Posts tagged "unity consciousness portal"
NEW MOON in Aries March 24th 2020~

NEW MOON in Aries March 24th 2020~

These times are calling us to cultivate our inner gardens, our own inner resources, and our abilities to self-soothe and heal. We are learning to listen and trust the truth inside us...
LUNAR ECLIPSE - FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~

LUNAR ECLIPSE – FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~

* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * LUNAR ECLIPSE * brings forth a surge of emotional energy. The watery depths of our unconscious bubble their way to the surface...
FULL MOON in Capricorn July 19th 2016~

FULL MOON in Capricorn July 19th 2016~

FULL MOON rising in earthy Capricorn July 19th 2016, teaches us to persevere, release our fears and ground ourselves into the fertile Earth that holds us...