* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * LUNAR ECLIPSE * brings forth a surge of emotional energy. The watery depths of our unconscious bubble their way to the surface. At this apex of emotional uprising we must feel to heal and like true spiritual warriors brave our hearts through our wounds that are the doorway.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from PAT LILES from The Power
“Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis are a precious event full of imagination, intuition and participation in the unified field of the ONE…
“What lies in the shadow or beneath the surface can be set free. Chiron travels closely (22º) with the Full Moon in Pisces drawing out wounds from the past to reveal the treasure and the wisdom they hold…
“Out of the wound emerges the teacher, your wisdom, your wholeness.
“This Pisces Full Moon eclipse is here to dissolve what holds you apart from Spirit and your true Self.
“Mars is squaring the Sun-Moon eclipse axis…A square from Mars to the Sun and Moon, especially in eclipse and aligned with the Nodes, our point of growth and experiences in the past, calls up fanatical beliefs that create great polarity and great resistance to understanding of a differing point of view.
“What can you contribute to moving the juggernaut of resistance that we are faced with in these times of rapid transition?
“Pisces, Neptune, Chiron, the south Node, and the Full Moon all conspire to point to forgiveness of the wounds the Feminine has endured. Use this opportunity to empty that vessel.
“Let go, forgive, surrender.
“Mars’ support is pivotal in this chart helping us to use our courage and will to break free of separation from the Feminine.
“Open your root chakra at the base of your spine and send down thick roots to the core of Mother Earth to remember who you are.
“Draw up her power and nourishment to live your visions and shake off the dogma that holds you small, fearful and believing in scarcity.
“Just days after eclipse/Full Moon, Venus, now in Libra, opposes Uranus in Aries.
“We can expect some lightning strikes going off here especially in our relationships, but likely for the good – meaning we may be disclosing what has been holding us back or out of alignment with our heart.
“The good news is Mars is working WITH the Feminine. We can cut some new ground here. Focus on what is working in your life and especially in your relationships and enhance it.”
© Copyright 2016 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
From LEAH WHITEHORSE from her Lua Astrology:
“The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is an emotional high tide. It makes me think of being on a surfboard, scudding across a beast of a wave as the crest begins to fold and you’re wondering whether you’re going to stay upright or be flung head over heels by the force of the water.
“The Moon is in a tight conjunction to Chiron which means we are very sensitive to being hurt. In Pisces we are wide open with no defenses, especially as the Moon squares warrior Mars.
“In fact, it may be the case that we are pushed to let down our defenses and really allow ourselves to feel.
“So often we try to tough it out, brave it, stiff upper lip it until our mouths are drawn so tight we can’t speak and our bodies so rigid with tension that we feel like we’re going to snap.
“But this watery Moon says, we have to go with the flow, wherever the flow goes because we can’t avoid what hurts.
“Chiron is both the one who wounds and the one who heals the wound. The wound itself is the way to healing – like cutting open an infected sore until it bleeds clear…knowing that sometimes the path to healing must begin with a painful cut…”
“And our part is to surrender, to accept that healing is needed and necessary, to put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
“Wide oppositions to both retrograde Mercury and Jupiter (out of sign now in Libra), suggest that it may be hard to see the benefits and difficult to think about or articulate.
“But some things can’t necessarily be put into words. Some things can only be felt at soul level. Let go of trying to find an explanation. Accept what is.
“It may be that the wound or pain is centered around old anger with the square to Mars but a semi-sextile to Uranus suggests that what is awakened now can offer a new perspective.
“A trine from the Moon to Vesta is like performing ceremonial ablutions, washing ourselves with holy water in preparation for further dedications.
“There is something sacred about this painful process. The Gods haven’t abandoned us, they are carrying us. The are the giant wave beneath our feet…”
“Chiron represents the archetypal shaman who drinks intoxicating and poisonous herbs in order to see the world beyond the one we see. The spirit of the plant becomes an ally on the shaman’s spiritual path.
“Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus and therefore is the bridge between limitation (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus). Sometimes pain is the breakthrough.
“None of us like pain. We seek to avoid it at all costs but during this lunation, the challenge is to go towards it willingly – to go back to the source, especially as this is a South Node eclipse.
“We have to accept the pain to dissolve it. It’s about actively (Mars) seeking out where we inflict pain upon ourselves through ignoring old hurts or leaving conflicts (internal or external) unresolved.
“It’s about knowing we are braver than we ever imagined.”
© Copyright 2016 ~LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved
From SARAH VARCAS from her
“…this is an emotionally energized eclipse with a cathartic edge.
“Whilst some emotional catharses can clear the air in the long run, others may complicate an already difficult situation and we must stay present to know one from the other.
“With passions aroused we may mistakenly think it’s all about us, forgetting other people are also feeling the strain!
“To avoid too great a focus on the self, it will help to acknowledge a collective process of clearing and realignment rather than identify too deeply with what is, in fact, a wider issue.
“This eclipse reminds us the emotional realm may not be as personal as it first appears, for we each process our karmic share of the unified field, albeit within the unique emotional landscape of our life…”
“This is a time of rebalancing, of silenced selves whispering of past loves and lives lost, reawakening passions once denied.
“With all this emotion around we may be tempted to take life extremely seriously. But lightening up, seeing the funny side, remembering ourselves as a tiny speck in an infinite cosmos can all keep things in perspective.
“As can reflecting before reacting and not allowing fiery emotions to dictate our every move; for once they’ve died down – as they certainly will – we may find more damage than anticipated and reparation may take more time than we have to spare.
“A minute taken to centre ourselves will be infinitely more valuable now than the transitory relief of self-expression. Knowing when to speak and when to stay silent is key.
“We may sense that a sacrifice is called for. If so, we will know what it is and why. Most likely we should have released it long ago and yet somehow we still cling on. A person, a job, a home, a habit, a belief, an object….
“Whatever it is, however big or small, this eclipse asks why do we cling, what do we fear, how do we maintain a connection whose time has passed?
“It may still be beyond us to let go at this point, but it will help us shift some energy, cut a few ties, take a half step away from bondage and toward freedom.
“Perhaps the best advice at this eclipse is to cultivate compassionate patience… with ourselves, with each other, with the unfolding of life and destiny, whatever that means to us.
“It is time to manifest a gentle and loving heart which enables deeper exploration of those things which trouble us, whilst knowing we are not bound to resolve them all in one go.
“The very act of turning toward pain is the start of a healing journey; simply wondering ‘how would it be if I change this thing in my life?’ invites new possibilities to shape our future selves.
“A sensitive and emotional eclipse, we owe ourselves and each other time and space to embrace its message and reflect on all it has to say.
“Both intensely personal and integral to collective realignment, it heightens our emotions, transforming them into the most intimate language of the soul.”
© Copyright 2016 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
From DIPALI DESAI from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“With the Full Moon phase highlighting the emotional level and the subconscious, there may be hidden auto-pilot tendencies that are being pointed out in some way through an interaction or situation.
“This is helpful yet it may stir up waves in the emotional level…”
“Irritations and agitations are wayshowers now as to where the inner critic (egoic mind) is running the show and things are off-balance.
“…You may not like what surfaces from the depth of your emotions and hidden crevices yet, bring it to the light of awareness for healing.
“Transiting Chiron in Pisces is very closely aspected to this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This suggests the calling for healing and transforming the wound into strength by using the elixir of love.”
“…be fully compassionate an gentle with yourself and others. Allow old illusions to dissolve and be willing to perceive clarity and the truth of your life and situations.
“There are new glimpses of things appearing yet if you cling to the old way of perceiving it may not make sense.”
“…Be willing to surrender the old choice and trust that the Divine is there as your guide and internal compass.”
© Copyright 2016 ~DIPALI DESAI All Rights Reserved
From the archives of
“Keep the changing wheel of time in mind on this holy Harvest Full Moon. In the days building to the Equinox, attune to the lineage of ancestors who in the past honored the quarterly shift in seasons as a sacred moment in time.
“In the silence of your meditation, listen as the echo of their chants still reverberate in the cosmic soul. Join your voice and your prayers with the unbroken Chain of Being.
“Create an Earth Altar, and on it place symbols of the first fruits of your own life harvest – a token representing a child, a flower from your garden, a leaf from the forest, a page from a book, an emblem from work. Highlight the colors of burnt orange, gold, and crimson.
“Give homage to the life force underlying the natural processes of birth and death, growth and decay, the dark and the light. Offer your blessings to the Earth, who sustains our lives and from whom we draw faith for the future.
“Then bow to the Moon, icon of the Great Mother of all beings.”
© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved
* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * ECLIPSE Blessings to us all!
>>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~
TO SHARE >>> You may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link for this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
jessica says:
Sep 15, 2016
Thank you! Seriously, I feel like you send a drone to observe me. Aloha!
jason king says:
Sep 15, 2016
September’s full harvest moon eclipse aka penumbral lunar eclipse live at
Aaliyah says:
Sep 17, 2016
I feel the same.
Camilla says:
Sep 15, 2016
So true ❤️ Beautifull 🙏
Thank u so much for all work!
Ara says:
Sep 15, 2016
Thank you, thank you! This was the information I needed the Universe to let me know to keep on the flow! What a wonderful ‘coincidence’! xxx
Sharon says:
Sep 15, 2016
Thank you it’s as though this was written for me😃🙏🏻
Sherry says:
Sep 15, 2016
Hmmmm ! I have some confusion here. I am being pursued for custody of a horse that I trained for 7 years. She is happy and an integral part of my herd and my life. Shyloh called to me as a filly when she was alone frightened and shut down. Shyloh is now the balance in my herd she stands for feminine power truth and justice. I don’t feel like I am clinging to her or resisting anything. The court case is about greed bullying selfishness and power struggle. The person in pursuit is nasty to everyone and respects no one. Perhaps standing up to him is letting go of the outcome and not giving in to his demands for a large sum of money. Truth and justice shall prevail when I let go of the procession . Great insight for full moon reflection .
Sandra says:
Sep 15, 2016
Sherry, I wish you & your horse all the best & hope fairness prevails. It does seems like the out of balance masculine trying to dominate the feminine free spirit – just bring love & compassion to the situation. As the wise woman that you are I’m sure that’s what you’re doing…and maybe from this wound there is a great teaching to be understood…
Jamie says:
Sep 27, 2016
Sherry, my heart has not let go of the potentially sad story of you and Shyloh. I hope for the sake of balance, justice and Shylohs wellbeing that she remains with you
Lucy Stott says:
Sep 15, 2016
This wisdom has helped so much and such beauty in the process of knowing I needed to read this and finding it at exactly the right time – THANK YOU X
jean lumsden says:
Sep 15, 2016
Grateful thanks to the featured astrologers, as well as to Mystic Mamma for allowing us to drink at the well.
Can’t believe that I gathered acorns this morning—- must have “known” to start creating an Earth Altar.
pk says:
Sep 15, 2016
I am grateful release from the past, however have found a short fuse for nonsense, have found 2 snakes this month and I don’t care for snakes but have a feeling they are an omen for me, just how I don’t know. What is going on with me?
Falcon says:
Sep 16, 2016
PK, in shamanism snakes bring the ability to shed the past, to shed your old “skin” of limitations which you have outgrown. They can be powerful spiritual allies if you request their assistance, their offer of medicine. In Africa, if a snake takes up residence in your house it is considered a great honor, as they are very wise and very sensitive to energy/vibes. The medicine people there learn from them and offer them bowls of milk. I imagine that is a step too far for you unless you are medicine woman, but I would thank them for showing up and invite them to assist you in releasing all emotions, beliefs, memories, misconceptions which no longer serve you. This eclipse is about releasing, so their offer to help (by risking their lives in showing themselves to you) makes sense. You must be special! The serpent archetype in Peruvian medicine is called Hatun Amaru (great serpent, pronounced ha-TOON AH-ma-ru). I have found her very supportive and nurturing, very different from the Biblical evil serpent mythology. Perhaps you have worked with her in another of your incarnations. At any rate, it seems you are being offered support by a very special being. Congrats!!
Zoraida Rivera says:
Sep 15, 2016
I have been having these strange feelins and mood swings lately, and my heart somtimes feels like it wants to burst out of my chest. Also, people I’ve known that have hurt me in the past just called me out of the blue to opologize.
Having read this article has helped me understand now what is happening.
Thank you.
D says:
Sep 15, 2016
arggghhhhh!!!! What a crazy cycle….I hope there is some significant release coming with all of this build up. lol
Luz says:
Sep 15, 2016
I am struggling right now as I thought a man was opening his heart and trying to begin courting me and instead he totally stood me up last week. I have been resisting every urge I have to contact him and let him know I’m upset, or come back and say that we are still supposed to at least connect about a work thing that is still dangling. He is a good friend with my ex and their may be something to that being why he is not coming forward. I have such strong feelings for him and we are both very happy and joyful when we are together. He is Sag and I am aries. He always was the one saying let’s be friends and spend time together out of work but then he completely stood me up and didn’t even apologize. It is a bit overwhelming to not say something or hear from him but I feel like I am being shown to back away some and let it be. Any correlation with the eclipses or why would someone who has been so sweet and caring all of a sudden go so cold without giving this a chance. It felt like we had such natural energy and our relation was building up naturally and then his act of not following through was so out of place. I don’t know what to make of it but trying to not push an agenda right now. Please help if you feel drawn to. Thx!
Annie says:
Sep 16, 2016
I’m and Aries and he was a Sag. Same freaking thing happened! But I let him go and the universe blessed me. Maybe this is your chance to feel the pain and let go?!?
Jay says:
Sep 16, 2016
I am having a very similar experience. I am Taurus and he is Aquarius. We was dating and creating a close bond. There is no denying the chemistry existed. Then one day he cancelled on me, hardly contacted and has became aloof and distant since. Last week he cancelled for the 3rd time. I told him I understood (He is under a lot of stress with his work and previous marriage) but I too have resisted the urge to contact him. I believe I too am being shown to back away yet i am fighting with myself because he suddenly went cold.
CiCi says:
Sep 16, 2016
This has happened to me too. I recently met a man who I thought I was going to be with forever. We both admitted that this was a connection we both had never felt. He met my family and we were closer than ever, in a short period of time. I’ve never felt anything so amazing, and neither did he. Then all of the sudden, he disappeared and would not answer my calls or texts (after we had been talking for hours every day). Unlike you, I gave him a piece of my mind. Then as I settled down this week, I wished him the best and let it go. I was so very hurt and struggling to understand it but now….I am giving the situation peace and letting it be.
Kt says:
Sep 17, 2016
Review your life patterns and research codependency and narcissists. You are enough. Be free. Blessings in Light Creation.
Gabby says:
Sep 16, 2016
This was divine clarity for what Im experiencing in my life as of now. After reading this, I can accept the pain I feel and begin the journey to healing. Thank you much! Hotep!!
Cheryl says:
Sep 16, 2016
Beautiful writings….Thank You to ALL!!!
Eliza says:
Sep 16, 2016
Blown away with confirmation. It’s been an intense evening for me as I strolled in the light of the full moon over to my parents home which is empty tonight — I felt so much in the space and got overwhelmed/scared until I finally sat down on their staircase and just started sobbing but you haven’t done in months. Painful it was and scary acknowledging all these feelings inside the space and inside of myself. But your words echo a truth I already felt that this healing process is part of the bigger picture and exactly what I need right now. I instinctually felt that this page would have good insight for me tonight but it blew me away how accurate and aligned it is for me. Thank you so much, these words confirm and help my healing.
Sj 30 says:
Sep 16, 2016
I’m going through a break up in this period and I hate it. After 5 years this is what it comes down to. Guess this proves I truly have no control over the direction of my life like I think huh? Lol
Falcon says:
Sep 16, 2016
So much anger is coming up for people right now… and as you know, it usually indicates some fear lurks beneath it, and some lesson opportunity. None of which make it feel any better, but if you’re gonna suffer anyway, which is a given, you might as well root up the fears and chuck those out (and write out the lessons learned, ’cause baby you don’t want to repeat that kind of suffering, do you?). This eclipse is tailor-made for such work.
Your personality may not have as much control as you would like, but only because your true Self, your SOUL ETERNAL does – and SHE sees so much better people, paths, and possibilities for you – on the path leading away from said person. Out of an abundance of love, SHE (YOU) has opted for those goodies, because they are so much yummier! Law of Attraction is working fine, your highest best self is using it on your behalf to take you into better options and greater strength and more wisdom – since you are eternal, that’s the goals of the curriculum, after all, not security.
I remember being in what sounds like your shoes, and I hope you don’t sink into a hole for as long as I did. I wasted too long before reasserting my power and getting out into life again, however. When I did, everything shifted, so I hope you don’t wallow in misery for a year like I did. I lacked faith and didn’t know about Soul versus personality agendas. (And things Really took off for the better once I put my Soul in charge verbally and officially!)
I think you will find before long, if you work to release the anger and depression, that you are wiser than ever and have proven to yourself how strong you are without anyone (since Goddess didn’t make you half a person to begin with and will not leave you unsupported by other people – unless you insist on isolating, of course). And you will eventually even see that “good” had to go, to make room for “much better” – to my shock, that was what I discovered, anyway.
None of this is to play down your pain; just to say you can come out the other side doing sooooo much better. Today, I have evolved beyond even wanting someone in my life like the person I once so regretted losing. Funny, that. My soul knew better options for my own growth led on the path away from that person. Your soul can see better from up there; trust her. I wish I had trusted more. In retrospect, I can see how much growth came from the changes I so resisted. Today I would not change the improved me I became for any relationship or amount of money. For now, you hurt, as you must to release it – but trust that your soul definitely has your back – as does the Goddess if you ask. I wish someone had told me that. I thought I had no one. Much love, Falcon
AniCW says:
Sep 17, 2016
I, too, am going through a break up at this time. Thank you so much for your diligent answer, FALCON. This is so spot on. Thank you thank you.
Sandra says:
Sep 17, 2016
I broke up last night after finding out he is on dating sites. Pretty sure, he is another narcissist.
I am so hurt, but I’ve felt for a while that its time to let got and this was just the final push I needed. After finding out about this full moon this morning it makes so much more sense.
And thank you for the post, Falcon. Its helpful.
Paula says:
Sep 25, 2016
Such wonderful words of wisdom Falcon! Keep shining your light!
Falcon says:
Sep 16, 2016
Fantastic post! Thank you!!!
Joyce says:
Sep 16, 2016
Beautiful and so helpful Namaste : )
Eliz says:
Sep 16, 2016
Sana says:
Sep 16, 2016
I am struggling with emotions now.. I shared a very strong connection with this man, however we really didn’t give a name to our relation . We were the extremes; extremes of happiness, extremes of fights. Everything was going good after a hard time in April – may . May mid onwards things changed and him being an Aries it was Good to see how he wanted the bond to grow and more than willing to understand and go with the flow. Just last month, around 21st we had a major falling, Which resulted in a fight(I was physically hurt). He was there all through but Suddenly he escaped, blocked me, And till date hasn’t asked if I were ok or an apology . I am a Leo, I have been but however after weeks I made peace with the situation and have let go, not completely though . There is something so strong between us that my gut says go with the flow n this flow is he who will join in, we will re-unite . Please help me understand what are the teachings, and is it the stars which made this sudden conflict happen out of nowhere . Aries- Leo make a good one, with similar interests .
Krizta says:
Sep 16, 2016
Exactly what I needed to hear…so absolutely aligned….and so grateful for this! Thank you Momma!!!
Broken hearted says:
Sep 16, 2016
Ok so I spent well over an hour trying to figure out what I was trying to figure out as I typed everything about everything that… I’m Indian American and basically the cricket had already told me NOT to “talk” about it at least NOT yet is what I was hoping, But me being me I tried talking about it anonymously, aghhh, I hit submit AND it ALL erased,lol. Cricket set AND match, again. But I Do believe that I understand what it is that I did/am experiencing through the whole process of typing this huge story book. I know what my body is telling me that I NEED to Do AND give up, I’m not sure how to get to the other side yet But thx for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I’m bummed I’m stuck in USA NO eclipse shows for me, NOT REAL life AND I Sooo much hoped for the experience to help push,pull,even shove me out of my old anger issues But just myself the harvest moon will have to get the “ball” rolling ‘out’ the RIGHT direction. In with the FORGIVENESS!! AND pass it around while I’m @ it. I wish I could’ve told you ALL the whole crazy story But it wasn’t meant to be… thank you wishing you ALL self LOVE AND FORGIVENESS!! It always starts and ends with you…i got a lighter from my Aid, it says it’s ALL in your hands…
Elise says:
Sep 17, 2016
A cricket you say. I was planning on killing myself today. And then with God and now I believe Goddess (me) I realized life path 9 is completion. And I have to finish what I said I would do all that time ago.
Aeren Droz says:
Sep 16, 2016
I thought I was alone, scared, angry for no reason… I see now that this build up is for something great. Thank you so much to every contributor to this article, and to those who commented as well. Bless you all and I hope we all get find that release.
missfunkadelic says:
Sep 16, 2016
Thank you!
Peter says:
Sep 16, 2016
I must be a woman inside.;) I have found this page, through a horoscope mention of the eclipse and Chiron’s part in it. I have read about other’s similar anguish to my own in the replies above, myself having recently separated with a beautiful Sag. I’m an Aries. She gave the engagement ring back on my request, after the relationship ended in March just this week and I am going through all the realisations that I have been avoiding. We are just not going to end up each other’s lives anymore. I realised I have been holding onto this hope, of it somehow being what I had hoped, magically and despite the last two years of us slowly but surely drifting apart, in vain. She has moved on and is dealing with it but at least she admitted it wasn’t easy for her either. But she is trying to be positive and things are working out for her. With her job, with her self esteem, she is busy with activities and friends and yoga every day and night. I want to follow her lead but I feel like I’m stuck, hanging on to the past. Afraid I will never find someone as good as her. She just say’s ‘yeah it sucks’. But I now know it’s been harder for her than I thought. She has started seeing someone else, which of course freaked me out, I guess it’s why I got the ring back. Because she is less unsure now. I feel like I have to do the same, just to end the misery. But I am not ready. It sucks alright. It took me so long to find her, I am afraid I will be in this state for a long time to come. I think I should just go out and see what happens. I feel like I have to force myself, but I am aware of foolish expectations. So I stay at home. I hope tonight’s eclipse drags me behind it out into the clear open space. The day after she told me she was seeing someone else I ran. I ran like a wild prancing horse though the crowded streets with no shirt on. I felt like I was running away from my life. Other bad things have been heaped upon me as well in the last 3 months. Law suits, multiple tooth extractions and nerve pain. Sciatica. My daughter left home and had a episode on cannabis she tried for the first time which was laced with a psychotic drug. I was arrested for drink driving after catching up with a friend who has just got divorced having played music together all night trying to be our former cool selves. Oh dear. No wonder i feel like such a loser. But I have been studying hard and working hard and I have a good job and am 4 weeks off completing my law degree.Which is no mean feat for a mature age student to do in 3 years while working as well. Even saying this now doesn’t seem to help. So I have been trying to move on. I just feel bad all the time. Like I want to cry and give up. I never expected my heart could hurt so much. I thought I was the heartbreaker! Anyway, that’s my sob story. Thanks for the others who shared.
Doreen says:
Sep 16, 2016
No, Peter, what you are is a self-realized man who is capable of both emotion and intellect on many levels. In other words, you are what some call on the right track to being a “complete man”. I’d recommend you explore that concept. I have been through multiple & simultaneous challenges before, too. It helped me to remember that I only have control over my own actions and reactions. I cannot change others’ actions, nor can I control what happens to me. You are almost at the finish line to your goal, and that is something you can control. You can control what doctors you see and meds/therapy you take. Focus and visualize on that end result of getting your law degree and renew your determination to succeed. Good Luck!
Danielle says:
Sep 16, 2016
Im going through heartbreak right now, but i realise its a time to reflect and rebuild myself. I haven’t seen or heard from my partner in THREE weeks. It is challenging, but i realise many of my mistakes in the relationship that need true healing. :(
Debbie says:
Sep 16, 2016
Wow my partner and I are facing a crossroad and this highlights why not sure if he will understand but I certainly do. Just hope we can ride it out together
Novicr says:
Sep 16, 2016
I have took great positivity from all your stories shared. I too am at a crossroads in my life through ill health, fear of losing my job and being uncertain of what I can do in my future to find a new beginning. I have been guided this month out the blue to look at the moon cycle and I wrote down my intention on 1st of September new moon and this evening I will ficus and try to let go of all blocks within my soul. I welcome transformation. I welcome growth. I welcome abundance. I welcome help to find my way. I am ready. I am reborn and as the moon waxes I charge all work begun tonight with love and focused intention. So it is.
I hope I am on the right path and I am grateful for guidance.
arlyn says:
Sep 16, 2016
Thankkyou :) Ilove this All about science !!!!!!!!
im not the beautiful one But i Like to be a scientist .. but i dont know how ..
Gloria says:
Sep 16, 2016
I’m guessing 90% of the people reading this homeschool their children.
Lianne says:
Sep 16, 2016
Wow…this is kind of crazy. Just gives proof that we are collectively going through a shift!!!! I have been experiencing all of what is in this article! Thank you!
Dana says:
Sep 16, 2016
I am a Pisces and this full moon is going to be a doozy! But i have been informed my angels are out all around me and protection is evident. This eclipse is for healing at a soul level. A reset of my feelings and release through LOVE! Through relationships of the male/female balance is key! I am to simply release thru LOVE and trust and honor my feelings! I can CRY/LAUGH/SING to help release it! With Confidene and ambition to move forward and using all of my Courage! Whatever I put my whole heart and soul into! Feel the PEACE and connect with the SUN/MOON! Unconditional LOVE and EVERYTHING is possible! I am truly Blessed! Thank you!
Donna says:
Sep 16, 2016
Thank you so much. I am facing the loss of my father at any moment, the man who took me from the orphanage years ago and raised me as his own. I have been caring for him for 5 years now. He is my rock and the greatest dad in the word. I have been fight letting him go.this really has hit home. My friend ran a chart on him yeaterday and was amazed that the eclipse is directly on his degrees.i am trying to release my inner termoil that I am losing him. Hopefully this will help me through this intense pain ,fear ,and emptiness. Thank you
Broken hearted says:
Sep 16, 2016
Ok sorry I have to write again this time, NOT Sooo incripted. I somehow managed to lose 2 hrs of the day,i was diligently trying to explain the Moon situation to a person who i allowed a long ago agonizing devesting pain NOT to heal But more so fester and destroy everything and everyone else i loved AND ALL opportunities to move forward, including my marriage…so I told the person I forgive them and asked if they could find away to forgive me. I’m sincerely deeply hope that this allows me to move forward and save my trampled marriage with a good But faulted man and his two sons. I’m going to use this “forgiveness” moon as my opportunity to work on this family and restoration of myself. I looked up at the clouds earlier and saw bright sunshine around a dark inner circle of cloud, and said to myself that is me and I DON’T want to be/feel like that anymore. I will be out for this special Moon and meditating on forgiveness for myself and the hurtful things that I have said/done.just the emotional message I wrote has me thinking/feeling “better”.ish…
Mohammed Ahmed says:
Sep 16, 2016
W.T.F This is fake
Terry says:
Sep 16, 2016
Aloha and thank u for always posting such great insights to the 🌙lunar energy every month.
Love and light 🙏🏻
Doreen says:
Sep 16, 2016
I have natal Mars at 24 degrees Pisces and this transit is hitting me like a ton of bricks. While online 2 days ago, I accidentally came across a old newspaper article about a project my high school was involved in, which included a photograph of my first boyfriend. We only had 3 months together; he was killed in a car crash, while I was on a (mandatory) family vacation. He was dead and buried by the time I got back. I’d never seen this photo before and the memories came flooding back. I’ve been a basket case for the last 24 hours, almost like when he first died. This is so hard to go through after 38 years and I wonder why now? What possible good could be accomplished from having to relive that miserable time in my life all over again?
ab initio says:
Sep 17, 2016
Merci beaucoup!
joeyindigo says:
Sep 17, 2016
I’ve felt so strange this week, especially today.
I almost felt like I just needed to run and not stop. I told my housemate I felt restless but I had no idea why.
I knew nothing about these things and after coming across this online tonight it was rather profound and emotionally overwhelming for me to relate so much to words written by people I had never met.
This is really weird for me. But I feel it.
I feel all of it.
MARK says:
Sep 17, 2016
I just got the chills reading this. I thought i was losing my mind this week. Im a virgo and Ive been an emmotional wreck since tuesday. Ive been looking into myself and the things i need to change. Every day this week ive been dealing with significant emmotional pain about where i am and the person i really want to become its driven me to being very angry and lashing out at certain people i feel are against me. Thank you for your insight. Its like this whole article described some of my exact emmotions and what i need to do to be happy and heal
roop says:
Sep 17, 2016
i have been having a relationship with an older man i’m 19 and he is 39 he is a Capricorn so they don’t really know how to love but i am glad that he changed a lot after meeting me he is my brother-in-law actually and having a bad relationship with his wife so i don’t know when is thing that we call love happened but it was so hard for us to stay away from each other but it i can’t stay in his country for too long i had to come home again so now we are having and long distance relationship he was a kind of person that is always hot headed gets angry with even the smallest thing but now he’s changed i was so wondering what to do and what does this eclipse is trying to say to me
annie0u says:
Sep 17, 2016
i am with child dialated to 1. j am very homeless and the child will be adopted out. i am a motherless mother. a gift giver. but not tge mother i wished i could be for this child. sad and excited.
sue says:
Sep 18, 2016
Good wishes and all the best to you and your child. Take good care of yourself, you are important to the universe.
em says:
Sep 17, 2016
Thank you. Much needed validation for what’s going on inside
Elise says:
Sep 17, 2016
I live with “bipolar disorder” And today my ex boyfriend Gemini (6/7/85) and I (3/21/92) argued over $1. Mind you, our break up landed me in a psychiatric facility. I planned on killing myself today. But then I met this guy. Negative people from my past have been contacting me. God and realizing life path 9 means completion. I’m not done yet.
Rose says:
Sep 17, 2016
I hope that my heart that has become defensive and angry leaves me this fukk moon. I avtually felt the earth shift tiday dept 16 at approximately 2:30pm to 2:45pm if this is possible. That’s what lead me to thus sight. I eidh from this moon peace happiness in my heart,and what ever it may be that has turned ne bidder leaves. Ty fir your article
RMC says:
Sep 17, 2016
To all reading during this Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces… Go with the Flow of this Energy. ALLOW Yourself to Feel and Experience the Many Shifts Within. This is a Releasing you will need to go through so you can Evolve. Hang in there Dear Souls as Many of Us are All going through the Depths. Like the Ocean, we All Ebb and Flow. This is definitely a Unity Consciousness Moment. Believe and Know in Your Souls that you Will reach the Shore and Breathe Again. Be Good to Yourself. Take long baths, go out in Nature. Dance, Exercise, Write, Sing, Create and Nuture Your Inner Child. In time, All of this Shall Pass. Sending Healing Love Vibrations to All. You’re Beautiful. Know This in Your Soul.
RMC says:
Sep 17, 2016
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:1 800-273-8255
Ruth says:
Sep 17, 2016
This Full Moon feels to be all about feelings. It is even stormy here in Bali. I thought I had worked through many years of my own (I have!) and then I felt this sense to shrink back into depression…then moving through it, allowing myself to feel sensations as they arose in my body, allowing myself to connect again, I allowed a river of feelings to flow into my journal. I tried to confide in someone but they told me to ‘stay positive’…I said simply ‘thank you, but there is no way I will pretend I’m feeling positive when I’m not.’ Then I realised that this is where I’m at: I will be who I am in every moment and nothing else. I can’t pretend. I need to feel and feel deeply and this is my mantra. Even if it were to turn out (as my mind tries to tell me) that feeling is dangerous or a bottomless pit or a hopeless and endless ocean of pain…my feelings are so true, they are so real. They are my experience. As I feel, all of my cells regain their aliveness. I feel not only the experiences of the past that have returned or a casual frustration, I sense my surroundings in a new way. It is the nuanced experience of life, life in its fullness, life in its acceptance. Not needing it to be a certain way. Whatever feeling I dance with, may it be full with a tinge of overwhelming as it permeates my being allowing me to know that I am.
So much love to everyone experiencing the Full Moon Eclipse
Silly girl says:
Sep 17, 2016
Heard from the one I thought to be my twin flame in our running phase. Have been trying to love myself in the time we haven’t spoken for months it’s been agonising; since we spoke all day every day non stop. I decided to message recently as I kept seeing his name everywhere and he responded finally. Have been chatting and I got my hopes up of a reconciliation and feel like I’m back at square one as he’s cut me off again. Cried all night feeling stupid I let it happen all over again. Still cannot understand how someone can go from wanting babies and marriage with me to absolutely nothing. Mind you he’s also completely cut off his family and his work life has been falling apart. This full moon is hard core. Any guidance is much appreciated. Would be nice to have a night where he isn’t in my dreams
Ruth says:
Sep 17, 2016
I can relate to this. I’ve experienced the same pattern with a man who I thought was a twin flame; now no longer sure in this recent eclipse season and the most recent absence of 4 weeks. When he first vanished last, after I had opened even deeper in my heart and expressed trust, I experienced the same feelings as you mention here and my heart opened to so many tears after so much abandonment in my life. It was so pure and deep. At this point, even after all of the years and the depth of my love and connection, I don’t think I can handle the separation/return. I’m just too sensitive and vulnerable and that is OK. Feeling with you. You are not silly. I felt silly too. Having an open heart and being abandoned when you have built trust hurts so deeply. Sending love and compassion xx
Hanna says:
Sep 17, 2016
Anyone else who can’t sleep? I’m going insane!
D says:
Sep 18, 2016
Yeah…I haven’t slept well in weeks, at least until last night.
The insanity part is key and brings to mind a quote from Winston Churchill: ‘If you find yourself going through hell, keep going’
Wine makers know that stressing the grapes by not watering them much gives them a stronger more desired flavor.
We are just grapes being readied for the winepress.
As they say in Kasmir, ‘Don’t worry chicken curry’ ;)
It’s only the river, afterall…bound for the sea.
Polly says:
Sep 18, 2016
I haven’t slept in two weeks and my mind is spinning. Hoping that everything settles down soon.
Ruth says:
Sep 18, 2016
Me too!!! xxx I was sleeping like a baby then a few days before this full moon eclipse I no longer could. Hope for a good night of sleep soon for us all!
Nettalie says:
Sep 17, 2016
My husband past away several months ago and I lost my child and grandchildren. How long does the emotions from this moon last. Thanks
Ruth says:
Sep 18, 2016
Sending you love. I have coped with a lot of loss too and grief can return intensely during eclipses. There’s no telling how long for. I wish you love for your experience and try to express it if you can, in any way. That’s the only thing that’s helped me.
Ramana says:
Sep 18, 2016
Top! It is as it is. Let love live!!
Hopeful heart says:
Sep 19, 2016
I have experienced almost every description of what is happening with this awesome Harvest moon and lunar eclipse. I have reunited with an old relationship that I thought was long gone. He and I have moved on indefinitely, but we realize we still love each other. It’s so romantic but terrifying too. I have hope and will keep my spirits alive, active and respondent to him coming my way again. He is the love of my life. And this time the Harvest moon is telling me not to let him go and play every card right.
Hopeful heart
baby says:
Sep 19, 2016
baby’s having a fit. The moon in heaven divided in 2 – the command was clear, they should not come together in this place, lack of oversight?
THat you should so grievously regret the loss of your Son, is what no man can blame you for; not I, I am sure, who am your Fellow-sufferer in it, and who, looking upon my self as part of the Mourning Family, share the deepest in its sorrows: though otherwise of a Spirit somewhat resolv’d and hardned a∣gainst such kind of Impressions; as having often reflected upon it, how Insignificant a thing it is to indulge the Excesses of a Dolorous passion, from which I have never yet seen any good effect proceed. Though as to the present case, the mis∣fortune itself carries in it many Argu∣ments of Comfort. As first, that he made so glorious an Exit, expiring in the Bed of Honour, and breathing out his last in the Defence of his Country. Then that he Conquer’d as he Dy’d; and what more could the Fates have done for him than to Crown his Death with Victory. And lastly, that as he liv’d Honourably, so by his having died such a Death, his Honour is secured and Sealed up to him. For he that lives on, how*Honourably, soever he may have behaved himself in his life past, yet is not exempt from the hazard of a future*Miscarriage. Fortune having a greater hand in the disposal of Vs* than our own Choice. But he that hath made a glorious End of his life, hath his Ho∣nour irrevocably confirmed unto him, and rendred Inviolable. Take therefore your Son’s having persisted in Virtue to the Last, and been such an Ornament to his Family, as a competent requital for all the cares he hath cost you: and do you, in requital to so Deserving a Son, by the moderation of your Sorrow, testifie.
I was 14 when i met my half-sister, she was 19. It was the most natural and perfect union, it was as though i had always known her, i was never closer to another, i loved her like no other, i cried when she left, i dreamt she would return one day. I wonder about her level of conciousness, was she insensible to the true nature of this place? It’s possible that messages came from beyond the heart in a freudean manner i guess, but i dont know, and if she does she isn’t saying anything. This is a strange place, i dont remember coming in but saw the exit soon enough. Multidimensional but some things never change. Relations are important but complicated when you whittle them down. I was insensible to most things, an introvert, withdrawn, aspergers. My mum was a rock, dad put fear into me, my brother hated me, i dont know why, it doesnt really matter, i dont hold it against him, he was just expressing himself. I couldnt stand up for myself, no roots and bound, i lost everything and hated myself to death. Put a thousand angels on the head of a pin then stand it on end. 4 archetypes, they directed me to a seat, then told me to sit elsewhere. Id rather stand, i dont like the idea of siting in one place. You cant move them but with a little faith, well, you can go over. XXXX.
Where the M53 crosses the A41 heading south the dream ended. I dont recall how, when i woke i remembered every detail of that dream, but tired when writing it out, i wrote short hand to remind myslef, but the next day i just couldnt remember what i meant by ‘wake up thing’
Maya rose says:
Oct 13, 2016
This full moon hit me so hard. I have always been sensitive to full moon energies. BUt this was intense! I set an intention to let go of a lover who I feel attached to at a deep level. For years It’s felt like a good karmic relationship and I’ve felt like the lesson has been learned and that I am ready for someone who can love me the way I deserve for a very long time. I felt like as long as this man was still around/ it would never end/ he has always left our story unfinished. However I now feel I finally have closure and that I will not go back to him. I demanded answers and he gave them to me when he expressed he was interested in one of my best friends- in fact, they were sleeping together. He has cheated on me many times and shown infedeliy but not with a friend. This is betrayal. But I know there was a reason. I asked for a reason to let him go for me to be able to see he is not good for me and this is it. I no longer look to change him, instead I can finally see our relationship for what it was and understand he will never change. I can see I will never be right for him. And I can’t keep holding on. I let him go and I felt absolutely broken. But I can feel that I can finally be who I need to be now – I can be myself unapologetically/ I no longer need to try be someone who I think he needs me to be. I know I am on the right path, I know a man who has the courage to love me is coming too.