Posts tagged "spiritual guidance"

The Theme for September 2018 is Restructure-Recalibrate~
Lena Stevens says, "Welcome to September! The good news is that there is tremendous support for restructuring and recalibrating your life in all areas...

The theme for March 2017 is SURRENDER~
Lena Stevens from The Power says: "SURRENDER is an act of power that takes the reins away from the false personality and hands them over to essence...

FULL MOON in Capricorn July 19th 2016~
FULL MOON rising in earthy Capricorn July 19th 2016, teaches us to persevere, release our fears and ground ourselves into the fertile Earth that holds us...

The themes for September 2015 are FAITH and TRUST~
Lena Stevens says, "The most important relationships this month are your relationship with yourself and your relationship with spirit...

Find your creative currency~
"Your creative currency is the thing or things that feed your soul and make you feel tangibly alive. It is the channel in which your life is meant to flow.."

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~
Full Moon in Sagittarius furthers the energies of expansion and bigger vision. As we align with our truth and essential values, we can envision new ways of being and actualizing...

Earth is alive~
"When we understand that everything is interconnected, we are called to politics and set of actions that come from compassion, from the ability to literally feel with all living beings on the Earth..."