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*FULL MOON* in Virgo on the Pisces axis calls us to ground our roots deep into Mother Earth to anchor ourselves through the emotional seas that have been surging.
The more we open up, the more we feel, and the more attuned we become to the suffering of others and our dear planet Earth. The injustices and the tragedies are numerous and we are all aching for change. 
Virgo is the healer within, reminding us to embody our Spirit so we can bring about forth real change in our lives for the benefit of all.
Her medicine is love in service, and her practical magic helps us streamline our directive so we can focus on how best to be in service of our collective healing.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured interpreters of the planetary tides.
First from the always insightful LEAH WHITEHORSE  from her LUA Astrology:
“This Full Moon in Virgo… has her work cut out for her as she opposes both the Sun and Neptune in Pisces.
“The Moon-Sun opposition sets the conscious mind at odds with the unconscious and shadow material can be projected on others.
“The Moon-Neptune opposition is slippery, reflecting only what we want to see… 
“There are six bodies swimming with the Fishes. With Mercury, the ruler of this lunation amongst them, it could feel like everything we touch just flows through our fingers.
“It’s hard to contain and difficult to organize. We could also feel intellectually compromised as a lack of planets in air signs makes it hard to think.
“What’s more, the atmosphere is super-sensitive which is challenging for the no-nonsense Virgo Moon.
“In Pisces our guard is down. We’re soft and malleable, changeable, utterly ruled by a swell of emotion. And Virgo doesn’t know what to do with it.
“Instinctively she wants to put it all in order but there’s so much that feels out of place that we feel in danger of being overwhelmed…
“Thankfully we do have an anchor… The Full Moon trines sensible Saturn in Capricorn.
“Saturn reminds us that we can take it slow. We don’t have to resolve everything at once.
“If we feel lost, all we need to do is to touch base with something real and tangible. 
“Focusing on the practicalities, something Virgo is good at anyway, will help to channel the rising tide of emotions into something constructive.
We can change the rules of how we work. We can take on the authorities. We can speak to the boss or the government agency involved.
“We can support a grassroots project or simply get our own house in order so that we have time and energy available to deal with wider problems…
“It’s about being responsible and accountable, climbing the mountain one step at a time…
“Mercury’s conjunctions to Venus and Chiron shows that speaking from the heart can go a long way towards addressing the wounds between us.
“These three bodies all trine wise Jupiter in Scorpio as well so talking about what hurts builds bridges and deepens bonds…
“There is also the potential to channel the whisper of our intuition into something that has real power to change the structure of our lives.”
© Copyright 2018 ~LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved


From the wonderful  PAT LILES from The Power Path.com:
“Jupiter, in water sign Scorpio, is trining Mercury/Venus. We are lent support to go deep and willingness to release what has been unconscious and holding us in separation from our artistic musings, from deeper acceptance of the unique and powerful soul we are.
“If your mind and head talk are holding you at arms length from self acceptance of all that you are, take up Jupiter’s offer to free you from the psychological skeletons that you are dragging into the arena of new opportunities. 
“With so much Piscean support, Mercury can help you surrender mentally and use your feminine, water nature to guide you into union with that which is greater than self. 
“One teaching indigenous people embody and share in their rituals and daily lives is the ability to turn over guilt, burdens and sufferings to higher power ~ a profound and simple act that western cultures seem to lack and therefore, unnecessarily carry physical, mental and emotional loads in their daily lives. 
“Use this Full Moon to surrender your heart, your mind, your burdens to Great Spirit, Mother Earth, Father Sky. 
“Your task is not guilt or suffering, but gratitude.”
© Copyright 2018 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved 


From the inspired CATHY PAGANO:
“We have entered a time very much like the early 70s, when there were protests and civic disruption…
“That’s where the ARTS come in. Pisces is very much connected to Art, for it is the sign not only of spirit but of imagination, which uses the vehicle of the Arts to express itself.
“…especially since it was our artists (think John Lennon) and musicians who led the way in the 70s for our cultural revolution. Now we once again need our artists to help change the collective tides.
“Art speaks to the heart and so I ask, where are our musicians, our Bards, our artists, our dancers? Where are they telling the story of NOW, of what it means to take a stand at these most dangerous and beautiful times of cultural transformation?
“Mercury, Venus and Chiron are conjunct in late Pisces, giving voice to healing visions.
“With a strong trine from Jupiter in Scorpio, just before Jupiter turns retrograde on March 8th, we have the ability to dig deep into the soul, facing the wounds of this lifetime and many previous ones.
“What better way to express what we discover than through Art? Art is one of the blessings of Pisces.
“And as we leave the Piscean Age, we need to take our Artists seriously. And they need to take themselves seriously and tell us the story of our times.
“That will begin a great healing of our collective psyche.
“It’s time to bring more healthy nourishment into our collective lives, and that begins in our own lives.
“Don’t forget that we are all artists, so dance and sing, play music, create art and story and share it with your communities.”
© Copyright 2018 ~CATHY PAGANO  All Rights Reserved


From the insightful PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology:
“THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the degree of the Full Moon (11°23′ Virgo) reinforces the theme of dispelling illusion and seeing reality: 

‘After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride: The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.’

“In his interpretation of this symbol, astrologer Dane Rudhyar writes, ‘There can be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy.’
Much is coming forward now that has been held hostage by our desire not to face reality. The revelation of truth may not be comfortable, but it is the first step toward finding solutions to our problems.
“What will we see when the veil is snatched away, and how will it affect our journey from here?”
© Copyright 2018 ~PAM YOUNGHANS All Rights Reserved


Just know we are all in this together, feeling all the ebbs and flows of the rising tide. Like the Beatles sang, “we get by with a little help from our friends,” so reach out to someone if you need support. 
Fullest Moon Love~

  F U L L  M O O N ⚬

March 1st 4:51 pm PDT

March 2nd 12:51 am GMT

March 2nd 11:51 am AEDT
