Posts tagged "collective dream"

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Leo January 31st 2018~
We welcome a *FULL MOON* Lunar Eclipse in Leo as yet another cyclical evolutionary turn on our personal and collective journey...

FULL MOON SuperMoon in Gemini December 3rd 2017~
*FULL MOON* SuperMoon in Gemini is prismatic with information, able to shapeshift into multiple expressions...

The soul of the world has the blueprint for the connections that need to be made~
"These connections are not random, but follow a particular pattern and purpose...

"Things have been tough lately for dreamers. They say dreaming is dead, no one does it anymore. It's not dead it's just that it's been forgotten, removed from our language. Nobody teaches it so nobody knows it exists...

Our shared dream~
"In this dreaming process, we each have to find our own paths, to listen to our own intuitive knowing, for it is not about following outside authorities, it is about each of us manifesting our sacred roles within this time...