The theme for December 2015 is TRANSITION~
Here is the energetic theme for December 2015 channeled by the wonderful Lena Stevens from The Power
“Definition of TRANSITION: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. It is a move, a passage, a transformation, a leap and an evolution.
“We are in transition.
“We are moving from one place to another in our lives, on the planet, in our psyches, our emotions, our work, our relationships, our environment, our values and our dreams.
“What we thought we wanted or could have, or would make us happy and fulfilled is no longer on the table.
“We have decided as a collective that the view must be better on the other side. So we are taking that step over the abyss. We are in mid air, having let go of the side we are familiar with and preparing to land on other unknown ground.
“The TRANSITION this month is the ‘being in mid air’. Don’t look down or you may lose your nerve. Keep your eye on the new ground. Being in mid air is extremely uncomfortable.
“‘What if I don’t land on my feet? What if I took the wrong step? What if the ground I am preparing to land on is not solid at all?’
“This part of TRANSITION is always instinctive and triggers the instinctive center. The instinctive center is all about survival and this month your survival instincts may be challenged and triggered causing all kinds of anxiety, sleeplessness and worry.
“Be careful this month not to let your instinctive center show up in negative ways that are detrimental to your growth and expansion. Survival can keep you attached to the old ground where you may lose your momentum to move forward.
“It is always easier in the long run to get into the middle of the rapid than to fight it by hiding in the eddy that will only hold you back.
“In order to be successful at TRANSITION, you must first let go of the old ground. You must be WILLING to let go of the old ground. You must be willing to give up your position, the attachment to being ‘right’, and all of your judgments and expectations as well as any emotional charge you may have about something you are still chewing on.
“Being ‘in the air’ could and should be an experience of freedom and neutrality.
“The transformational aspect of TRANSITION can be brutal, radical and swift. Pay attention and do not go to sleep. This is the time to take full responsibility for yourself as a human being and intend to fully live your life.
“If you are overly concerned about the past, you will never be clear of it. If you are too worried and anxious about the future, you will not enjoy the present. This is the time to live each day as if it were your last.
“Do not spend time engaging in negative behavior or emotions. They are energy leaks. Instead, be generous with your compassion, humor, humility, inspiration and creativity.
“One aspect of this TRANSITION time is the transition from one energy platform to the next. An energy platform is an agreement by the collective about how the universe works, what is possible, where we are limited, and how we are likely to behave in certain situations.
“It dictates how we see disease, life expectancy, aging, conflict, survival, relationship containers, karma, and the laws of physics. It dictates the thickness of the veil that separates the astral plane from the physical one and keeps our belief system solid and linear.
“We are leaving the old energy platform behind and moving ourselves as a collective towards a new one. No one knows how this new energy platform will manifest. There is a great deal of mystery around this energetic transformation that requires a strong trust in spirit. This TRANSITION takes us out of our comfort zone and may cause a variety of reactions.
“Because we also have a higher centered influence serving as the light at the other end of the tunnel, the reactions of some may be almost manic with excessive behavior.
“Others operating from the instinctive center may feel out of sorts, even flat and apathetic, mildly depressed (or not so mildly depressed) anxious with a non-specific anxiety, confused and completely at loose ends.
“Remember that when you release an old tapestry of patterns that provided an energetic platform for a really long time, you unravel what could hold you back from accessing the new one.
“There is freedom in letting go and embracing the unknown. The new energetic platform holds many opportunities that have not yet been defined. It is time to hold this TRANSITION space open for a spectacular new dream!
“Transition is where we are. Transition does not mean we are there yet, but we’ve packed our bags and are on our way. Enjoy the journey!
How the month shows up:
“Watch for getting cranky around not knowing what’s next or in not getting the clarity you are used to having. Some things will be really clear. Usually the clarity comes in hindsight and especially around what you are stepping off of.
“Be patient and give yourself the gift of time. The clarity will come and just when you need it the most.
“Eliminate what is not truly important during this time of transition but be available for anything new that can radically come into your life. The opportunity this month is for transformation on a deep personal level launching you onto a new energetic platform that will better serve you.
“You could struggle with your personal demons this month and everything that is not in integrity will come up to be reset and rebalanced.
“Pay attention to what is showing up for you and just as we suggest you never take anything personally, we also suggest that you take responsibility for what is yours.
“The challenge this month will be the temptation to indulge in feeling lost and to play out your days sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.
“Even though we do not know how the future will unfold, you can still be proactive with your time and use it to be creative, inspired, loving and generous. Take time to daydream, as it is in those times of thoughts having no context that context begins to form. This is the new dream.
“It is important this month to stay out of judgment around all your relationships. Remember that everyone is in TRANSITION so have a little compassion. Some will be more stressed than others and some will even seem like they are losing their hold on reality.
“If a relationship is dissolving, don’t try and hold onto the old form. Keep a huge space and possibility open for others to make personal changes and go through personal transformation that will affect how they relate.
“Relationships may be stressed this month as many of them provide a certain security and stability of the known energetic platform.
“As we all begin to change, nothing will stay the same. Count on things being different and stay neutral when you can. Watch your expectations, disappointments and judgments.
“Part of this TRANSITION is learning to just ‘be’ with others and to make room for more true essence contact.
“Of course the false personality hates this and is terrified at the prospect that perhaps this transition is actually leading to a decrease in karma. How this manifests remains to be seen but you can be sure of moving towards seeing others with new eyes; eyes in the heart instead of the head.
“When the instinctive center is activated the physical body goes into survival mode. It is easily shocked and can tend towards being more hyper-vigilant than usual.
“This is a month to calm the nervous system and eliminate excessive stimulation. There may be times when you just feel like you want to crawl into bed and shut out the lights.
“Allow yourself those down times but be careful not to indulge in them especially if they are in any way connected to martyrdom or feeling sorry for oneself.
“Walking in nature is probably the best remedy as well as clearing the mind of worry and obsessive thoughts and of worry about things out of your control. Meditation, prayer, being present and being grateful for all the simple little things in your life that give you meaning are all good practices.
“What helps to calm the instinctive center is bone. Wearing something made of bone can help anxiety and feeling ungrounded. Your bones as well as your teeth will be affected as they carry many of the patterns that are in the process of being dissolved. We suggest taking extra calcium and paying attention to taking good care of your teeth and bones.
“Since the energy platform is in TRANSITION you can expect your personal energy levels to be affected as well.
“You may experience unusual sleep cycles and much astral activity at all times of day or night. Lucid dreaming, clear visions, and heightened intuition are all possible however these experiences may be frightening for some and welcomed by others…”
“Business, partnerships and projects will definitely be going through TRANSITION this month. You may be in transition at work or making changes to a project or simply planning to shift the way you do things in your business life.
“Allow what is not working to surface even if it means an uncomfortable time of restructuring relationships and priorities.
“Remember that TRANSITION means you are not at the new platform yet but you are en-route. Don’t expect everything to be clear and settled yet. TRANSITION means being up in the air waiting to see where the pieces will fall.
“If you are in any way on the wrong track, you will know it this month. If you are not on the right track you could have radical change, destabilization and transformation happen very suddenly.
“Take note and accept what spirit is showing you and teaching you. Even if it triggers reactions, be accepting and try to see the bigger picture. There is always a silver lining to everything.
“Since this is a reactive time, watch the projections of others who are having difficulty giving up their illusion of control. The more out of control they feel, the more they will try and throw their weight around. Especially those who have the goal of dominance could have challenges with this time of TRANSITION. Be compassionate but use good boundaries.”
© Copyright 2015 ~ Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved
Tags: Art by Mijanou Montealegre aka MYSTIC MAMMA, ART by MYSTIC MAMMA, awakened consciousness, awakening, awareness, being conscious, catalyst of consciousness, Chanelled Wisdom from Lena Stevens, Chanelled Wisdom from Lena Stevens December 2015, channeled messages, channelled guidance, collective consciousness, collective dream, compassion, Divine Mother channel, Divine Mother Portal, Energetic Tuning In, evolution, evolution of consciousness, EVOLUTIONARY WISDOM, growth, inner journey, leap, mystic mamma, MYSTIC MAMMA TUNING IN, Revolution of Consciousness, seeding our communities with new dreams, spirit, spiritual evolution, The Power Path, The Power Path theme December 2015, transformation, transition, TUNING IN DECEMBER 2015, wisdom
Stefano says:
Dec 2, 2015
Thank you so much for your 200% accurate Theme .
It is happening at this moment in my life and surroundigs.
Have a pleasant journey in life
Fotini says:
Dec 2, 2015
This is such an accurate description of what is going on in my life right now! It has given me clarity about how to handle this month and how to stay in the best space for it. Thank you so much for such a great article!
Michele says:
Dec 2, 2015
Spot on & your message arrived at the perfect time. I feel “normal” now. Being a human requires so much courage on a daily basis. It sure is helpful when a piece of the instruction manual is found. :)
Dayton says:
Dec 2, 2015
I feel that messages enter into your life for reasons , to keep reality in perspective and positive feedback and it keeps you on the journey that makes life. Thank you for your knowledge.
Boris says:
Dec 2, 2015
I did not know why I had crazy muscle spasms for the last month or so, but now it makes perfect sense. Everything you wrote is coming up and shifting or dissolving. Thank you!
Cat says:
Dec 2, 2015
I also had crazy muscle spasms last month!!
Jennifer says:
Dec 2, 2015
I’m so grateful for this message. I wish EVERYONE a gentle transition. We’re all in this together, let’s go onward in focus, love and joy!
Taylor says:
Dec 2, 2015
Beautifully written! I resonate with this so much. I’m really going to use this to get me through this month. To remind me to stay balanced and calm through the storm of the transition.
Reventadora says:
Dec 2, 2015
all the way down to the teeth. thanks!
Frayed says:
Dec 2, 2015
Agree, hugely on point. Completely accurate for me. Options are remaining open, decisions are not being made and flow is felt. This is certainly an in-between time. I have felt it all week. Naturally I have been attributing it to specific things but reading this, I will let those things go and continue with the flow. Thank you
Hayley says:
Dec 2, 2015
Love and light to you all…journey well xxx
Nadine Lee - Tantric Alchemy says:
Dec 2, 2015
Wow this is beautiful and so on par already !
Thank you mystic mamma xxx
Rebecca says:
Dec 2, 2015
Thank you so very much for this! It really resonates with how I’m feeling/ being at the moment & was a comfort to read :)
Mara says:
Dec 2, 2015
Every word rings true! Thank you <3
Jamie says:
Dec 2, 2015
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! all on point and valued. <3
Darlene says:
Dec 2, 2015
Thank you for clarifying what I am going through. Blessing to you.
Debra says:
Dec 2, 2015
This is right on target for me…thank you for sharing this. Clarity is such a great gift. Blessings 🌙
Susi says:
Dec 2, 2015
Wow thank y so much
Karen Cole says:
Dec 2, 2015
How long does this transition period last?
Regine says:
Dec 2, 2015
Very well explained!!!
Layla says:
Dec 3, 2015
Thank you. This helps me to feel positive and hopeful about the future. I have been in the darkest place I have ever known. The darkest night of my soul. Thinking that I have gone mad and questioning my faith and whether it is still relevant. I shall try to breathe;to remain calm. I shall try to surrender. To really feel and not fight it;feel the fear,the panic and the despair. Maybe then to grow and to transition. I see that I am not alone. This is so very comforting. Thank you.
Sarah says:
Dec 4, 2015
Hey Layla, just wanted to share that I am experiencing something similar. I am 39 and have always been a positive person. It’s not been through any great effort, it’s just who I am…but lately, well I found myself in bed the other afternoon with the lights off feeling blue. I’m not sure I’ve ever done that in my life, maybe when I was a teenager or something, but never that I can recall. I just felt pounded and wondered why everything has to be so hard ALL the time. Why can’t the universe just surprise me with ‘easy’ once in a while? All these astrology reports are about things being hard and it seems to have been this way for a long time (my transition started in 2011). Anyway, I let the dark feelings come, watched them mostly without participating but still appreciating (if that makes sense). I felt a lot better the next day and still do. Hang in there and don’t fight. For me, I’ve noticed that pain comes from fighting. Wishing you all the very best! Take care!
Layla says:
Dec 5, 2015
Thank you Sarah. It is wonderful you have been able to just allow these dark feelings to be there and just observe. This I shall try!! Thank you for connecting with me, you have helped to lighten my heart. I know I am not alone in this but it truly helps when it is confirmed. Also wishing you all the very best. And take care x
Sam says:
Dec 3, 2015
Ah, this is nice to read and read others’ comments. I am currently in a gigantic transitional period. Left my engagement of five years, moved into my own place, going back to school. Taking in this exciting, yet stressful period and just letting things “happen”.
Courtney says:
Dec 3, 2015
so very grateful for this guidance & the writers who contribute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dilma says:
Dec 3, 2015
Your text about transitions resonates with what is happening in my life now, it started just in the last week of November. It was helpful to read…comforting to know. Many blessings and thank you.
Regina says:
Mar 9, 2017
First you need to get your blood sugar checked to be sure whether or not it is diabetes. Once blood sugar is normal, the vision will probably return to normal, too. If it is not blood sugar problems, then you need to see an oplhiatmologhst about your vision. And yes, a healthy diet is always a good idea. Good luck.
irina says:
Dec 3, 2015
<3 thank you for your monthly blessings <3 lots of love <3
Grace says:
Dec 3, 2015
This is more than accurate. I am currently suspended in mid air and indeed in a transition. This article came at the right time. THANK YOU. I wish everyone a smooth and positive transition
Mae says:
Dec 3, 2015
Yeah! It´s so good to know we are not alone, that we are all-one in this journey… thank you very much! Blessings! And listen to Kaypacha´s Pele Report as well because it has everything to do with this! xoxo
Annie says:
Dec 3, 2015
Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling very intensely. Blessings to you!
Cassandra says:
Dec 3, 2015
I started having trouble swallowing and was choking on food. So much anxiety!
MyMantra says:
Dec 3, 2015
Wow! Thank you! This makes so much sens to me. Now I see clearly… <3
Tarrin says:
Dec 4, 2015
Yes. So much yes. In one week I board a plane back to the States after working through my depression in Australia. I have no idea what is coming, where I’m going to live, or how anything is going to work, but I feel the pull of the Universe moving me in the direction of my highest self. Thank you for this reminder that I am experiencing the transition of a Universal type.
Lilly says:
Dec 4, 2015
Wow, so awesome, thank you. It’s also nice to read how everyone has been impacted by your writings!
Love and Light!
Kellie says:
Dec 4, 2015
what a blessing to be reading this after a long commitment to making positive changes!! it was as if the key was presented to unlock deep mysteries of healing and truth. i am so grateful!! to celebrate i am making a beautiful bone beaded necklace to wear all month and remind me to keep calm, focused and thankful :) peace everyone!!
bettyb says:
Dec 5, 2015
can’t wait for that plateau….
nat kibuuka says:
Dec 5, 2015
Wow not only has this article resonated with me, but these comments just blew me away… ive been travelling east africa trying to reestablish my roots and gain some hope for what to work for in the future, but learning more about the world, history repeating itself, my own limitations etc, dragged me down into “The dark night of the soul”. Grieving for humanity, myself..Had I been so naive to be hopeful for mankind? Has all my growth been In vain/another illusion? Etc but once I reached this state of acceptance, I began to re-see that love is winning, despite all the turmoil so continue to fight on!This was shown to me in many ways. This article being one. Thank you so much
Francesca says:
Dec 7, 2015
This is amazing. Really resonates with my experience right now. I am going to bookmark these words and review them when the going gets rough. Thank you!
Emily says:
Dec 8, 2015
Thank you! It is so heart reassuring to receive guidance and support for this transition, and to realise that it is a shared journey, we are moving collectively to a new space. I wrote a little poem a few days ago tgat expresses this feeling of being in mid air…
‘i took a leap of faith,
Stumbled, and hit my face
I got back up again
to find the ground I once stood
Was there no more.’
The rest is still unwritten and unknown, I’m so grateful to be reassured around this feeling of being in the air. An opening for new platforms creation is truly an exciting and liberating place. Highlighting my fears and worries provides the opportunity to give healing, love and light to those dark places and re-structure our patterns so e can increase our compassion.
Big loves to all x
joanna says:
Dec 9, 2015
You are so on point!! Thank you for helping me understand what I’ve been feeling lately. After reading all these comments I’m relieved to see I’m not the only one feeling up in the air. I’m saving this article to reread when things get tough.
Katherine says:
Dec 15, 2015
I’m reeling. Potent, supportive, and total perfection. Thank you.
Ishani says:
Dec 23, 2015
Thank you so much for your wisdom. It made me realise something. I would probably meditate on it. Lots of love and light.
Ishani says:
Dec 23, 2015
I would like to point out that I am enjoying this being in the mid air feeling. Yes that uncertainty is there about where I might land up and that builds up anxiety…but the bottom line is who doesn’t like flying. Enjoy the flight is a magical time ahead. Love and light.
Alyssa says:
Dec 23, 2015
I read this article at the beginning of December and could see how it applied to me, but hadn’t felt the full force of transition yet. It’s almost the end of December now and this article rings true to my life even more. I had to go over it again word for word to find that inspiration to help myself get thru this transition. It’s more clear to me what I need to work on personally and in my relationship to those who surround me. I’m stuck in an energy field of emotional reactions, anger, stress, tears and want to open my eyes to a view of this world with more light. Thank you for the inspiration and the light.