Posts tagged "MYSTIC MAMMA Wisdom Quotes"
SOLSTICE ::: Born quietly from the deepest night~
"No one knew the name of this day; Born quietly from deepest night...
Feel the open door~
"Sense or feel the open door, the one that offers you ease, that welcomes you to a new homecoming...
Believe this love still lives~
"From the moment it first laid eyes on you, this blessing loved you. This blessing knew you from the start...
Remove the buffers of perception~
"We live in a physical world, but it is constantly informed by the wind and rain and light of Spirit that we can't readily see...
Cultivate devotion daily~
"Remembering to respect even in the face of disrespect, until respect becomes all we offer everyone, every time, everywhere...
There are many small shifts~
"The transformation process is not an all-at once thing that blows you out of the water. There are many small shifts, and each one takes some getting used to...
Self-compassion is a series of choices~
"Ultimately, self-compassion is a series of choices, a moment by moment conscious turning away from that which will harm your spirit toward that which will nourish and sustain you....