Embrace yourself~
“Embrace yourself, in these times, and acknowledge yourself for the extraordinary progress you are making, as a soul, in every waking moment.
“The very fact that you are drawn to reading these words attests to an openness on your part to aligning with the momentum of this multidimensional journey. Know that what you have done so reflects great courage on your part. And that to continue to do so, despite the resistance of consensus thinking, puts you in the forefront of those destined to emerge…”
“The opportunity to circumvent some of the mountains that most will manifest and choose to scale lies in the ability, in the moment at hand, to release the need to control the result of the dynamics of any circumstance in which one finds oneself.
“By consciously shifting one’s intent to one of conscious allowance of the manifestation of the highest good of the collective, one enhances the opportunity to manifest the brightest possible outcome for oneself.
“In so doing, one is able to secure a state of beingness that is unencumbered by eons of trial and error and is free to explore the joys of manifestaion of the Divine Will in alignment with one’ own.”
Rasha from Oneness
Tags: acknowledge yourself, awakened consciousness, catalyst of consciousness, collective consciousness, consciously shifting one's intent, consciousness expanding, consciousness of love, consciousness quote, Divine Will in alignment with one' own, every waking moment, highest good of the collective, MYSTIC MAMMA Divine Feminine Channel, MYSTIC MAMMA Healing, MYSTIC MAMMA Source of Good, MYSTIC MAMMA Spiritual Guidance, MYSTIC MAMMA Spiritual Wisdom, MYSTIC MAMMA Stream of consciousness, MYSTIC MAMMA Well of guidance, MYSTIC MAMMA WISDOM, MYSTIC MAMMA Wisdom Quotes, PHOTO: LAINA BRIEDIS, Rasha from Oneness
Soniko says:
Oct 11, 2014
your heart, my heart, ONE HEART
Suzanne says:
Oct 11, 2014
Cathryn says:
Oct 11, 2014
Thank you for these encouraging words! xxx
Nikki says:
Oct 11, 2014
Lovely, thanku x*x
Lilly says:
Oct 12, 2014
Beautiful! Kind words for all of us ;-)
Laurie says:
Oct 12, 2014
So beautiful…
lynne says:
Oct 12, 2014
A very inspiring post. Thanks for sharing.
betsy says:
Oct 16, 2014
never ever feel like youre in purgatory when youre going through a change and feel stuck between two worlds. you will emerge! i love you!
Aaqilah says:
Oct 26, 2014
I really needed to read this… TThank you…
Jess says:
Oct 27, 2014
The wisdom you share has helped me time and time again! I am forever thankful! Love!!!
Marie-Helene says:
Oct 31, 2014
Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.
Suki says:
Nov 3, 2014
This is just what I needed to hear today! I know these things to be true but sometimes I need to be reminded of them so THANK YOU!
Mae Occhilupo says:
Nov 7, 2014
Just what I needed to hear. Thank you and much love
lela says:
Nov 23, 2014
every time i read your posts, i feel inspired to be my best self, and start to FEEL alive…..
Sunkiss says:
Feb 11, 2015
Nomie says:
Mar 1, 2015
This has been a weekend of receiving love from my angel messengers. Thank you.
Mar 20, 2015
So nice.
Ann says:
Mar 21, 2015
This was very beautiful and touching, love all your posts!
Sunna says:
Mar 27, 2015
Trust & Release <3
Cecilia says:
Feb 18, 2016
Trusting the uncertain. A weekend of self-love and forgiveness/ letting go.