

Love this very insightful channelling from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan:
“As of late the energies have had reverse whirlwind patterns, in other words we have all been bent in the wrong direction. New patterns emerge as the old patterns dissolve into a fine mesh, that needs no definition.
Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine will.
“We always thought we were directors and producers of our own plays but apparently the Celestial Benefactor has more say so then we previously thought. Free choice, free will is in very small print with lots of asterisks at the bottom of our karmic contract…”
“…We pitter-patter towards June 21st the summer solstice and all its power…This summer solstice there will be a great ‘memory flushing’ that will force that which is not for your highest good and life path, to the surface to be recycled and used elsewhere.
“Look at the dark matter and the dark energy of your life. The emptiness in-between all of space is this. Earth asks to lighten her load and negative thoughts ‘about self’ are the heaviest molecules. Negativity in all other forms comes next. Like spring-cleaning, it is time to get rid of that which does not serve you.
“Hating your ‘earth self’ for whatever reason closes the doors to all that is good. Love what you are made out of, which is the very stars you wish upon.
“Take out the trash of your heart leaving room for only love. For it is the energy of love that will allow Mother Earth to heal and become more buoyant. That love starts with you.
“As we increase in understanding of all lives little glitches and quirks we see with new eyes that all outcomes are necessary to keep the universe in balance. Our strings are intertwined with all other living creatures strings, one pluck and all will reverberate.
Many seek to pull your emotional strings as they make heart-breaking choices. The more you can stay in a place of real peace the stronger you will become. Not fickle and flippant like a spring breeze, but strong like a true force of nature.
“Life places more and more demands us on just as we are filled to the brim, life stretches even more like a woman giving birth…”
“The integration pattern can be overwhelming at times as we all seek some type of buoy to hold onto. Sinking or swimming has its own rewards as we look to the future for some answers…”
“…relax into the dust storm created by the Santa Anna winds, in the desert of life. Stand still and let them pass, not making any decisions until the dust is removed from your eyes. The very waves and particles of life grow to the point of exhaustion as they rewrite themselves, undoing possibilities and probabilities while entertaining a sting theory is tiring work.
“Life has quickened so much the very quanta are asking for a time out. Stop for a second and close your eyes, just resting them for a moment. Take a deep breathe and let it out as you make way for a little peace. With your eyes closed see everything  in your immediate world, every molecule, turn from a particle (material)  to a wave (no form). See it lose its form and become a giant formless world made completely of waves no form.
“Allow it and you for a moment to just lose your form, letting down your hair and just being.  Give it permission to release its hold on form and just be formless, just pure energy. In this place you also become pure energy moving in and thru all substance. Like free forming dolphins and waves become one, riding each other. When you are ready open your eyes and see your world differently.
‘Woman, cats and life do not like to be boxed in’. allow ‘free range’ molecules to form in accordance with your highest energy. Give yourself permission now and then to unzip your humanness and let your lightbody out to play. Let go of form,  and desire to make obey. As you have seen life has us all by the hair on our chinny chin chin.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan 

