





April 7th 2020  7:35 pm PDT
April 8th 2020 2:34 am GMT  | 1:34 pm AEDT


*FULL MOON* in Libra rises on the horizon illuminating all of our relationships during this time of collective flux.
Libra is the archetypal representation of sacred balance and right-relation to all things. She understands on a visceral level, that we are continually in intimate relationship with all things in our lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
Her gift is her willingness to embrace seemingly opposing views and accept the spectrum that exists for each person in their experience and perspective.
She teaches us that by finding the middle way, we can learn to harmonize what is out of balance, so that we can become a bridge across worlds, both horizontally in this world across perspectives, and vertically between the worlds seen and unseen.
During these times of uncertainty, we can find our way to our own inner balance by anchoring into our center, which links us to the primordial center of Creation, to the heart of the Earth.
This is something we can all access through a variety of modalities. Through stillness or through movement, our center is something we can consciously invoke and move within.
It is the key and the doorway.
There is no need to “ascend.”
It is through grounding into our very own earthly bodies, through bringing our Soul into alignment (acceptance) with our experience that we can feel our connection to our center at the heart of the Earth.
Here we can find our deeper roots, we can become like trees, as we begin to witness the ways we relate to the greater living forest we are a part of.
All living things thrive from attention, love and acknowledgement. Plants, animal, people, even non-living things, respond to reciprocity.
Libra reminds us about the sacred balance of reciprocity, of give and take, and the equal exchange that is an essential part of the natural law that keeps all things in flow.
Native peoples across cultures have known this well, and this primal wisdom lives in our bones, it is the invisible thread that can help us restore balance within our relationships and with our Mother planet Earth.
As we continue to navigate our changing landscape, let’s bring love and acknowledgement to our entire web of relationships.
When we feel off center, may we remember that we are always in the center of Creation.
May that remembrance bring us peace and a sense of belonging.
We all belong.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured guiding lights…
PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology Journal says:
 “This Super Full Moon occurs… (in) Libra, the sign of the Scales, is associated with balance, harmony, partnership, equal and fair relations, and justice.
“These qualities are admirable at all times, of course – but they may be both harder and more vital to access right now, especially since people who cohabit with others may feel their relationships being stretched to the limit under the current circumstances.
“While our ideal may be to think of families and loved ones sweetly reconnecting during this time… I’m sure there are those who find themselves face to face with problems that had been avoided up until now – issues that were easily sidestepped due to differences in schedules between household members.
“On the other end of the spectrum, those who live alone may be more in touch now with the need to connect with friends and family, even if they feel mostly contented with a solitary life…
“The challenge to inner and outer harmony is evidenced in the Full Moon chart: the Sun and Moon are square Jupiter, Pluto, and Pallas Athene in Capricorn, forming a cardinal T-square.
“This configuration represents a level of tension that makes us feel like we need to do something NOW to resolve it – and yet, the way to manage the problem is paradoxically to develop greater self-discipline, patience, and a sense of proper timing.
“This is due to a tendency to act impulsively, and to overlook the steps that need to be taken for successful change to occur.
“That being said, there are dynamic potentials contained in a T-square. There can be very positive outcomes, if we channel this energy creatively and wisely (Athene), with farsightedness (Jupiter), and with focused intention (Pluto).
“Likewise, considering that the Mars-Uranus square also occurs on Tuesday, we’ll want to realize that in spite of (or maybe because of) breakdowns, we have an increased opportunity to realize breakthroughs.”
© Copyright 2020 PAM YOUNGHANS
ROBERT WILKINSON   from his Aquarius Papers:
“The next two weeks continue to mark a threshold state, as the tides are beginning to shift, one looking back, one looking forward…
“This is leading many to ‘tear themselves away from the known and familiar, gambling all on a great dream.’
“Others are reacting in confrontational ways, promising a period of polarization and tension between the old and the new.
“Just beware of the old masquerading as the new, and beware of people being oppositional-defiant for no good reason.
“…During this extreme period, we are offered chances to let go of fear, egocentricity, and feelings of fatigue or inadequacy.
“We are still finding healing through seeing how we’re not bound to an old identity, and learning to use our freedom to mentor ourselves in new social-emotional expression.
“We’ve been offered many higher, more diplomatic and dignified ways of interacting with others these past few months, with this shift opening doors to even more evolved relationships.”
© Copyright 2020 ROBERT WILKINSON


“We have the Full Moon conjunct Juno- the Asteroid Goddess of partnership and marriage- who is retrograde in Libra (the sign she has most association with).
“This is bringing to Light relationships, partnerships, commitments, collaborations and compromises.
“Juno first moved into Libra back in early November 2019- and she is in the midst of some pretty intense aspects until she exists Libra in September 2020….There is serious testing of relationships right now- personal, professional, international and more.
“This Full Moon is bringing to Light what is out of balance right now and we want to be sure we are paying attention and not sweeping things under the carpet and/or just staying the surface (shadow Libra tendencies).
“This Full Moon is also opposite Eris and square Pluto- triggering the Pluto/Eris square. This is some of the BIGGEST ASTROLOGY in 2020.
“… one thing to remember is she (Eris) REVEALS the shadow she does not create it. She reveals what is going on behind the scenes.
“Her disruption can bring freedom and revelation if we are open to radical shifts. She is kind of like that moment in the Wizard of Oz where the curtain gets pulled back and we see who is pulling the strings.
“The greek meaning of apocalypse means to ‘lift the veil of illusion’ and that is certainly the Highest potential of what is going on right now on planet earth!
“The ruler of this lunation is Venus who is heading into front end shadow of her Underworld journey…
“We are heading into a time of deep re-evaluation of what is important to us.
“Yet Neptune squares Venus three times so first we have to take off the rose colored glasses of idealism and delusion so we are seeing clearly.
“Sometimes the glass is not half full- sometimes the glass is cracked and full of toxic water.
“Are we willing to see what is?
“It’s only from this place that we have the power to truly create what is possible.”
© Copyright 2020 DIVINE HARMONY


SARAH VARCAS from her Astro-Awakenings.co.uk:
“In essence, we are currently suspended in a state of global shock.
“When faced with a crisis, old trauma reawakens, building layer upon layer of emotion and pain.
“As such, we’re not simply processing the present, but all its ripples into our personal and collective past. All those unresolved times when the rug was ripped from beneath us and we were faced with situations we struggled to bear.
“This shock will need to dissipate through the collective energy field in the coming months. The more we can generate a calm and loving space to receive it the better, for we all have wounds to nurse and care to give in equal measure.
“This is how we gain the clarity to perceive what’s really going on and discern with wisdom and unflinching presence what truly needs to be done about it
“Fear has been a great leveller in this process. From royalty to the street homeless, we are told, all are at risk and none immune.
“Motivated by it, previously unimaginable curtailments of civil liberties have been imposed and accepted, largely without question.
“..As such, the issue of control – Who has it? How do they use it? How do we behave when we lose it? Who do we give it up to and why?– is as fundamental to this time as any other.
“It’s easy to lose connection with your sovereign self when confined to barracks and fearful of what lurks ‘out there’. 
“But our innate sovereignty isn’t diminished by circumstances, whatever they may be.
“And the core task of living doesn’t change. We are here to awaken. Pure and simple.
“To reclaim the Self and offer it up in service of Life. We can do that wherever we are, whoever we are and whatever’s happening around us.
“Nothing and no one can steal our wisdom or curtail our growing awareness.
“If increasing numbers dedicate this unprecedented time to knowing the true Self more deeply, just think how different our future can be! How bold and bright and beautiful.
“Like an embodied evolutionary leap we could emerge anew, understanding profoundly how we arrived here and how to ensure we never return again, before embarking upon our next adventure. Together.”
© Copyright 2020 SARAH VARCAS


Lastly, I just want to say that whatever we might be moving through, remember to bring Love to it.
Libra is ruled by Venus the planet of Love, and there’s no denying that Love is the healing balm we all need.
So let’s evoke it often, more than ever.
Love, love, love~


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