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Here is the always illuminating LENA STEVENS from The Power Path.com with her channelled guidance for MARCH 2017:
“SURRENDER is a word that tends to trigger a definition of failure as if we are surrendering to the enemy and as if we have failed in something we believed in and have been striving for.
“Our definition of SURRENDER for the month is a giving up, a release of a stance, position, or belief that we have stubbornly held onto for way beyond its useful and practical life.
“It is time to let go of what should have been, could have been and what ought to be in the future.
“It is time to SURRENDER our anger, our resistance, our judgement and our need to know.
“SURRENDER is an act of power that takes the reins away from the false personality and hands them over to essence.
“SURRENDER is letting go of the attachment to being ‘right’ and the attachment to drama and suffering.
“SURRENDER is letting go of fear, giving up the need for control, and finally releasing emotional wounds, shame, guilt and resentments we have been carrying around for eons.
“Seeing the TRUTH is what will inspire us to finally give up our stubborn positions.
“It takes courage to surrender but once we see the truth of something that has been hidden, and we can face it with courage, surrender becomes the obvious choice.
“Surrender offers freedom. If you are feeling stuck in your life, there is probably something that needs to be surrendered…”
“Stubbornness is an aspect we will be dealing with this month. You may see the truth of something that involves another, but they may be too stubborn to go along with your insight.
“On the other hand, you may find yourself stubbornly resisting a truth that is uncovered and revealed by another.
“Watch for bad behavior this month as projections go rampant and Stubbornness gets channeled through all the other deadlies: Self Deprecation, Arrogance, Martyrdom, Impatience, Greed and Self Destruction.
“Take responsibility for your own baggage and remember to be compassionate during this time of truth telling and surrender.
“Resist the comments ‘I told you so’ and ‘It’s your fault’.
“How do you know what to surrender? All you have to do is look at what is not working out for you and release whatever it is that is holding you in that pattern of struggle and despair.
“Find some humor in it, and better yet, make it into a game, a ritual or a discipline.
“Let’s talk about the TRUST subtheme this month. Once you surrender, you have stepped off the edge and into a space of TRUST.
“You have to have trust in order to successfully surrender. You have to trust that there is a bigger picture, that there is a greater order, that there is built in safety net, and that all will turn out just exactly as it should.
“We are in the year of the Fire Rooster. Action, aggression, movement and evolution are all part of the plan.
“But if you are unwilling and unable to surrender what you need to give up and purge, those energies will eat at you causing you to become angry, irritable, belligerent and self-destructive.
“We are on a very big wave. You can either catch the wave and get the ride of your life or get pummeled until you don’t know which way is up or down.
“All it takes is TRUTH, SURRENDER and TRUST.
How the month shows up:
“What is that hair ball of old energy you have been choking on? Why would you want to hold on to it? Cough it up. Give it up.
“The good news is that what needs to be surrendered on a personal level is very easy to identify because it is always something that does not feel good.
“It is always something that gives you grief, makes you angry irritable and brings about the worst in your behavior and attitude. Don’t you want to feel better?
“This is the best month to get over your fear, grab some courage, and finally surrender to what your essence and spirit really have in mind for you. In a way, it is now or never.
“There is great freedom in release and you have the opportunity for great freedom this month.
“Imagine how it would feel for you to be free from anything that did not feel good, joyful, loving and satisfying.
“The price you pay is that courage to surrender your comfort zone, show up differently, speak your truth and trust that the outcome will be better than anything you could have imagined.
“It’s truth time in relationships. Let’s start with your relationship with yourself. It is time to surrender any negative thoughts you have about yourself, any shame, any guilt and any patterns of low self-esteem.
“It is also a good month to take a look at your addictions and attachments and surrender them as well. And surrender the blame that you are the way you are because of what someone else said or did to you.
“There is always posturing and projection in any relationship usually stemming from the fear of intimacy, vulnerability, rejection, failure or success.
“We hide behind our uncertainty and are reluctant to tell the truth and lay things out on the table. We also have difficulty giving up our positions of control, being right, or being righteous.
“As truth is revealed, relationships may go through shake ups that are challenging but end up being reconfigured in a more positive way.
“Especially in family dynamics, family members that have absorbed more than their fair share of family secrets, peace keeping and sacrifice, may finally surrender that burden, causing some shifting in the family constellation.
“And as truth is revealed, the relationship you personally have to your outdated beliefs will be shifted as you put down and surrender your own burden of struggle and limitation.
“This is a big one because we never want to admit our attachment to what we get out of being unwell.
“It feeds the reasoning behind why we are not stepping into our lives, being seen, and why we are not taking responsibility for our own happiness. It gives us the excuse to be a victim and to be powerless. If we are not imprinted to receive healthy attention and energy by being healthy, we get it by being unwell.
“This month is a good one to uncover the truth about these patterns and to surrender the position of being ‘not whole’. The challenges to our well-being this month will mostly be on the emotional level as we struggle with ourselves to be OK with being absolutely 100% healthy.
“After all, there is no drama or story of intensity if there is nothing wrong with us. So it is a tough order to give it up.
“If you are to be successful in transitioning to better health this month you need to start with honor and gratitude for the physical body that you have.
“Say hello every day. Consciously surrender all your negative judgments and trust in your own perfect architecture.
“If you run a business and it is feeling stagnant, you may have to surrender to whatever truth you face about what needs to be done. Sometimes the attachment to an old intention or the way it could have happened or how something should have been done is what is standing in the way of movement.
“It will be challenging in business this month to navigate both the emotional conditions as well as the fire that want to inspire and spark movement.
“This is a dance of patience, trust and neutrality as things in business and around projects, finances and partnerships shift and sway like tides in the ocean.
“Stay away from anger and bad behavior and don’t take things personally. Be a leader even if you don’t have a staff of hundreds but only yourself and your work in the world to manage.
“It is a good month to uncover the weak spots in your projects and collaborations and to trust new people that are showing up in your life.
“The intentions you put into motion in February during the eclipse time are sorting themselves out with refinements as needed and magnetizing the support that will mobilize them into action.
“So pay attention to any piece of wisdom that you intuit is appropriate at this time.
“More cleaning and clearing is needed. Surrender your clutter and the energy that it holds.
“Trust that the weather knows what it is doing. See everything as a blessing. Any loss, any new addition, any change: see all of it as a blessing and be blessed by it.
“Surrender any disappointment you might feel on any given day about your personal environment or the greater environment. Trust that it is all good.
“The first part of the month is watery and a good time to work with the spirit of water as well as water itself. Bathing, cleansing, sauna, steam bath etc. is a good way to honor water and take advantage of the emotional surrender and cleansing that is possible.
“The later part of the month is fiery and dynamic and triggered to action. BE blessed by the action that shows up in your life instead of resisting how it might manifest.”
© Copyright 2017 ~LENA STEVENS All Rights Reserved
Suzan says:
Mar 2, 2017
Always resonates with and nourishes my soul.
With much gratitude <3
Nicki says:
Mar 2, 2017
This was extremely timely and powerful. Thank you
Eliz says:
Mar 2, 2017
Sooooo right on. Thank you !
Marie Nielsen says:
Mar 2, 2017
This is seriously extremely spot-on for my personally, mentally and physically. Oh gosh, the art of surrender! Thanks for your genuine wisdom and insights, and the straightforwardness in your words. They are truly encouraging, uplifting and well… true. With gratitude and love, Marie
tahlia says:
Mar 2, 2017
such a powerful read, thankyou
Stephanie says:
Mar 2, 2017
Powerful! ♥
Laura says:
Mar 2, 2017
Thank you. This is very powerful and helpful <3
nieves says:
Mar 2, 2017
gracias ¡ <3
Chanel says:
Mar 2, 2017
This is so synchronistic for me! 👌🏼 Amazing how everything you touched upon is literally everything I need to now focus on most. I had only really come to realize it last night! Reading this today is so validating. It so challenges you to take another look at things. Your insights are always on point 😊Loveeee all that you do and share 🙏🏼 Thanks so much for this ❤️
Lydia says:
Mar 2, 2017
I have read your highly insightful & perfectly spot-on monthly theme for years. I absolutely love it! It comes with such care embedded into the words & always channels muy perspective in a positive way. This month’s guidance was amazing, thank you! Peace to us all.
caitlin says:
Mar 2, 2017
Highly tuned guidance thank you Lena for your purity and connection with source x
dana says:
Mar 3, 2017
Thank you so much for this! <3
Ashish Deo Singh says:
Mar 3, 2017
A lot of thanks. ..very nice
Lady Camille says:
Mar 3, 2017
I surrender to the waves of life
With body floating, arms wide open
Fully facing the Sun
I will ride them gently
Allowing the waters of Gaia to flow through me
Cleansing my Heart with Grace
Of all it has told me about who I am
And who I am capable of being
Matilda says:
Mar 3, 2017
I came upon my favourite Rilke-quote again today, on a chalkboard outside a yoga studio. “live the questions now and perhaps without even knowing it you will live along some distant day into the answers”. These themes of surrendering what no longer serves us, surrendering the need to ‘know’, and truly living in trust and with the bigger picture in view, are themes that have been around for a while now in my life.
Thank you for your words, they always seem to offer me faith in that all is just as it should be!
Cassandra says:
Mar 9, 2017
Your increased sensitivity to electronic noise is intriesteng. I wonder if you hear it more acutely now that other extraneous sounds are eliminated, or if something else is at play. It reminds me of my body’s reaction to dietary changes I’ve made over the years. As I eliminate some things, I find I can’t go back. For example I used to slurp up ice cream pretty regularly. But after giving up sugar (lovely as it is), now anything sugary makes me feel awful. Even my old pal ice cream.
http://clubtansalonandboutique.com/8-ball/8-ball-coins-free/8-ball-pool-coins-free-no-survey/ says:
Mar 27, 2017
As incerca personal sa ma deplasez pana la locul accidentului sa recuperez pantofii (doar in cazul in care durata deplasarii nu depaseste timpul ramas pana la inceperea prezentarii). Daca timpul nu mi-ar ajunge, le voi propune fetelor un exercitiu de imaginatie (sa isi imagineze ca poarta acei pantofi). Astfel, vor defila desculte, mergand pe varfuri cu delicatete si gratie, ca la o prezentare obisnuita.
http://www.youngbizzy.com/ says:
Mar 27, 2017
This was a wonderful thing for me to read right now, as I debate and stress how much effort to give what I am doing versus what I want to be doing. I believe I can do better. I don’t want to settle for “OK enough.”
Emma Lauter says:
Mar 3, 2017
Many thanks, always a pleasure to download this amazing information. Love to all.
Ronja says:
Mar 3, 2017
Thank you so much, it’s spot on, as usual<3
Irene says:
Mar 4, 2017
Wow. Thank you.
Lilly says:
Mar 4, 2017
Beautiful Lena, thank you!!
Paul says:
Mar 4, 2017
Wow! Thank you
Niki Bass says:
Mar 6, 2017
This was just what I needed. Thank you for sharing❤
Tracy C says:
Mar 8, 2017
Beautifully written…timely and True! Many thanks for your clarion wisdom🦋
isabelle says:
Mar 9, 2017
What a Blessing these words have been to me today thank you your words are love in action
Barb says:
Mar 10, 2017
I am so grateful to Lena for her powerful insight, which hashould continued to be spot on. You are a gem!
Barb says:
Mar 10, 2017
Oops…Which has…not hashould
Sheri says:
Mar 11, 2017
THANK you, I am greatful to have these wise words to guide me.. Thank you 🌞
Cyndie says:
Mar 11, 2017
This explains so much for me it all started during the eclipse a big shake up and unsupportive people existing my life and business creating the opportunity to surrender but to also surrender and release the identity I’ve held to attract and tolerate these people. A big opportunity for growth and transcendence .
Colleen says:
Mar 11, 2017
Thank you🙏
Very helpful 🌈
Kelly Moran says:
Mar 11, 2017
Wowza. Very exciting to read the words supporting the gut feelings to surrender! Very powerful and supportive. Now, for the leap!
Jewell says:
Mar 11, 2017
thank you so much, this explains how I have been feeling <3
Gayatri says:
Mar 11, 2017
Thank you for your wisdom and insight.
Sonja says:
Mar 11, 2017
Thankyou . Was just what I needed to hear.
Samira Morrar says:
Mar 12, 2017
Beauty and Grace. Changes in the winds. Surrendered and Trust in the FLOW.
Mary jo says:
Mar 12, 2017
Powerful article and so accurate for me I felt carried on your unfolding words beautifully written
KamalaDevi says:
Mar 12, 2017
Thank you for this reading
I speak to your words about illness/health; as a person dealing with very difficult biologically based chronic health issues you message sounds self blaming & shaming. If I were in complete control of the universe of course I would choose perfect health but as there are other aspects at play such as the Divine, Luck, Genetic Heredity, etc. what I have control over is my attitude (on most days) in dealing with a very challenging biological condition that is very isolating–not attention grabbing. What is helpful is compassion, acceptance & gratitude for what I can do & experience & creative pacing & planning to function to the best of my body’s ability..
Catherine says:
Mar 12, 2017
WOW!!! Well said!!! Thank you for reminding me!
Sophia says:
Mar 12, 2017
I find much in this to be profound, and deeply helpful. I do however caution the writer in her approach in the “health and the physical body” section. As someone with a chronic illness, I find the wording rather dismaying. There are those of us who call for health and wellness every day, with everything we have, and still find that illness hangs over us. I do not seek attention by being unwell, nor do I seek drama, or intensity. I simply am unwell, and as much as I hope this will change in the future, and as much work as I do toward that end, I would be doing myself a great injustice if I saw my illness as a result of an attachment to being the victim. I do my best to find silver linings, lessons, and new strengths from my experience with being ill, but I will joyfully embrace full health and wellness if ever it is within my grasp. I will do so without struggle, because for me, the struggle is being ill, not letting go of being ill. I hope those who read this passage do not walk away from it thinking all those who are ill wish it to be so, and I sincerely hope the author will be more inclusive in her comments about health and wellness in future.
Sally Ann says:
Mar 15, 2017
This is such a beautiful sharing! I feel so much gratitude in just being able to witness the extent of your generosity of heart. Thank you for this wisdom!
Doris says:
Mar 16, 2017
Thank you for the good you bring.
For this website and for all who contribute to highest good of all. ❤
Mel says:
Mar 21, 2017
I agree with the health thing too… Part of the lesson of surrender to me is we are not in control.. & sometimes scary things happen…! I’m just back to the US from a trip to India where I had about 7 different accidents/health challenges/scares… It’s been weeks & I’m just now getting grips on the last one. And I was lucky as I’ve heard of people getting dengue fever, typhoid, hepatitis, chikungunya…. At least all of my things are not long term.
Yes, maybe it was the unfolding of my karma, & as long as you survive you can learn something… But the hardcore truth is — suffering is a true bi&ch &… sometimes you don’t even survive…!
The truth is I feel very rattled right now, by everything I’ve experienced…. But am finding my way to a sense of peace & blessings again……. Peace!
Shira says:
Mar 28, 2017
Thank you!! Spot on 😊💜🌸🍃
Leigha says:
Apr 3, 2017
When is the monthly update for April coming out? It is overdue as we are in April now…
Dee says:
Apr 10, 2017
Amazing. I read this now, april, and it is so accurate for my last month, and i feel blessed that i could laugh about it. Thank you