Posts tagged "Cancer Collage Art by MYSTIC MAMMA"
NEW MOON in CANCER : cosmic womb

NEW MOON in CANCER : cosmic womb

we have moved through a doorway...there has been a reset...and the Cancerian energies have brought a re-connection with the waters within us...
::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

we have entered a new season, a new time, as the great wheel turned on the Solstice and the Sun moved into Capricorn!
FULL MOON in Cancer January 6th 2023~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 6th 2023~

First FULL MOON of the year, Wolf Moon howling into our skies, illuminating our tender insides as the Cancerian waters ripple our collective seas with longing for the feeling of comfort, of safety, of love...
NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

NEW MOON in Cancer July 20th 2020~

We have a second *NEW MOON* in Cancer on July 20th 2020, precipitating with it an Axis shift...
TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

Compassion is what is needed to be seeded this Eclipse. This empathic Mother SEED will have reverberations for months to come...
FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020 + Saturn Pluto Alignment January 12th~

The healing salve at this time is the energy of the MOTHER...
Total Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer July 2nd, 2019~

Total Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer July 2nd, 2019~

TOTAL Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer in the sign of the Great Mother, nurtures the child within and offers us a refuge, a home within ourselves, where we can return to our place of Origin...
Solar ECLIPSE New Moon in Cancer July 12th / 13th 2018~

Solar ECLIPSE New Moon in Cancer July 12th / 13th 2018~

Solar Eclipse *NEW MOON* in Cancer reminds us that it's time to come home to our whole Self. Feelings that have been dormant in the underworld of our psyche, are returning to us like waves rising toward the shore....