Posts tagged "channeled messages"
The theme for September 2016 is TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS~

The theme for September 2016 is TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS~

Lena Stevens says, "It is a month of 'getting your ducks in a row', finishing projects, handling details, finally getting to what you have procrastinated, and making choices about what stays and what goes...
The theme for June 2016 is ADAPTABILITY!

The theme for June 2016 is ADAPTABILITY!

Lena Stevens says, "It is time to adapt to what is actually happening and to where the energy wants to flow..."
The theme for December 2015 is TRANSITION~

The theme for December 2015 is TRANSITION~

Lena Stevens says, "We are moving from one place to another in our lives, on the planet, in our psyches, our emotions, our work, our relationships, our environment, our values and our dreams..."
The theme for July 2015 is GROWING PAINS~

The theme for July 2015 is GROWING PAINS~

Lena Stevens says, "There is tremendous opportunity this month to restructure your life based on healing your own inner child and adolescence and allowing for a new alignment of the masculine and feminine both for you personally and for the...
The theme for March 2015 is POWER~

The theme for March 2015 is POWER~

Lena Stevens says, "This month is a real opportunity to move beyond the limitations of the 'box' of your own havingness around personal power and around what is actually possible for you to dream and manifest..."
The theme for February 2015 is IMPROVEMENT~

The theme for February 2015 is IMPROVEMENT~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "This month supports us to look closely at what needs improvement in our lives and take some action in that direction..."
A Wake up Call to the Soul~

A Wake up Call to the Soul~

Bobby Klein says, "Find stillness each day where you can listen to your inner voice of wisdom, your intuition, and in this place celebrate that you have manifested the power to transform yourself by transforming those things around you into...
Open the Gate and Stand in the Gap~

Open the Gate and Stand in the Gap~

"It is time to ‘Open the gate’ to all experiences you keep yourself separated from, in thoughts, in deeds, in longings, and heart’s desires. Open the gate that keeps you from a future that is sweet and plentiful...
Leaping forward: You are a Divine Changemaker~

Leaping forward: You are a Divine Changemaker~

"You have been in a kind of fiery incubation period, gathering energy and responding to some very tough challenges. Like everyone, you recently faced the effects of April’s transformational grand cross energies. This stirred the pot of your unfinished business......
The theme for August 2013 is "Following Through"~

The theme for August 2013 is “Following Through”~

From Lena Stevens: "This month you take the expansion and magic of July and anchor it into what you want and what you have committed to. Now the work begins...