Posts tagged "consciousness of Mother Earth"
When we allow the MOTHER loving energy of cosmos to flow through us, we open up to the creative fertile stream...
NEW MOON in Libra September 28th 2019~
NEW MOON in LIBRA is upon us, and the recent turning of the wheels with the EQUINOX has brought an intensification of feeling what is out of balance.
The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea~
"As Albert Schweitzer has said, 'Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation...'
NEW MOON in Libra September 30th / October 1st 2016~
NEW MOON* is here again bringing us a new cycle wherein we can plant seeds for a brighter, more compassionate, more cooperative future...
Act for the well being of all life~
"Could the next leap in evolution arise out of a shift in identification, in which we shed the story of battling for supremacy and move instead into playing our role as part of a larger team of life on Earth?
LUNAR ECLIPSE – FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~
* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * LUNAR ECLIPSE * brings forth a surge of emotional energy. The watery depths of our unconscious bubble their way to the surface...
Remove the buffers of perception~
"Dreams might be the trail of our unconscious connection to all beings- past, present, and even to those not yet born...
A new way of living wants to take root~
"Relax and lift your gaze. See what steps in to stand with you in this life meadow, your field of experience...
NEW MOON in Taurus May 17th/18th~
*NEW MOON* is here in earthy Taurus reminding us to ground into Mother Earth to restore our balance. Let's ease into it with a patient grateful heart and find solace in our connection...
Open your whole self~
"Open your whole self to sky, to earth, to sun, to moon, to one whole voice that is you. And know there is more that you can’t see, can’t hear...