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*FULL  MOON*  in ARIES ::: September 24th 2018 7:52 pm PDT ::: September 25th 2018 2:52 am GMT ::: September 25th 2018 12:52 pm AEST

FULL MOON in Aries heightens our emotions bringing our heat to the fore. Our inner fire is our sacred gift to be used wisely to activate our life force into good use that inspires, warms and illuminates.
But when it’s not rightly tended to, it can become a destructive force that devastates and consumes. Our job is to learn to work with our fire, to tend to it, like we would a small child that needs attention and let it speak to us about our innermost passion and needs, so we can shift to serve them.
Let’s use the power of this Full Moon wisely, by allowing it to light us up from within, so that we can emanate and transmit its creative force and allow its warmth and passion to draw our tribe near.

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured guiding lights. 
The wise CATHY PAGANO shares:
“It’s going to be an initiation and a stretch for us to listen to the voice of our soul rather than the chaotic voices of our world…
“While the solar cycle starts in March/April with the Sun in Aries and impels us to find out who I am, the Aries lunar cycle begins in August/September with the question, who am I in relationship with others
 “…The storyline for each Aries Full Moon is the Libra mystery: how do you and I compliment each other?
“How well do we fit together? How do we achieve some kind of balance between me and my desires, and you and your desires? 
“…This Full Moon’s energy is enhanced by Mercury and Ceres in Libra, Chiron Rx in Aries and Saturn and Vesta in Capricorn…
“These three planetary energies are engaged in a new birth – a new way of being grounded in the Self yet opened to the Other, nurtured by Ceres’ spiritual realities and Mercury’s inner visualization…
“With Chiron retrograde conjunct the Aries Moon, we can either spend our time being re-traumatized by our old wounds or finally free of them.
“And free to start a new life with Aries courage and leadership.
“We call Chiron the wounded healer because in the myth, he was wounded by a poisoned arrow and, being immortal, couldn’t die. But before his wound, Chiron was the mentor of heroes.
“And that’s his function now if we let him mentor us into a true sense of who we are that doesn’t take away from who the other is. 
“If we take up our archetypal identity, our deep soul identity, Chiron can mentor us so we do become the person we’re meant to be. 
“And integrating our Aries emotional body with the conscious Libra Sun, Mercury and Ceres, we can become the hero/heroine of our own story.
“And that story includes our purpose in the world and for the world
“And it’s time to step forward and be the vanguard of the future. Let Chiron heal the wounds to your old identity and mentor you into your new archetypal identity, with Love at the center.
“Saturn and Vesta come into this picture via a Cardinal T-Square, a tense 90* aspect to the opposition of the Full Moon…
“So we do have some tension at this Full Moon, but it can be the exciting (Aries) tension of adventure and determination rather than fear.
“Fortunately, we do have the tools to meet our initiation and pass through it. However, there’s another T-Square of tension between the rulers of Aries and Libra which has to be resolved. And it is linked to the Full Moon by an inconjunct from Uranus in Taurus to the Sun and Moon.
“This aspect forces us to stretch ourselves to bring in this new energy. We have to look wider afield than we usually do.
“A new world needs new forms of energy, vision and empowerment. And Uranus can awaken us to these new forms, especially because it is still in a helpful trine to Saturn/Vesta.
“The old is giving way to the new. Believe it!”
© Copyright 2017 ~ CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
PAT LILES from The Power says:
“We’re reaching back to heal what alienates us from each other. ..
“There’s a challenge here to utilize our inner self-reliance to move our awakening forward.  As we heal our own inner conflicts, we heal our ancestral lines as well. 
“Saturn and Vesta both 2º Capricorn lend us strength, integrity, the long view and the courage to go within and focus on what is sacred to us.  
“Together they provide a balanced, steadying force to the Aries Full Moon. The North and South Nodes are very activated. 4º Leo/Aquarius.  
“The Nodes are our raw growing edge (North) and where we reach to the past and release and resolve the lessons we came here in this lifetime to finish up (South). 
“Mars has been working the South Node for months bullying us into letting go ‘for our own good’. 
“That Mars/South Node point is involved in THREE sacred geometry configurations:  a Grand Square, a Grand Trine, and a Mystic Rectangle!  
“…The planets have aligned to give us a choice.  We can choose whatever frequency at which we want to vibrate
“Mars is our masculine source of assertive action and instinctive vitality full of passion, independence and willfulness, but at the lowest vibrations you get abuse of power, self-centeredness, greed and aggressive bad behavior – something we see played out collectively of late. 
“Mars rules this Aries Full Moon and it may turn out to be a rough and tumble one or a very dynamic one for you. 
“Fortunately for us, astrology is a balance of fate and free will.  The planets are aligned, and now you have free choice as to how you respond. “
© Copyright 2017 ~ PAT LILES All Rights Reserved


ROBERT WILKINSONfrom his Aquarius shares:
“Despite tremendous friction and pressure, this one helps us yield to our feelings so that we can make crucial choices at the threshold of a new life.
“Here the adventure makes things seem simple, and simplicity is the means to embrace the adventure!
“This Full Moon will help us become perfectly clear about what works and what doesn’t, what we need to move into new effective realms of activity, and helps us find realizations as we move into a time of old forms falling away.
“The ‘cutting, grinding, and polishing’ energies of the recent past have shown us the value of what is to be done, with this Full Moon revealing the larger sweep of cycles of creation.
“As we are still dealing with squares between Libra and Capricorn, beware of dishonest comparisons and false equivalents.
“Find the right sense of perspective and/or proportion, and make the decisions you need to in order to recalibrate your public and personal life, or the relationship of your outer life to your inner life.
“Find ways to decrease the heaviness and take care of yourself, or decrease your defensiveness to find ways to be the wisdom of your ‘Spiritual Adulthood’ in the world.
“The friction will be obvious, and there is great creative potential if we see how we’re dealing with the results of our previously held ideals.
“This is a healing Full Moon, where laughter will make things easy, plain, and simple.
“New developments beckon, but be patient as you work out potential consequences to embracing certain actions.
“This one throws us into the future!
© Copyright 2017 ~ROBERT WILKINSON All Rights Reserved
We got this. Stay centered in our heart~
With love!

