Posts tagged "catalyst of consciousness"
FULL MOON in TAURUS November 15th 2024 : grounding amidst the shifts
we have a FULL MOON rising in TAURUS on 11.15, another SUPERMOON which will be closer to EARTH and magnified in her beauty and power ...
Weekly Astrology from Kaypacha: I want my freedom AND connection with you!
Mantra: "Oh dear, what can I do, I want my freedom AND connection with you! Somewhere in the middle between the extremes, We can find a balance and live our dreams."
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: Open it wide and step outside~
Mantra: "There's a whole wide world outside my door, To touch, taste, feel, and explore. I will open it wide and step outside, As my Soul is ready for more."
Weekly Astrology guidance from Kaypacha: Revealing to me when I’m ready to see~
Mantra: "I close my eyes and what do I find, My body, my Soul, and my mind, Revealing to me when I'm ready to see, The great mystery of the Divine."
FULL MOON in Capricorn June 27th /28th 2018~
FULL MOON in Capricorn seeks to gift us CLARITY by calling forth the Elder within us to rise. She invites us to step into our center and meet the teacher within the within...
LUNAR ECLIPSE – FULL MOON in Pisces September 16th 2016~
* FULL MOON * HARVEST MOON * LUNAR ECLIPSE * brings forth a surge of emotional energy. The watery depths of our unconscious bubble their way to the surface...
Kaypacha Report: It’s time for me to seize the day~
Mantra: "Whether I call it work or play, It's time for me to seize the day, Roll up my sleeves and get down to business, To cook up a world that is warm and delicious."
FULL MOON (Blue Moon) in Aquarius July 31st 2015~
Aquarius, the water bearer, brings inklings of expansive vision and a new breath release which comes after facing our struggles...
NEW MOON in Aquarius -Pisces February 18th 2015~
*NEW MOON* in the last degree of Aquarius moves right into the first degree of Pisces. We move between worlds, we transition between chapters...