turned a blind eye, played nice so avoid confrontation or change- this astrology will certainly challenge those default mechanisms…”
“The key right now is to have good practices that ground you– meditation, yoga, hiking in nature, cuddling with loved ones. Also having grounded, Kindred Spirits in your life that you can turn to for support and understanding is so necessary.
“Being willing to go deep and resource yourself with therapy, shadow work, dream work, herbs, essential oils, extra sleep, nourishing foods and lots of water is recommended.
“As Jung said ‘One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of Light, but by making the darkness conscious’.
“This deep time of the year but also this very deep time of our collective evolution is a call to make the darkness conscious. The more of us committed to this work the better it is for the planet.
“‘Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior’ (also Jung). Let us all rise in Love knowing that at first Love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing.
“Deep healing is possible right now but it requires we move through a deep, cathartic death process (metaphorically speaking). Stay the course!”
© Copyright 2017 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
*NEW MOON* love~
⚬ N E W M O O N ⚬
November 18th 3:42 am PDT
November 18th 11:42 am GMT
November 18th 10:42 pm AEDT
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Tags: "MM" Mijanou Montealegre, Art by Mijanou Montealegre, Art by Mijanou Montealegre aka MYSTIC MAMMA, Artwork by MYSTIC MAMMA, ASTRAL INSIGHTS SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, Astrology Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Astrology Collage, Astrology Collage Art, Astrology Collage by MYSTIC MAMMA, Astrology for MYSTICS, Astrology for SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, Astrology MYSTIC MAMA, at one with the deep mysteries, Collective Wisdom Astrology SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, Cosmic Collage Art, cycles of death, deepen our wisdom, Divine Feminine Collage Art, Full Moon Guidance November 2017, Healing Moon, Let us all rise in Love, Lunar guidance SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, make the darkness conscious, MAMA MISTICA, mama mystic, MAMA MYSTIC ASTROLOGY, MAMA MYSTICA, MOON WISDOM SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, Mystic Astrology, Mystic Collage Art, MYSTIC MAMMA Mijanou Montealegre, New Moon astrology November 18th 2017, NEW MOON astrology SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, NEW MOON in Scorpio November 18th 2017, New Moon Insight November 18th 2017, New Moon November 18th 2017, Original Zodiac Art, rebirth and transformation, rise from the ashes of own transformation, Scorpio Art, Scorpio Collage Art, Scorpio is the shamana, Scorpio NEW MOON Message November 18th 2017, SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017, SCORPIO NEW MOON November 18th 2017 ASTROLOGY, sees beyond the veils of the known, She is the Seeress, Woman Collage Art, Zodiac Collage Art
Joie Bourisseau says:
Nov 17, 2017
MYSTIC MAMMA ~ I AM always inspired by your sharings, your artwork, and your honoring of the Sacred. Chii Mii Gwetch
DIVINE HARMONY ~ “‘Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior’ (also Jung). Let us all rise in Love knowing that at first Love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing.”
I am very very grateful for this message you have given to US. I am weeping. Tears of relief are flowing, honoring that someone(s) know, and can identify my life path, particularly since I was awakened in 1972, into full, multi-dimensional, spherical, consciousness of BEING our ONE HEART.
My journey has been messy. I became illusions contortions. I was born, here on Mother Gaia, with the strength to travel into and through, the bowels of the catacombs of not-Love, to bridge our ONE HEART. My only ‘stability’, in the face of tremendous outer criticism and judgment, has been the inner knowing that I had to keep going. no matter how the surface appeared.
For this past month, Mother has wanted all of the not-Love we’ve stored in our 2nd chakra, to be transmuted and returned to Source. The physical pain in myOUR pelvic area, extending through the buttocks, through right side of my groin and over the pelvic crest and down my outer leg, has been crippling. The unawakened masculine and patriarchal demands are being freed. The emotional pain of the part that was separated from itSelf, diverted by outer demands since birth (and in my case in the womb), is overwhelming. Literally.
I lost mySelf two days ago. The thought of suicide flitted through. It startled me. I haven’t had those types of thoughts or feelings for over 20 years. Many precious ONEs came, unbidden, and helped me in a multitude of ways, to regain my balance and stability.
My work is OUR work: personal, planetary, and, in this current case, experiencing the ancient, first, excruciating memory of being separated from Source, when donning a bodysuit.
My Heart ~ OUR ONE HEART ~ is extended to embrace everyONE. We can, and will, find our way Home. Sharing the huge Blessings of Gratitude and Grace for our ONE HEART.
In other frequencies (“dimensions”) I am known as J’aelle (angelic), Round Star (Indigenous), and an aspect Mother of All. Here on Gaia, I AM Joie
Leela says:
Nov 19, 2017
Wow dear your words resonates in me so deeply. Thank you for your share, I now understand better what happend to my 2 chakra the last week. So freeing!!
Much love to all, from the heart space :)
Joie Bourisseau says:
Nov 17, 2017
DUVINE SOURCE ~ Forgot to mention I received Jung when I studied with Ira Progoff. In fact, he was my mother’s personal therapist ~ so from early on, I’ve been blessed to incorporate Jung’s knowings as part of my own.
Blessed Be.
Xenia says:
Nov 17, 2017
so good! thank you for sharing this beautiful wisdom with us ♥
Irene says:
Nov 18, 2017
I would like to share that I have been feeling this energy since last month – that a reckoning with some of my valuable yet teetering-on-edge relationships are going to happen.
I have been reminded about all the same things written here by a psychotherapist who facilitated a transformative process I went through last month.
And here you are passing on the messages once again.
THANK YOU for sharing these messages/ reminders.
Joie Bourisseau says:
Nov 19, 2017
For me, this particular influx of changes began with the opening of the Lion’s Gate in August. They flared into full-blown cacophony with the Eclipse on 8.21, which lasted for 3+ weeks. A period of integrating, relative calm came through for most of September. A surge of unimpeded, pure, Sacred Love expansion came through on October 12th. On 10.15.17, I began the crippling experiences of pelvic pain. Fortunately, I was shown that this was a planetary, 2nd chakra cleansing of deep, personal, “not-Love” WE’ve held blocked in that area. I was advised to “ride” the wave and LOVE all the “not-LOVEs arising rather than to fight or transmute them. When the emotional body aspects of separation and limitation from Self started moving through, I was shown the multiple layers of “seals” WE had installed to assure complete and total awakening and reintegration of WHO WE REALLY ARE. What a ride!!! Talk about “Surfing the Zuvuya!!!” i’m still experiencing both physical and emotional pain, but fortunately there seems to be a lull, perhaps for integration until the next round. Sharing so many Blessings of Gratitude for and with US ALL. WE ARE ONE HEART
Loretta says:
Nov 18, 2017
Mercy, merci 💜💙💚💛❤️
Claire says:
Nov 18, 2017
I too resonate with this quite soo deeply. From an early age l was aware that l had been born into a family of “not belonging”. This has caused me great pain and suffering as l have sought to belong from many of the same energy partners. Even some of my friend clothed in “other” supposedly of light have deep deep shadows. It is and has been my profound process of the last 7years to “see” what l didn’t want to see and to be torn from all l know that is familiar in my patterning so that a skin may be shed at this time to emerge into what l hope will be a path to wholeness. A wholeness that is authentic to a valuuable walk on this planet and that is integrous to my souls path.
Recently l was told that l belong to 2.5 % of the population who has special gifts. It’s time for me to use these gifts, l know not how yet but letting go must begin the process of relearning for a better life ahead.
Thank you for this mystic mamma, so cuttingly precise.
Joie Bourisseau says:
Nov 19, 2017
Thank you, Claire. Your early background resonates all too well.
Dr Sarah Larsen says:
Nov 18, 2017
Thank you!
)) says:
Nov 18, 2017
Haha, so few of us posting on this powerfullday…Woke to feel the change this morning, and happy to turn onto You, MM. Thank U for the collage work of wisdom–so helpful in these crisis-filled times. Namaste
Michet says:
Nov 18, 2017
I had no words…only gut-twisting emotion, as something deep inside me was recently dislodged…until reading these Posts and Comments. Now I’m better able to understand how such a painful process of release-old wounds, dysfunctional patterns-is essential for deep healing.Even as I write this I know I still can’t describe the despair, then overwhelming relief of the transformation process. I didn’t go looking for it- I was ready for it and it came. Feels like I just gave birth- to my Self.
Joie Bourisseau says:
Nov 19, 2017
Yes ~ giving birth to myOUR self … I resonate completely! ThankUS!!!
Belara Sothis says:
Nov 18, 2017
It feels like the journey we have been on has lead us to this portal of deep transformation. At the threshold/doorway we now stand naked before the fires of transfiguration preparing to surrender to the flames all that is no longer necessary for growth. If we have been conscious on the journey and faced with courage our shadows and inner demons in the moments of illumination we stand ready before the great conflagration knowing that the only things that will be consumed are the things we have already willingly given away. If we require more time to make peace with the darkness in order to release that which blocks inner light then the journey continues. This will be a time of testing where the lies we tell ourselves to hide from ourselves will be revealed in the depths of our soul where one cannot hide.
It is in deed a portal to the dimension of Universal/Highest True/SoulMate Love that has opened for Mother/Father Earth and all Man/Womankind. In order to become our Highest Self (Love) we must be willing to release all that it is not (Fear). Blessings be with you and remember the journey is the destination.
Jim says:
Nov 18, 2017
Fuck all of you
Ruby says:
Nov 19, 2017
We love you Jim…we know you are hurting, and that is why you hurt others, but we are a community of bad ass witches who will NOT take your abuse.
Jess says:
Nov 19, 2017
Lexilakshmi says:
Nov 19, 2017
I’ve been feeling this piercing spotlight shining on my relationship patterns this past month. It feels great to know that this is UP for all of us… another reminder of our Oneness and affirmation of my clarity and connection to Source. Thank you for illuminating this connection.
nicole says:
Nov 19, 2017
couldnt be more on point. Im going through due diligince to sell a company (really the final stages of divorce) and the buyer is being excruciatingly slow and exacting, demanding to know more and more details of any embarrassing thing that weng wrong, what didnt work, every email from any disgruntled employee. etc etc. agoniizing. all my failures under a microscope. meanwhile all the friends are missing this weekend. i adopted an adult cat, i hope we can console eachother, and flowers will bloom in his kitty heart. i am trying to be present and humble, not defensive, through the process. What is the worst that can happen?
wren says:
Nov 21, 2017
this resonates so much for me, thank you for sharing.
on friday night, just hours before the new moon + thru yesterday morning, a situation with a neighbor arose that parallels / triggers a childhood / parent situation from my past + now it is upon my shoulders to decide how to proceed + now that i have seen what i have seen it cannot be unseen + my neighbors life will change because of me. HEAVY load on my heart right now but i will proceed with love + compassion + grace …
How we respond is our choice.
Scorpio is about choosing your response to what life serves up.
Lydia says:
Nov 30, 2017
Thank you so much for this timely & much needed affirmation. Your input to my spirit is always so relevant & steadying to my heart.