FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~
January 10th 2020 11:21 am PST 7:21 pm GMT
January 11th 2020| 5:21 am AEST
Holy mighty force of growth.
This is a very emotional time on many levels, with what we are experiencing in our personal lives as well as what is going on in the collective.
The healing salve at this time is the energy of the MOTHER. This Lunar Eclipse is in CANCER, the sign of the Mother. And When Pluto and Saturn have their big meeting on January 12th, asteroid Ceres, another archetype of the Mother will be right there present at the meeting.
So first call to action is, we need to mother ourselves real good right now. We need to allow all our different emotions to exist, and accept everything that is coming up. Yes, it’s ok. All of our feelings really need to be embraced.
This is a time where we are learning to re-parent ourselves. Like astrologer Timothy Halloran so beautifully expressed, we are developing “new forms, new networks of internal support that allow us to be initiated into newfound levels of authority.”
He talks about summoning that “maternal security” for our own selves, and encourages us to address our inner child with words of support.
It is essential that we give the MOTHER energy of Love to ourselves, perhaps in ways that we never have or have never experienced. With radical kindness, and healing energy to strengthen our foundations.
This is a big moment in time right now. On a personal level it will of course be different for each of us, but essentially there might be something that will be challenging us. Most likely a situation beyond our control that will require a shift in perspective or something that needs to be released.
The key is our response. We have a choice as to how we will respond and this is the turning point.
Now, as we all know that’s easier said than done.
I have found that the further up we go, the more we gain perspective.
And recently I have been doing this simple practice that has helped me greatly which I felt called to share with you.
In my stillness, I imagined myself up on a cloud up above, sitting on a bench, next to Ram Dass.
From that vantage I observed my self in my present condition, from my Soul, from beyond Death, from my future Self.
I became an observer, and I saw myself in so much heartache and pain, but up there next to Ram Dass, I felt relieved and felt the expanded energy of love.
I realized that holding on kept me in the loop of my current suffering, but if I shifted my perspective that was causing my pain, if I moved beyond the polarity, I could lighten the load and feel free.
It became clear that’s the game changer. That’s next level right there.
And I realized in that moment, I had crossed “beyond ideas of right-doings and wrongdoings,” like Rumi said. Beyond “there is a field, I’ll meet you there.”
The field. The field of oneness, of unity-consciousness, where the ascended masters roam.
If we ascend our perspective, we can access the field too.
But as we know, it’s not easy to do, the polarity is very strong.
With love it can bring opposite forces together into union.
But if the focus is not on the whole, it becomes a power play.
And as Sarah Varcas says, we will be witnessing grabs for power as the “karmic consequences of egotistical assumptions of entitlement become ever more evident.”
We need to have that 2020 vision for the long-haul. For the next seven generations, like indigenous people say and beyond.
2020 is calling us to gain a broader perspective as individuals, as a humanity, as a people of planet earth living in this time right now.
We need to consider all parts, and make sure that our decisions take into account the wellbeing of all who might be affected.
Personally and collectively, because we are all relatives. We are family.
I highly recommend the Audible of the late great and wonderfully delightful RAM DASS here.
If you don’t have Audible it’s free. Please listen to it, and then again and again. It will help shift perspective. And that, after all, is truly the key!
(I know this intro was long but there’s so much that wants to be shared! The Insights below are long too but carefully woven with golden streams of thought, so you can go deeper into your own findings, healings and revelations…)
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA ASTRAL INSIGHTS from our beloved featured astrologers.
PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology Journal says:
“We are there.This is what I am calling ‘tornado week,’ the week that astrologers have been talking and writing about for literally years.
“The lineup of planetary events that occurs over the next eight days is both spectacular and powerful…
“There’s so much going on, it’s a lot to digest all at once..
“Consider that an aspect such the Saturn-Pluto alignment is like climbing a mountain.
“We’ve been climbing this particular Saturn-Pluto mountain for most of 2019. Next Sunday, we reach the peak.
“The air is thinner here, and it can be hard to catch our breath. We are reminded with each step how important self-care truly is.
“We may need to stop often and just focus on breathing, slowly and deeply.
“We must nourish our bodies and rest so that we have the strength we need.
“We must also feed our minds positive thoughts so that we do not become discouraged.
“And, we need to reach out and offer support to fellow climbers who are struggling…
“The bottom line is that we are at a pivotal time in human history.
“As the astrology suggests, much is coming to a crisis point in 2020, and this first month of the year is especially critical.
“We need only briefly scan global and local headlines to see this manifesting.
“It is impossible to process all that is occurring.
“This is one of the ways that Pluto often works. It brings about situations that are outside of our conscious control, so that we learn new ways of managing our reactions.
“Through the experience, we find new levels of inner strength.
“Plutonian events shift our perspective and ultimately empower us, sometimes to take action, but always to be in greater awareness of our own capacities.
“On an individual level, even if we are not dealing directly with a crisis right now, it is important not to go into overwhelm.
“While there may be ways in which we are drawn to respond outwardly, we can also make great contribution by moving into center, into our hearts, holding a calm space, and embodying the peace we want to see on the planet.
“At those times when we feel powerless to control the outer world, we can always choose to control our own energy field. When we do this, we add much-needed, higher-frequency energies to the collective.
“This is not the same as avoidance or wishful thinking. This activity, when done with conscious intention, can be even more powerful than physical action.
“We might call it prayer. We might call it energy work. Whatever term we use, we need that spiritual focus and energy now.
“As Jupiter aligns with the South Node in Capricorn, it amplifies the ways in which humanity is still guided by the dangerous belief that ‘might makes right.’
“We see decisions that are made from an outdated, authoritative view of reality, one in which dominance and arrogance are acceptable, and perhaps even admired.
“Jupiter is holding the magnifying glass over these traits, wherever they are found.
“It shows in exaggerated fashion what occurs when we approach life from the stance that we can do whatever we want simply because we have the power to do so.
“With the U.S. coming into its Pluto return, the nation is seeing a great challenge to the belief that it is above the law, untouchable, and invulnerable.
“But Jupiter also has a more palatable intention for 2020. As it journeys through Capricorn this year, Jupiter helps us aspire to and achieve the positive traits of the sign: a stronger conscience, and greater civility, integrity, humility, and honor.
“Friday is an incredibly powerful day. Emotions are extremely high and the tension is palpable.
“This is an especially crucial day for finding our center of calm in the eye of the storm.
“The Cosmic Plan that decided to have an eclipse at the same time as the Saturn-Pluto alignment – and for the alignment to be tightly implicated in the eclipse itself – is one to ponder.
“And then throw in all the other planets that are involved … We really do need to sit down to have a heart-to-heart chat with the Cosmos.
“I’ve taken apart the Lunar Eclipse chart to help us wrap our brains around everything that’s involved in the event.
“Be sure to read the very last item on this list, especially if you start to feel overwhelmed:
Moon in Cancer: Heightened sensitivity and empathy. Feeling protective, perhaps defensive. Desire to hide, need for emotional security.
Moon square Eris: Combativeness. The goddess who has been disregarded and belittled finds her voice, causing disruption.
Moon square Juno: Alliances challenged. Disagreements between partners.
Moon opposite Mercury: Communications affected (back up your computers). Travel disruptions. Information and disinformation. A war of words.
Moon opposite Ceres: Separation anxieties, feeling isolated. Conflict between personal needs and needs of family or homeland.
Moon opposite Saturn: Feeling cut off from emotional support. Need for increased self-care.
Moon opposite Pluto: Passionate feelings. Emotions may be compulsive, reactive, obsessive.
Moon opposite Charilko: Feeling conflicted over needs for self-care and the desire to hold the space for others and their healing. Remember the metaphor of putting on your own oxygen mask.
Moon trine Neptune: Our saving grace! See next paragraphs.
”In our chat with the Cosmos, we need to include a prayer of gratitude for Neptune’s involvement in all of these astrological events…it is providing a release valve for the tension of those many oppositions.
“Neptune’s influence enhances our ability to transcend the emotional reactivity of these times.
“It allows us greater access to our intuition, creativity, spiritual perspective, and connection to the Divine.
“It helps us rise above the human drama, so that we might gain the vantage point of our own Soul.
“It increases our sensitivity and compassion, qualities that are greatly needed in our world.
“As if the eclipse and the alignments were not enough, there are two planets that station direct on eclipse day: Eris and Uranus.
“When a planet stations (comes to a standstill), its influence is magnified for at least a week on either side of the date of its station.
“Eris was the goddess of strife and discord… Eris is not only stationary at the time of the eclipse, she is also in hard aspect to the Moon and all of the planets in Capricorn.
“As such, we can expect that someone plays the role of instigator, perhaps surreptitiously.
“Uranus is known to cause upheaval, through events that happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or dramatically.
“Having Uranus station during an eclipse can be thought of as a ‘double whammy’ because eclipses are thought to be Uranus-like in their effects, due to their unpredictability.
“With Uranus in earthy Taurus – and with Earth Mother goddess Ceres strongly involved in the eclipse – it is not surprising that there is an environmental crisis occurring now.
“The good news is that Uranus is still in harmonious aspect with Jupiter and with the nodes…
“Since Uranus represents the Higher Mind, these aspects provide access to higher-level information, insights, and solutions, no matter what else is going on around us.
“Looking at the Big Picture, we can benefit from viewing this time as a healing crisis.
“During such times, we might be overwhelmed by symptoms that seem to indicate we are getting worse, not better.
“And yet, if we realize that humanity is going through a detox process, we can keep a bit more hopeful perspective on events.
“We may wonder what each of us can do, how we can contribute to the healing rather than exacerbating the wound.
“First, self-care is vital. These planetary energies are not just ‘out there’ somewhere, causing events.
“They are interacting with our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
“We may be especially aware of physical issues right now… it is important to know that we are being inundated with all these cosmic energies.
“It’s vital to get plenty of rest, both at night and when we feel tired during the day.
“On mental and emotional levels, too, we need to take breaks. Take a walk in nature. Listen to music. Allow your gaze to float softly over the far horizon, watch the clouds move through the sky.
“On spiritual levels, there is much we can ‘do.’ We can meditate. We can pray.
“We can do energy work, calling light to the areas of the planet that are in need of support.
“We can call on the angels, Enlightened Ones, Masters, and other interdimensional beings, whose purpose is to assist the evolution of humanity and the healing on Planet Earth.
“These beings exist, but because this is a planet of free will, they must hear our call before they can offer assistance.
“Most of all, we can love each other. We can be kind and gentle. We can open our hearts.
“We can accept and respect others, ourselves, and our planet.
“We can be Love. We can embody Peace. It is needed.
“We can make this transition time into one that takes us into the positive future we all envision – but, true to Capricorn’s directive, we must each take responsibility for our piece of the puzzle.”
© Copyright 2020 PAM YOUNGHANS
SARAH VARCAS from her Astro-Awakenings.co.uk says:
“This is an eclipse of extremes and therefore of extreme possibilities.
“It could bring liberation from a viewpoint that has kept us imprisoned – mentally, emotionally, spiritually – or it could strengthen those prison bars with a dose of so-called ‘reality’ which tells us nothing ever changes, life’s a struggle and the sooner it’s over the better.
“It reminds us that personal experience cannot be divorced from the collective energetic field in which lies the potential for all things.
“In seeing beyond our tiny fear-based perspective we can open ourselves to this wider potential with reverence and awe.
“There are always possibilities at the edge of our vision if we look in the right way.
“What was previously in our blind spot can come into view with a tilt of the head and this eclipse provides an opportunity to shift perspective to see things in a very different light.
“But the strength of our emotions may discourage us from believing this to be true!
“If you find yourself overwrought or overwhelmed at this lunar eclipse, ask yourself ‘How would it feel if I believed there was another way to view this situation?’.
“That question alone may take the heat out of the flames and allow a more cooling effect on an over-stimulated heart and mind…
“Following hot on the heels of the lunar eclipse comes the Saturn/Pluto conjunction exact at 16:23 UT on 12th January in the 23rd degree of Capricorn…
“Unlike many outer planet conjunctions which recur over a number of months, this alliance occurs only once, intensifying the process of shift to a new perspective.
“Consider this a choice-point of sorts, during which we can decide how to approach the year ahead and draw upon the imposing energy of this conjunction to cement our commitment.
“Of course, this also means that if we allow negativity or despair to cloud our minds and hearts at this time, the ripple effect of doing so may lap upon our shores for some time to come.
“But this doesn’t mean that if we’re having a hard time in January the whole year’s already a write-off. Far from it!
“The key is our response to that hard time: do we cement it with our reactions, adding misery upon misfortune, or do we embrace the conjunction energy to allow new understanding, perspectives and feelings to arise?
“Can we recognize the catalyzing action of trauma or challenge, which can as much clear away old emotional debris as create more?
“Can we feel the energetic hurricane that up-ends a life as the winds of change that point us eventually in a new and more productive direction?
“Many people fear the action of Pluto in their lives. But fear is not a helpful response and be wary around those who encourage it!
“Pluto demands of us a mighty heart that can release all that no longer supports who we must be.
“Conjunct Saturn it reminds us that the most imposing change can also be a powerful catalyst for mature wisdom.
“Whilst this conjunction may have a purging effect on our lives at some level, if we can recognize its action as a solution not a problem we can ride those storms more wisely.
” This conjunction of planetary heavyweights invites us into a more mature and insightful relationship with our inherent power…
“In the coming years we must own our power and the responsibility that comes with it. Or face with full force the consequences of refusing to do so.
“We must dig deep and rise strong in the face of increasingly desperate power-plays of those who sense influence slipping from their grasp as people wake up to their lies.
“Both Uranus & Eris are stationing direct at the time of the conjunction, reflecting how this alliance between Saturn and Pluto may stop us in our tracks. Not immediately perhaps, but as its energies ‘bed in’ over time and pervade our everyday life.
“Grabs for power may occur on the world stage in unanticipated ways, whilst the karmic consequences of egotistical assumptions of entitlement become ever more evident.
“Those in power who refuse to pause a while to reflect on their intent may find themselves confronted with the inevitable outcomes of blind arrogance.
“…In this new Saturn/Pluto cycle, slowing down becomes a radical act of self-determination: An opportunity to cease spinning in an endless whirl, gather up our thoughts and feelings and embrace their deeper contemplation for a while.
“By contrast, a square from Eris to the conjunction heralds an opportunity to move through intensity much quicker than before.
“Here we see the potential for our perception of time to shift exponentially. What once took years to process we can now do in a few months and what took months can take weeks or days.
“We have the opportunity to suffer less and reap greater rewards, but we must choose to do so. Our attitude is key to this choice.
“If we focus on pain without hope of change, that’s what we’ll get. If we process the pain, work with it, be authentic within it, the outcome could be beyond our wildest imaginings as the rejuvenating power of a mighty heart is unleashed within us.
“In this sense, the notion of ‘long term’ is shifting beneath our feet as evolutionary forces flood our lives with such intensity that we can be swept up in their embrace before we catch our breath.
“One day we’re living this life then, bam, it’s all change. Just like that.
“The external trappings may look largely the same (for a while at least) but the very fabric of our life has shifted beyond return. We know it and feel it, even if we can’t yet articulate it.
“This experience is becoming more frequent as we awaken to the forces of change that act on all levels of our being.
“We can no longer ignore or dismiss them for they have become us.
“They are the very life force itself, refreshed and renewed by the vital forces that flood this planet and all who live upon her.
“Amidst these moments of sudden shift are those of mind-numbing mundanity which challenge us to put into regular practice all we profess to believe.
“This is the ‘work’ of conscious evolution: living the ordinary life in an extraordinary way, knowing material ‘reality’ as both the most and least real thing about our existence.
“We can reach out and touch it, identify it, name it, and yet if we seek its substance it melts before our eyes.
“Nothing is as it seems and yet we must live it anyway, both mundane and divine.
“In doing so we embody the unbounded human spirit which is rising triumphant, undeterred by the barriers it must breach to make its mark.”
© Copyright 2020 SARAH VARCAS
The insights from the wonderful TIMOTHY HALLORAN which I quoted above can be found on YouTube starting at 14:40 here.
May we allow in the energy of the sacred MOTHER to heal our hearts.
With all my love and solidarity!
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Tags: a time of mystery and magic, ask the deeper questions, astral insights, astral insights MYSTIC MAMMA, ASTRAL INSIGHTS MYSTIC MAMMA FULL MOON, Astral Mystic, Astrologer Sarah Varcas, Astrologia Mystica, Astrological download NEW MOON, astrology, Astrology Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Astrology Collage by MYSTIC MAMMA, Astrology Collective, Astrology Energy Report, Astrology for FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020, Astrology for MYSTICS, ASTROLOGY FOR THE SOUL, Astrology for Unity Consciousness, ASTROLOGY MYSTIC, Astrology MYSTIC MAMA, Astrology MYSTIC MAMMA, awakened consciousness astrology, awakening, Awakening the Divine Feminine, awareness, awareness of something larger, becoming a conscious dreamer, birthing new consciousness, calm our beating heart, Cancer Art, Cancer Collage Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Cancer Moon art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Cancer Return Home to ourselves, Capricorn Collage Art, catalyst of consciousness, change in consciousness, Channel of feminine consciousness, channels of the divine feminine, Collage Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, collective astrology, Collective Astrology Report, Collective Astrology Source, collective consciousness, Collective consciousness astrology FULL MOON Eclipse, Collective Consciousness well, collective destiny, collective evolution, collective healing, collective mind, collective mythology, collective well of wisdom, conscious actions, conscious evolution, consciousness, COSMIC INSIGHT MYSTIC MAMMA, cosmic weather report, courage, cycles of the moon : mystic mamma, dislodge the places that have been stuck, Divine Feminine Art, Divine Feminine Astrology, Divine Feminine Collage Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Divine Feminine Eclipse Portal, Divine Feminine news, Divine Feminine Portal, divine feminine wisdom, Divine Feminine Woman Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, Divine Feminine Zodiac Art by MYSTIC MAMMA, earth, earth connection, earth family, earth mother, Earth Wisdom for all, Eclipse Meaning, Emotions from the depths, empowerment, Energetic News of the Cosmos, Energetic Weather Report MYSTIC MAMMA, evolution, evolution of humanity, Evolutionary Astrology, evolutionary spirals, expanded consciousness, feminine consciousness, freedom, full moon astrology, full moon in capricorn, FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020, FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th, great mother, Great Mother Energy, ground into Mother Earth, growth, Healing Mother Energy, Healing wounds, House of Divine Feminine, infinite love and magic that makes All of Creation so vibrantly alive, inner journey, INTO THE MYSTIC, Lunar Report MYSTIC MAMMA, LUNAR WISDOM for NEW MOON, Lunar Wisdom MYSTIC MAMMA, Lunar Wisdom of the Moon :MYSTIC MAMMA, Madre Mistica, Madre Mystica, MAMA MISTICA, mama mystic, MAMA MYSTIC ASTROLOGY, MAMA MYSTICA, Mamma Energy, Mistica Madre, Mistica Mama, Modern Mystic, Modern Mysticism, Momma Mystic, Moon Art by Mystic Mamma, mother earth, mother energy, Mother Love, Mother of Creation, Mother of the Universe, Mother of us all, Motherload of Mystic Wisdom, mystic, MYSTIC ASTRAL INSIGHTS, Mystic Astrology, MYSTIC Astrology Forecast, MYSTIC ASTROLOGY REPORT, MYSTIC Astrology Site, MYSTIC Channel, Mystic Guidance, mystic heart, MYSTIC MADRE, MYSTIC MAGIC, mystic mama, mystic mamas, mystic mamma, MYSTIC MAMMA Art, MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights, MYSTIC MAMMA Astrological Weather Report, MYSTIC MAMMA Cosmic Weather Report, MYSTIC MAMMA Divine Feminine Channel, MYSTIC MAMMA Guidance, MYSTIC MAMMA LIMITED EDITION ART, MYSTIC MAMMA: Clear channel of feminine consciousness, MYSTIC MOMMA, mystic momma astrology, MYSTIC MOON ASTROLOGY, MYSTIC MOTHER, Mystic Path, MYSTIC TEACHINGS, MYSTIC WELL, mystic wisdom, MYSTIC WOMAN, Mysticism of the Eclipses, mysticmamma.com, nature mystic, open the door, Original Zodiac Collage Art, Original Zodiac Collage Artist, past to heal us, Planetary Conscisouness, planetary family, planetary guidance maps, planetary insights, planetary transformation, reflect on all that made us who we are, revelation, Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th 2020, serve Mother Earth, Spirit Family, swirling energies of the eclipses, the hidden face of who we are, Time of transformation, Together we rise in consciousness for an inclusive humanity, Total Solar Eclipse Wisdom, true power in love, trust in this movement, unravel our own myth, untangle the knots, wake up to our unity, WE hold the key, WE of Earth, WE stand for Mother Earth, We the people awaken, Wisdom of the Moon, Wisdom of the stars
Samantha says:
Jan 8, 2020
Thank you so much for this insight and support. I’ve certainly been feeling a weight of heaviness the last few days and have been making a lot of effort to stay rooted in my center and not get pulled into a whirlpool of fear and inner chaos. These posts always make me feel less isolated in my feelings and more connected to the whole. Thank you!
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
Yes, so important to find that deeper anchor in these choppy waters!
I find so much comfort in this beautiful community of us. Because it seems that after all we are not alone. And whilst many of us might have felt very alone, and perhaps still do in our experience, through these new connective channels that did not exist in previous times, we have been able to connect into streams of like minds. 💗
Susy says:
Jan 8, 2020
It seems to me that the crazier things get, the more important it is to take responsibility for choosing who I am, who to be in the face of it all. I am not religious and don’t expect any kind if spiritual rescue. If things change for humans, it will be because humans change. I gave read recently that apex predators change the environment for the better like what happened when wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone. Humans as said to be the only apex predator who make the environment worse which says something about our level of evolution compared to other apex predators.
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
Yes it is important to face, and hopefully in this decade we can come to together to turn it around💗
Kathe Jordan says:
Jan 9, 2020
Yes, and we’re the ones who are wiping out the apex predators. We lack understanding of ecology; wolves control the deer who, overpopulating, damage the trees. Sea urchins keep mussels from multiplying and destroying the reef. More the reason for us to keep on seeking understanding of the whole amazing system that supports us and gain perspective on our actions.
Kathe Jordan says:
Jan 9, 2020
I can’t thank Mystic Mamma enough for continuing to help me and others find peace and acceptance in this mystery.
Karen Gardner says:
Jan 12, 2020
Susy, this apex predator in the form of an out of control narcissistic psychopath seems to be a recurring theme in our recorded history. The same themes over and over. Are we actually evolving? Sure doesn’t feel like it except that when you look at the larger picture – never before have we had so much access to education(particularly as women) and, at least a greater possibility of the concept of freedom – though paradoxically, our rights seem to be diminishing with the advent of ever-increasing technology. Wish I could feel more other I’s taking personal responsibility which is why I appreciate your comment. Thank you.
Pat says:
Jan 8, 2020
How appropriate for out current circumstances.
Thank you for an uplifting message!
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
Erica Camille says:
Jan 8, 2020
Thank you. Feeling all of this big time as I contemplate leaving New York City after 10 years here.
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
I lived there for 12 years, it was a major chapter in my life. Trust your heart to guide you it’s your compass!
Nina says:
Jan 9, 2020
Me too but with London/UK. Don’t know where to go though. Glad I’m not alone in the feeling that life is changing beneath my feet and somehow the ‘dream’ is over..
Tom says:
Jan 15, 2020
Always welcome in mainland Europe, all the big cities have English communities bc there are “Irish” pubs lol
Toni says:
Jan 8, 2020
Thank you deeply. I have been listening to Ram Dass daily with an intention to find a way in this intensity both inner and outer. Deeply grateful for your Mystic Mamma insights.
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
Cheryl Floyd says:
Jan 8, 2020
Blessings Taniska to you for your generosity and wonderful information you share. Much love to you AUM
mm says:
Jan 8, 2020
Hi Cheryl, there’s seems to be some confusion, there is no Tanisha associated with this website!
Glad to hear it was helpful 💛
Magpie says:
Jan 9, 2020
Always heart and soul searching to improve ourselves for the better of all humankind.Thankyou for the inner peace you bring to me . Also new ways to look at every situation helps me to be more open , compassionate and caring ,while still nurturing myself . Which is usually the one thing we do not do . Many blessings to you . In awe and respect for all you give .Regards Magpie Zura
Magpie Zura says:
Jan 9, 2020
Always heart and soul searching to improve ourselves for the better of all humankind.Thankyou for the inner peace you bring to me . Also new ways to look at every situation helps me to be more open , compassionate and caring ,while still nurturing myself . Which is usually the one thing we do not do . Many blessings to you . In awe and respect for all you give .Regards Magpie
Inge Elsman says:
Jan 9, 2020
With the eclipse bang on my nodes, and neptune on chiron as well as trine my neptune, i feel blessed to be in tune with what I have read above. Thank you thank you , you wonderful women, for sharing. This is a time to be awake, where every thought and decision carries weight. It feels like the moment to take absolute responsibility, which to me feels intense and liberating. I find Eris not so much a nuissance or a threat as an inspiration. She wíll be heard, she will not be ignored.. she can be a source of positive power!
Loretta says:
Jan 9, 2020
In September 2017 I was blindsided and flung into the abyss. The message I received was “no remorse, no what ifs, just the alertness of being”. I’ve followed that mantra and today I’m better able to surf these changes. My love to you MM for holding the lantern for so many. 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬
Barbara says:
Jan 9, 2020
Ahhhh, Ram Dass. Now that he is liberated from his body, his Presence is Here Now, Everywhere, all the time. Thank you for the visual of sitting with Him on a cloud, to facilitate the more expansive, loving perspective. Perfect. Much love to you, Mystic Mamma. With deepest gratitude for all you do.
Betina says:
Jan 9, 2020
Thanks a lot for all your posts. I am following you since long. I live in a motorhome in the moment in South America. I am always happy and very thankful to be able to have your reports.
My mother language is Spanish, I was born in Argentina.
Again muchas gracias !!! THANKS from the heart
chaielle says:
Jan 9, 2020
thank you mysticmamma! i feel connected to this what you share. my blessings to you <3
Kate says:
Jan 10, 2020
Thank you for this beautiful writing. My birthday is Saturday. Any thoughts on how this wave could affect me? xo
Victoria says:
Jan 10, 2020
Still simmering in those insights… beautiful… powerful… exciting <3
Chris says:
Jan 10, 2020
Thank you for sharing this. I am so grateful that you continue to put these Moon reports together. They have been instrumental in my evolution.
Much, much Love to you Mystic Mama & happy Full Moon Eclipse to all!
Anna says:
Jan 10, 2020
Wow…. Thank you for these most inspiring and a little bit of a much needed “rude wake up call” in a most gentle way ;) I have been feeling out this year to come and I just have a sense of wanting to put my nose to the grind and do the chop wood carry water mundane; In order, to keep my center and be grounded in the midst of chaos. The whole… “Slow down to speed up” mentality to nurture myself so that I can be there for others. Thank you!
Koren Kiener says:
Jan 11, 2020
Wow. I’m reading this right now and with no censorship to my thoughts, I’m allowing this responses to flow freely. This past fall 2019 presented me with some of the biggest challenges in regard to expressions of power plays. Reading this now, I realized that I was in ultimate survival mode and functioning from a place of defense in order to preserve my authenticity and protect my rights. I was backed into a corner (multiples times) by authoritative systems that we’re unwilling to think beyond their personal ego. Rather than working towards the collective good, I’m understanding that the power plays provoked an attitude of “my way or no way.” I woke up this morning experiencing a quite vivid dream that I believe has something to do with with this cosmic theme of power plays, finding self care and realizing that inevitable change will stir up the global transformation that is needed. I’m finding myself stepping into a place of fearless and unapologetic confidence for what I stand by. Whether that brings the dark or light teachers forward, the impulse tells me that sometimes the chaos is the pathway to the higher ground. I’m beyond inspired by every sentiment shared here. Thank you for your reflections, your honesty and your influence. We need more healers in the world and I want to be a part of a collective towards a higher vibration for humanity. All of the best and happy full Wolf Moon, first moon of 2020. Bows.
Dolores Fazzino says:
Jan 12, 2020
Thanks for the reminder and validation that I am not going crazy and that I am in calmness of the eye of the storms in humanity and collective consciousness as well as my internal external perils. <3
Joi Thomas says:
Jan 12, 2020
Thank you!!!! May we all join in a Web of healing Light to help Australia’s wildlife! Blessed-be
jess says:
Jan 12, 2020
thank you for this beautiful and supportive gift and guidance. feeling all of this. very positive, in terms of outcome! we are in the thick of it!
Doris says:
Jan 13, 2020
Thank you, to all that share here on MM….. these readings are a blessing in my life.
Happy New Year🦋
click says:
Jan 16, 2020
Those insights are just spot on.