“Dance, sing, play and swing with your children. Get silly together. Be giddy with one another. Call your spirit up! Open the gateway for your spirit to fully express itself. Come out with your real self. Live true….
“Allow them to get to know your true self, your authentic self, and your highest self. This is your soul’s expressing itself. Show your children your spirit. If not now, when?”
“Showing your children your spirit liberates your children, as they get older, to show theirs. It frees them to live their lives as flowing, playful, creative, beautiful spirits. Be a role model in this area. Live life full-out without fear of what others think of you. Become comfortable in your own skin.”
“Dance in the light together now. Crank up the music while cleaning the house together now. Show each other your best dance moves now. Enjoy your favorite foods together now. Smile and laugh a lot together now. Live a spirited life together as much as possible!”
“…It’s so important to model authentic living to your children. If they observe you being uniquely you out in the world, then it will come quite naturally to them to live in this same way. Speak the truth about who you are. Authentically and joyously share yourself with others. Hold the space that was carved out in this world authentically for you. No one else can fill that space… “
“Allow you children to live authentically and joyously. Usually at a very young age, children show strong signs as to which path comes most naturally to them, highlighting the path to their soul. Listen to your children and pay attention to where they’re leading you. Look and feel for their authenticity and their joy. When children are observed carefully with an open heart and an open mind, these two things will be hard to miss.”
“It is such a gift to the child and to the parent when a child’s authenticity is easily and undeniably revealed. So many people spend their entire lives almost as lost souls, without an inner knowing of what it is that makes them feel most alive as spirit-embodied living here on this planet. It is my strong feeling that passion, at any age should never be squelched. While as a parent you do have the obligation to guide your children in the balancing of many aspects of life, you must allow your children to lead authentic lives at all costs. Help your children understand the importance of true living to their total well-being.”
Anita says:
Oct 17, 2011
I Love it- that’s what I think!
Nelia says:
Mar 9, 2017
I have to admit, holding them one more time is a gift indeed!!! Much better than all the other &qo;uogood&qtut; gifts we got! Praise The Lord! I've only had one dream about my Boaz, but there he was, smiling, and just being able to see his cute face so closely again…….. I just can't describe it!
Amanda says:
May 9, 2012
If we didn’t live with my parents I’d soooo sit around the house naked. Why not?! :D but this post is perfect. I have a very curious and expressive son and I must cultivate it. I’m a boho at heart and you wouldn’t know it by looking at me. I need to change that. Thank you for the advice.
Todd says:
Dec 20, 2013
While I don’t know the name of the naked blonde woman in the photo above,there is one thing I do know.She has one HOT,SEXY,EROTIC and DELICIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kmg says:
Jan 20, 2016
very innapropriate for young children
Claire says:
May 23, 2020
This is Beautiful…thank you…brought tears to my eyes and hope in my Soul