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Spiraling Deeper and deeper
into the Mystery we go…


Each concentric circle
bringing us closer
to our center
as we re-invent
and re-create
our world




We are active cogs
in wheel of the great turning.


We are flowers in bloom.


We are emerging from the shadows
and this dance is bringing us
~closer to each other~


We are weaving ourselves
in and out of karmic threads,
untangling, mending and reweaving
new patterns, neural pathways
creating new experiences.



In time, with time , in due time,
the larger pattern emerges.



Balance the doing,
with the Being.


Have courage in your dreams.


Here are some ASTRAL INSIGHTS for the *SOLSTICE* on June 21 2019 from the wonderful and wise CATHY PAGANO :
“…with the Sun at 0* Cancer, we are getting ready to incarnate our soul’s essence in a whole new way.
“We must name our desires and hopes and stand up for what’s important in life.
“Neptune stations retrograde an hour before the Solstice, so its power is especially potent.
“As Neptune turns within, our focus will be on the inner world of our soul, the world of the creative imagination. What do you really want to imagine into being?
“Neptune in Pisces has been a major player this year, working with Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn to help us dissolve old karma by offering us a more spiritual, meaningful paradigm to live by.
“Neptune awakens us to the timeless place of beginnings and asks us to operate in Kairos time (timeless) as well as Chronos time (3D time).
“Bring the spiritual vision into our everyday life.
“Neptune has also been squaring Jupiter retrograde all year, dissolving what is false in us and in the world. 
“Neptune’s spiritual imagination is inspiring Mars and Mercury conjunct in Cancer now, so we feel and know (Mercury) what we need to do to nurture life, while Mars, the spiritual warrior, is ready to stand up for it.
“There’s a feminine grand air trine illuminating this Summer Solstice. The Aquarius Moon aligns with Venus in Gemini and Pallas in Libra.
“The issues of freedom, equality, inner knowing and balance will offer us a chance to communicate our ideals.
“Venus asks that we use self-awareness to communicate our beliefs with charm and wit and kindness, and with wisdom.
“Use your imagination to figure out how to approach issues in ways that speak to the heart. It never hurts to engage with kindness and an open ear.
“Venus in Gemini is opposite Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius and they both square Neptune in Pisces. What truths need to be communicated?
“Truth isn’t simple. ‘Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind.’ (Sarah Maas, Court of Mist and Fury).
“Mercury in Cancer is intuitive and understands that the family, the tribe, is there to be supported and to support us.
“With Mars and the Lunar North Node there as well, we are ready to act on our beliefs because we see the breakdown of our culture and our institutions (Pluto, Saturn and the Lunar South Node in Capricorn) and we know that it is time to protect and defend life. Everything else is irrelevant.
“Our world is ripe for change. Will we be the change agents it needs?
“This summer, engage in the Spirit of the times. Yes, summer is the time of light and warmth, fun and love. But it is also a time to act to overcome the obstacles of the fear of change that makes us want to pull back and stay safe in the comfort of ignoring the pain and suffering in our world.
“We need to upgrade our consciousness, to open to the blessings that came to us at June 17th’s Sagittarius Full Moon which occurred on the Galactic Center, the Womb of our galaxy.
“Open up to revelation! A new belief system will give us new insights and possibilities.
“With Vesta the priestess conjunct Uranus in Taurus, our rituals will be potent. Rituals help us to hold onto and ground in meaning.
“Count our blessings, which are so abundant. I feel like I live in paradise compared to the rest of the world. Which is true for most of us reading this.
“Spirit wants us to accept the challenge of our times. We can share our abundance – of life, of hope, of change – with the world.
“What are we here for if not to create a better life? A more creative life. More alive to possibilities.
“We can do simple things like walking instead of using our cars. We can shut off our TVs and talk to our neighbors and see what our town needs that we can offer. We can do something big or something small, but we all need to take some action around the issues that we are passionate about.
“…Now is the time to open up our vision and communicate it to our communities. The masses (Aquarius Moon) are ready to hear the right stories.
“Like Scheherazade, we have to take the risk and enchant people with the beauty, power and truth of our vision of a free, healthy and creative future.
“The Artsare especially important now. Just as they were in the 60s/70s. Art is an easy way to get to the heart of the matter.
“We can turn the fear of the future into a positive image of the future for ourselves and for others who do not have hope.
“Where do we look for the parts of the new Story? Begin by asking, what does our world need? What does our immediate environment need from us? How can I contribute? What gifts can I offer?
“Go out and speak with the trees, the water, the winds, the Earth. Listen. They will speak to our hearts.
“We just need to use our imaginations to discover how we can help.”
© Copyright 2019~Cathy Pagano All Rights Reserved
With love, in love, through love~



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