Posts tagged "messages from spirit"
NEW MOON in Gemini May 22nd 2020~

NEW MOON in Gemini May 22nd 2020~

This NEW MOON in GEMINI encourages us to activate our engagement with the larger patterns that shape our destiny, in a way that is much more empowering that the world dictates...
FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

We must water the Holy Seeds within. Great change is seeded by conscious dreamers...
FULL MOON in Gemini December 11th/12th 2019~

FULL MOON in Gemini December 11th/12th 2019~

Last *FULL MOON* of the year and decade in Gemini, calls us forth to keep emerging into our most empowered selves as we continue to adjust to outward circumstances beyond our control...
FULL MOON in Aries October 13th 2019~

FULL MOON in Aries October 13th 2019~

*FULL MOON* in Aries, along with Eris and a whole line up of aspects, are reflecting how individually and collectively, fires are rising within and without...
FULL MOON in Gemini November 22 2018~

FULL MOON in Gemini November 22 2018~

As our hearts return from their underworld voyage, our focus turns within, to nourish ourselves and to process so many of the changes that have been occurring...
NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Scorpio teaches us about Life and Death, the SEEN + UNSEEN, the meaning beneath the words, and the new life that awaits us when we allow ourselves to go beyond the Known.
FULL MOON in Virgo March 12th 2017~

FULL MOON in Virgo March 12th 2017~

FULL MOON moves into the sign of Virgo...She is the Corn Mother who is able to separate the wheat from the chaff and helps us focus on what truly matters....
NEW MOON in Scorpio October 30th 2016~

NEW MOON in Scorpio October 30th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in SCORPIO heralds in the witching hour of magic and mystery and the depths of our soul. The spirits of our ancestors are with us...
FULL MOON SuperMoon in ARIES October 15th / 16th 2016~

FULL MOON SuperMoon in ARIES October 15th / 16th 2016~

*FULL MOON* rising in fiery Aries conjuct Eris brings a cauldron of the hidden bubbling to the surface. High tide has been rising all week toward this Full Moon apex..."
Astrology for December 2014 by Sarah Varcas~

Astrology for December 2014 by Sarah Varcas~

"We are part of a collective organism, forever moving into wholeness, evolving in each moment. As such we do not arrive at ‘transformed’, we pass through it, over and over again as we are more deeply refined and revealed by...
The theme for November 2014 is THE UNKNOWN~

The theme for November 2014 is THE UNKNOWN~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "Working with the unknown this month will have many faces. .."
Open the Gate and Stand in the Gap~

Open the Gate and Stand in the Gap~

"It is time to ‘Open the gate’ to all experiences you keep yourself separated from, in thoughts, in deeds, in longings, and heart’s desires. Open the gate that keeps you from a future that is sweet and plentiful...
Relax into the dust storm~

Relax into the dust storm~

"Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine...
We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape~

We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape~

"We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape, both outwardly and inwardly. As emotional beasts, we often blind ourselves running cheetahlike into the thorns that sprout in our way...
Develop the connection~

Develop the connection~

"The more we learn to enter into sacred partnership---with our spirit guides and with All Our Relations---the more we help ease the evolution of our world and develop the connection of Spirit within each of us...