Chinese Astrology for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster~
Year of the Fire Rooster comes a crowing saying, Wake up!
His crow alerts us that a new day is dawning, but we must rise and mobilize into action as we come together for the wellbeing of our roost/planet.
Here’s the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights on 2017 Chinese and Tibetan Year of Fire Rooster. First from Chinese Astrologer and Doctor of Chinese Medicine Narrye Caldwell:
“All Chinese wisdom traditions, including medicine, divination, astrology, and feng shui, are systems of pattern identification that guide us in adapting gracefully to change.
“A world in flux is assumed; it is the one constant feature of life.
“Astrology is best viewed as a tool to discern where we are in the shifting cycles of time so we can adjust our expectations accordingly and therefore, from the Chinese point of view, cultivate longevity by not wasting our qi trying to swim against the current.
“Last year’s current schooled us all in crisis management as the Fire Monkey’s erratic impulsiveness and dramatic flare produced an unprecedented bit of theater in American politics. (Yes, Monkeys love to play spin doctor in the political arena.)
“…Fortunately, a new chapter of the story is about to begin with the arrival of the Fire Rooster on January 28, 2017. This chapter might be titled: ‘Application: how to walk your talk and follow through.’
“…That brings us to the possibilities for 2017. This year’s theme is ‘application.’ The Rooster has one special super power—the ability to delay gratification and focus on the long term goal.
“Roosters can actually separate the reward from the work required to get it, and they can do this over long periods of time….like years.
“So whatever feelings you may have about the upheaval created in the Monkey year, the qi will now support you to focus and apply yourself to the task at hand with discipline and diligence.
“Set aside your emotions and focus on long term goals. Stay focused. That’s right, see beyond the current situation and keep your eye on whatever it is that you value in the long run; just keep chipping away without wavering. Apply yourself. That’s what this year is all about.
© Copyright 2017 ~Narrye Caldwell. All Rights Reserved
From Feng Shui expert Karen Abler Carrasco:
“Both the monkey and the rooster years are about ‘me’, ‘my’ and ‘mine,’ with one important difference: while the monkey can’t help but follow the path that pricks its curiosity regardless of who else is in the way, the rooster feels deeply its responsibilities to the entire barnyard.
“The rooster tends to the roost, and the flock who lives there. To any problem or task that needs doing, the rooster says ‘If not me, then who?‘
“Remember the tale of the Little Red Hen? ‘Who will help me make the bread?’ she asked. And then she did it herself.
“However, contrary to the traditional ending of that story, where the industrious hen refused to share her final product with the lazy farm folk who didn’t contribute, this year’s fire element warms everyone’s hearts, and sharing feels better, and more secure, than hoarding.
“The Rooster year is yin, even though an actual rooster may appear more yang with his flashy stance and loud crowing…”
“It will be a year of defining our boundaries, refining the details, strengthening our supports, cleaning out the ‘bugs’ and putting things into a certain order.
“Be impeccable. The pun in that has great meaning here–be un-peck-able. Make things water tight, error-proof, ship shape.
“The more you refine and perfect your affairs–finances, relationships, health, career, possessions, the stronger and more profound your position in life becomes.
“The Rooster character loves elegance in all things, so refine every arena of your life and every object in it. Lavish your time and attention on completing any task to the best of your ability and take delight in adding small touches of Beauty to each.
“This is not the same thing as decluttering. It is a call to scrutinize absolutely everything that you rely on for life and happiness.
“How sturdy are your underpinnings–housing, vehicles, savings, etc.? How smoothly do your daily routines flow? How healthy are your sources of food and friendship?
“This is the year to pour more loving, nurturing ch’i into the things that truly sustain you.
“For example, how well do you know your immediate neighbors? If you are like most U.S. citizens, not well enough. What if there were a disaster of some sort? You would WISH to gather family and close friends to you, but the reality is that those strangers next door would be the ones on hand to help and collaborate for survival.
“This yin Fire year means our deeper heart leads the way. Use it for discerning what to keep and what to let go.
“Expand it by opening up to everyone you encounter throughout your day. Share your feelings about your experiences and ask others to share theirs.
“Learn to enjoy hearing divergent opinions, realizing that the more variety a community supports with loving kindness and tolerance, the greater its security grows.
“The more our neighbors feel loved and secure, the safer and more happy we all become. Harmonious living for all can grow exponentially from just one instigator—the Yin Fire Rooster, year 2017.
“This Rooster greets the new day with all the elegance, strength and vibrancy of its entire being, in service to the community. Let us all do the same. “
© Copyright 2017 ~Karen Abler Carrasco. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer Susie Cox:
“Looking at this extreme year, it would behoove us all to stay calm and make deliberate plans. Try not to be prone to over-exaggeration or risky situations.
“But I want to put a different spin on this year of the Fire Rooster. This particular Chinese sign can easily energize your personal power.
“It will be a good wake up call for us all.
“This is not a year to be passive and just let things happen. Take charge of what you can.
“Find your voice and crow like a strong Rooster!“
© Copyright 2017 ~Susie Cox All Rights Reserved
Blessings to us all~
>>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~
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amritadevi says:
Jan 27, 2017
wonderful! thank you so much for the work you do for all of us, giving us inspiration and guidance! I am ready to become the butterfly! Sending you so much love! Aum
Cheryl says:
Jan 27, 2017
Thank you! This is such inspiration!!
Nara says:
Jan 27, 2017
Thank you!
Yvonne Rose says:
Jan 27, 2017
Thank You for the Love & Direction Shared !Crowing To The Dawn !
Serena says:
Jan 27, 2017
Such encouraging wisdom, love the ‘impeccability’! As a fire rooster, these messages resonate strongly. The Fire Rooster can be likened to The Phoenix. On this New Moon, we can void (burn) the past of 2016 and rekindle our ultimate heart desires, step by step. Thanks.
Ford says:
Jan 28, 2017
I know that when I open my browser to MysticMama I will be taken care of every time. X Thank you!
Rosa says:
Jan 28, 2017
Many thanks for including Narrye Caldwell’s analysis. I look forward to seeing her work on your site.
RMC says:
Jan 28, 2017
This Dragon thanks you for this Insight and Recommendations for the New Year! Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Rhythm
Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s Universe.
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”–The Kybalion.
The Law of Rhythm states that the energy in the universe is like a pendulum. Whenever something swings to the right, it must then swing to the left. Everything in existence is involved in a dance… swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth. Everything is either growing or dying.
This law can even be seen in the cycles of economies, there is a high period then a low period. Our seasons, you can see that the seasons are in a continuous flow of summer to winter. Everything goes through cycles, yet everything has a rhythm or a pattern. What seems to be random is actually very orderly. The law of rhythm also governs our economy, health, relationships, and spirituality. Let’s say that you’re at peak potential with your health and fitness. If you realize you’re at the peak, then you can foresee your health and fitness dropping some. However, instead of viewing this “drop in health” as something being wrong with you, you now view it as a sign to rest your body. Then, by law, you have to grow to a better and higher state of potential.
Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness, the key to success in mastering this law is in balance. Never allow your emotions to swing too far to the left or right.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Cause and Effect
Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every Action has a reaction or consequence “We reap what we sow”. Ralph Waldo Emerson said the Law of Cause and Effect is the “law of laws”. The most important lesson involving human conduct and interation is seen in the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Every human thought, word and deed is a Cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the universe which in turn creates the effect whether desirable or undesirable. The law states the effect must to physical manifestation. This is why good thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds are essential for a better world for the all create good effects.
With every thought of intention, action and emotion that is transmitted from you, a person sets into motion unseen chain of effects which vibrate from the mental plane thought the entire cellular structure of body out into the environment and finally into the Cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to the original source upon the swing of the pendulum.
The law of cause and effect states that every cause has an effect and every effect becomes the cause of something else. This law suggests that the universe is always in motion and progressed from a chain of events.
If you want to look at this law from a philosophical point of view, every cause and effect had its worldly purpose to what we are experiencing today.
According to the nature of your actions, the Divine omniscient consciousness will assign corresponding effects. In order to benefit yourself and society as a whole, mankind should use their free will of choice and perform good deeds with the awareness that what they think, act and speak about will effect the entire universe. The prosperity of life is created by our own deeds in helping others through thoughts and actions. The motion or action will give appropriate result, according to the divine justice.
Example of this law in effect is shown in the following example, one I hope everyone can understand and apply to their life appropriately as they see fit: Whenever the food, rest, work, sexual activities and use of thought-force are over-indulged or improperly used, we find that the related organs are adversely affected. A simple example such as this can make the people understand the law of cause and effect.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Attraction
Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Vibration
States that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it’s purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern. All matter, thoughts and feelings has its own vibrational frequency. The thoughts, feelings and actions we choose also have their own particular rates of vibration. These vibrations will set up resonance with whatever possesses identical frequency. In other words, your thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe. “Like attracts like”. As you choose good thoughts, more good thoughts of alike nature will follow and you will also be in vibrational harmony with others with like thoughts.
Science reveals that everything in the manifest universe is ultimately composed of packets of energy; quantized units vibrating at specific frequencies. Quantum physicists has shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy. So, in essence everything is comprised of energy and empty space. Everything that appears solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up. An interesting fact about this is that the denser the object, the higher the speed of vibration. At the same time, the lower the density of an object is, the lower the speed of vibration.
For us, thought is where it all begins. As your conscious mind dwells habitually on thoughts of a certain quality, these become firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant vibration. This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. This is easier to understand if you consider that from the metaphysical view, the whole universe IS MIND. In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you – your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly ‘empty’ space and they, in turn, affect you.
Your feeling at the present moment dictates your vibration. It is said that feeling is a word to define conscious awareness of vibration. So, your feeling at the moment is your vibration you are in which sets up things of like nature. Positive feelings = positive circumstance, negative feelings = negative circumstances.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Action
The Law of Action must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words. The Law of action states that you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. Unless you take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fasion towards what you want to accomplish, there will be absolutely no foreseeable results. It is here with the law of action that most people falter when pursuing success. It could be their fears or laziness that get in the way.
You can also relate this law to that of the law of cause and effect. The cause is your action, as you take the action there will be a corresponding effect, that of which you may know or only the Universe will know the effect, but there will be an effect. Only by taking actions which correspond with our free will desires will the universe know what to bring into your life. If you wish to learned, then take the action steps to learn – read books, study, etc.. only then will the universe know what you are striving for.
When you take action, from the smallest thing from writing a To-Do list in the morning, you set into motion corresponding effects that change your immediate future, and if you follow up day after day it can become a habit way of living and the results will be exponential. But if you fail, to take that first action, then there wont be much in your future for results.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Polarity
Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. We can see that you cannot have a left without a right, an up without a down, failure and success, a good without a bad and so on, it is a world of duality. However, these opposites have no absolutes, there is not one point where you can say one starts and the other begins, it is a scale range.
There are two poles or opposites, the difference between the two extremes of one thing is called polarity.
There are degrees of difference between the extremes or poles no absolutes. This laws states that, in fact, these opposites are simply different manifestations of the same thing! Example: there is not one point where you can say that cold stops and heat begins, its all on the same pole.
Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich, wrote “Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.”
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion.
An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art.
Mastery of the Law of Polarity requires learning how to maintain balance, focus, and detachment from the distractions of the material world.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
Law of Relativity
Each person will receive as series of problems (Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of these tests/lesson to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, There is always someone who is in a worse position. Its all relative.
The spiritual and metaphysical aspects of this law of relativity tells us that everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. Light only exist because we compare it to dark. Good can only exist because we compare it to bad. Hot can only exist because we compare it to cold.
In fact, everything in our life just is until we compare it to something. Nothing in life has any meaning, except for the meaning that we give it. It is all in how you look at your situation and what thoughts and perspective you choose to think about the situation with. When you focus on good thoughts and energies, more good things will come to you. Likewise, if you focus on how bad your situation is, you will attract more bad.
You can always compare your life situation to someones else, and it will look better or worse depending on your view point and how you look at it. If you compare your situation to someones whose is worse yours will look better. No matter the situation at hand, ‘There is always someone worse off and there is always someone better’.
However, from a spiritual point of view, we can remove barriers of labeling and accept everything ‘as is’. From A New Earth by: Eckhart Tolle: “In form, you are and will always be inferior to some, superior to others. In essence, you are neither inferior nor superior to anyone. True self-esteem and true humility arise out of that realization. In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are contradictory. In truth, they are one and the same.”
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
The Law of Growth is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest to comprehend. It simply exists to ensure that something always grows, that creation is constant and determined by the kind and quality of seed which is planted. In the case of Universal truth this seed is determined by the energy projected. Through it’s immutable, unwavering and predictable operation you can become conscious and purposeful in what you project or plant which will determine what you will receive or harvest in each area of your life.
Universal_Law_Loverd says:
Jan 29, 2017
The Law Of Abundance can best be understood by looking at the continual growth and unlimited resources available within our Universe. It is continuously producing and multiplying effortlessly through the power of the above Universal Laws, the abundance of which is determined only by the kind and quality of the seed or energy projected.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
The Law of Resonance is the Universal Law which determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies which are determined and projected based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions and the resulting projected frequency which activates the Law of Attraction ensuring that this resonance or projected energy can only harmonize with energies that vibrate or resonate at a similar harmonious vibratory frequency which determine and create your physical results.
Universal_Law_Lover says:
Jan 29, 2017
The Law Of Reciprocity which is intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Law, initiates and creates an unwavering and unfailing process which “Reciprocates” meaning to give and take mutually or to return in kind or degree.
leight says:
Jan 29, 2017
Thank you MM for providing Fire Rooster info from such wise sources. As a Monkey, I’m relieved to hear the jumping up and down might settle down into a constant walk.
(Universal Law Lover: Didn’t expect to see this info here, but I actually read it all and understood, so thanks to you, too.)
Mariko says:
Jan 29, 2017
Just an FYI, Lunar New Year is celebrated across eastern and southeastern Asia, from the Philippines to the northernmost reaches of China. The list includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan and yes, China. We all have a lunar calendar where the characteristic of the year is ruled by Jupiter’s movement. It is not necessarily related to specifically Chinese concepts like feng shui, although Taoist and Confucian elements obviously influence celebrations for those descended from the Chinese diaspora..
So Happy Lunar New Year! May the Phoenix bless you with a glorious heart and the courage of your convictions.
Tamara says:
Feb 1, 2017
As a Fire Rooster, thank you for clearly explaining this so well to me (& my friends, neighbors, Etc.) because I couldn’t! And therefore we all started to think that I was losing my mind, so this is not only good-to-know but very helpful going forward. Oh/& I can finally exhale now! 😎 Btw, I loved reading Universal Law Lover’s posts as well! 💝
Bojana says:
Feb 1, 2017
Thank you MM and thank you UNIVERSAL_law_lover
RosaCu says:
Feb 3, 2017
Thank you for all these teachings..vety helpful!!
Surname William says:
May 28, 2017
The Angel of Philadelphia Darla Stewart from Philadelphia Pennsylvania was born on May 27th. Here is some of the new real Maya Astrology for those who love GOD. Mayan Signs
The 19 sacred seals of the Astrological blendings.
These are the 19 White Horse marriage synchronisms of the personalities of the Biblical spirits. Each of these Mayan Zodiac signs is sealed with the Holy Priesthood to 100% these ancient personalities except for one Modern/Ancient seal of Caleb, and the Huldah seal. As the Power and Virtue of the Te is sealed to the Zodiacs with the Powers of the spirits of the identities sealed onto the Shengxiao and Mazzaroth, and the Virtues of the spirits of the identities sealed into the Mayan signs. The Aztec Zodiac then gives them a sanctification sealing, giving grace upon their birth signs, while the Inca Zodiac Calendar then gives them something to do with their Astrology and Astronomy throughout their lives along with its several new additions. The Mayan calendar goes in the center of the Mazzaroth Zodiac as a small ring seal between the Mazzaroth and Shengxiao. The bottom center of the 19 is the Mayan Ch’en directly between Taurus and Aries, counter clockwise with Yax and then Sac in Gemini. The 19 parcels of the Mayan calendar must be equal, even though the 5 day shorter sign, for it is increased to 20 days; 380 days in all. All of these are sealed to the spirits of real people in the Bible whom actually lived during the ancient days. The Maya calendar has the duality marriage covenant mirror. (Proverbs 27:19) This is how the Mayan seals work. Whatever Maya seal your Mazzaroth Zodiac birthdate aligns to by very date, is what you seal to your partner. Whatever Maya sign you are born as, is sealed to you. You are born with one Maya sign sealed to you, with another Maya sign sealed t you that you are able to seal to your partner. If you were born a Cancer of Juy 31st Kayab, then you have the Cancer and Kayab seals from GOD upon your actual personality. Since you were born a July 31st Cancer, then when you are married, GOD seals a Mac to your partner. This properly aligns the duel times for the planetary positions. The Male has the new dates and the female has the ancient dates as a birth personality. These reverse polarities in relationship seals, because married couples have something special that they share together in GOD. The married couple share both, for they are together when others are around, and when they are alone together in GOD.
(Song of Solomon 8:13)
So you must Hindi align Dog to Taurus as Shiva on the White Bull Nandi. Elephant aligns to Aries. This is the beginning. And then record them with the new dates. The Shengxiao new dates for the new years begin the first new moon on or after 11-10-11. Ophiuchus is November 13th to December 6th. Libra is November 1st to November 24th. Scorpio is November 25th to December 18th. Do not let people deceive you with Ophiuchus and Scorpio dates. These are the correct ones.
Katalyste says:
Dec 7, 2017
Thank you so much for this and it was a gem to look over in retrospect. I can’t wait to see what you share for the year of the Earth Dog.