*Lunar Eclipse* Full Moon in Libra illuminates the shadows and reveals the energetic wounds in our hearts in our relationships to Self and Others. With gentle loving acceptance, it’s time to hold space for it all as we continue to choose love.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the wonderful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 3’17 Libra is exact on Wednesday March 23rd 2016 at 5:01am PDT (The Full Moon is exact at this time, with maximum Eclipse exact at 4:48am). This Eclipse is Penumbral so it won’t be as easy to see as the Moon will be fainter than usual- but energetically it’s still quite potent.
“…we have all been in very deep emotional, psychic, spiritual and Unconscious waters this month!
“…It is interesting to note that both Eclipses in this Eclipse portal (which is a time of great transformation and change) are in Pisces and Libra- the two signs that tend to be very idealistic, want to see the beauty, tend to ignore the shadow and also tend to over focus on others at the expense of the self…”
“The best use of Libra energy is being able to hold space for seeing it ALL- Light and shadow, self and other, good and evil, black and white (Libra is the sign of the scales).
“The best use of all the Pisces energy present right now is to deeply feel the all and understand that we are ALL connected to it all and to each other and instead of numbing ourselves out so we don’t have to acknowledge this we need to tap into our greater sensitivity and realize this connection for personal and planetary healing.
“Of course living with an open heart has to be supported by healthy boundaries and a healthy sense of self- both of which Pisces and Libra are not necessarily known for so therein lies the karmic lesson right now…Wherever we each are at on this spectrum- the call this month is to come more to the center.
“We each need to be open enough to realize we are all in this together- and we have to be grounded into an individual sense of self enough to keep healthy boundaries so we don’t get overwhelmed by the suffering and pain in the world and simply become immobilized, apathetic and victimized as a result…”
“Ceres, the Great Mother asteroid Goddess, is approaching the Chiron/South Node conjunction. At the time of the Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday March 23rd- the conjunction is within one degree of exactness!
“The true North node/Chiron conjunction is exact later on the day of the Eclipse, while the mean North Node/Chiron conjunction was exact on March 18th- so we have had the Wounded Healer activating the karmic South Node very intensely the entire week leading up to this eclipse.
“This has been bringing up all manner of old wounds and pain, forcing us to look at where we default to the shadow expression of Pisces personally and collectively with denial, avoidance of reality, playing the victim or martyr, delusion and deception of self, other and even from the media, and more.
“Ceres aligns with the mean North Node on Tuesday March 22nd while Ceres aligns with Chiron on Thursday March 24th- bookending the Lunar Eclipse.
“When you add Ceres into the picture we have big karmic patterns up with the potential for great wounding but also profound healing in regards to our relationship to Mother Earth, the environment and our collective denial of what we are all doing to our sacred Mother…”
“The aspects of this Eclipse are excellent in terms of bringing greater awareness to this theme.
“The Full Moon is opposite the Sun and Mercury in Aries- bringing Light to the collective and personal conversations that need to happen so that we can find a space for both self and other, Light and shadow, give and take and then generate a third perspective (the creative third as Jung called it).”
© Copyright 2016 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
From the wise SARAH VARCAS from her Astro-Awakenings.co.uk:
“The Lunar Eclipse occurs in the 4th degree of Libra at 11:48 a.m. UT and augurs a time of if we fail to remember that the urgency we currently feel is not to be trusted!
“With Saturn stationing retrograde in a few days’ time, we may already be feeling the burden of trying to remain positive when much around us seems to be spiralling into negativity. Previously buoyant attitudes may be waning, fears bubbling up and anxieties taking centre stage.
“If so, it’s time to cut ourselves and each other some slack; to accept that waves of energy come and go. Activity is followed by exhaustion, progress by inertia, excitement by quiet repose.
“If we try to push too hard against prevailing conditions now, desperate to maintain ‘progress’ no matter what, we may end up burning out and creating more stress rather than less.
“We cannot, at this point, extricate ourselves into ‘better times’ simply by sheer force of will. It is time to rest, stop and reflect.
“To allow to arise thoughts and feelings we may have been avoiding, for in doing so our inner world can begin a return to balance, rather than forcing it to run on empty because we’ve failed to refuel when necessary.
“As eclipses go, and despite being far from total, this is a fairly intense one. But we can ease the load for ourselves and each other by choosing acceptance over judgement, love over fear, communication over withdrawal and hope over despair.
“We may be tempted to retreat into highly subjective positions now, assuming truth without putting assumptions to the test, forgetting that life from another person’s perspective can make equal sense even when their perspective is diametrically opposed to our own!
“Battles over who’s right and who’s wrong, who has the upper hand or moral high-ground, who did what to whom – none of these will help right now! It’s far more important to focus on what we share not what divides: the common ground that being human provides.
“The polarization of individuals, systems of thought and belief, lifestyles and priorities, is becoming especially stark these days. This eclipse alerts us to the eventual destination if we continue further down that road – a place of conflict and hatred, power struggles and oppression.
“It urges us to let go the need to be right and embrace the possibilities inherent in deep listening and deep seeing: looking into our ‘enemy’ and recognizing even the tiniest smidgen of shared humanity upon which can be built foundations for a new world.
“The world as it stands is challenged by many opposing forces now. We feel them both personally and collectively, pushing against our own will, raising difficult questions, triggering issues we would rather avoid.
“How we manage our own inner conflicts largely dictates how we manage external ones. If we struggle with our own anger or hatred, telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel this way, we will struggle to respond effectively to the anger of others.
“If we fear our own power – preferring to see ourselves as victim rather than creator – we may too readily succumb to the power wielded by others, adopting their thoughts and priorities, behaviors and lifestyles without discerning the right path for us.
“If we refuse to acknowledge our own inner tyrant who demands its own way no matter what, we may project it onto the world around us, pointing the finger at those bullies out there without recognizing their reflection within ourselves.
“There is much to be seen and understood at this time. The floodgates holding back the unconscious are opened by this eclipse and we may feel overwhelmed by what comes pouring through. But remember, whatever it is, it is only ourselves. You and me in our fullness: good and bad, positive and negative, loving and hateful, accepting and impatient.
“We identify with those parts of ourselves we can live with and avoid the bits we can’t, when in fact we can live with all of it when wise discernment, gentle acceptance, compassion and understanding inform our attitude and shape our inner and outer relationships.
“We are all in the same boat, we human beings, battered by the winds and torrential rain of emotion, warmed by the sunshine and life-giving showers of spirit.
“Uniquely separate at one level and united at another, this eclipse encourages us to reflect upon what divides us, what unites us and how we can move forward together in a life-affirming and positive way.
“It is time to encourage each other and ourselves. To hold up to others a mirror in which they can see their potential, not their failings: a child of god not an orphan of circumstance.
“If we each use this eclipse to do three things – allow ourselves to rest, forgive ourselves at least one ‘failing’ and encourage one other person to love who they are – we will have done it, and ourselves, very proud.”
© Copyright 2016 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“Lunar eclipses add extra power to a Full Moon, bringing old emotional patterns and complexes to our awareness so that we can release them.
“Eclipses are doorways to alternative realities, an interlude in the rush of life where we can turn in new directions. In the past few years, we’ve had a series of eclipses in Aries and Libra and this is the last of that series.
“Aries and Libra deal with issues of identity and interconnection. Who am I in relationship to Others? We’ve had a few years to mull that one over and hopefully we’ve emerged from an ‘every man for himself’ attitude to ‘what happens to me also happens to you‘ sense of connection…”
“Listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Trust is important now…”
“Our collective paradigm of life will shift from our individual needs to our communal needs. This doesn’t take away from our individual and unique talents; rather it asks us to contribute them to the greater whole.
“We are not going back to a time of tribal consciousness—where the family or tribe makes decisions for individuals, but we are going forward to a consciousness where each individual’s needs are conditioned by the needs of the group as a whole.
“It makes us better people when we take others into consideration. As a matter of fact, women do it all the time. It seems to be part of our genetic makeup.
“When women lead in business and government, the needs of the many are always considered…It’s time for our New Story to begin. Leave the past behind and begin to live your inner truth…”
“Chiron (the Wounded Healer) and Ceres (the Great Mother) conjunct the Pisces South Node, indicating a time of healing our past karma (repeating behavior patterns) around our relationship to Mother Earth and self-nurturing.
“Acknowledge the hurts and then let them go with a blessing for all they’ve taught us. With Venus and Neptune also in the picture, we have an opportunity to heal our relationship to the Divine Feminine. The Goddess has returned. It’s time to honor her.
“Your lunar eclipse energy will be reflected in your chart where this eclipse occurs for you. The lunar eclipse’s effect can last up to three months, which takes us to the next turning point of the year—Summer Solstice. So use this time to play and take joy in your rebirth.
“The Cosmos is giving us an opportunity to face the truth about ourselves. Fear will always be prowling at the door. Let’s use Aries’ bravery and daring to face our fears and bring them into the Light and make peace with them.
“Will we be accepted? Will we be good enough? Will we be able to support ourselves? Face those questions with a big resounding YES! Why not? We’re in a new story, remember?
“Yes, sometimes the world is a scary place, but why let that stop us from living the life we were born to live. We are all being called to go on our hero’s journey out into the world. Begin. Now is the time, and this is the place. And don’t forget to Dance!”
© Copyright 2016 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
ECLIPSE Blessings to all!
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Jean Lumsden says:
Mar 21, 2016
Love the art work ~~ thank you MM.
I enjoyed the reminder to cut ourselves, and others, some slack.
Rest, stop and reflect ~~ more difficult than ever to handle in this world ~~ so all the more necessary to do.
Thank you all. You are amazing.
bernard charles says:
Mar 22, 2016
You nailed it Jean! Going gentle while all around me feel chaotic is a little challenging but an opportunity to grow nonetheless! I love the artwork too!
Deidra says:
Mar 25, 2016
Fancy meeting you here! Kimra introduced you to her group. And I cosign your comment. Love these insights.
Sarah says:
Mar 21, 2016
Your art work is wonderful! It would make such a great healing deck !
Nadine Lee says:
Mar 21, 2016
Thank you for
This beautiful explanation and clarity of Such intense & exciting times
Duane says:
Mar 21, 2016
‘A child of god rather than an orphan of circumstance’…..profound.
It’s felt like a month long dark night of the soul.
I sure appreciate these posts and updates. The tension and alienation aspects of this conjunction are very familiar in terms of repeating cycles of resolution….but the intensity is off the charts. For me, isolation has been a bittersweet situation. It’s been exceptionally stressful to navigate this leg without a single soul for reflection…, but dayum, evolution has it’s own agenda.
Rumi said: “New organs of perception arise out of necessity, therefore in order to increase your perception you must increase your necessity”
Nothing like being pushed to the brink so ones own capacity for acceptance can accomodate whatever expression is necessary for wholeness.
Thanks again MM
Holly says:
Mar 24, 2016
Duane, although we may feel alone at times; we truly are all one and once we pass through the dark valleys; we emerge from a sense of loneliness to a sense of oneness. May you feel love surround you. We are all in this together and I too felt the aloneness on an amplified level last week. You writings reveal that you are a precious wise soul. Blessings Holly
gloria eagle says:
Mar 22, 2016
Just found your site. Great picture. Great writings. Wise people. Wise teachings. True and right. These are challenging times, indeed. It is not easy to keep the heart open, when others are opposed to your very existence. Forgive them, if you can. If you can’t, just ignore them. Our world is now divided into two major camps- those who want to mantain the matrix, and those who wish to see the matrix come to an end. It is Patriarchy against feminine spirituality and values. But you see, my friends, without feminine values, our world cannot continue to exist. We have coe to the cross road. There is an abyss separating the twi camps. And yet, we still share our humanity. Oh, my friends! How painful it is to see all those who have fallen into a lower vibrational world. We cannot pull them out.
Michelle says:
Mar 23, 2016
I so admire your grasp of the situation; so true about the 2 opposing energies I see Trump (& supporters) v Hilary Clinton (& supporters)in the USA and Angela Merkel v supporters of patriarchal states all battling for their ideals.
Yuchen says:
Mar 22, 2016
breautiful words they touch my heart so deeply. What i need most now it explains everything for me to this moment
Melisa says:
Mar 22, 2016
Helping me stay grounded on my path as I see the pain in Brussels.
Star Light says:
Mar 22, 2016
Thank you….I am holding a goddess return circle for awakening our inner goddesses, re-inspiring our Destiny for the good of the whole, and allowing Love to Enter no matter What Shadows we think are haunting. <3 This writing was very affirming for the whole Collective. Thank you. Women circles secret and open all around the country are using your musings. I want you to know you are Heard. BIG HUGS, Mama!!
Tandra says:
Mar 22, 2016
Agree with the above. After Brussels these words are very healing.
Ally says:
Mar 23, 2016
I take something with me from each of these writers but to Sarah Varcas, you’re speaking to my soul, sistah! Thank you!
Jennifer McCardle says:
Mar 23, 2016
After walking about 13 NYC blocks today I had to retreat to the smallest patch of grass to deal with all of the horrible energies I had picked up and sort through the horrific pain I felt. A man yelled at me to get off the grass and so I moved towards the 3 police vehicles and offered him a chance go speak to them about it, meanwhile every part of my body ached with pain as I once again sat down on the grass and touched my hands to mother eARTh. I don’t know why I am here because it’s very unhealthy and at times, excruciating painful!
melody says:
Mar 23, 2016
Crosstown or up/downtown blocks….regardless that was a mile if up/down and I feel your pain…literally (osteoarthritis, not complaining just noting) and metaphysically can sense peoples moods thoughts…Not fun! Have lived in NYC and been yelled at several times doing anything from wearing high heels in the snow to not ordering my coffee fast enough! My quiet place was the rock @ the Boat House in Central Park Sky & Water always does one good! Cheers, Hope you get relief from pain in a healthy way, the sun on a HUGE warm rock!
Holly says:
Mar 24, 2016
Jennifer, I live in paradise…on a remote island beside the sea with eagles and whales and deer as companions but have also gone through intense emotional angst this last week. Even amidst incredible beauty there is pain. We are all in it together. May the earth kiss your feet wherever you go precious soul.
Sarah says:
Mar 23, 2016
Thank you so much to all of you for taking your time to write and share this knowledge with all of us! Namastê!
MingYin says:
Mar 23, 2016
Thank you for the write up, explains everything that’s been going on with me and provides good guidance. Each insert pin points all that has been happening. My mind has been bubbling for some time and it seems to be out of my body.
manuel says:
Mar 23, 2016
Thank for the warning will rest for sire & honor & nurture myself, also be compassionate with myself & others. Thank U for the info.
Amy says:
Mar 23, 2016
I can not thank you enough for the poignant reminders that resonate to the core. This eclipse is potent medicine, and how each perspective unfolds is chocked full of synchronicities of my mind and spirit, feeling the gravitational pull on my heart strings by drudging up primal wounds from inner child guards…all the while intuitive knowing that the painful feelings are the medicine necessary to heal and set free.
Krishna says:
Mar 23, 2016
May our negativity/blocks be cleansed by the fire of holika.. And find our purer self And may we play with the colourful blessing to have more enriching and joyful life.. Happy Holi to all.
Silvia B says:
Mar 23, 2016
✨ Thank You So Much ✨ reading this I feel a stillness, like I’m aware of all the shadowy parts of my inner and outer life yet when I read these words i feel like I’m floating between a deepness in my heart and a nothingness all around me. Of my connection to my one and only I feel an ‘i am you and you are me’ kind of emotion but its just floating there with me. This past week has been intense, like a storm in a storm…and now I want to sleep peacefully. God night thank you mystic mamma you chose the perfect astrologers to contribute to this post, just a perfect gift for us all 🙏💖
Han Ban says:
Mar 23, 2016
This is just what i needed to hear. I’ve been pushing myself ao hard lately i need to give myself a chance to rest. It’s amazing how accurate these analysis are to my life every month, it helps me realize things I’ve been pushing out of my mind and deal with things I’ve been struggling with. Thank you so much.
Caitlin says:
Mar 23, 2016
Wow how this hits home. Thank you. I’ve been struggling with an old karma cycle for awhile now. Having a hard time figuring out how to go about changing that energy dynamic with one particular person. Thank you for the support through words meant for all.
MyMantra says:
Mar 23, 2016
This really resonates with me. Thank you so much for sharing <3
Lisa says:
Mar 24, 2016
sue says:
Mar 24, 2016
Will re-read this it’s so good. Haven’t been good at knowing it is OK to rest, and appreciate this. I was tired and today was a day of “rest.” Very nice.
thank you all.
Ayden B says:
Mar 24, 2016
The Cosmos is giving us an opportunity to face the truth about ourselves. Fear will always be prowling at the door. Let’s use Aries’ bravery and daring to face our fears and bring them into the Light and make peace with them.
“Will we be accepted? Will we be good enough? Will we be able to support ourselves? Face those questions with a big resounding YES! Why not? We’re in a new story, remember?
Carolyn Lygo says:
Mar 24, 2016
Thank you for the fine explanation of this intense eclipse. What a wonderful and insightful web sight.
Can you add my name to your list? Please.
Thanks so much. Peace and Light be with you and all your inspired work.
Marisol says:
Mar 24, 2016
Thank you for sharing all this information with us!Please add me to your list Nanaste.
holls says:
Mar 24, 2016
This is great! I am a libra, unsure of herself, but with great ideas. Universe sent me a huge dream last night on how I should start, finally! I’ve been in thought stage for a while. Now is my plan for action. Helps so much I get it, where I need to go. Surprisingly, I need to take comedy classes. My sun and Saturn are in the 8th house. I am also a fierce healer, but I have such a sarcastic wit and quiet confidence to me (Aquarius rising, sag moon, scorpio mercury). Thank you for this info. I’m excited to push myself to new areas in my life now. Thanks for this info! I really needed confirmation. Even though my dream was so clear last niggt! A stage and an audience! How exciting! <3
Lisa says:
Mar 25, 2016
Your page has touched me thank you.
I hope and pray that this lunar eclipse has lead to my conception.
I have my moon in libra and have recently got involved in a relationship with a friend of 5 years. We made love on the night of the lunar eclipse, that morning I felt ovulation pains. During making love my partner said we should be trying for a baby. We made love again around 3-4am in the morning.
I decided to look into my chart and transits and I hope I have been blessed with a child. My lunar cycle was in perfect return, with transit moon, Jupiter and North nose transiting my 5th house, amazing that almost all the aspects I’ve read are likely to relate to fertility happened to me on this night/morning.
After 4 misscarriages with my ex partner a few years ago, this random unplanned love making was ridiculously astrological good timing.
I was born 16/05/1989 in Orpington at 6:00am.
I hope this time it was meant to be. We both wish for it to be .
Thanks for your post
Rudy says:
Mar 26, 2016
Had a friend whose I’m in Love with, suddenly she closed her doors , but today she’s fine , I’m very Happy 😍
Si Min says:
Mar 27, 2016
Hi i am Si Min from Singapore and i am a Virgo raising sign. It is super true that how the eclipse affected me especially started from 9 march. I feel super uncomfortable but i know it is the process of the eclipse. When i am feeling break down and there has been many nights I can’t sleep and wonder is it my own problem or it is part of the process?
Lily says:
Mar 29, 2016
Much restlessness here too. Put your feet on the ground, move your body, drink water, breathe. Hugs to you and everyone on this journey. Together, we heal … and rise! 💑