dear loves~
we have moved through a doorway…
there has been a reset…
and the Cancerian energies have brought 
a re-connection with the waters within us…
SATURN in PISCES + NEPTUNE in PISCES  have just began their retrograde journeys…
as NEPTUNE has been at the 29th degree of PISCES, the last degree of the entire zodiac, there is a certain something that we are releasing… 
NEPTUNE holds the veil to the unconscious realms and in PISCES, whatever is floating up to our awareness is wanting to be dissolved and released back into the great void… 

my full messages now live within my

a little excerpt…
this CANCER NEW MOON reminds us to attune to our hearts, so that we can give ourselves what we truly need, which beneath it all is love sweet love… 
she reminds us that we don’t have to wait for another to receive it, we don’t have to wait to fall in love in order to to feel that loving feeling… 
we can turn within and embrace our dear self which we have known and witnessed all of our lives and pour that loving cup into our own vessels… 
whispering sweet words that acknowledge how far we have come, how much we have grown, how strong we have become… 
the shift occurs when we can truly feel
worthy of this love 
when we allow ourselves take it in
and be filled 
we then become the container, 
that can hold all of the waters 
that move through us… 
remembering that our waters
(our emotions) are not us
we are the vessel 
we are the cosmic womb…
the creative void from where
all life emerges and returns… 
as we empty, we open to receive, 
and in this way we stay in the
creative flow of the Life force…
(come join us and drink 
from the deeper well…)
NEW MOON blessings!

with all my love~


PS: 13 years ago on this NEW MOON in CANCER in 2011, i intentionally birthed the MYSTIC MAMMA website into the world, after 2 years since its initial inception in 2009… 
NEPTUNE had just moved into PISCES then and it augured a huge expansion in consciousness and spirituality… 
it was also right before the culmination of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 and the beginning of a brand new era of unity consciousness, earth consciousness and woman consciousness, all of which are connected and which i wrote about then and ever since… 
it’s good to look back sometimes and see how far we have come, not only individually but collectively… 
we are the dreamers 
and we dream our world into being 
so remember the power that we have 
which we have only just tapped… 
don’t loose hope or get distracted by the spectacle that is presented on our televisions and our devices, there is so much more than that… 
quantum physics reminds us that what we focus on is what we bring into being, so focus on what is inherent in all, which is the love that unites us and let’s continue to plant seeds of light and unity for the generations to come… 
amplifying the MOTHER energies 
alive within us and within all of Creation 
thank for your love and support~
i am truly deeply grateful