“Each moment spent in that state of respect is felt through all we do.
“How may we cultivate devotion daily?
“Moving intentionally.
“Sitting quietly.
“Noting when we interrupt, and when we gracefully navigate our interactions.
“Granting unexpected kindnesses.
“Arranging ourselves with abundance in our thinking, and our loving.
“Orienting ourselves toward daily ritual until reverence becomes the only offering we make to ourselves, even when we falter.
“Remembering to respect even in the face of disrespect, until respect becomes all we offer everyone, every time, everywhere.
“And what if those around us seem less than reverent?
“Our work is to hold to our own internal devotion. This is why we keep up our practices – to keep reminders of reverence nearby, so when doubt enters our environment (our own or another’s), we can hold the space naturally and effectively until the doubt dissipates.”
~Elena Brower
Tracy says:
Jul 19, 2015
Thank you for the beautiful reminder. Respect…intentionally:)
Karla Bermúdez says:
Jul 19, 2015
Gracias !
eileen says:
Jul 20, 2015
how perfect….how true….thank you for this gift and reminder.
Tyrus says:
Jul 20, 2015
Thank u for the beautiful “of the mind again”
Lori says:
Jul 20, 2015
Love this
Mare says:
Jul 21, 2015
thank you <3
millie says:
Jul 21, 2015
a beautiful guide to BEING, thank you.
Doris says:
Jul 22, 2015
This was the most beautiful reading! It touched
every part of me. I will read this time and again…
Thank You! Elena Brower & Mystic Mama.
Alison says:
Jul 27, 2015
Such timeless wisdom. You are reminding me that a good life, like a garden, takes time to cultivate.
Abundant Blessings.
dave says:
Jul 29, 2015
Yes indeed
Lanre Foster says:
Aug 1, 2015
Just what I needed. Thank you #goodvibetribe
Lauren says:
Aug 2, 2015
Beautifully written, thank you!
Marilynne N says:
Aug 23, 2015
Yes, so beautifully expressed and such an important message to carry forth.
Brie says:
Aug 26, 2015
I struggled today with a client that I support with Autism. He expresses his feelings of anger that stem from family environment onto me. I need reminders here and there that holding space for him with respect are so important. No big steps just small ones that matter in the moment. Thank you
Diane Wynne says:
Sep 28, 2015
In the weeks leading up to the Blood Moon Eclipse, Fall Equinox, I held respectful space for my sister, intending that she might see clearly her thoughtless treatment of our mother who is in need. I wrote my sister a letter encouraging her to see the pain she was causing our mother. It took me weeks to do so with Love. I finally mailed the letter to my sister in Florida on Wednesday. On Friday night we created an alter of intentions during a celebration for those of us who have September birthdays. Sunday night my friends and I held a ceremony to the Goddess and Horned God, releasing that which is dead and embracing rebirth. We burned the alter of intentions under the eclipsed moon last night, sending the intentions into the Universe and then grounding. This morning, Monday, my mother called me, from Florida where she resides, to say that my sister visited her this morning bearing gifts of money, which our mother needed, rosemary from my sister’s garden, and a box of cookies from a lovely bakery! Blessed be the power of manifestation through Love! All hail the Spiral Dance! Tears of thanksgiving!
Ving says:
Mar 31, 2017
Your website has to be the elontrecic Swiss army knife for this topic.
Ishani says:
Nov 26, 2015
Beautiful blog…Thank you so much. Namaste <3
Selenah says:
May 29, 2016
What a beautiful post. I think I want to learn how to further incorporate daily devotion into my life. Some ideas? Wake up early ~ with the Sun (That is my “planet” after all). See beauty in all places. Everywhere. And if I cannot see beauty, maybe I will create some~or ask for some to arrive. Maybe and most importantly, I will foster a home for TRUST in my body. And in my mind. TRUST that the thing which we are bowing to remains alive in the face of disgrace. Remains independent to all of our human change and earthly experience. Thank you. Thank you! I am still learning. I will be always learning, and so I bow in deep reverence. Daily.
Shamla of Shamballa says:
Apr 17, 2022
Beloved Mystic Mamma
My entire being celebrates this utterly beautiful post.
It is Easter Sunday 2022. We are in the Southern Hemisphere and it is Autumn for us. A Time To Reap.
My reaping is glorious and these words are synchronously beautiful as a Trophy.
I am deeply grateful to you.
In divine love and golden light
Shamla of Shamballa