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It’s that time again, the fourth and final Mercury Retrograde period of 2016. Time to go within and sink deeply into our truth so we can find the missing clues that will helps us root and realign our course for the future. Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved guiding lights to help illuminate the landscape ahead and explain what these next 3 weeks of inward turning might bring for us…
First from Leah Whitehorse from her LUA Astrology:
“This Mercury retrograde is going to dig deep into the t-square between Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus and perhaps alert us to information that was previously unseen.
“Initially, the retrograde period will begin in Capricorn then Mercury will step back into Sagittarius to finish the job…”
“With Mercury in this sign, we’re asked to think long and hard about what we’re building and whether what has already been constructed is fit for purpose.
“…Mercury”s revisit to Sagittarius at the tail end of this retrograde period suggests there’s something we need to understand before we move forwards again. Maybe somewhere along the road, we lost our sense of meaning and we have to backtrack to find it.
“…Thoughts are obsessive, profound, deep, stirred by secret (Pluto) information (Mercury) that emerges from the darkness.
“Asteroids Alice, Icarus and Isis are all close by adding a surreal ‘Alice in Wonderland’ edge and an initial desire to run away (Icarus).
“Isis however pushes us to find the missing pieces. The hunt for clues has only just begun. It’s time for us to detect the truth…”
“Jupiter has just perfected its first square to Pluto and moving towards an opposition to Uranus, creating a tense t-square pattern. Jupiter is connected to the law, Libra to justice.
“Jupiter expands upon what it touches so what we have here are stories of extreme abuse (Pluto) that are being unearthed in the establishment (Capricorn). It’s ugly, shocking and destabilizing (Uranus).
“Mercury’s station conjunct Pluto is focusing on what needs to be eliminated, what needs to change. It’s dishing the dirt and we have to be prepared to think about it, however nasty the content.
“…Pluto can also represent the horrors within, the shadow self and fears and these too may be unearthed in the quest to get our minds fit and well. We have to know what’s wrong, in order to put it right…”
“As we move into the retrograde, first Mercury prompts us to use our imagination and intuition with a sextile to Neptune on the 27th December.
“Mercury in Capricorn is a realist but it’s important to listen to the voice of the soul too. Mercury then meets the Sun for instruction from source on the 28th December.
“The Sun reminds Mercury that life can be beautiful. It is possible to achieve bliss, even within the confines of our society. We get a glimpse of what could make us happy.
“Mercury then moves on to sextile Mars on the 28th December, bringing strength of mind and the courage to act on our ideas. From here we begin to see the direction we’re moving towards as Mercury trines the North Node on the 30th December.
“A sextile to Venus on the 3rd January reminds us of our most important values. We need to speak from the heart in order to be really heard.
“Mercury’s re-entry into Sagittarius on the 4th January encourages us to expand our mental horizons, gather study material and check in with our own personal philosophy.
“We must stretch the mind to encompass new information to deepen our understanding.”
“…Perhaps then this retrograde period also requires us to favour intellectual deduction over habitual response.
“What we want to do and what we need to do are sometimes two very different things but Mercury’s retrograde will help to both define and clarify good practices that will support us in the future.”
© Copyright 2016 ~Leah Whitehorse All Rights Reserved


From the insightful Divine Harmony:
“With Mercury stationing Retrograde in Capricorn there is a focus on rethinking, reviewing and revising structures in our lives, expectations, obligations, contracts, commitments and agreements.
“Capricorn is also the sign of patriarchy and big business so there could be some big stuff going on in regards to the world stage…
“This is also the sign related to our life path, purpose and calling– which could have us rethinking what we are doing here on planet earth and where are we being called to grow out of preconceived limitations or areas of comfort in life so we can step more fully into our mastery….
“This is a time to dig deep, excavate, penetrate beyond facades and get to the Truth (with a capital T!)…”
“We just came out of the intense month of November where Neptune was exactly conjunct the South Node (November 3rd and November 17th-19th).
“Big time stuff has been up around where we have been in denial, delusion, spiritual bypassing, playing the victim or the martyr, turning to addictions to numb out, deceiving ourselves or others, or where we have been escaping accountability/responsibility or not wanting to face reality.
“With Mercury harmoniously aspecting both the karmic south node AND the evolutionary North Node we have big time opportunities to see the past and make sense of it so that we can let go of the parts of it that have run their course.
“Mercury trine the North nNode helps us to align or realign with our personal path of destiny and evolution– and with Capricorn and Virgo involved this path demands integrity, self/other honesty, accountability, self mastery and commitment to doing the work!”
“…There is a huge theme during this Mercury retrograde around getting clear about commitments, relationship and agreements in our lives. There is a need to go back over the past and deal with what is unresolved before we can move forward.”
© Copyright 2016 ~Divine Harmony All Rights Reserved
And from the wise Sarah Varcas from her
“This Mercury wants to squeeze the last drops of wisdom out of 2016 before the new year begins, and won’t let anything be swept beneath the carpet for a more convenient time.
“In the spirit of effective closure and resolution of unfinished business, this is an important time to clear the air and face up to whatever in our life has become undeniable.
“It has been an explosive year, what with the Uranus/Eris conjunction  and the Saturn/Neptune square. 
“The personal and collective shadow is being purged. Brought to light for all to see, it has at times triggered panic and despair alongside strengthened commitment to forge new paths and a deepening of faith in our ability to both endure and transform.
“We are immersed in this process now, and will be for quite some time. We are nowhere near out of the woods. Far from it. And this melting pot of sometimes traumatic change cannot be escaped.
“Renewal of our commitment to a radical realignment with a more vibrant, courageous and heart-centred existence will become increasingly vital in the months ahead.
“Meanwhile, Mercury insists that we face up to the truths of our lives, the secrets we guard and the shame we feel but deny. It deplores artifice and rejects pretense.
“This Mercury seeks only the straight-up truth which it insists we honour with every breath. Doing so may not come naturally, but the more deeply we embrace unpalatable truths the freer we become.
“It’s okay to not be the person we want to be or have insisted we are. It’s alright to be flawed, messed up, an emotional wreck barely getting by! At this juncture it’s not what we are that matters, but how honest we are about it.
“If we present a face to the world which isn’t as real as it could be, obscuring aspects of our nature we’d prefer to deny, this Mercury retrograde could see our true face exposed for all to see.
“If, however, we can simply let go and accept this is me, warts and all, like it or lump it and take me as you find me, we may just discover that the rejection we feared is replaced with love and support, acceptance and deepening respect.
“Above all, it is now vital to remember the more candid we can be about our own truth, the less others will have to hide.
“What we do for one we do for all, and the more people who add honesty and authenticity to the collective soup, the easier it becomes for us all to do the same.
“We are none of us perfect in egoic eyes, and yet all are precious gems through the eyes of love.
“The more we can love our own flaws and failings, quirks, foibles and idiosyncrasies the easier it becomes to accept those of others and see beyond the charade of who we pretend to be.
“There is much to be done in the coming year. Great challenges lie ahead and we are nowhere near done with this shadow revelation.
“But we can each contribute to a more tolerant and progressive world by dropping our own pretense, embracing the truth of who we are and daring to share it with those around us, knowing that doing so helps them do the same.”
© Copyright 2016 ~Sarah Varcas All Rights Reserved


May we all uncover many jewels of wisdom during this retrograde!


★ ★ ★  SHARING GUIDELINES  ★  ★  ★

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