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SOLAR ECLIPSE *NEW MOON* in Pisces is calling us to listen to the voice deep within the within. A rebirth is unfurling us out from the depths, as we emerge from the underworld of emotion into new potentialities.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved luminaries. First from PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Journal shares:
“As we make our way to the Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Pisces…we are putting the closing chapter on some area of our lives and setting intentions for our new focus going forward…”
“Given that next Sunday’s Solar Eclipse is a ‘South Node eclipse’ (which means the Sun and Moon are aligned with that point), we will want to carry the theme of release into the next few months in some way.
“This is the time to see where our energy is drained unnecessarily, and to adapt accordingly…”
“…major aspect occurs on Sunday, the day of the eclipse… This one is an alignment between Mars (the god of war) and Uranus (the god of chaos).
“With these two planets aligned, some form of rebellion is activated — and with the alignment being in Aries, some will have the courage (or lack of restraint) to take action where they might not have dared before…”
“The chart for the lunation contains that very strong Mars-Uranus alignment, as well as the cardinal grand cross we’ve been working with since late January.
“In other words, this is not time to sleep. In our deepening connection to our spiritual and emotional truth, we are spurred into action.”
© Copyright 2017 ~PAM YOUNGHANS All Rights Reserved
From SARAH VARCAS from her Astro-Awakenings.co.uk:
“With four planets in Aries and five in Pisces, this eclipse speaks of over-due endings and fresh starts.
“A new way of being is in reach, born of wisdom gleaned from past experience and freedom from shackles that no longer bind.
“But these endings may not match our expectations, and if we’re waiting for the new to prove itself before letting go the old we may find ourselves frozen by fear, consumed by indecision or unhelpfully resistant to unavoidable change.
“Which is why this eclipse requires an act of faith and a warrior spirit, all wrapped up in a ‘can do’ attitude which balks at the notion that the next step is too hard, too challenging or not what we’d planned.
“As such, it asks of us a lot but if we take a deep breath, resolve to stay the course and do what needs to be done it brings great strength and profound wisdom: direct experience of the divine as our personal source of knowledge and power.
“Ancestral trauma, family karma and inherited pain are all raised as issues at this eclipse.
“The coming six months will provide powerful opportunities to turn our wise and compassionate attention toward them, bringing to a close long-established patterns rooted within and beyond our lives.
“This eclipse speaks of freedom to claim as our own: an opportunity to step into the light of our unique individuality, shaped – but not contained – by all that’s gone before.
“It raises issues of self and other, me and you, standing together or breaking apart to do life alone.
“Whilst a solar eclipse in Pisces may be seen as a time of gentle reflection, this one is anything but.
“And whilst the essence of Pisces is unbounded communion with All That Is, we may now feel strongly the divisions which crystallize into ‘you’ and ‘me’, no longer able to tolerate the cost of pretending they don’t exist.
“If we’ve been waiting so long for change, struggling with conditions that seem forever stuck, held back by old habits, unhealthy relationships, past pain or memories too good to let go, we now encounter a window of opportunity to leap forward into the new.
“As such, this eclipse sorts those who truly want to change NOW, from those who like the idea of change but ‘maybe I’ll just wait and see’.
“With Venus, Mars, Uranus and Eris in Aries, we have a veritable powerhouse of energy to invest in starting over anew, cutting the ties which bind us to the past and seeing the world through new eyes, staying strong in hope, resolved in our intent and committed to walking a fresh path from here on in…”
“If we await incontrovertible proof we’re doing the right thing, we may miss this opportunity in a haze of anxiety and fear.
“The truth is we can never really know, for every decision lives its own life once set in motion by our thoughts, words and deeds.
“All we can do is follow the nudges within that speak of possibility and potential, of courage and commitment, of a path bearing many crossroads that will test our mettle, open our heart and strengthen our soul.
“This is a time of choices and those made now with a bold heart and courageous spirit carry alchemical force to change our lives.
“It’s okay to feel fear, to experience the buzz of anxiety as we contemplate life renewed and imagine walking away from circumstances that have consumed so much of us to date.
“The challenge is to stand firm despite it and make the change that liberates possibility and releases potential.
“For in doing so, the coming six months promise profound renewal which will anchor us ever deeper into a life both extraordinary and true.”
© Copyright 2017 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
From SIMONE BUTLER from Mooncircles.com:
“The mother of all Pisces eclipses sweeps in on Sunday to end the series with a bang…”
“A major ending is upon us, to clear the way for a new beginning.
“Look to the house where the eclipse falls in your chart for clues to what this might mean for you. In what area of your life has it become undeniable that there’s no turning back?
“What is that final leap of faith you need to take to set things right for yourself, others – or the world at large?
“Since Pisces rules both dreams and delusions, we need to get real about where we’re at, both individually and collectively.
“If you’ve been in denial, hoping to be rescued by those in charge, or failing to follow through on your dreams, it’s time to face the truth.
“Yes, it’s scary to cut your losses and/or stride bravely forward without an apparent safety net (believe me, I know!) but this eclipse demands change. Because it’s the last of a series, it represents the final death knell of something very old that’s been holding all of us back.
“Yet in your haste to make a change, take care to not act rashly or in anger. When Mars gangs up with Uranus, as it does on the day of the eclipse, there’s a strong potential for breakthroughs or breakdowns.
“Jupiter’s opposition to Mars and Uranus ratchets up the tension…arguments could spin out of control.
“Still, there is a transcendent element afoot that Leah Whitehorse captures in the latest issue of The Mountain Astrologer.
“She calls this eclipse at nine degrees Pisces a ‘collective baptism.’ Because it evokes the Sabian Symbol of a jockey spurring his horse to victory, she advises that we surrender to the journey and ‘catch hold of the horse’s mane and ride the wave until we’re brought safely back to land, washed clean and sanctified by the great waters of life.'”
© Copyright 2017 ~SIMONE BUTLER All Rights Reserved
And finally ELLIAS LONSDALE’s symbolism for 9 degrees Pisces: A vampire awakens:
“Darkness calls to those who have been surfeited with too much compromise and too unbearable a load of suffering.
“There are regions of the dark to live out parts of self or all of self for a time. And inside the darkness, an immense power of what is here in the Earth and still raging can be felt and harnessed.
“You are imaginatively and inwardly pulled toward the great extremes–not able to go on in any usual way.
“But you ultimately fathom the mysteries and the depths, by exploring all that is there and finding in the end that all is sacred, all is beautiful, and all is integral to the fiber of existence.“
© Copyright 2017 ~ELLIAS LONSDALE All Rights Reserved
May we emerge, recalibrate and rise to higher ground…
*ECLIPSE* Blessings to us all~
::: N E W M O O N :::
February 26th 2017 6:58 am PST
February 26th 2017 2:58 pm GMT
February 27th 1:58 am AEDT
>>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~
TO SHARE >>> Use links below or you may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link for this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
bernard charles says:
Feb 25, 2017
Ohhh I’m totally feeling the surge of inspiration that’s coming full swing! I’m trying to just surf this wave of new energy. Keeping lots of Northern Lights Black Spruce oil on me and eating some bananas haha! Nourish my Aries energy!!!
g. Althausen says:
Feb 25, 2017
The solar eclipse on 26 February 2017 is at 8 degrees Pisces – not at 9 degrees
I Me says:
Feb 26, 2017
you don’t know s**t about sabian symbols, take a look at sabian symbols and then u’ll understand why the auther took the next degree. u must be an ignorant critical virgo g. althausen guy/gal
Toni says:
Feb 26, 2017
So sorry you are in so much fear that you can’t help lashing out in anger.
Bernadette says:
Feb 25, 2017
fabulous….hang onto your hats lovely people x
Catalina says:
Feb 27, 2017
I’m trying hard to hang onto my hat. For a little over a week I’ve been experiencing a surge of anxiety like never before, can you explain this in relation to this new moon. I’ve never felt anything like this during a new moon, maybe a full moon.
EJay says:
Feb 25, 2017
These words are transformational – I can’t thank you all enough for this roadmap xxx
Lillian says:
Feb 25, 2017
Very interesting…another wild ride.I am a Pisces!
Gladys says:
Feb 27, 2017
Pisces here too, I’ve been feeling the high vibrations. And I’m so inspired and excited for what’s coming. I’ve been needing a change for such a long time, I feel this is it!
audie says:
Feb 27, 2017
I’m with you Gladys!
Violet says:
Feb 25, 2017
Sabian symbol is always the degree up…So yes its at 8’12 degrees but the symbol is the 9th degree.
Celondelon says:
Feb 25, 2017
It’s weird back in 2012 I was going through a really rough time Mystic Mama astrologers predicted it would last five years here we are five years later and I’m still here didn’t think I’d survive it a little battered emotionally but things have changed from an internal perspective I feel I’m moving towards a destiny I can’t yet describe but I know it’s going to be magnificent.
Luz Change says:
Feb 26, 2017
me too CELONDELON <3
Sabrina says:
Feb 26, 2017
Me too Celondelon!
me says:
Feb 27, 2017
Same here :)
Naira says:
Feb 28, 2017
Yup sameeee
Meg says:
Feb 25, 2017
The words I have just read resonate loudly with the intuition within. Thank you Mystic Mama!
jessica says:
Feb 26, 2017
Grab that mane and ride!
Igwee says:
Feb 26, 2017
Ready to ride this wave into a bright new beginning, we are all ready for it all over the world amigos!!! Felicidades infinitas a todos y todas desde SF CA USA. Grazie mille Mystic Mamma : )!!
Oluwayomi says:
Feb 26, 2017
I appreciate the awarness created by this writeup, looking forward for a new manifestation in life
Rose says:
Feb 26, 2017
This is exactly what I need. A real change . It’s so right on on having been stuck, I’m ready for positive change!
Michelle says:
Feb 26, 2017
How do I find out where it lies in my own chart?
Kimberly says:
Feb 26, 2017
I’m curious as to the answer to this question as well, Michelle … just posting so I too can benefit …
Marianna says:
Feb 26, 2017
Also curious how to find out… :)
Arriel says:
Mar 2, 2017
Hello. Try googling “astrology transit chart” and see what you can find to suit your privacy and budget needs. If you are wanting to find out this particular eclipse then you would just need to choose that date and time as the transit. Transit charts usually show your birth chart within one circle or band and the transit overlaid. Happy charting!
Blessings to mystic mamma & followers!
Aimée says:
Feb 26, 2017
Thank you. ❤
LaLee Bee says:
Feb 26, 2017
I am a huge fan of MysticMamma & the work you do! But I’m really not feeling these selections for this astral insight!! The lunar eclipse was about endings – we’ve just had an entire year that was so committed to endings. The energy has been shifting these ast two weeks towards beginnings, the very bright future, the endings have already come and gone and yes there are some finalities as we move on into the new day but that is truly what this transit is about!! The new day! This solar eclipse is ushering the true new year energy – the spring equinox is one it’s way. These ‘insighs’ are so dark and dismal! Solar eclipses are always about new beginnings!
ruby says:
Feb 26, 2017
Warmest appreciation love and thanks deep work to do …. stay present I remind myself xx
caitlin says:
Feb 26, 2017
Alex says:
Feb 26, 2017
Claire says:
Feb 26, 2017
Fantastically written and compelling charts – feel all of this! I’m going to be brave and hold on 😃
Serena says:
Feb 26, 2017
Exemplary example of profound perceptive receptivity of soul sight enlightened through the lens of mystical Pisces: my ascendant is risen. Many thanks and with gratitude; the universe, the oceans of our planet call forth the healing of unbounded love.
Manisha says:
Feb 26, 2017
So true! Words fall short to credit the insights. Thank you so much.
Samira Morrar says:
Feb 26, 2017
Yes definitely can feel the last edges of walls crumbling before a new emerging and more all encompassing integration of light and dark combine. Love your work <3
Toni says:
Feb 26, 2017
As I reflect on the spirit within each of us and I see the pain of past judgements of separation Everywhere. Any judgement is application of the past, to the exclusion of future potential. If I pause and inhale new potential, the outcome changes for the better. Fear is ALWAYS the expression of anger. We ought to be angry at the world we have created. It will stir us toward positive change.
Diane says:
Feb 26, 2017
I have very emotional and at the end of my tether today, with a relationship that despite love is not working I feel lonely and unloved today I had to end it and am in emotional turmoil
Cat says:
Feb 26, 2017
Diane, know that you are doing what is right for your soul. The new beginning spurred by letting go of what no longer serves you will prove to be well worth the suffering you endure today. A much brighter future awaits! Take heart. Blessings to you~
Allison says:
Feb 26, 2017
Diane, heart goes out to you today. Many well wishes for your broken heart & spirit!! ❤️❤️❤️ and I hope that it heals through this transition that we are going through. Keep an open heart, an open spirit, and most importantly guard your soul. And remember peace love and light is always around if you allow it in.
Mb says:
Feb 26, 2017
This energy is over the top for me.. 2 shocking events on Friday,one feels like a new beginning for a family member, although very painful,the other was a reality check where I could have lost my life.. now after 4 years my relationship is also wobbling when I need it the most..it will be make or break for the future at this point.
Rebecca says:
Mar 2, 2017
What was it about Friday? A shocking course correction here too that seems too much to handle. But rereading February’s theme of Change under ‘Tuning In’ and this report has empowered me. Blessings!
Deirdre says:
Feb 26, 2017
Sending each of us the wisdom and honour to harness our inner strength and rise.
RMC says:
Feb 26, 2017
This Pisces Double Aries is Ready to Manifest! Thank you Mystic Mama for these Encouraging Words of Divine Wisdom. ☘🐬🐞🦄🐉🦉🌘♓♈⚭😃🌈
Aaron Rose says:
Feb 26, 2017
Jai Durga Ma! Happy Shivaratri <3
Colbi says:
Feb 27, 2017
How does one determine what house the eclipse deals with within their birth chart? I have some ideas of what this might mean for me but am interested in learning how to interpret what house the eclipse falls in, as Simone butler describes in her contribution to this article.
natalie says:
Feb 27, 2017
Thank you for this …it’s so insightful and helpful I’ve shared this gift if insight with other today.. I thank goodness for the new coming of age in me that the new moon will bring.
May I ask you to clarify this paragraph please .as I don’t quite understand. …
“And whilst the essence of Pisces is unbounded communion with All That Is, we may now feel strongly the divisions which crystallize into ‘you’ and ‘me’, no longer able to tolerate the cost of pretending they don’t exist.
Do you mean that we can no longer pretend that differencea between who we are and who another is do not exist?
dana says:
Feb 27, 2017
this fell on my birthday and it felt so lovely. thank you for this. <3
Victoria Miller says:
Feb 28, 2017
My birthday was the 26th. Are the powers of the moon even stronger if it falls on ones birthday?
Kassie says:
Mar 1, 2017
So on point, shocked to find my feelings described here so accurately and the reason for the surge of anxiety … been dealing with a bug decision – what my heart wants but my head was holding me back. The indecision was haunting me the whole weekend. I feel it’s time for a change. Still unsure how to go about it but maybe it’s the time to figure it out and act..
isabelle says:
Mar 1, 2017
thank you all for sharing all of this being part of each others journey to finding our path in the first step
I appreciate all aspects written today
Monique Nadeau says:
Mar 4, 2017
Powerful ● Beautiful ~ be well ~ be kind and the Moon ○ and ☆ will shine for you.
Bluegirldreams birth day 2/26 ♡
Abby says:
Mar 10, 2017
Hi there! Will you be posting astral insights for the upcoming full moon? I’m hosting a goddess gathering and full moon ceremony this weekend, and your insights always provide great guidance for my ceremonies.
Claire says:
Mar 11, 2017
Beautiful astrology and wonderfully expressed.
Astrologer Claire Shepard