Posts tagged "chanelled message"

The theme for March 2016 is FIRE IT UP-POWER IT UP!
Lena Stevens says, "Much of the transformation and change so far has been internal and personal. This month inspires the internal changes to collect some much-needed fuel, fire up, and move towards outward manifestation..."

The theme for October 2015 is BALANCE~
Lena Stevens says, "This month we are striving to balance our lives in a way that serves us better and brings all the bits and pieces we have been juggling into a new and more balanced configuration and alignment....

The Theme for July 2014 is THE UNFOLDING~
Lena Stevens says: "This month has the potential to be beautifully inspiring, where we observe how our life is unfolding without any additional effort, and we witness how our choices and changes are influencing what is manifesting for us.

The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.
"There is tremendous opportunity for personal growth this month. You can move forward in your life in ways that you have not done before by making choices in areas that need them..."

Relax into the dust storm~
"Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine...

Leaping forward: You are a Divine Changemaker~
"You have been in a kind of fiery incubation period, gathering energy and responding to some very tough challenges. Like everyone, you recently faced the effects of April’s transformational grand cross energies. This stirred the pot of your unfinished business......

You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~
"And so we ask that you continue to do the work upon yourselves to create changes in your thinking and doing and this in turn creates changes in the destiny of all life upon this planet...

Make room for happiness~
“Life, as you know it, is not all roses. If there are thorns, you don’t have to keep on pricking your fingers and getting your heart hurt over and over again. You are not obliged to keep the hurt..."

The Theme for March 2014 is COMMITMENT~
Lena Stevens says: “This month you will see what you are made of and you will be inspired by your ability to persevere and take action...There will be opportunities to handle more power and to be resolved in your choices...

The theme for December 2013 is ADJUSTMENT~
Lena Stevens says: "This month is about adjusting and realigning your life in a way that works better for you. It is about modifying, correcting, removing, adding, clarifying, accommodating, altering, revising and rectifying anything that needs adjustment based on YOUR...

“Transcension” latest from Lauren C. Gorgo~
Latest 5D report from Lauren C. Gorgo and I have to say I'm down with some good news of waves of love coming our way! It has definitely been a trying period for most, deep reflections and lots of letting...

“You, The Catalyst For Change” from Archangel Michael~
"You are changing. This is certain. There is a vibratory shift that is occurring and you are part of it. You are, actually, the reason for it. You are the catalyst for the change that is occurring...."

Transposition: karmic to christ body~
From Lauren. C. Gorgo: "This eclipse sandwich is shifting some major gears, but more importantly according to the Pleiadian High Council, is that we are shifting templates. Because we are still inching into our new template of divinity...

11:11 Stargate November 11, 2012~
"The 11:11 represents TRANSCENDENCE which brings the potential and ability to rise about troubles, illusions and limitations....

The theme for September is RE*ACTION~
From Lena Stevens: "An excellent month to do some really deep personal work that may not be easy to face but very rewarding if you can get through it..."

Stay focused on your own unique path~
From Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: "Dear Ones, as you proceed on your path you will find that you just can't make everyone happy...

Call to LOVE-Chanelled message from Lauren C. Gorgo~
‎"We have so much to share with regard to this upcoming year, but we will sum it up by saying that those who are aligned with LOVE will rise to meet LOVE in unprecedented ways. In fact, the word LOVE...

The Energies of December 2011~
Channelled message for the energies of December by Jennifer Hoffman: “If November wasn’t enough to make you wonder what is happening to your life and to the world, it isn’t time to get too comfortable yet because December brings us another...

There is great love here for you!
"We appreciate the Vibrational shifts that are already occurring within you. We appreciate your consistent releasing of resistance. We appreciate the continual opening of new doors, allowing your further discovery of who-you-are...

Message of Light~
Visualize that which you desire to accomplish, visualize yourselves accomplishing it in love and joy, with great desire and great success.Fear has no place in the hearts of those who fill themselves with unconditional love and joy. It is said...