*NEW MOON* in Aquarius, the water bearer. She brings forth a cleansing, the fresh winds blowing heralding change ahead. We re-focus our vision and open up to the yielding energies of her deep and penetrating truths. That’s where the gold lies. Tap the source to access our original fount. With vision and focus we can let it flow. And into the New Monkey Year we go!
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“As one world dies, another is born. As one Age of the world passes away, a new Age is being born in secret places of the heart…”
“We are the midwives and healers, grandmothers and grandfathers of this new world, for each of us is bringing in this new collective life force.
“The more whole we are, the more we know and love ourselves, the more embodied we are, the more aligned and true this new energy will be, laying a strong foundation for the Age of Aquarius…”
“So with this New Moon in Aquarius, we have to stay true to our uniqueness but drop the exclusivity that makes us think we’re better than others. Aquarius is concerned with the group Mind. That means how we all contribute to this Mind.
“One of Aquarius’ rulers, Saturn, is in Sagittarius directing our attention to our beliefs, we are all ready to share them, but often not in collaborative ways.
“This is not a time to demand our own version of the truth, for there are many truths. We have to concentrate on the BIG TRUTHS, which is where we can find agreement.
“And if we allow Neptune’s imagination to work on exposing our truths, we’ll discover that what we all want is ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’.
“This big promise of individual freedom is also upheld by Aquarius’ other ruler, Uranus which is in Aries, awakening us to our archetypal power to create our own lives.
“Many of us want to live in a grown-up world, where people actually are courteous, creative, cooperative and capable. Where each of us is responsible for the world we live in.
“To live otherwise is to act childish in the worst possible ways. That is what our patriarchal society would have us do. Stay children and we’ll take care of all your needs IF you do what you’re told. This old story has had its day.
“We each know in our hearts that the most important things in life are love and our connection to each other, our animal cousins and the Earth. So let’s expand our sense of community to all these realms and find that future story that benefits all of us.”
© Copyright 2016 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
“This is your moment to acknowledge how far you have come. Where you are now and where you want to go. Is it time for you too boldly go where you have not gone?”
“…Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are…Love you more than the need for approval of others. Love your creative side. Love your weird self. Love you...”
“The change you want to see in the world begins with you. Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your trials as opportunities for growth. They build muscle and make you strong. They keep your life fresh and lively.
“Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. In this way, new opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe…
“Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius…Having Saturn supporting the New Moon gives you strength and endurance.
“You are to balance your emotional needs with your sense of obligation. You are to get your ducks in a row. Saturn encourages you to be focused and disciplined.
“You can accomplish a great deal. You are not in the mood to be frivolous. You will be in an orderly state of mind. You may have a strong sense of self-discipline. This is a smart approach to the New Moon and New Year.”
© Copyright 2016 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved
From PAT LILES from The Power
“Because Uranus remains in square to Pluto, we may be challenged and tested psychologically to see how strong our commitment is to our goals.
“Here at New Moon, go back, refine/revise and recommit to your New Year’s goals. Saturn is trining Uranus so we have strength, perseverance and a strong vision of the long-term goal we are pursuing. Now just add doing the work.
“Mars is demanding attention by squaring the Sun and Moon and in a stressful relationship to ruling planet Uranus. Mars is the red Warrior planet…
“In stressful formations like we have here, Mars irritation can come out in accidents, aggression, heated exchanges.
“Take the higher road and channel this power surge energy into physical activity, acknowledge your own irritation and avoid needless confrontation when you can.
“It’s an opportunity to tame the beast within and use this energy for initiating what you desire at a gut level. It seems to be a lesson the whole planet needs at this time.
“With a trine from Chiron – he who makes things whole, we have access to our Divine Masculine energy and can make ourselves whole by emotionally balancing our inner masculine and feminine.
“Benevolent Jupiter aligned with the North Node in Virgo for another month is trining powerful Pluto so there is strong support for ridding ourselves of deep patterns that are keeping us from manifesting our true natures fully on the earthly plane. If you challenge yourself, you can reap the benefits.”
© Copyright 2016 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
“The New Moon in Aquarius is exact on Monday February 8th, 2016 at 6:39am PST- commencing a new lunar cycle that focuses on what is evolving and radically shifting, changing and rearranging in our lives.
“…we are being asked to start a new cycle in our lives that diverges from the stuck patterns and old paradigms we keep playing out from the past ad nausea.
“This is a wake up/shake up New Moon- particularly considering Uranus is highly aspected in the New Moon chart. Uranus links up with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (the only planet he does not link up with is Neptune)!
“With so much Uranus energy splayed out all over the chart- the only constant we can count on is change!
“It’s fascinating to see Uranus link up with all 5 personal planets- bringing in the winds of change to our sense of identity (Sun), feelings and emotions (Moon), mind and thoughts (Mercury), heart and desires (Venus) and direction and energy (Mars) right now.
“Any area of life that is begging for a change- this New Moon will help you make it happen! Yet it’s up to each of us to discern what areas of life need change and what we are willing to do about it ;)
“One of the most interesting features of this New Moon is the fact that right after it is exact the Moon goes void of course- a time traditionally seen as bad to take action under.
“Void of course Moons are kind of like dark/balsamic Moons- in that the energies are waning, releasing, ending rather than starting up or initiating.
“Typically a New Moon IS a time to start new things, plant new seeds and move in new directions- so having this new Moon followed by a void Moon brings an interesting juxtaposition of energy to the lunation.
“On one hand there can be a one step forward, two steps back energy playing out over the next lunar month. In addition this speaks to the need to think before we take action and take a sacred pause to reflect before we make dramatic changes in our lives or leave one path behind in favor of another.
“The Uranian energy is great for sudden change and evolution- but the void Moon reminds us that any change we truly seek to anchor into must be Sourced from within first.
“If we are miserable in our lives and we think that if we move, get a divorce, leave a job or make some other radical change in our lives that is going to be the ticket to our happiness- we will have another think coming down the road!
“Outer circumstances reflect inner realities– so if we are miserable we must get to the root of that misery inside of us first otherwise we will find ourselves back in the exact same circumstances we were so eager to get away from (just in another shape or form).
“The defining New Moon aspect in the chart is the square of the Sun/Moon conjunction to Mars in Scorpio.
“This is a fiery and feisty combination- and right on the heels of a fiery and feisty Mercury Retrograde journey we just had that also began with a square to Mars (and ended with a conjunction to Pluto!).
“Mars squares are frictional, irritable and intense…Yet when he is worked with consciously he can help us dig deep to get the Truth of ourselves and others- even if that Truth is hard pill to swallow.
“Michael Lutin pointed out that this New Moon is the midpoint of Pluto and Chiron- bringing the energy of the Great Transformer and the Wounded Healer into the mix. Pluto demands that we dig deep, face shadow, feel all our emotions and not stay on the surface so we can stay in denial.
“Chiron demands awareness of our deepest wounds and pain- the wounds and pain that run us Unconsciously and make all our decisions in life (even though we think we are making them ourselves- we are not- we are being run by our conditioning).
“The midpoint of Pluto/Chiron brings the transformative energy of Pluto into relationship with the healing energy of Chiron- which can make this lunation a deep one, but also an intense one (particularly if we have been heavily invested in avoided get in touch with our pain for years, maybe lifetimes).
“…It is highly recommended to work with this New Moon in a different way than you would typically do so. Instead of focusing on intentions, calling things in and taking conscious action- perhaps you can stand in a place of opening, receptivity and fluidity– allowing the current of the New Moon to take you somewhere new of it’s own accord?
“It’s also recommended to use the Aquarius/Uranus energy to radically shift your life from the inside out first– rather than focusing on the outside and thinking it will change the within.”
© Copyright 2016 ~DIVINE HARMONY. All Rights Reserved
*NEW MOON* Blessings and Happy New Year of the Monkey!
With Love~
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Grace says:
Feb 6, 2016
Thank you once again for all the great sage advice and insight. I have always set my monthly intentions on a new moon. I think I will try Divine Harmony’s advice and try to be more open and receptive.
Love & Light
Laura says:
Feb 6, 2016
Thank youuuuu
Meghan says:
Feb 6, 2016
Amazing insight. So on point, as always. Thank you.
Teresa says:
Feb 6, 2016
Well if our Government wasn’t so messed up. We will unify as one one day, but we will only be equal in slavery. God Bless us all. Their is good and evil. There is a war going on between God and Satan right now. Everything going on is biblical. The new age movement means well, but it is part of this belief in making one self a God, goes against God. The snake did say to Eve they could be as Gods. Many are believing this lie… And are helping the world toward the New World Order wich is part of the plan, to leave Jesus Christ out. The Bible says the only way to enlightenment is through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
I used to be new age… I positioned against fluoride in the water and marched against Monsanto. But they are part of a bigger plan we cannot stop… We are too deep in. Many are waking up and becoming more aware of the world we live in, but the only way is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
It is biblical we become one… We will unite under one government. But if we are not one nation under God… Who are we under? I understand that many of these beliefs mean well and are peaceful, but it’s also a distraction away from Jesus Christ and God. It’s part of their plan. Since I had a huge revival with the Lord after realizing all of these things he has blessed me so much and I am happier than I’ve ever been. I have love for the first time in my life… after growing up in 36 foster placements I had no love, no family, no friends. It took me really realizing who God was having absolute faith in him for him to answer all of my hearts deepest desires. So I cannot deny what brought me to him. I really just wanted to share this with you and everyone. God bless
Syris says:
Feb 8, 2016
Then enjoy your apocalypse. See you on the other side. Bless <3
Meredith says:
Feb 8, 2016
This seems obvious to me, but we’ve been reading the celestial bodies much longer than the story of Jesus Christ.
I’m sure there was a time when the medicine women and star readers said something like “what’s with all of this new agey Bible stuff?” :)
Find your peace where you find it, do no harm, don’t succumb to terror. Pretty sure JC is good with those messages.
Dianne M says:
Feb 7, 2016
I don’t respect any philosophy or religion–I am being fair–I am including everyone. I used to say: yeh, I respect it all … I respect other peoples’ beliefs, but that was a lie. I often didn’t, it was just a way to ‘just get on with it’ and not make waves.I decided that attitude allowed things to roll on without change: the status quo remained the status quo. I don’t use the word ‘God’ to describe the divine, which can mean many things to different people. I am not a fan of patriarchy….so many ‘philosophies and religions’ are underpinned by it, and I look at what has been allowed to happen in the world.I can’t respect the Christian who allows harm to happen children and ignores domestic violence(which includes turning a blind eye), or the Hindu who thinks rape is OK, or the Pagan who has shares in a company that destroys a rain forest …do you get where I am going here(?) But if a person truly embodies their beliefs, that is another thing isn’t it(?) You won’t need my respect, you will have self respect, but I might admire your good works and actions in the world– if they help people and the planet–for real.
Nan says:
Feb 8, 2016
I agree with you completely. I hope I get to the point of really doing as I say. Forever my goal!
Beth says:
Feb 7, 2016
Amazing, thank you! Love Divine Harmony’s rendition! XOXOXO Beth
lussiez says:
Feb 7, 2016
Thanks for beautiful sharing . I quoted from Zhang Zai:
earth & sky and all things in the world are one
stephanie says:
Feb 7, 2016
thank you for the beautiful, inspiring directions to the new moon <3
love, stephanie.
Jenny says:
Feb 8, 2016
Thank you for sharing the soulful insights into the current energies, so helpful for living a life in flow. Peace and love.
Raerae says:
Feb 8, 2016
Loving your directions been crying for two years 38 years of marriage ended didn’t get a vote; best thing to loose is an abuser the tears of joy or all the pain of hiding it. Became so strong , as soon as I didn’t need to be strong I turned jellyfish floating drifting pulled by currents I have cried a new ocean. But this Cap is going to find old 39 years ago old boyfriend turned man because now the part of life I missed, friend respect whispers warm kisses and company. Lost my mother this summer, I think I have combined the pain, tonite eve of new moon I am setting her free time to say” look ma no hands” no hands around my neck no hands over my nose and mouth , aha I Too am free . Cross some fingers for me; I can’t do any worse than I did and I bought a whistle because I am done being quiet or afraid. Thanx something just clicked
Nan says:
Feb 8, 2016
Blessings to you! The time is here for women to be powerful. Go with the energy.
Terry says:
Feb 8, 2016
Thank u for all the beautiful soulful messages.
carlisle says:
Feb 8, 2016
i read this and a lot of what i have thought and felt in my own heart is what is going on collectively… and that is one of my favorite things about being in sync with this amazing information.. it always reminds me of the truth. thank you <3
kabar says:
Feb 8, 2016
Peace and Blessings. ..On Point..Gratiude. …
Natalia says:
Feb 8, 2016
I needed to hear this, thank you. <3
Nefer Peacock Nubia says:
Feb 8, 2016
Supreme Gratitude
Irene says:
Feb 8, 2016
Amazing. Thank you for this reading! 🙏💋💕
Meenu says:
Feb 8, 2016
There are so many beliefs and Gods that if i start preparing one, i am unable to concentrate, thinking that i am disrespecting other by not praying that one. What should i do, where should i put my idols and whom should i pray and how—buddha, Hindu gods…I get so confused. Please help.
Nan says:
Feb 8, 2016
Just study. You don’t have to choose. It’s wonderful to have the knowledge of them all. The most important is to strive for a higher consciousness (love and compassion) through meditation.
AiiA Criostiona says:
Feb 8, 2016
Blessed Beings, why choose the way of anger, self-righteousness, and separation in expressing your Beliefs (which is ALL they are)? The Truth of the second coming of Christ is known and realized within each one of us as we evolve and become Christed Beings. Yeshua spoke of this when he said “Do you not know that you are gods?” and “These (miracles) and more you shall do”. He was the first, the prototype, the example for us all to map out our way to self-realization. Yes, he along with the Magdalyn, his beloved twin soul, divine male/female made manifest in human form. As shall we, within ourselves, in this dawning Golden Age of humanity. Aquarian principles of collective consciousness and loving relationship appear on the horizon if we can keep our focus clear and release our fear. The past New Age was the Piscean, therein the arising of Yeshua and Christianity. But Yeshua came as a reformer of the old laws and ways that needed to be released and replaced by his words of love. The 10 commandments were to be abolished, replaced by his 2 profound ones: “Love the Lord thy God with thy whole body, mind and spirit” and “Love one another as you love yourself”. And who is “God”? In this inexplicably diverse and expansive Universal Creation Matrix, why would the Holy of Holy’s choose to manifest as only one Being? All is God/Goddess. This Truth is known within each Soul. Open to embrace your true self and sense the manifestation of the Christ within you. Aum
Nat says:
Feb 9, 2016
Blessings – thank you your precious insights :)
melanie greer says:
Feb 9, 2016
“Instead of focusing on intentions, calling things in and taking conscious action- perhaps you can stand in a place of opening, receptivity and fluidity”
i took into myself this phrase mindfully, then physically, then heartfully: i forgot i don’t need to provide all, or any. ansswers for happiness to flow. conflicted regarding inner conflicts and the whole I”M IN CHARGE HERE! stubborness stumble in my head; debating whether or not to berate myself for a client’s impromptu explosion, how the messages i have been giving are also for me and how am i not seeing those messages until i am the one saying them? how do i say things before i feel them? that is totally bizarre. i might have good ways but they are not the only ones. i have lots to learn to help the world y’know. i did a good job though! i listened to me and didn’t even stop after you suggested i do so! dude i am out commooning and i feel up.
“Instead of focusing on intentions, calling things in and taking conscious action- perhaps you can stand in a place of opening, receptivity and fluidity”
thank you
Doris says:
Feb 9, 2016
Wow! Thank you……
Arlene Morris says:
Feb 9, 2016
Thank you very much for this varied and insightful, easy to understand combination of perspectives and wisdom. So helpful to have it all come together.
Blessings to you Mystic Mama.